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SKA's handling of Michkov has been consistently very strange. They signed him to a long contract, but have loaned him out to other teams in the league rather than use him, and now they're potentially letting him leave for the NHL early.


SKA’s head coach and GM is literally just a son of an oligarch who bought himself a new toy since he likes hockey. It would be strange if something wasn’t strange with this team.


I would be very surprised if this guy isn’t a flyer sooner rather than later.


It means he'll be wearing orange and black this season.


Reminding me a little of the Malkin situation but things weren't as... let's just say "flammable" with Russia at that time. Maybe he gets lost at an airport in Helsinki. Airports are big places and sometimes you end up on a flight heading to the United States by accident.


I mean don’t get to ahead of yourself but if it is true. It is the first win your franchise has had in lord knows how long. A franchise talent/borderline a generational talent is on your squad.


We have completely lost the plot on the term “generational”.


His khl production at that age was better than ovi at that age. He isn’t bedard/crosby/mcdavid tier of talent But being similar in production to Alex ovechkin at that age is very much generational.


Bedard shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as Crosby and McDavid


Or ovechkin for that matter, 2 decades of stellar work in the NHL is no easy feat


Why not? It's not like Crosby or McDavid have ever played on a yeah as devoid of offense as this year's Blackhawks. And up until this year, those were the comps he was getting.


Let him turn into a certified star and then keep it up for 2 decades, then we can talk


But we're talking about production at a young age and what level of prospects they are........


Potential does not equal future sustained success, there are so many variables that go into having a long successful hall of famer career…Bedard could tear his shoulder tomorrow and never be the same again, if that happens we won’t remember him in a decade


What I'm saying is that this was comparing their level as prospects. This is such a useless addition on to why they were better at a young age before they made the NHL. I understand that Bedard isn't their level in the NHL. That's not what started this.


Yeah but the KHL sucks now.


Thé top producers in thé khl during ovi times were also bums and no names like now. I always hear about this talent drain but when I look at the players in the khl during ovi time they were also dogshit. The khl is the same it was previously people are just in denial.


Maybe! I guess we’ll be seeing soon enough. In any case, Russians being able to come play in the NHL is always good news.


He is absolutely Bedard level of talent


I say a tier below bedard but again you can win with michkov as your main guy. Now to hope bonk develops well and philly draft a good prospect with the pick they have this year ( maybe eiserman )


Bedard in the same sentence with Crosby and Mcdavid


I don’t know I think almost making the playoffs with a roster people thought was a bottom 6 team after losing its best goalie prospect since Pelle counts as a win.


You “lost him” because he sexually assaulted someone. Fuck him


Yeah we did. We lost him because he was a pos. He was still the flyers best goalie prospect since pelle.


Pretty sure the entire Flyers fanbase has beat you to the punch on “Fuck Carter Hart”


You can still lose him and he can also be a piece of shit




Damn he’s getting traded to the ducks too? smh


Is that the prison uniform in Russia or?


I'm still pissed they're gonna release Michkov but keep Buchelnikov to play 3 minutes a night (if at all). Fuck ska


There is almost certainly money being exchanged when a player is getting out of a contract like this. If a player is wasting away in the KHL (and is willing to come over) it's likely because their NHL team doesn't want to pay the KHL team or doesn't want to get involved in the legality and politics of it. Of course they may also see the KHL as fine for them, or don't want to start paying the player this early, or have a spot for them. The short version is Detroit could likely have him over if they really wanted to.


I don't mind Buch in the KHL, I mind that he produces, but SKA gives him no playing time.


8 year SKA extension incoming


Flyers give them an ungodly sum of money to release his contract?


I don't believe they're legally allowed to do that.


key word legally


Yeah I wouldn't worry legality here. And Snider has fuck you money 10x over.




Oh wait, he's dead. Just did a Google. My goodnesses 8 years ago?? Either way, Flyers have cash to bribe whoever.


Ha yea. But Comcast has more money than Snider did


Plus I have Comcast so I'll be pitching in.


It’s really been eight years since they threw light up bracelets on the ice? Where does the time go.


But I was told he’s never coming over by professional Russia experts


By professional Russian prospect do you mean coping habs fans


I keep seeing this comment in r/hockey but I haven’t seen a single thread or comments about it over in r/habs haha. I think the flyers fans have completely made this “coping” up to be honest.


It was a very prominent talking point about why the habs wouldn’t and didn’t draft michkov. Idk what r/habs sub you were looking at in the past 12 months. Now the narrative is also that he’s allegedly got attitude problems and shit defense. The coping is real.


I feel like some flyers fans are more obsessed with the Habs passing on Michkov than they are excited about having a prospect like him. I dunno if it goes back to the ribbing about taking York one pick before Philly? Or just think it’s an easy target because some Habs fans were upset they didn’t take Michkov? It’s very weird. Makes it almost seem like y’all have a complex? I’m excited the Habs added Reinbacher personally. I hope Michkov is a star for the Flyers. I like when exciting prospects hit their potential. The league will be better if Michkov hits his potential. I think considering Michkov is an explosive scoring winger and Reinbacher is a big, defensive right handed d man, we may actually get to enjoy this comparison for their whole career and see them battle it out a lot too. Which adds to the fun.


I hope reinbacher is another Seider type for you guys. Very valuable Number 1 who can do everything. Especially with y’all getting a stud offensive guy in Hutson who’s gonna light the world on fire. Hopefully he records 0 points against the redwings when we play you 2 or 3 times


He’s the exact type of d man that contenders have eating 22-24 minutes a night this time of year if he hits his potential. And considering how Slafkovsky looks after his second season after so many were dunking on him and the Habs for taking him first overall I’m inclined to trust their judgement in taking Reinbacher. Does that mean I think Michkov is a bum and the Habs obviously made the right decision? Hell no.


After us drafting Mo and his turn into stardom I don’t doubt any draft picks especially a guy from Germany like Reinbacher. Seems to be a more mobile Seider which might make him better. Michkov was a whole thing like will he come to the states. If he was ready to play right after the draft the ducks or Columbus take him and 2 or 3. He might’ve actually been considered by some to be better than Bedard. A guy you might want to look out for in this draft is another Russian in [Ivan Demidov](https://youtu.be/lLbI37aD-Ws?si=UcKyKQW9a4B-dc8M). His play style is nothing we have ever seen he’s like a hybrid Kovelev. Kid makes unreal plays every other shift and can manipulate Defenders like no body’s business. Take 7 minutes to watch the video and you won’t be disappointed.


He’s actually Austrian not German. Not to be pedantic. I love players like him, always have. Even if he lacks high end offensive skills in his prime if he can be a 20+ minute a night guy who plays against the oppositions best lines I’ll be thrilled.


Common mistake. Historically, men from Austria are often mistaken for German.


Well like I said you have Hutson for that so it’ll make his transition even easier when the worlds not expected of him I just assumed since he plays in the DEL


Slavkovsky still looks like a 3rd line scoring forward at best….


Hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahha Just put up 50 points (top 6 production) on the almost absolute definition of a one line team and he still looks like a 3rd line scoring forward? Thanks for the laugh. So glad you decided to contribute sone of your analysis.


Kind of like Galchenyuk eh? MTL can’t draft, if it was the McDavid draft you guys would’ve taken Strome.


You don’t even have a flair and also don’t seem to know what makes a top 6 forward in the NhL. I’m not too worried about your opinion. Montreal cleaned house on their management and scouting and analytics staff at all levels in 222, kinda hard to say this regime sucks at drafting when they haven’t had much more than 2 calendars years on the job.


there is a sizeable contingent of habs fans who crop up every time michkov is discussed on our sub, on twitter, in athletic articles, and on blogs i frequent, who either disparage the guy or are just annoying as hell. i had minimal interaction w habs fans before this, except for teasing about caufield. it's not every habs fan but you're nuts if you think this isn't a thing.


My take is he is a generational offensive talent that wasn’t worth the risk in terms of availability. I honestly hope he does make it to Philly, he would be so fun to watch.


Oh as a die hard Habs fan I will say that the section of our fan base that is bad, is maybe the worst in the entire league. People literally were sending hateful messages on twitter to Reinbacher after they picked him. He had to set his account to private. They booed Slafkovsky on draft night. The counter to that isn’t to engage in the same gross behaviour though. Habs have one of the bigger fan bases in the NHL, and the more fans you have the more shitty fans there will be.


And let's not pretend a large portion of Flyers twitter doesn't harass Cutter Gauither on a regular basis.


Oh ya. Every fan base is full of toxic shit bag losers.


Anyone who still cares needs to move on and get a life. Boo the guy when he comes back but I'm not gonna think about him until then


If you're asking Philadelphia fans to turn the other cheek.


Oh I see you’re not a flyers fan, so just a leafs or senators fan who can’t stop thinking about the Habs? Sad.


Red wings fan not even leafs and sens I just live in Montréal so I have to hear a lot of Montréal fans complaining or coping about obvious mistakes


I also love the part where you arrogantly tell us about the “obvious mistake” in taking Reinbacher over Michkov… And you were the one who originally brought the habs up in this thread. Like, look in the mirror dude, you are literally being the worst kind of hockey fan right now and playing the innocent like you’re an innocent bystander scared to get jumped on by all the nasty Habs fans. Shit is transparent and unseemly


I think that you leaving multiple comments on a single one of theirs is an example of behavior that gets Habs fans mocked. There's no reason to get so upset and defensive at a reddit comment.


I’m not being defensive? I think it’s funny when anyone talks about a prospects ceiling when they’re still teenagers. Especially when they act like they’re talking factually. No one knows what type of player Reinbacher or Michkov will turn out to be. I hope they’re both great. Fact is OP has admitted to, and proven with their remarks in here, that this post was just a thinly veiled attempt to trash on Reinbacher and the Habs fan base. He proudly says in a post in here he lives in Montreal and can’t stand how many Habs fans think Reimbacher was a better choice than Michkov. So he comes in here and creates a discussion to let us all know Reimbacher was a bad pick. He is the type of sports fan he claims to hate.


It was a mistake one of the main reason Montréal picked reinbacher over michkov was because they get to have some control on his development since michkov would be stuck in Russia for a while while reinbacher would play nhl hockey almost immediately. Now it is likely that michkov will play nhl hockey and reinbacher will probably be forced to play in Laval for one season. The pick was a mistake the minute it happened, again you don’t draft guys with low ceiling in the top 5 when a talent like michkov or hell benson is available.


A self back patting Reddit nhl prospect expert bravely agrees with his own opinion by bringing up the same “opinions” he treated as facts earlier, in an attempt to bolster his own argument that he’s treating as factual statement. Every comment you make highlights how hypocritical you are. You’re so wrapped up in your own delusions you can’t even fathom that you’re mocking yourself with every comment.


So because you live in Montreal and feel a lot of Habs fans are excited about Reinbacher you feel the need to make comments like this on Reddit to fuel your own superiority complex? This is a lot more sad than I thought.


More like habs fan saying things like michkov was the guy we must pick him before the draft and the minute they go for reinbacher theh pull a 180 and say michkov may not join us, he has a bad attitude, reinbacher has a two way game and more. Again if they didn’t pull a 180 fine but when you say michkov must be the guy and thé minute you don’t get him you end up attacking the dude character and saying he is a cancer and plays in a trash league ( while at the same time praising reinbacher league ) I have a problem.


Yeah man. You definitely do have a problem. You are lashing out at a sect of bad sports fans who offended you (apparently) by doing exactly what you’re accusing them of doing. Calling drafting Reinbacher an obvious mistake. Bringing up the Habs in a thread that has nothing to do with them. Take a long look in the mirror my friend, you might be so far down this rabbit hole you don’t realize you’ve become the type of fan you seem to hate so much. Maybe go for a walk in the forest and smell the fresh air and listen to the sounds of nature.


Reinbacher before the draft imo just isn’t a good pick for a team rebuilding. Finding players like reinbacher are easy to find, finding guys like michkov is nearly impossible to find. A defender who doesn’t really have an elite offensive game but is responsible defensively isn’t some rare piece that no one can get Montreal entire defensive farm system except lane is pretty much that in profile. Even Kent Hughes didn’t really think he was a number one defender so hearing a lot of the fanbase specifically on social media say michkov is uncertain or that reinbacher is actually close to him in ability when those same guys were all in on michkov before the pick to me seems like extreme coping. Reinbacher is a good prospect but it isn’t someone you pick top 5 or top 10. He is a high floor low ceiling guy what you see on his first game is most likely what you will see for the rest of his career with some improvement in iq and decision making. What you see from michkov in game 1 won’t be the same for the rest of his career because the dude skill set is basically the best from Russia since ovi.


Holy shit every post you make in here makes you more sad and more hypocritical.


Players like reinbacher are easy to find like it is true. Good defense with limited offense is almost every young defender in Montréal not named Hutson. Meanwhile guys like michkov are almost impossible to get in trades or free agency so you need to get them in the top 5 mtl had the golden opportunity to get a talent that would have been the best offensive talent they would have had since Lafleur. Again even Kent Hughes didn’t believe reinbacher upside is first pairing, like just based on saying this on a fifth overall pick is unheard of. So yeah drafting reinbacher over michkov is looking worse and worse by the minute since a lot of the issues around michkov seem to be smoke and mirrors.


I wonder how deep you’ll dig this sad little hole if I keep poking holes in your flimsy argument and bringing up what a hypocrite you are.


Wow you're a fool lol


Reinbacher wont finish this decade in the league.


Ok champ.


Why would habs fans need to cope? Only idiots were that upset about the draft


This entire thread was created to shit on the have and Reinbacher. Dude tells us in a remark in here he’s a wings fan who lives in Montreal and can’t stand the positive media and fan attention Reinbacher gets.


The Habs subreddit has not mentioned this kid since the draft, what are you on about?


Get ready to learn Philly Mochkov! It’s pronounced wiz wit.


Kid will be saying wooder in no time


Get ready to dodge tinted out Nissan Altimas swerving threw traffic buddy


Don’t put that evil on us. The sixers are cursed enough


He gives his first Phily press conference in a perfect Delco accent


Only if he has a Marlboro red in his mouth the entire time while wearing the dirty neon green landscaping shirt


Philadelphians don’t eat wiz wit. That’s only tourist and transplants.


That’s dumb, i know lots of people from philly who like wiz. Eat your cheesesteaks however the fuck you want to.


Stay away from open windows.


As a Flyers fan watching this trainwreck unfold for decades, there is zero possible chance that a Torts and Michkov relationship backfires on the franchise and costs them another top prospect. *Chuckles* I’m in danger. I’m looking forward to this being added to the Flyers glacier meme in a couple of years.


You’re not a flyers fan. You’re clearly a rangers fan.


I love you, Chris Kreider


r/hockey told me he wouldn’t come over for YEARS IF EVER


Say what you want about Torts, if Michkov comes as advertised, Torts will make him the best winger in the league. And if this kid is sensitive like Marner, then oh boi!


Hope he comes over, it'll be fun to watch. SKA clearly has some issue with him so it would just be petty to keep him if you're just going to loan him out anyway. That being said - this account hinting at something happening often means the opposite will happen😂




Everyone was upset he was going to hamper Drysdale when they traded for him and literally 2 games later Torts was praising the kid and saying how he'll get a lot more freedom because of his talent. Torts knows how to work with what he's got.


The same torts that made panarin ( player similar to michkov ) his most used foward in Cbj. Same torts that played 19 year old werenski more than any other defender on his team not named 21 year old Seth jones. Torts isn’t some anti playing young player or anti playing guys with defense coach. Dude literally benched a two way foward couturier which is like the opposite of the player torts supposedly likes.




Tortorella definitely has a shelf life as a coach with NHL teams though, guys like him always do. Will he do well with a Russian teenager making his debut in North America? Someone else mentioned Panarin above, he was in his mid 20s and had multiple seasons of experience in the NHL when Tortorella coached him. As well, and I’m not saying this to make Tortorella sound anti European, it’s probably a lot easier to coach young guys when there’s no language or cultural barriers. I think if the flyers do bring him over right away they should really try to get a veteran skating Russian to help him transition. You don’t have to coddle the kid but you want to help him feel confident and comfortable.




It’s true with other coaches too though, not just Torts. Sone guys have an approach that wears thin on teams over time.


You could argue each of those teams held on to him a little too long too.


The same Panarin who a year later goes from 87 points to a 120 pt pace?


Because Cbj and New York had similar talent. Not the biggest fan of your team but the difference in talent from Columbus to New York at the time is kind of night and day. In ten less games to last panarin pretty much had ten more points on the power play. The supporting cast was better.


That last season CBJ had Panarin / Atkinson / PLD (who was actually skating and scoring) / Josh anderson / A "good" seth jones / Werenski That first season was the rangers first year as a tear down Panarin scored those points with ryan strome and jesper fast as his linemates primarily. Mika played with Kreider and Buchnevich CBJ has had runs of talent at times.


Panarin 5v5 pace was 84 compared to 71 last year but his power play production went from 18 point pace to a 29 point pace. His 5v5 production improved which isn’t necessarily a new coach or anything he wasn’t ppg before joining Cbj and he had prime kane. But his production on the special went up significantly and he played with zib and Kreider on the power play. So it was probably both personal improvement and also just an better supporting cast when looking at the special team.


He had 87 points on a low scoring team that upset the top seed in the East. His scoring has been in the high 90s until this season when he exploded on a stacked, President's Trophy winning team since rejoining the Rangers. I want Torts to coach him when he's young and learning the North American game, but I don't want him coaching him his entire career. Those ideas aren't mutually exclusive. More importantly I think Torts has been open about the fact this is his last coaching contract.


"exploded on a stacked presidents trophy winning team" Except that the year he joined the rangers, they had just started tearing down and would continue to do so the entire season. He also put up about a 120 point pace that year.


Their points percentage never dipped below .536 since rejoining them. That's a pretty mild tear down in terms of results.


They traded off Skjei Buchnevich Zuccarello Jt miller Ryan mcdonagh Bought out Shattenkirk Hank




Im pretty sure torts had nothing to do with the cutter situation.


That wasn't a Torts thing though. That involved some general organizational chaos. The most full account I've heard was that Cutter told Briere his college coach was pushing him to back for another year. Briere didn't really push back, as that seemed reasonable and it was like his first week on the job as interim GM. Cutter felt like they didn't want him because they weren't pushing him to come straight to the league. That relationship never existed between them, and never got repaired but as I understand it, Torts had no part in it.


The same John Tortorella who has skilled players like Morgan Frost, Travis Konecny and Owen Tippett playing the best hockey of their careers?


All 3 of those guys are at an age/point in their careers that should be playing their best hockey though, to be fair.


John Tortorella made a team with a lottery level roster fight for the playoff till the last minute of their season after losing a franchise goaltender midway through that season. If anything, they would be crazy to let Torts go


Carter Hart never played like a franchise goalie in his career though?


He still was way better than all the alternatives


That doesn’t make him a franchise goalie?




So you think the flyers should have a bad coach? Thats a great way to develop your players




Except he didn’t demand a trade and changed agents because he (the agent) was pushing that narrative.


that guy was never coots agent, it came out last week. the dudes dad was, died, and coots let him "be his agent" til he started running his mouth.


What’s exactly wrong with rebuilding with one of the best coaches of the 21st century?


Leave the Russians in Russia until they get out of Ukraine , or denounce the invasion . The vast majority of Russians supports this genocide why are we opening accepting them in NA. We need to make it clear what they are doing can’t be tolerated at any level.


Huh. And potentially risk their friends and families lives while denouncing what the Russian government is doing. You might as well tell them to write in their house like « fuck Putin » or some shit like this. Look what happened to both kaprizov and panarin when they became critical of Russia.


What happened to Kaprizov was… literally nothing? And what happened to Panarin was an old known clown throwing an accusation that did not result in anything happening to Panarin in Russia, where he still goes every summer and has a great time with no repercussions of any kind?


Nah, Russians are good in my book if they can put the puck in the back of the net! 


You know not every Russian supports Russia right?


For some reason I read this as Mikaev and was stoked we were going to get out of his contract for a second.