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There is a reason the Canucks fans voted Canucks fans as one of the worst in the Jfresh poll.


[Canucks fan](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vlXyj3lthmc)


I know the thread was deleted, but I won’t forget that Canucks fan post on here.




There's no way someone didn't screen shot that. That's going to be around for a while.


I can't even remember if I remember it or not! Can I get a little context?


A Canucks fan posted about how he was canceling his Sportsnet subscription due to Gazdic's comments about the team. It was so bizarre that it almost seemed like it was satire, but a few of the comments the poster made really made it seem legit.


Yeah it was. Couple of people posted screen shots of it in the same thread.


Alright hockey fans, get in here and dump on how soft Canucks fans are. Our fanbase is full of a bunch of babies.


Yeah the 48 hours of turmoil over this kinda shows why Luke made the comments he did 😂 Canucks fans are so dramatic.


Let’s be honest. How many Canucks fans are actually Canuck fans? I’m an Oiler fan who has lived here for decades and it’s made me despise the fanbase here. Except for my friends who are true Canuck fans. This city is by far the most fair-weather fans in Canada. I’m sure this will piss off a lot of Canuck fans when I say this, but this city doesn’t care about hockey until they have success. When the Canucks played the Oilers this year, I couldn’t count the amount of dusty ass old jerseys pulled out of the closet from 10 years ago. And now with the Canucks no longer in the picture, you wouldn’t even know there was a hockey team in the city. As much as it kills me to say this, this team has a lot of potential. The fans just need to have patience and stop being so whiny. The number of threads that I’ve seen about the shoulda, coulda, woulda beating the Oilers and being in the Stanley Cup finals is loser talk. You have a good team and the future is bright. Be at peace with that.


Holy fuck, how soft do you have to be to care about any of this


Worse time of the year is when anything becomes news because there's no hockey being played and nothing else interesting like free agent frenzy is happening


Oh my god let's be done with this. Unhinged Canucks fans should be called out but also he's kinda annoying and an Oilers homer. We all knew this before this happened, nothing has changed. People need to just drop it and stop trying to get him off tv for some reason. If you're a Canucks fan you need to get used to nobody on the panel liking us. Bieksa is only exception in the 15+ years I've been watching the Canucks.


Well there are reasons he shouldn't be on the panel but this isn't one of them.


My god canucks fans are an embarrassment. They cry about absolutely everything. Soft as baby shit.


Most of us don't care bud. It's a small vocal minority.


Yeah. You guys have a lot of fans, so statistically that just means a lot of assholes too.


There's also plenty of media in Canada that caters to that toxic aspect of fanbases. Like somebody has to be reading and enjoying people like Jim Matheson.


Wouldn't say we have anymore than any other fan base... Just seems ours has a higher online presence. Lots of assholes though and Canuck Twitter is fucking disgusting. Funny enough the only time I almost got in a fight going to a game in Edmonton was with another Canucks fan


Lol that’s hilarious


who cares


Reading that article should be even more embarrassing for Canucks fans. Gazdic said nothing wrong and you continue to look like a bunch of unhinged whiners


Yeah, exactly, I mean, when you send messages to someone and you, include their family, in those messages, don't act surprised when the person snaps.






Who cares? Like, really. Could he have maybe said it a different way? Maybe. Maybe not. But he was on a podcast and it seems based on what I have read some Canucks fans sent him some very horrible messages that involved his family and he responded. You can't have it both ways. If you are going to dish it out, you better prepare for someone to respond back. So, while yes, he maybe shouldn't have gone after the organization. I can understand why he may responded the way he did.


I really wish SN hadn't dignified these losers with a response


biggest whiner fanbase back at it again. wont forget how in the playoffs, literally every call/noncall/infraction/minor inconvenience was posted and hundreds of canucks fans whining about it


It's unbelievable honestly


I mean who cares about his beef with random trolls, but he really is the only on-air personality without any... personality. Sportsnet probably would've been better off replacing him with someone better, but looks like they're doubling down on "their guy."