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Map: Atmospheric Interference OP: Huh? What’s wrong with my orbitals? Me: 😐 Op if you didn’t know you sure will now, Atmospheric Interference messes with Orbital meanings making them less precise and more scattered, just keep that in mind and carry on spreading democracy🫡


I'm almost certain it even affects the railcannon now where before it did not.


Yea it seems to be targeting divers more now lol


Planet orbital scatter condition


That is 100% what it is.


But it's not always 50% more spread, some games it's 100% chance to hit friendlies.


That's on brand.


That's just a feature.


I mentioned time and again, the game is programmed in a way that friends strike and sentry will hit the player when it get the chance (and in certain percentages). Look at how the strikes just hit the other player dead on. My complain is not this is a thing, but the percentage is way too high and it is not funny.


Confirmation bias is also a thing. They can't possibly go the extra mile to program in some mechanism for strategems to track and hit the player intentionally. It would actually be on brand that even if such mechanics do exist, they would be broken and not working as intended. You said ORCs intentionally target players in the other post but what you don't know is the ORC also has a small AOE. If an enemy is right in your face the ORC will kill you with the AOE.


Turrets objectively target players sometimes. I've had an AC turret do a 90° turn, shoot me once and proceed to turn back again 90° to fire on some other enemies. We were at extract, not a single enemy in sight behind me. I somehow survived the shot and confirmed to check. Nope just a big ass wall behind me.


When I throw sentries, I always either lay down or put myself against a rock. Every several calls, a sentry will turn and make a single execution burst shot into me, if I'm the only diver nearby. This is glaringly obvious with Gatling and mg sentries, as they take only a single burst, execute me, then turn back to the fight. I've recorded a few, and unless it was targeting something hundreds of meters away, through solid rock, there was no other target but me.


I suspect that the enemy ai is also cooperating with friendly ai in a way that if there is a sentry nearby, they will prioritize to move in a way that they are between you and the sentry, thus justify the sentry to shoot the player. (And this definitely true right before you try to throw a stratagem, the enemies will prioritize and also has their hit % increase couple fold) I think in your case the computer forgot to take the obstacle into account. This is already very obvious, especially in the last patch the dev mention they make fire tornado seems "less likely" to track the player. It is unfortunate that this game have way more silly fanboys that ready to attack anyone.


Can confirm, if you got close enough to a tornado It would default just try to track you down, and sometimes you could have literally 5+ tornados follow you in circles


Can confirm, if you got close enough to a tornado It would default just try to track you down, and sometimes you could have literally 5+ tornados follow you in circles


Ive seen it happen with a orbital railcannon strike (true story) Its the illumante


The illuminate were defeated. This is propaganda I'm calling the Democracy officer.


Ever checked the database? 18 illuminate killed. Ever seen those flying objects from the super destroyer? illuminate. Wonder why the black hole is still active even though it should've disappeared long ago?  illuminate. They are here and we need to kill them.




Explain how a black hole "disappears"...?


Black holes can evaporate


Sure but if Hawking radiation is to be believed, it takes a ridiculously long time...10^67 years of you believe Wikipedia... Merida has been a black hole for like... 2 months?


Time is relative and Super Earth moves Super Fast!




We are not ready. I remember fighting them in the before-fore times. They can teleport, cloak, snipe, and more. Honestly can't wait to see them all grown up, but we will need fast ground transport vehicles like in the old wars.


We are with liberty


shut your mouth, that is treason


That is their thing.


If they just accepted liberty..




And that kids is why you read the planet modifiers. Not that I often remember to...


It took me way too long to realise this. I had orbital gas strikes wildly off target causing all kinds of chaos with teammates. I felt horrible - like I was doing something wrong. Turns out, I'm perfect and don't need to change. It was the game's fault that all my orbital strikes were hitting friendlies. Mostly /s.


I wasn't running orbital scatter when I used a gattling today and it hardly hit where the marker was. Either I'm just realizing how off the aim is for the gattling or there's actually something up with orbitals lately


They buffed the orbitals, just to make almost every planet have the orbital scatter effect, that shit is annoying af.


Wondered why I kept gassing my own ass the other day. That explains it, lol.


Me, reading the post title: Scatter modifier? Me, watching the clip: Scatter modifier.


Tbf scatter modifier really shouldnt be in the game. It makes them so bad they're useless. It would actual be better if it just disabled orbitals all together, then at least randos wont bring orbitals by mistake.


That kind of defeats the purpose tho. Whats the point in just holding everyone’s hand the full time, it should be your choice whether to take an orbital or not. And your responsibility to know the planetary effects


When I see that effect I make the decision to not run them, or just take railcannon since I don't think it's affected ?


Yeah I don’t think the railcannon is affected either. And same here, I just take something else, maybe a backpack or turret instead. Or like you said, the railcannon or orbital laser


It makes them functionally useless. Making them *actually* useless would just be a quality of life feature. Its not "holding peoples hands" to make it clear that you shouldnt use something. Ideally the scatter modifier just gets removed. Its nit fun when half of all stratagems are considered throwing just because of an rng modifier.


It adds to the strategy part of the game so you're forced to actually read about the mission and its environment before you choose your loadout, plus it forces you to try out new loadouts. As much as I hate that modifier when I didn't pay attention and picked the orb precision, I don't want it to go


> plus it forces you to try out new loadouts. Isn't this kind of a nonargument? Forcing you off of them would accomplish the same thing.


Forcing is maybe not the best word, more like putting a disadvantage on orbitals to get you to try new loadouts The orbitals are still usable, they just land a little further from the intended place + plus there are still orbitals where the scatter either doesn't influence them (railcannon, laser) or the scatter doesn't matter because of the spread (barrages) + it rewards players that plan ahead and pay attention to the mission modifiers Also getting rid of them entirely is completely against the games philosophy that lets you play on bug planets during a bot MO. Imo it's perfect the way it is


I get your point but you’re jumping straight from “make them more difficult to use” to “make them impossible to use.” So for example let’s take the orbital barrages, them scattering more really makes little difference so you could still viably take them on a mission with this modifier. With what you’re suggesting it wouldn’t even be an option as they are an Orbital Stratagem.


The high cd orbitals are options, but altered in function due to the increased area of effect. However the orbital precision, gas, ems, and smoke strikes are all rendered useless by the scatter. So that’s everything but the barrages, and the airburst. Half of all orbitals are made entirely useless by a modifier. Given that there is already a punishment for using multitudes of eagles, being forced off of the short cd orbital options just feels like ass. Scatter is to the bugs what -1 strat slot was to the bots - a miserable modifier that succeeds in making the game harder, by reducing the number of combat options available to you. It doesn’t change the game in a way that makes it harder, it changes you in a way that leaves you less capable of being prepared. And that tends to be annoying.


What if I told you that you don't have to pick 2 eagles? There's still the railcannon strike, orb laser and the barrages! Oh and there's sentries too! Crazy how the game forces you to change up your loadout, it's almost like you gotta strategize and adapt your loadout to the mission you're playing! You don't even have to pick an operation with thst modifier if you don't feel like changing your loadout! Insane right?


This guy Orbitals. This is what I’m trying to get at. Just because some options are less viable doesn’t mean you can’t just use different strats instead, and even some orbitals aren’t impacted. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the some missions making you use a different loadout than you normally run with, keeps it fresh and a different kind of challenge without just blindly adding loads of extra waves of enemies.


Yeah, especially when people are already complaining about the game getting stale


They already pretty much cant be used. If you use them with that modifier, you are throwing. Im suggesting we dont let people trow by accident just because they didnt read the modifiers.


Just as funny as i thought it would 10/10 thak you


See when it says “Atmospheric Interference” when you have your map open at the start of the clip? Thats the “scatter” for orbital strikes, so they will miss as you observed. A lot of people don’t like this condition for good reason, so hopefully we see a change! P.S. Make sure to keep an eye out for this condition in the meantime. Especially if you plan to bring Orbital Airburst Strike.


It only affects orbitals and not eagle runs so that's not really a big no-no issue in my book


Until I don’t notice and bring gas strike… that has happened 😂


Since the old infamous scrambled stratagem condition (that was fortunately removed), I made a habit of *always* checking these before missions Also spares some embarassement on bug planet with spore condition since I like to choose the radar UAV for better enemy minimap awareness


Tbh what conditions do people like? Anything that changes the fight is unliked. They already took the random stratagems and -1 stratagem out. In 6th months there will be no difficulty modifiers at all.


The devs have acknowledged that the modifiers aren’t good and need more diversity/tweaking. The biggest problem is they tend to exclusively punish the stratagems/boosters that are already weaker/underused, reducing loadout diversity. Orbitals are already outshone by eagles in most cases, so all this modifier does is make you use the same, stronger equipment rather than try new or sub-optimal tactics to get around it. Shrieker patrols are a good idea for a modifier in my opinion - as an enemy they are effective enough to change your playstyle but not oppressive enough that they force your attention every time they appear (you can ignore them for a little while), and they reward less used weapons like MG’s or AR’s over the more common bug weapons like the flamethrower (although breaker incendiary kind of breaks this rule as well)


I agree. I don’t even think scatter is terrible per se, but objectively it kind of sucks that it just invalidates an entire class of stratagems. I think everyone would agree (and I believe AH has stated) that they could come up some modifiers that still add difficulty but in a more creative way.


.....or Gatling Barrage


You’re right. Or gas too- I was just thinking of the most punishing one. I’ve seen quite a few multi-kills with airburst + scatter, and it’s just insta-deaths haha


The scatter during this MO feel like they have a vendetta against me


Hahahhahahaha. I love the *looks where it was thrown * *looks at obliterated teammate location* *looks back at where it was supposed to hit and ponders if im going to be kicked * 🤣🤣🤣


You can check operation modifiers by using the specified button next to your dispatches. It seems you came across the orbital scatter modifier.


I’ve been noticing how eagle one brags about never missing, right after missing her target.


That's the thing, Eagle 1 never misses her target (the beacon), it's you that misses it lol


Some planets have modifiers that scramble your orbital




That Helldiver was having undemocratic thoughts and was dealt with.


Oooohhh. It all makes sense now!


I love the back and forth look. Like, ..."what just happened freedom I guess?"


He burned my patch. 🤣


Orbital Scatter. Makes 120 and 380 a bit worse (kill radius about + 10m, so 380 from 55 to 65 m), GB, Airburst, Walking a lot worse and Gas and OPS pretty much unusable. Hope they remove it like they did for the -1 bs modifier


Just yesterday, I called in a railcannon strike on a charger. Charger died, and the railcannon just fired where the beacon landed. Teammate just happened to run over it just as the cannon fired and got vaporized. The odds.


I think when they removed the fire tornados ability to track you, they gave it to orbital scatter. The amount of times I've thrown an orbital on a planet with scatter and its absolutely nailed a teamate who was within a certain radius was insane. But then if no helldiver was within ruination distance, it would just be slightly off from where it should be.


Damn what did Y1 do to your orbital strike gunner.


Remember to check your modifiers before dropping in.


Gunner saw a penny.




I've had this happen on planets without that scatter


Orbital scatter mission mod makes it virtually impossible to use the OPS effectively. It introduces, quite frankly, an absurd amount of variance on the targeting. So much so calling it a "precision strike" is no longer accurate, considering there's a good chance the projectile doesn't even land in the same ZIP code as the beacon


I had a few matches last week where I would call in my orbitals, the marker and countdown would appear, countdown finishes and nothing happens, just one strategem fewer to use in the menu.


I threw a 500kg on a charger dead center but it didnt even go off.


Were you kicked for that or did they find it funny?


He left like 5 seconds after


He was a traitor.


The guy in the super destroyer sneezed


It announced the atmospheric interference on the left side of your screen during the video, 25% accuracy spread, 100% guaranteed to hit your homie in the face when times are tough.


It looked pretty precise to me, sent your buddy to the shadow realm!


Someone doesn't read planet effects.


I honestly always thought that was a glitch , but I see now it’s just the orbital scatter from what folks in here are saying. For democracy🫡


someone sneezed


Lern the gaem before complaining


We run the same weapons, do you run the grenade pistol and which suit do you choose? I had the light long throw but have changed to medic medium for the stims.


The childrens…


Rounding error.


Seems like the new cadet didnt read the planet orbital scatter


It's the atmospheric interference but damm it's seems somebody on the ship has biff with your buddy or something cause that shit was a bullseye


Always check the mission modifier. Or don't, for a surprise 🤷.


I mean the precision was right? Just simply mistook friend vs foe


Orbitals. Sheeeeeeit. A pelican never showed up for extract and we ran outta ammo on a bug planet.


I learned last night that if you drop the samples at extraction where the extraction beacon lands, they will teleport to the center of the map.


Essentially it means bring Eagles only...


I mean, the enemy was headed in that direction, your teammate being there as well is just wrong place, wrong time! A worthwhile sacrifice for Democracy!


To be fair, it was overkill to OPS the charger while your teammate had a flamethrower available for use. But yeah orbital scatter is a real bad time. It's the only time I don't bring my usual orbitals.


I had a glitch last night where any blue stratagem wouldn't work. Resupplies, my weapons, stuff like that would land and simply disappear right away lol. That was a rough game.


Probably modifiers? Cause some times they put "Orbital Stratagems have x% amount of scatter" so that could be it but yea its pretty annoying


Bro does anybody read about the planet they are on and what the effects are? Lmao.


I've been having issues with orbital and eagle strats not actually striking where I throw.  You throw the poke ball, then the marker beam ends up ~20' in offset in some odd direction for no reason


Scatter Check map conditions before playing


Looked pretty precise to me.


I think you should confront your democracy officer about some shenanigans on board your super destroyer.


God I love this game!! 🤣🤣🤣


OPS plus scatter rarely goes well


When you're too stupid to read the map modifiers....


https://preview.redd.it/tgqfgux0yjad1.png?width=271&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec0f0991b82a1a3cfa5d9882507dd7b9797237fd but honestly I was also baffled after the update...