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Why’s Seattle here. More importantly where’s buffalo


That's kind of what prompted the post. Also seeing Detroit there was hilarious. They've won multiple cups in the 2000s.


I'd take the last eight years if it came with the four Stanley Cups and 25 straight playoff appearances that came before it.


Yeah as a wings fan, I'm in no way miserable. I've gotten to watch 6 finals, 4 cups, and most of that run, with incredible rosters for most of my life. So what if we have a slump during a rebuild. Most people here seem to get it.


I’m in the comments section solely for the red wing comments. No way they belong here.


We have expectations, 15 years of irrelevance is unacceptable. We're improving but I need some tangible results.


Talk to them about 2009.


BRB, gonna go lay down in traffic But seriously the Lions at 10… after last year? I’m over the moon to be honest. And the Wings are on a solid trajectory. List is teh dumbz.


I mean yeah a big part of our fanbase is bitter about it, but this list seems to be more focused on miserable due to lack of sustained success. We’re kind of the polar opposite of that.


This list has way too much recency bias. Outside of last season, the Lions would've absolutely been #1. And yes, the Wings should not be on this list. The Tigers should, but not the Wings. The only NFL fanbase that knows the historical pain the Lions know is the Browns. Full stop. Edit: and even then, the Browns and Jets don't measure up to the Lions in the past 60 years. Look up playoff wins and get back to me, *including* this past NFL season.


Yeah I was thinking about them too lmfao. This list is wack


Missing Buffalo and Toronto and Calgary if there's gotta be a hockey presence


Seattle at 50 while the Knicks are nowhere to be seen tells you all you need to know about this list


Idk shit about the Knicks lol. I don’t follow basketball


Yeah, if any team from Seattle should be on this list it should be the Mariners (although they're looking better these last couple years and have some promise). I think you can argue the A's and Pirates are more miserable than the Mets too.


We have two World Series titles and made the final in 00’ & 15’. Lolmets and all but the 5 spot is ludicrous


Why isn't Arizona number one instead of 13? Or why is it on there at all?


Put Nordiques and Expos up there while you're at it


Fucking rain.


Exactly! They should be in the top 5 for sure.


It kind of feels like they almost just picked three hockey teams at random


Where's Toronto?!


This is engagement bait, we should not be 50. Now if it were the Mariners...


... or the Sonics


It’s ironic


Holy crap how does one even begin to claim that the Kraken are more miserable than the Mariners? You’re right, absolutely has to be a crappy list for engagement


The account that made this list is pretty much only in existence for engagement bait.


Red Wings made the playoffs like 20 years in a row, when they went to rebuild even their fans were like "oh, that's something new, that's exciting"


Yeah, the wings were pretty horrible for a bit there but I am far from miserable. After the run they had when I was a kid I can stand some time rebuilding, and there's a lot of hope in our future. Funny seeing all 4 major detroit sports teams in here. I guess some of this may be compounding from detroit sports all going through a miserable run during the same ~10 year span, and the Lions' history of losing. I don't feel like I need my team to take home the #1 trophy to be happy, I just want to see exciting games more often than not, and have a shot at winning it all. The Lions run last year + the wings missing the playoffs by a tiebreaker, I'm feeling quite good on our sports. Tigers are looking hot/cold, Pistons are... Well the games are fun to go to.


No Vikings lol


Or Wild, or Twins, or Wolves... There are multiple teams on this list with championships more recently than any of Minnesota's teams, yet not a single one of our teams is represented? I think we're still holding the record for the longest stretch without a championship among any area with all 4 of the big 4 sports. And why the hell are the Wings or Bulls on this list? Sure, they're removed from it, but they both had two of the most dominant sports dynasties in my lifetime. The more I look at this list, the more upset I get... Which was probably the point.


The Bulls deserve to be here tbf, since they have to deal with Jerry Reinsdorf


At least Bulls fans have fond and archived memories of arguably the most dominant dynasty in the history of the NBA


Bulls and white Sox will be bad until that old piece of shit is dead


I don’t think BigGameBoomer watches sports


he doesn’t, he’s notorious on college football twitter for having the worst lists ever


How are the leafs not on here?


Leafs, CBJ, SJS, Calgary, Minnesota. I mean at a minimum should be considered.


Sharks just won the draft lottery, we have hope


Calgary is one of the most average teams in all of professional sports. I don't think being a fan is particularly miserable but it is also far from being rewarding.


Trust me it’s miserable. Mediocrity is hell


It's Big Game Boomer, the account is made for reactions. A list like this is crafted for engagements.


Well consider me engaged


And how are Detroit anywhere close to top 50??


Or Kraken


Buffalo is so miserable they're forgotten when a top 50 comes out and they should be on top.


Can’t be above Athletics or Coyotes fans tbf


This tweet is engagement bait


100%. OSU being on this list sold it for me. OSU fans are insufferable (source: I’ve lived in Ohio my entire life) but they’re far from miserable.


Not sure how the Kraken are on the list. But as a Jets and Mets fan i can confirm at least part of this list is accurate


No Vikings, Mariners, Canucks, Sabres, or Leafs. Multiple teams with titles this century. This list is pretty bad.


As a Wings, Tigers, and Michigan State fan...nahhh, I'm good. Not sure what any of them have to be miserable about. Do check on those poor Pistons fans though...


After the season the Pistons had, they ended with the 5th pick. What a bummer. Similar lottery luck to the Wings lol


Also aren't the Lions doing better than they have since the Barry Sanders era? Like didn't they win playoff games, and have a few years to of an actual contention window right now? (don't follow NFL that much so not sure)


You are right but it was 60 years of misery before that 1 season.


The Kraken are so new their fans have no clue what it is to be miserable. Detroit should be nowhere close to this list.


Right? Even if you’re applying recency bias we missed the playoffs this year on a tiebreaker. It was easily the most exciting red wings season in a decade, there are plenty of NHL teams more miserable than us, let alone all of sports.


Right!!! You guys had Patty Kane!!!! Even for a season that exciting!!!!


Lmfao how are the Red Wings and Kraken there. They know nothing of pain


Not hockey but OSU being on here is also a choice


As a (NY) Jets fan, can confirm… My Wizards are also on this list, lmao. Least I’ve got VGK.


I think they got the top 2 right. After that I'm not sure I agree much. ,




For me, I grew up outside of DC so I’m a Nats and Wizards fan. Never really got into the Caps until I started watching the Knights, funny enough, so they’re my #2, but VGK got me into hockey in the first place. As for the Jets, the WFT sucked when I was a kid and the Jets were pretty good for Mark Sanchez’s first two years. It’s all been downhill from there.


In ALL of sports or just the US? (not even including certain US spots that are more miserable....)


Looks like North America.


Really? Maybe I'm blind, but which of those logos is from a Canadian or Mexican team?


Why is there a triple A baseball team reflected at #3? Seems out of place.


Idk man the Rockies are lucky plucky AA upstarts at best Nice park tho


Poor Seattle, 3 years in the league and no Cups, lol. Is this graphic supposed to reflect *miserable* as in lack of championships or is it fan attitude? I'm not sure Seattle can qualify in either respect. Detroit? As far as the city goes it probably isn't what it once was, but I'm curious about this as well.


Having hockey teams on here that aren't Buffalo or Vancouver makes this list invalid.


No Buffalo teams? And what about Minnesota?


Shocked the hell outta me to not see ANY MN teams on this list but the Kraken are on there?? Lol no shot they have as much misery as Vikings fans.


no leafs or nucks or sabres?


Longhorns who won a natty this century and a conference title this year are there, while Leafs are not? This is just a bait post lmao. Ohio State literally has a title in the past 10 years, but I guess they could be miserable due to losing The Game three times in a row and UM just winning the natty. Lmao Jayhawks and Kentucky have multiple natties in Basketball, wtf is this post


The St. Kilda Saints of the AFL were founded in 1873 (for those struggling with the math that's over 150 years ago). They were a foundation club of the League in 1897 (analogous to the O6) and didn't win their first (and only) Final until 1966. They're 1-5 in Finals appearances, and have finished dead last more than any other team in the history of the League. I understand that the article focuses exclusively on NA sports, but the Saints deserve a mention any time the discussion of most suffering fanbase in sports (in a major league) comes up.


A list of the top 50 most miserable fanbases, brought to you by someone who does not watch sports


Damn. Didnt expect to see Rutgers on here lol


Not a single minnesota team is a fucking sham


I mean a loud minority of our fanbase is insufferable, but to say we’re a top 50 most miserable fanbase in sports is beyond stupid. We’re not even top 10 in the league. We had pretty much unparalleled success until about 10 years ago.


Detroit being here but Buffalo and Ottawa not being here makes no sense at all We've all been roughly equally bad for the last little bit, but we were the best team in the world for a long stretch before that, and the other two just uhhh... were not


Yeah that tracks I guess. I'm just happy to watch puck


You guys realize this is just some guy making a list right?


Yeah but I think the reason it’s getting such a reaction is because even most fairweather and/or casual sports fans can point out various oddities in this list.


Twitter user "BigGameBoomer" totally conducted a poll in conjunction with Pew Research Center


...have you seen the state of our franchise in the last 2 years? Also Redwings?????


Surprised ManU isn't on there.


This was clearly made by an American who doesn't even know what hockey is.


Why is Seattle miserable?


Charlotte sports.


I've heard rumors of them existing, I'm still waiting for proof they're real


Keep Pounding?


As a Utes and Angels fan, I'm very, very, very confused


Utes fan here, even when they were decimated by injuries, Bryson Barnes came in clutch and was fun to watch I mean, I wasn’t miserable


How are the Utes on this and the Jazz are not? Hopefully we can get the team formerly known as the Coyotes off


About that Coyotes fan base...


Seeing Indiana and Notre Dame on here warms my heart I mean, their fanbases are one in the same at the end of the day


didnt KC royals win one recently?


2015, so in the last decade.


bucs check out. fuck the hogs, jayhawks and mountaineers too!


The A’s should be way higher, possibly even #1. They have a cheap-ass owner that won’t keep any of their star players long enough to sign a second contract while they watched the Giants win a few World Series titles, they endured decades of failed stadium proposals only to remain in the hollowed-out corpse of that mid-century multi-use monstrosity, and now they’re moving to the soulless suburban expanse of Las Vegas. This is also happening concurrently with the Raiders also moving to LV and the Warriors moving across the bay to SF, a city Oakland always played second fiddle to. The Oakland A’s fans are absolutely miserable and they have every right to feel that way. 


Such a weird list. Part of it seems to be based on history while some of it is based on recent events. I know it’s bait (ask CFB fans about their opinion on BGB) but still


Five for five in the top fifty.


Big Game Boomer posts these lists as engagement bait. He does it 100% to invoke “WTF why is _____ at #______?!” Guy sucks.


There’s absolutely no way we aren’t in here. I mean hell we should probably be in the top 10


Cowboys fans are only miserable one week a year which is the week they lose in embarrassing fashion in the playoffs. The rest of the year they talk trash about how they have more rings and how this is their year. 


KU? They mostly care about basketball and usually have a dominant team?


The Cubs? Please; their 2016 World Series win is perhaps the most revered, remember, and important baseball championship in the modern era. Doesn’t matter if they go another 50-60 years without winning another; Cubs fans can die in peace now and are living bliss baseball lives compared to ~~Indians~~ Guardians or Brewers fans. Plus, they were never affected by the Astros cheating, which adds misery and torture points for A’s, Dodgers, Mariners, or other clubs and their fans their cheating has directly affected.


Why the fuck is Notre Dame here


As a Pirates fan, I feel we should be higher.


I miss the brief period of time where the Pirates were pretty good and made the WC game.


Lmao there is absolutely no way a team that had a dynasty in my lifetime belongs on that list.


Coyotes and Athletics should be 1 and 2


How is KU on here? We’ve embraced basketball and football (while popular) no one is miserable from it. We’re one of the most winning teams ever lol.


Well, at least only one of my teams is up there. It's been tough cheering for the Broncos for a while.


Red Wings?


The City of Charlotte is disappointing all around.


I don’t see how you put anyone above the athletics on this list. Other than that yeah this is obvious bait.


The Sabers really need to be on this list. I would love to see them in the playoffs again. It's been WAY too long. Also, why are the Kraken there? 🤦‍♂️


Well, the Lions still plays in Detroit and looks to dominate NFC North again. Arizona coyotes don't even exist anymore. Edit: Sabers? OTTAWA?!?


Where's Toronto ?


As an Aggie, hey we beat UT!! Also, with the NY Jets being number one, no wonder why GRRM hasn't finished the damn books. He's too busy being depressed over his trash team.


Sad Ranger noises


Atleast the Rags are competitive. almost always having a deep run or two every decade.


fair, but it (very) rarely ends well


You mean to tell me the leafs aren’t on here? I don’t even mean it as a jab at leafs fans but no cup, hell no finals appearance since 1967. They’ve had 1 playoff series win in the last 9 playoff appearances (over the span of 18 years mind you). They’re the butt of almost every joke and are almost universally disliked across the league, it’s enough to feel bad sometimes…only sometimes though.


Toronto’s was immeasurable, unable to be rated?


Twitter link for the source: https://x.com/BigGameBoomer/status/1798775452649320823 While this doesn't only pertain to hockey, I thought it was interesting to see the hockey literacy level of a pretty big sports account. Thoughts?


Expected to see Leafs top 10 ... But not even mentioned?  And Kraken is #50?  I don't get it.


Neither do they lol.


This list is so incorrect lol. Ohio State is downright spoiled, just because they don't have nattys they're miserable now?? I kind of understand the Broncos but they've got 2 superbowl trips and a ring in the last decade. A&M had the Manziel era, and SEC bias has consistently overrated them. spoiled. The Kraken????? Mariners were right there. If you wanna go NHL, Sabres, Sens? Shit the Leafs have the same amount of playoff series wins as the Kraken in the last 15 years. Miami, spoiled idc if they choke. Florida has a Natty in the last 20, spoiled. Kentucky has one of the most storied basketball programs in all of CBB. Miss me with that idgaf about their football team they are NOT miserable Red Wings are one of the most storied franchises in hockey. They may be bad RECENTLY but it wasn't that long ago that they were on top of the hockey totem pole. Wings fans are doing fine I'm sure. As a Mariners, and Coug fan I'm offended by this lol