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"good luck boys keep it safe" *cuts to a guy getting launched into the boards face first* Hockey is so awesome


"Good hit!"


"Thanks mate!"




God I love Europeans Sports games. They are something else.


Europeans are another level. In MLS, we get in trouble for cursing in chants/songs. I visited Ireland recently and spent the final 21 minutes of a game chanting at some poor kid that heā€™s a cunt. Between the whistles, anything goes.


"hey hey boys!! Are you be kidding me?!" Favorite line


This is awesome, the NHL should do this


They did for one season, but stopped and never gave an explanation why.


We know why


because rabid squawking twats have to complain about every little tangentially related thing instead of just enjoying the sport we love. everyone wonders why the league is so milquetoast and lame, well a big reason possibly is the fact that the loudest stupid assholes dominate the conversations until everything becomes a circlejerk about officiating. and the complainers usually seem to not even know the difference between refs and linemen as well, which makes the whining even more nonsensical.


I stay out of my team subā€™s GDTs. Itā€™s non-stop ref complaining.


Every single hockey sub thinks the refs are rigging everything against them lol. Its so weird, i dont see it as much in other sports.




Logistically, it's probably a nightmare to deal with. You have the actual equipment itself, possibility of stuff breaking, keeping track of it, storing the video, etc etc. Then you get into the pre-production stuff, like training the officials not to say stupid stuff on camera, making sure the NHLPA is good with player's (usually not heard by fans) suddenly being heard by fans. Then into post-production, making sure clips are family-friendly, stuff is edited in a way that people enjoy, and all the questions after calls to "see the footage". It's not worth it, to the league. Way more headache


I assume because the tech wasn't mature enough -- it's why they tend to only roll it at the All Star game. It's a multi-tier problem, you need the cameras to be good quality, small, and light enough to not hinder the refs. You also need the battery packs to be small.Ā  We're just now reaching the point where this starts to make sense from a full time deployment.


Was it a full season? Wasn't it just preseason or All-Star game or something like that?


it was preseason


But then weā€™ll know that they intentionally ā€œdonā€™t seeā€ blatant penalties


they gonna cut the audio and jomboy will have material for YEARS lol


I love micā€™s up hockey. Iā€™m always curious to know what theyā€™re saying to each other since itā€™s extremely rare to hear on tv or at the game.


If it was somehow allowed for whatever legal/privacy reasons, I would happily pay for a micā€™d up no commentary feed. Like, mics on benches and refs, all the ambient hockey noise, awesome


Remember a few years back when there was a ton of outrage when I mic caught a player yelling ā€œrag itā€ during a play and everyone thought it sounded like a slur instead and people were calling for his suspension? Yeah, thatā€™s why weā€™ll never get the audio on the ice.Ā 


Of course it was a Maple Leafs player that got accused (Morgan Reilly) during all this. I couldn't believe how many people on /r/hockey claimed that "rag it" wasn't a common hockey expression in Canada, and that people were trying to "cover up" for the player. It was like I was taking crazy pills or something.


Of course it was a Leafs player haha I couldn't remember who it was for the life of me this morning. Yeah, those comment threads were just wild. Anyone not instantly calling for him get suspended were called bigots. I don't blame the League of the PA for strongly being against more mics on the ice after that one.


Yup, people would be trying to cancel hockey players left and right, lol.


If I had a nickel every time this was mentioned on /r/hockey, I could probably pay to make it happen


Alex Lyon is adorable. What an odd little guy. I also didn't realise how vocal the refs are on the ice. Neat to hear them give audible thumbs up to checks and hits.


Way to put him on blast with that clip though, lol. "Hey Alex, you made the highlight promo on the ref cam!" "Really, was it a sick save?" ".... kinda..."


He was right to be nervous though,he got hurt and had to leave.


Was that comment from the injury play, though? A reporter on Twitter said he immediately headed to the bench at the stoppage. Also holy cow he's 31. I thought for sure he was like 22.


The play? no. 50/50 it was before the game. He played in two.


Chirping the refs is my favorite part of beer league. (All in good fun Iā€™m friends with most of them) Itā€™s also nice when they compliment you on a good play


Stop slashing each other


"I'm watching you" had me in stitches


Itā€™s so easy to say refs are terribleā€¦ and complain about a missed callā€¦ but Jesus..the game is so fast, he refs are moving and angles and sight lines are changing ever secondā€¦ the players are skating full speed, the puck is moving at 100 miles an hour, (which you better be watching out for as well) you have to watch out for players with the puck, players without the puckā€¦ itā€™s crazy. All of us sitting on our couch have no idea how hard it is to ref one of these gamesā€¦ then amp it up another notch for the NHLā€¦ with 18,000 fans, coaches and players all yelling at you.




Who will stop fights?


ā€œAre you 100% sure? If youā€™re not 100% sure we canā€™t call it.ā€ šŸ˜‘


Meanwhile the NHL doubles down on the wrong calls


"I don't know, check the script. Colin sent a new one this morning."


IIHF had it fair share of awfull calls too


I ref football and I rely on my other refs to help me sometimes. I'm just glad I'm not under a microscope because I guarantee I've made some bad calls.


Thatā€™s what I like to hear


we give them a lotta shit but if i was a ref id 100% of the time be 55% sure of my calls


Man being a ref in pro hockey is like being a journalist in the middle of a war zone.


except both sides can want you dead at a moments notice


IIHF tournament hockey is the pinnacle of the sport. World Juniors is always my favourite hockey to watch.


>IIHF tournament hockey is the pinnacle of the sport Has it really been that long since the last NHL participation Olympics that people are saying this? With all due respect to the IIHF tournament, there are players that decline to play because they'd rather go golfing or spend half the week at the Patty House in Coboconk.


The men's top division World Championships are just one of many IIHF tournaments though. I've been watching and playing hockey since the 90's and the World Juniors are always my favourite tournament to watch.


Hey, listen, international hockey is awesome and the World Juniors are great but the world pinnacle doesn't belong anywhere near that body of text. The pinnacle of hockey is the Olympic tournament when NHLers participate. We can argue that the Stanley Cup Playoffs is a better tournament for intensity and endurance and what not, but as far as showcasing the sport and the best of it, it's the Olympics.


Is the Olympic tournament not played under IIHF rules and organized by the IIHF? How does that conflict with my statement that IIHF tournament hockey is the pinnacle of the sport?


You're kinda being pedantic here, but when you say IIHF Tournament hockey, it's very much implied to be the World Championships. Nobody says the IIHF Olympic Tournament. It's the Olympics. So, if you want to be that general, sure. But if the measure is that IIHF Tournaments are the pinnacle, that's pretty broad considering most Senior AAA teams in Canada could stick around in Division I of the IIHF system.


I enjoy this the most of any hockey, so from a subjective point it's the best even though objectively it isn't


Installing the cameras vertically seems like an odd choice.


They were probably installed correctly and cropped for some shitty instagram/twitter format so you lose 60% of the content.


They are posted in horizontal on the iihf youtube after each match day, here's their playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlQub3gfQdM&list=PLXxhsJqAKWvJfS6w0MVKNUhum254qiKkd


Video is cropped. This type of ref cam footage is usually shown during intermissions in the World Feed.


Maybe it was just cropped for the video? Does seem like an odd choice


> Stop slashing each other has such dad energy lol


Its stuff like this that makes me love the sport of hockey


Refs are awesome. I could never do their job. I always make sure to let them know I appreciate the hell out of them in beer league Iā€™ll admit Iā€™ve had my moments in the heat of the game but I always apologize and feel like shit afterwards lmao


I was watching the PWHL finals earlier and I noticed one of the refs had a helmet cam! If theyā€™re gonna use a TikTok/ reels format then they should use a wide angle lens


Now put the camera on a gimbal. It looks like a Bourne movie


Need to do this more often. That was awesome!! Haha


They've been posting ref cam videos every day [on their YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@IIHFWorlds/videos)


Sweet thanks for that!!


I was expecting the puck to drop and then the feed to go totally dark.


Those Poland sweaters look great


Hmm... the new Hardcore Henry went in an interesting direction. I'll give it a watch.


I've never wanted to ref anything in the past. I 100% want to devote my career to reffing hockey now.


I love that "YEP YEP" is so universal in hockey


The NHL sucks. This makes them look like incompetent fools for not implementing these years ago when they were discussed and briefly tried.


Good hit


I suspect we'll get more of this from more leagues in a few years now that small gimbal stabilized cameras are starting to get better image quality. It's the wireless transmission that has also been holding it back.Ā  If they can get the units compacted a tad more, I can see it becoming more mainstay and less here-or-there. It's such a cool perspective and allows for you to get some great angles because you have a camera man literally within the action.


I'm new to iihf, what's up with on helmet branding?