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Hey the DOPS is in fact capable of holding hearings during the playoffs, who knew.


"These are two Canadian teams, so we don't really care about the series. Let's lay down the law to make sure everyone knows we take our job seriously." \~DoPS, probably.


Must have just gotten back from vacation yesterday. "what did I miss?" - DOPS


It's because it's against McDavid. If this was against Bennett, the league would create a new holiday for the offending player.


100%. In the same scrum, the 2-hand slash from McDavid on Soucy that kicked everything off and Hyman's crosscheck on Zadorov's head aren't being disciplined.


This getting a hearing while Bennett gets nothing is insanity.


Suckerpunching a dude without the puck in the face and knocking him out of the series is ok I guess


Not surprising that a former goon running the DoPS would be okay with a sucker punch resulting in an injury Say what you will about Dolan, but this [statement](https://i0.wp.com/novacapsfans.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/E0k350kXsAYdt1t.jpg?resize=640%2C360&ssl=1) the Rangers put out was absolutely right on the money.


How many years ago was that now? Feels like a few at least and yet the dude is still running the ship.


It was about three years ago. I’d be shocked if Jeremy Jacobs didn’t call for Parros’ head after all is said and done. He’s the chairman of the Executive Committee. If Parros still has a job after this offseason, then Jacobs doesn’t give a shit. As much as I give Shanny shit for his time as Toronto’s President of Hockey Ops and his backstabbing of the NHLPA during the lockout, I can admit that he was a much more effective head of the DoPS. I doubt he would have let this shit slide.


Alas, Gregory Campbell on the Panthers >>>> Jeremy Jacobs as chairman of the exec committee. Full props to Bill Zito for that timely promotion of Campbell from AHL to NHL AGM.


Oh this bullshit is rearing it's ugly head again. At least Boston is on the receiving end this time.


Jacobs doesn’t give a shit, he got some extra home playoff games that’s all he cares about


But this is the worst kind of old boys club. An owner who is on the EA. Calling about an infraction for his team…for or against


The Rangers got fined $250,000 for saying that


Worth every single penny for saying what everyone was thinking.


That's ok; the Rangers franchise is ridiculously Rich, so that's like $5 for us regular folks. However, what they said was spot on.


Just for posting that statement, the New York Rangers have been fined $250,000


Oh god Dolan’s gonna ban me from MSG now isn’t he


How does the NHL even rationalize this? I dislike Marchand and the Bruins just like the rest of the hockey world but this is just straight up allowing players to intentionally injure their opponent with no punishment.


If you want to get away with a sucker punch, apparently you just sucker punch a suckerpuncher


Come on now, Two wrongs don't make ri... wait now, who got sucker punched by who?


I think the crew in Toronto deserves a hearing for that one.


Marchand should have worn a McDavid jersey


Everyone should wear a McDavid jersey like they do with Jackie Robinson Day for better refereeing


If they called 1/10 of the infractions on him that occurs the game out always be a pp


Was he wearing one when he repeatedly punched Sedin in the face in 2011? Still waiting for the hearing on that one.


Ya I don’t get that at all. I’m an Oilers fan so I obviously didn’t love seeing that happen to McDavid, but it‘s pretty clear that the only reason it got him in the face because Zadorov crosschecked him in the back right before that. The combined was bad but it’s seems obvious that wasn’t Soucy‘s intent.  On the other hand, Bennett’s punching guys in the face with a history of doing this and of just going for dirty hits in general. 


I think the argument is that you can’t cross check someone in the face regardless of intent. If your teammate is responsible for McDavid losing his balance and the chest cross check turns into a face cross check, it’s still Soucy’s responsibility to maintain control and not cross check someone in the face.


Intent is part of the criteria the league must consider under the CBA, though. The league is actually *not permitted* to ignore intent in assessing supplemental discipline. I suspect Soucy will still be suspended because the supplemental discipline section of the CBA also clearly states that "Players are responsible for the consequences of their actions" as a general overarching principle. But the context does matter. (Then again it is the DOPS so who knows)


Apparently Gregory Campbell is an assistant GM on the panthers, that’s why they’re getting away with everything


And (this is the reason that's important) his dad Colin Campbell is in charge of the NHL's Hockey Operations department. Colin Campbell has a documented history of complaining to league brass when calls go against his son.


Seriously?! Hahahaha that makes so much more sense now! (Also explains why the Bruins are 0/2 in SCF without Campbell on the roster)






They probably have enough power with the media to stop people from talking about this.


The wheel has no bias


NHL is struggling with this one, on one hand, McDavid plays for a Canadian team, but on the other hand, Soucy plays for a Canadian team, it’s like how do we find a way to screw both equally.


Thing is, McDavid is the league’s darling poster boy. Of course the league will sway one way if they had to choose.


I don't know if it's different in Canada but I don't see shit about him here. He'll casually get mentioned for having 100 assists or something but the league sucks at pushing their stars.


It doesn’t help that McDavid has the personality of wet cardboard.


Have you ever met a hockey player lol? Most of them have middle school education and use the same slang and phrases.


Lived in both countries. He's definitely more marketed here. Literally every HNIC ad has him on it (they have a star from each Canadian team). He's also in a shit ton of commercials, although that's not the NHLs doing.


Yeah, you can argue that Soucy's cross-check to McDavid's face was a direct result of something Zadarov did and had no business doing - I don't know how you can make even that much of an argument for what Bennett did.


McDavid also appears to have escaped without so much as even a fine for his slash on Soucy.


You mean you’re surprised that noted panthers goon George Parros didn’t suspend noted panthers goon Sam Bennett? Probably bought him dinner at his favorite steakhouse in Florida. League is a joke.


Vancouver is in canada, and the panthers are in Florida.


Can't touch the golden boy even though he slashes too


Wow out of everything that’s happened these playoffs this is what gets a hearing


Right? This has happened at least 3-4 times in the Rangers Canes series by both teams and not a single word haha


Yeah but none of those times in the Rangers Canes series did it happen to Connor McDavid


Maybe if you’re a world beating star of the game, don’t start scrums? That’s the problem that I have.  McDavid touched this off out of frustration and now the Oilers are going to get the benefit of star armor despite their star acting like a pest.


After the game was over? I've missed some of the series I'm genuinely asking


Not only that but if you watch the replay of the Canucks one. Soucy has the cross check to McDavids neck and then some player (can’t see who) comes in and cross checks Zadorov in the neck with similar intensity. In this exact same play there are two cross checks to the neck area…. Unsurprisingly only the one against McDavid is being looked at


They were saying the the 32 thoughts that because it was after the game it’s going to be judged differently




Who cares about a penalty being recorded lol. He got shoved, he slashed back. Soucy goes to get him again and it only escalates because Zadorov takes a cheap cross check to mcdavid from behind. The slash is a nothing play, even what Soucy was doing was a nothing play if it wasn’t for Zadorov.


So the Bruins can decapitate Bennet as long as its during the game? Sounds good to me


I didn’t say it was fair. I merely relayed what was said by people who have a shit load more knowledge on this than me.


League saw the series score and decided Oilers needed a helping hand


They are giving us a goalie?


If I had to guess, it's because this happened after the game was over vs being judged as a "hockey play"


If I had to guess, McDavid.


Yes, McDavid is more valuable to the NHL than some franchises, and he will be treated as such.


100%. It's because of McDavid and nothing else. Anybody else gets crosschecked like that and it would be ignored.


I'm going to rip that cunty mustache off of parros' fucking face


Punch him in the face when he's not expecting to be punched in the face. Oh, and then whack him in the nuts. He's cool with that.


Slew-foot him, then while he's down whack him in the nuts.


And then cross-check him in the face.


Then grab his dick and twist it.


I feel ya.


That motherfucker has made me defend Marchand and the Bruins and I hate it. Sorry Marchand isn’t like McDavid and doesn’t constantly whine so that the league has to do something to shut him up. For all that he does Marchand takes his licks (heh) when they come, whether they were dirty or not.


Spin the wheel I guess


Watch it be 10 game because they dare hurt Ronald McDonald lol


Although in a vacuum I can see why this should result in a suspension it's just so frustrating to hear this after so many other dirty/dangerous plays have happened without a sniff from the DOPS throughout these playoffs. Was this more egregious than Bennett on Marchand?


To me this is the same play that injured Larkin vs Ottawa back in the regular season. There was no supplemental discipline then. And not trying to reopen that discussion, but just calling out the hypocrisy of the NHL. If the Larkin injury was no discipline, so is this. Especially given it's the playoffs and suspensions are much more significant.


I mean there are late hits all the time in the NHL and many of them go to the head but very few of them get a suspension comparable to what Aaron Rome got in the Stanley Cup final So I'm sure we will somehow get 10 games or something out of this


Honestly George Parros needs to be fired. How do you run a department that's so terrible and still have a job


Honestly, aside from coaches, who within the league actually gets fired for doing a terrible job?


A hearing can still just result in a fine apparently. I’m guessing that’s what happens


Soucy and Nurse both get suspended.


If they're going to suspend two Canucks, at least take Cole


No he’s been like our third best player this series


lmao i hate that this is true


Third best? Cole has 5/11 Oilers goals.


Nurse getting suspended might actually help you guys


Fingers crossed


You try playing defense with Cody Ceci on the other side and tell me how that goes. I’ve wanted Stecher in since the TDL.




He's barely played, but when he does he sits back defensively and you don't notice him much (which is good). But what you do notice is how much better Nurse seems to play with him.


Fucking bullshit league taking away two of the Canucks best defence


Can Ian Cole just answer the phone and pretend to be Soucy?


If Soucy gets a fine I hope Zadorov pays him back lol


If it’s a fine, it’s whatever. If it’s a game, it is what it is and the Canucks can deal with it. If it’s anything more than that, it’s legitimate proof that the NHL brass fucking hates the Vancouver Canucks.


I can't see it being anything more than a fine. It's clearly not intentional, just a result of the Zadorov hit right before. Personally I'm more upset about Zadorov coming in when Soucy did not need his help, let them battle on their own. That was dirty but still not even worthy of a hearing just shitty but there's been lots of that going around.


This is a situation where I hope Rutherford can actually flex and make a difference. He should absolutely be blowing up phones and chewing out the league for this


damn i wonder whats different about the canucks that make the NHL review this over all the other incidents that they've ignored


we’re too mean to mcdavid


We touched the golden goose


They're playing McDavid, that's the difference


American viewers aren’t watching this series to see Silovs live rent free in Draisatl’s head. They are watching it to see McDavid and Draisatl. League just protecting their interests. Tale old as time.


That’s probably not true - Americans aren’t watching this series. The Boston/Florida series is doubling the ratings.


The Eastern time zone isn't watching, almost entirely because no games have ended before midnight.


I’m shocked they didn’t put yesterdays game on earlier for ratings purposes. 


Borderline professional misconduct by whoever did the scheduling


Then they are missing out some absolutely stellar hockey. It's arguably the best series so far in terms of closeness. Zero blowouts. Avs and Stars has been really good too.




Draisaitl has 8 points in 3 games lol


This is untrue. I am very much watching to see a 3rd string goalie live rent free in McDrais head. It’s incredible.


U.S. hockey fans hate those two just as much as everyone else.


Why is Soucy getting a hearing? Zadorov should be getting one. He hit Mcdavid from behind, Soucy clearly didn't mean to feed his stick to Mcdavid lol




Refs are 2-0-1 this series.


This completely. I’d actually have been fine with Zadorov getting a one game for the crosscheck. To go after Soucy when there’s clearly no intent to target the head is just silly.


Never thought I'd be agreeing with an Oilers fan, yet here we are. The NHL's utter horseshit is truly the glue that brings us all together.


The refs have been horrible. Frankly, they favored us in game 2, and missed some blatant calls that should have gone to you guys. They missed calls that would have benefited us, but you guys got screwed more, as there were potential majors and double minors missed. In game 3, they made up for it in the 3rd with two Oilers PP's, but the Drai interference was a complete joke and changed the complexion of the game. The Nurse cross check was horrible too. Of course the Canucks scored on both of the calls. The cross check that favoured the Oilers in the 3rd was bad too. 50 of those happen every game, it was only called because the score was 4-2 for the Canucks. The refs are clearly picking the choosing based on the series and the score of the game. It's been an absolute joke


I’m so hesitant to complain about the refs this series because I know someone is gonna take it as “waaaaaaaa the games rigged. Gary hates the Canucks,” when i honestly think both teams have been getting screwed by missed calls. It doesn’t feel like there’s any sort of consistency, and I feel like after 60% of the penalties I’m left scratching my head saying “where”. Meanwhile something thats blatant gets ignored. Blown calls have been about even per team, but that kinda screws the Oilers over more due to their lethal power play


It's been bad bad all around


Canucks fan here. 100% agree with you - the reffing has been consistently shit for both teams at different times, largely predicated on the score at the time. The first PP the Oilers got last night was a phantom hold as well. They never showed a replay on TV because I’m fairly certain it never happened.


They already announced Zadorov is being fined $5000 for his cross-check from behind, which leads me to believe Soucy will get a game. If I take my rose-coloured glasses off, I agree with you that it seems backwards. Zadorov is the one that created the situation to put McDavid in a suddenly vulnerable position. Weird and unfortunate play all around. If they didn't BOTH go after McDavid no one would even be talking about this.


Okay in a vacuum, yes, what happened should warrant a hearing HOWEVER a literal sucker punch to the face, a nuttap, some slewfoots and bad hits from behind get not even a whiff from the DOPS but this does is some crazy ass shit. Only gonna feed the rabid Canucks fans screaming about how the league is out to get them *sigh*


All of those are bad but I think the league needs to especially go after nut shots severely and skew toward zero tolerance.


I’ll say it, Ryan should’ve got a game.


They hated him because he spoke the truth.


If people ask me who McJesus is I will say /u/JustMirth


All this means is Canucks should have cup checked McJesus and see if the league would have handled it differently


The exact same play that Hoggy took would be like a major + a game instantly


I think even in said vacuum, this is a fine at most. And if it is a fine, Zadorov should be paying half for him, since he was half of it.


I figured it would be a fine for both of them, that’d I’d be fine (heh) with. Issuing a suspension is just bullshit considering what the DoPS has let go throughout the playoffs up until this point, not even just in our series. It might be a hot take but to me that illustrates the star player treatment for McDavid, what happened to Marchand was far worse and intentional and didn’t even have a second look


Ok now do Sam Bennett


Put him in Blue and Green and they’ll take care of it.


If Bennett was to be suspended that would make it harder for Greg Campbell to get a ring as an executive. The league (his dad) would never allow such a thing.


It’s actually insane to me that after the other angle came out he doesn’t even get a HEARING. That was so dirty.


so Bennet can superman punch Marchand but this is crossing the line?!?!?!


Spin the wheel baby!


It’s a bad play, and I understand wanting to protect the stars of your league, but with that said, the cross check was not intended to be to his face. Soucy has no idea Zadorov is going to cross check him and he is going to drop 2 feet as he is delivering that cross. It’s completely incidental. Additionally, there have been intentional attempts to deliver dirty blows to Canucks players all series. Kane slew-foots Hughes. Ryan spears Hoglander in the no-no area, and those plays don’t even result in a fine. If this results in a suspension of any sort then it’s truly not a Department of Player Safety, it’s a Department of Superstar Protection.


I mentioned this on r/edmontonoilers and got banned for life. Not even kidding


Sometimes Canucks fans can be too much. In this case however, I think Canucks fans are being completely reasonable in calling out how inconsistent these decisions have been.


So you're telling me if that was Ryan McLeod getting crosschecked instead of McDavid, there would still be a hearing right? Or do we have different rules for different players? Seriously wtf are we doing here this is a joke


You no touch McJesus!


Wasn't soucy the cross-check from the front? I would've thought zadorov would get the hearing since his crosscheck from behind had way more force and was the only reason Soucy got mcjesus in the face


Soucy was going to give him a pretty standard “hey don’t two hand slash me after the game you whiner” cross check in the chest. Zadorov dropping McDavid from behind just made it so suddenly it was in the face instead of the chest. You can even see Soucy apologizing in the scrum after.


Zadorov was behind. He has already been fined $5000 for the cross-check, which leads me to believe that Soucy will get a game.


McDavid definitely two hand chopped at Soucy because of a shove. It's kind of crazy to look at Soucy and not even talk about McDavid's part in this.


Check the overhead replay and watch Zadorov afterwards too. Pretty sure Hyman comes in with a cross check in the head on him which is just completely ignored so far.


If it was Kane instead of Mcdavid, this would be a nothingburger


If this play is against Derek Ryan does it get a hearing?


Hoglander was whacked in the nuts- no hearing.


Of course not


Can the canucks employ greg campbell pls? Its the only way to ensure that his dad will protect their path to the cup


Well if it wasn't clear they treated McDavid differently before, it is unquestionable now. How absurd.


I don’t even think soucey would have hit him in the face if it wasn’t for zadorov. Who would van rather have suspended? Him or big Z?


Probably Soucy, Zadorov has been a monster




Soucy and it's not even close. Soucy has been fairly good but Zadorov has been an absolute monster this playoffs. He's adding $500k to his next contract every single game, no exaggeration.


The league is a joke.


Paros back from vacation today?


Seems like the whole 2 wrongs don't make a right argument. Soucey absolutely needs to be better, but the game escalated to that point because of obvious non-calls. Either police players or they'll police themselves. Capriciously deciding when and where to apply rules is bullshit


As soon as some redditors in the game thread said there was 0% chance of suspension, I knew it was confirmed he was getting a suspension.


You realize redditors play Yu-gi-oh right


😂 lol i saw this was hidden. opened it up and wasn't expecting it.


Absolutely brutal decision making by the DOPS, but I suppose I should expect nothing less.


Bennet not getting a hearing and this one getting one is such a joke lol


I get that Soucy did the face hitting but it would have been a perfectly reasonable retaliatory hit to the chest if Zadorov hadn't come and got involved. Given that it was the golden McGoose though I'm guessing the wheel is going to magically land on like 3 games.


Pietrangelo somehow only got 1 for a way more egregious slash on Draisaitl last year. I doubt it’s more than 1 and most likely a fine.


Of all the dicey shit that players have done, trouba, Ryan, Bennett, Soucy gets a hearing. I wonder if it's because of the recipient.


Better be a fine and nothing more. McDavid brought the incident on himself when he did the two handed slash. 


but it won’t be…mcdavid can be a bitch and take cheap shots at will, but don’t u dare rough him up, it’s bad for revenue.


The nhl is so stupid.




Man, take off my Canucks colored glasses & this still looks ridiculous. Bennett literally just ended Marchand playoffs & got nothing. NOT EVEN A FINE. How this has a hearing is beyond me, other than the fact is was McDavid & DoPS wants to protect the NHL poster child. If they were consistent, it would not be an issue. However, every time something happens it just feels like a wheel spin to determine what happens. Reffing & discipline have been horrendous this entire playoffs for EVERY team.


I agree it's so bad with consistency


One used a fist and the other used a weapon??? Who knows 🤷‍♂️


I would think Zadarov would get the hearing, he's the one who came in with a sucker-crosscheck after the whistle. Soucy clearly wasn't expecting McDavid to be mid-fall.


didn't McDavid 2 handed slash after the whistle as well?


He did yes.


Not according to all the replays shown on TBS/MAX... clowns


Yeah if someone's getting punished out of this I don't understand why it would be Soucy not Zadorov.


I agree it's kinda Z's fault, the problem is if he does that without Soucy cross-checking it's really just a two minute penalty. Individually they're all two minute penalties.


Watch it be something ridiculous like rest of series.


Do Bennett next


Lifelong Canucks fan here. I fully understand frustrations on this, however I also understand the decision. A play during the game is of a completely different precedent than something that happens before or after a game. If this was something that happened after a whistle it likely would have resulted in a penalty and nothing more. This will be a hearing strictly because it happened after the duration of the game.


I honestly thought that Zadorovs cross check was worse, that was violent and McDavid was completely unprepared for it.


That’s bullshit




Unlike Soucy, Hyman deliberately cross-checks Zadorov in the face during the scrum. If anything he should get the same punishment as Soucy. Also, it’s insane how the boarding on Petterson or Hoglander nut shot from the last game didn’t get reviewed but this is.


Had they suspended Ryan for a blatant nut shot I would be a lot more ok with the likely game Soucy is gonna get.


You can’t sneeze on the golden boy


Oilers are lucky it wasn’t Cole cross checking McDavid. End up suspending the Oilers top scorer.


Time over time NHL proves why they are a shit league and is the worst league of the so called top 4 sports in North America.


It’s wild this is getting a hearing, while Kane slewfoots every game and Ryan gets away with spearing to the junk of hoglander.


not that it ultimately matters, but I feel like if Zadorov is getting a fine McDavid should too.


If they’re gonna look at crosschecks to the head, might as well call Hyman coming in, his head down, stick up at Zadorov in that scrum.  What a joke


Meanwhile, Bennett is out here sucker punching people, Trouba is trying to take people's heads off with his elbow, not a peep from DoPS.


Should’ve just punched him during the game while going for a check, no hearings and no suspensions for that in todays NHL


Nothing for Bennett?


Why Soucy? He and McDavid had their little exchange then Zadarov is 3rd man in with a dirty cross-check to the lower back.


I don't get it man. All the shit they let go to this point. Just be consistent.