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I vote for a trebuchet from AOE.


I see AOE and all I hear is *wololo*


Yes, we need aoe representation!!!


New hammer skin?


You taking the Japanese or Briton lvl 10?




Transport with oodles of elephants.v


Master Chief and an AoE map would be 10/10. Altho I think I'd like the Chief as a bruiser rather than a DPS since he kinda does a bit of both


Can we get a priest from AOE as well? I want some wololo in my game




Is the E=MC2Trooper a joke to you?


What we really need is a AoE map with man at arm, crossbows and monk minions


I want the AC Cobra.


Furious the monkey boy?


You have to remember that Chief also has a grappling hook, bubble shields, his own personal energy shields, etc. Qhira and Zarya vibes in there too


You'd basically have to sit down and choose what parts of the kit you wanted to emphasize, because he's an FPS protagonist, he has basically everything--and that means a MOBA version wouldn't have a mechanical identity, too overloaded.


Some talent tiers would probably just be picking from a few pieces of equipment. Frag/plasma/spike grenades on a tier for instance. Grappling hook/bubble shield/active camo or something like that on another tier. I don't think there'd need to be much more than that included for equipment.


A needler attack would be really fun I think


Chief could definitely be done like Aphelios in League. You get two guns, you can swap between them for a different effect. You get so much ammo until the gun runs out and you get a new one. If you manipulate it perfect you can end up with a dual wield powerspike for a while until the ammo runs out. each gun have an associated ability (needler gets plasma grenade, shotgun maybe a grapple or armor lock for invulnerability + self stun, sniper could get bubble shield or one of the deployable covers). or you can just make his gun swap be one button and the rest of his kit is the others. his traits either replace or add a gun to his rotation. so you start off with magnum/BR/AR/SMG in your rotation and one tier you can pick to add the sniper or shotgun, etc. would be pretty cool i think and HotS doesn't entirely shy away from cool mechanics like that. it works really well for aphelios in league and if the guns didn't interact with one another then it would be more clear what Chief can do.


In lol no one compliance about similar abilities on heroes, so why should we as long as one isn't too much of a copy of another which perfectly fixes itself with hots mechanics of talents that can completely alter your abilities


Just a skin of him for another hero would be ok. I would love to see the doom guy, frank horrigan (skin for Tychus, maybe), Priest from AoE with “wololo” chants during healing. They also own Quake which might be fruitful for new hero ideas.


It could be a pack of skins for almost all of the SC heroes.


Could have AoE priest skin for Cain for sure. Dat walking stick


Updates to the game would unironically be amazing


Yep, if they wanted to relaunch a revived Hots, maybe with an Xbox port, then Halo Master Chief would be the most obvious choice.  Is there any other Xbox exclusive with nearly that level of fame? But of course, before trying to revive Hots they'd need to figure out how to switch to a profit-making monetization model. The business model is the real obstacle. 


Banjo Kazooie are owned by Microsoft, and Minecraft Steve yeah?


The Minecraft guy is a good one.  And it could fit into Hots with some very interesting abilities that create new structures. For a good relaunch you'd want 3 Microsoft heroes, covering scifi, fantasy, and children genres.  Halo + Minecraft is 66% there. 


There's a whole lot they could do. They've got Fable with a new game coming out next year, Gears of War, Spyro, Banjo-Kazooie, Doom, Elder Scrolls, Wolfenstein, and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting.


Banjo Kazooie as a teo person hero like Cho'Gal would be neat.


Having who moves them switch on certain abilities would be very tricky to coordinate!


Probably just have that trigger on Kazooie's D press for a limited time. Or make that mode the mount.


The "Gall" player getting to push the mount button and control movement would be amazing!




[Concept image: deathwing prepares to attack](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwallpaperaccess.com%2Ffull%2F2059534.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=2cf9e0ccbf1000994d567e6486435474a07090698d439354ac47f376a02f49cf&ipo=images) [Concept image: master chief fires at gunts](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.oBa28I8SJpGVSx3OTnVR_wHaEK%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=55856f8dc7b9152951e8a23230feabe0aefa1e28691bb50b236b00e4a0964e18&ipo=images) [Concept image: Spartan 117 fires rocket](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTtcHdi3e9vgAGwNON1QZJet2nQSawiBwEz8FtLv4Lrpw&s) [Concept image: Deathwing roars in pain](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTtcHdi3e9vgAGwNON1QZJet2nQSawiBwEz8FtLv4Lrpw&s) [Concept image: banshee flying above map](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.h4FQT2UhJSq25vxki2HDUwHaER%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=438fbacbd2efb6c45e9334b5b165726318a9e13915812ad0f2353876ffe07559&ipo=images)


Ratchet and Clank?


R&C is Sony


Thanks. Wasn’t sure. Psychonaughts though


MOBAs are not meant to be played on a console.


I'm just mad they never made a crash bandicoot skin for Hogger. Edit: typo


It is fun to think about what his hero would look like. The problem I see right away is there’s so much overlap with Raynor, Tychus (grenade/calling down a vehicle to pilot), and Nova (invisibility/sniper). But he does strike me as having that Varian potential, where at level 4 you’re choosing a path with which weapon/playstyle you want. Or instead of picking the weapons as talents, these can be cycled through on the fly, kind of like how DW can change form. There’s too much to choose from as far as ults. But calling down a warthog would be pretty sick. Maybe its wheels are already blown off and it’s basically just a turret for 10 seconds.


aphelios from league is what i imagine the weapon swapping would look like except without the internal interactions between guns. then you can adjust your pool of guns via traits. so you could choose at lv4 to go with activated ability grapple, activated ability bubble shield, or adding shotgun or sniper into your rotation. would be kinda sick i think. complicated but hard heroes exist in HotS.


The warthog as a mount


That hurts people if you hit them or run them over with it, and doesn't dismount from one hit per 5 seconds, or something like that. After that it flips over, and you fall out.


A ghost would be cool too


Just give Jimmy a master chief skin and make the the Banshee pet at 10 a LITERAL banshee from Halo


Absolutely not. Players would be livid if they made the Master Chief appearance a skin of the most boring hero in the game


Let me clarify I don’t want master chief in the game, this is the best case scenario for me


Why not? People want new heroes and more players in the game, Chief would satisfy both of those


Eh I’d rather it stay in Blizzard IPs but that’s just me I feel like adding in 3rd parties removes the novelty of HOTS


Because Master Chief is not a Blizzard fantasy character and therefore does not belong in the game.


Neither are Orphea or Qhira, yet the game is still fine with them in it. Look at COD. Ghost, Soap, and Price are the novelty characters, but there are people who bought skins and gave it a try because of some crossovers (including ones from Diablo). Cutting a games support ruins it, not adding characters from other IPs


>Neither are Orphea or **Qhira**, yet the game is still fine with them in it.  [citation needed] Orphea barely works, because she is related to the Raven Lord, and the original Nexus characterization was high quality and feels very much like an organic addition to the Blizzard fantasy universe.


This is why HOTS cannot come back. The fans are aging and don't want to let in new characters to bring life from other places. Overwatch is the only blizzard game that the younger generation is playing. Adapt or die and HOTS didn't adapt, neither did Blizzard really. Look where that got them...


No they just want new characters that actually belong. Blizzard did not die because of poor adaptation, it died because poor executive management caused the product quality to fall off a cliff.


Doesn't solve your problem of having nothing to draw in new players


>It would make HUGE headlines. Every streamer/youtuber that farms gaming drama would talk about it. Well, let's not blow it out of proportion. It'd be fun and enriching but it wouldn't be earth-shattering. Regardless, I think John-117 would make a good bruiser instead of assassin. Much of his kit in the games are about survivability or mobility/utility, and I think it'd be fun to lean into that as the 2nd ranged bruiser in HotS (alongside Rexxar). Perhaps make his D or ult option be to switch from AR to a covenant sword. Those are perhaps the most iconic weapons, and I'd stick with that. His kit could be about the utility / survivability: (possibility) • grappling hook • shield bubble (importance to balance properly, maybe protects against ranged only?) • power drain (drains mana from enemies, aoe placement?) • plasma grenade (sticks to enemies, small aoe and slows?) Perhaps the ult could be either cov sword, spartan laser, or some other weapon Either way, it'd be fun to play him as a bruiser I think. More than the already plentiful assassins.


I’m picturing him as an auto attacker, that gets to use the funky halo guns. Maybe as active talents that let him use them until ammo runs out? Or an ability that gives him a gun. Maybe his passive makes guns spawn around the map for him to pick up? Kinda like how halo has set locations for guns to spawn in multiplayer. Idk


If going with passive idea, maybe more powerful guns spawn behind enemy forts, allowing him to grab better guns as his team pushes


All I want is an Adam of Eternia skin for Rexxar with Granger as Misha, turning into Battlecat when she's upgraded, GOD DAMMIT!


I don't think they could afford the licensing for gordon ramsay


Would be a combination of Ray, Tracer, and Fenix mostly Ray for the strong autos at increased range Fenix for the weapon swap from range to shorter rapid attacks and shielding that regens Tracer for the dual sub machine guns and reload mechanic, along with sticky bombs Ult choices could be Spartan Lazer (Planet Cracker) or Plasma Sword Charge (Colossus Smash) Lvl 20 could be Pelican Transport (like Medevac) or Ult upgrades Some talents: Plasma Rifle - auto attacks now deal 100% more damage to shields, but 15% less damage to non shielded targets (or something like that) Active Camo - gain stealth for 3 seconds Regen Field - Basically a healing totem Rocket Launcher - Fire a fast moving projectile at a mounted enemy


Who tf is "Ray"? You mean Jimmy?


Yeah, Jim Raynor, Marshal around these parts


Sorry to hear about your jukebox.


I have never in my life thought of calling Jim Raynor “Ray”. “Ray” is what the pushy car salesman would call him trying to set an atmosphere of being old friends, only to weird him out.




Minecraft steve is another meme option that I would unironically love




I love new raynor skins!


Best I can offer is a Raynor skin after we start making fortnite level meme skins to monetize


I imagine chief would operate similar to Jerome from Halo Wars. Long range damage with a spartan laser.


Off the top of my head if they were to put him in the game: Master Chief: VERY short ranged AA bruiser (his AA is super weak, using the classic Assault Rifle from Halo franchise) Passive: regenerative shield (similar to Fenix). Q - Sword dash. Pulls out a plasma sword and dashes forward a short distance, dealing damage at the end of the dash (could use same effect as Artanis where it's point-and-click, OR make it a standard skill shot). Minor damage delt to other enemies along the way, heavy damage on the target at the end of the dash. W - Shotgun. Cheif pulls out a shotgun and blasts all enemies near him, dealing damage. Enemies close to him will get knocked back (think Hammer ability). Damage is heavier close up, as well as knock back, gets much weaker the further back it is used. E - plasma Grenade. Throws a plasma grenade in a target area, sticking to whatever target is closest to the Grenade when it lands (just sticks to the ground if no enemies are nearby). After 1.5 seconds, plasma grenade detonates, dealing medium damage to the main target, and mild damage to nearby enemies. Ultimate 1: Gravity Hammer. Chief pulls out a Gravity Hammer, winds up for .5 seconds, then launches himself forward to the target location. Targets in a small central ring will be stunned, while targets on the larger outside ring will be knocked back radially from the center outward (think Junkrat tire bomb, but faster to not stun or disrupt enemies for nearly as much hang time). Ultimate 2: Spartan Laser (?) Short ranged laser blast that requires a 1 second wind up, before dealing massive damage to all enemies in a line. (Not 100% on the second ultimate, I'm sure there is something more iconic that could be used). Some talents you can take: Armor Lock - chief stops everything he's doing and armor locks into place, becoming invulnerable, but unable to perform other actions. Gravity Well - grav Hammer upgrade. Hammer knock back portion now has a lingering slow that starts strong but quickly diminishes (similar to a Lunara slow on her W). EMP Grenade - makes sticky grenade deal madsice extra damage to enemies with shields. ------ Core Identity: meant to be a more in-your-face bruiser that can do decent damage and be disruptive, but not to the point of being on par with some of the more killer type of bruisers (who act like tanky melee assassins). Survivability is mainly dependent on shields, but has tricks if used correctly to last longer in a fight. AA while moving makes him decently solid at chip damage, but otherwise he isn't meant to have super high mobility. His abilities will give him the spacing needed to get out of a bad situation. Just a fun concept thrown out here :) EDIT: would be baller if you can see what ultimate he takes by seeing the weapon he has on his back (like you would see what weapons a Spartan has in Halo Multi-player :D )


Wait a minute, this is technically possible now since blizz is in the Microsoft team now, isn't it? Wow! Yeah, let's get the arbiter and a grunt in there too lol. Maybe one of the prophets ...


You know what also would bring in new players and new life? Reverting all the shitty reworks.


I'm picturing Raynor


I think he should be a stance switcher, kinda like Jayce or maybe Varian. Could have level 10 or 20 talent make him go from using energy sword to grav hammer. Turning him from an assassin or something into a bruiser. I'd love to have any bit of halo in though. They 100% have to make Cortana an announcer though.


I would love this just to listen to Cortana being super salty about being replaced by Copilot.


>you have to admit that it would bring in new players and new life Yeah, no. Best we're getting is Clippy.


Hots arcade>Solo Q ranked>New Heroes>New skins


Ranged Autos. Like tracer but 3 round burst for the battle rifle. Maybe something similar to how jhin works with a reload mechanic. Q- Upward sword slash that does quick knockback, followed by another hit that does a horizontal slash and knock back. Or, you can charge it for a ranged pierce with a talent swap. W- Grapple hook. Like Sonya, but more range and no CC that can pull you to terrain. E- Grenade Toss of some sort, something like Morales that works on allies and enemies. R- ODST Drop that brings down 3 or 4 ODST each with a different weapon to fight with you. or Maybe call in a scorpion tank. Also thought maybe some kinda stance mechanic that works with the next idea. Imagine the talents work around the idea that each changes a base function of chief. So like, instead of the battle rifle, it becomes dual smgs or a sniper. Every time you reload it becomes a different weapon. Kinda like Aphelios, but cycles through a ton of stuff. Maybe each tier can affect each ability. So one tier would change your autos, one changes the sword melee into a hammer, another changes the type of grenade etc. Thematically, I think it kinda fits with all the different stuff you can use in the games. Maybe you could do something like Zoe from League, where one ability is basically random and decided by drops on the map like bards chimes, but equipment. Maybe also doing Melee instead of ranged, and using similar stuff with talents to change how the melee works. He was a flagship legend, a gaming icon and bein OP at first would def be cool lol.


Best they would do is a Chief Raynor skin with voicelines. I don't trust them to care about crossover characters.


I wouldn’t like it if they brought in a character which isn’t from the Warcraft universe. Also, they won’t reboot the game. Thinking that will only lead to disappointment.


When Qhira was in, people were like "we want old blizzard hero not this crap"


I love new raynor skins!


Id be fine with him as a skin. Putting in stuff from outside of the blizzard universe would ruin hots for me and i have no idea why.


I know exactly why… because it’s not blizzard. I love HOTS bc the same hero’s I played in WCIII I play here. Other studious wouldn’t be as fun


If a new hero would come out, I **would be very disappointed** that it's, *again*, not from Starcraft...**unless that hero is Master Chief**. I'm fine with that one.


You would be very disappointed if Microsoft started updating the game again but the hero wasn’t one you like? Hopefully it stays dead ungrateful!


You lack reading comprehension skills my dude. Just knee jerk anger without understanding what he said. Sad.


You ungrateful whiners are why blizzard killed this shit off. Mad?


Omg. You really do not understand what he wrote. You fool! Keep digging! Unless - except if. It is a common word in the English language used to show when there is a conditional situation. I feel like you just do not understand the meaning of the word unless.


Stfu lol


Im not sure if anyone would be interested in a forgotten game that hots is, even if master chief would catch peoples attention


Even without ongoing development, Hots has thousands of active players, better than some recent games.   https://steamcharts.com/app/315210 If updates restarted, the player count would shoot back up.  (Still doesn't mean they'd make money at it) 


Idk they remade the Dune movies lol always a chance


I think we could make him like a hots orisa. What I mean is like, ranged Königin like rayor but able to throw shields like orisa But I think giving the players a way to shield from projectiles wouldnt be a healthy thing for the game


Master Chief would just be a re-skin of Raynor. And people hating me on 3, 2, 1...




Theys see his low poly count and muddy textures and think its fake Chief as a cash grab. But maybe Im too cinicsl


Similar to Raynor? Let's not kid ourselves. He would be a skin for him.


Hopium is insane lmao You expect Microsoft to build a dev team around a dead game in a dying genre when there are far more profitable IP with pre-existing full scale development teams like Overwatch, COD, etc. And why Master Chief when you already have Raynor. May make sense as a new skin, but not a new hero. Master Chief for Raynor, flood for Stukov, Sgt Hammer tank skin, artanis didact skin maybe.


I mean like you said he’d play similar to nova and raynor who are already in the game. He’d need to be very unique like a mashup of all the different ranged dps. Valla E, Raynor W, Zuljin net as Q, Nova R. I wouldn’t mind if he was made into a super hypercarry combining Valla and Zuljin’s power spikes. People would cry OP.