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I still think the Panthers are gonna get it done. They're going to be the ones tasting having their backs up against the wall now and that's gonna light a fire under them. They've already shown they're a phenomenal team, I just think after that 6 game conference final/final win streak they went on they naturally got a bit complacent, and I'd say by no fault of their own. That's just kinda what happens.  Meanwhile, Oilers were hellbent on not being swept by this team they've developed a hatred for and came at the Panthers with more than Florida was braced for.  That shook Bobrovsky's confidence and really the whole team, and I just think they're recovery from that has been delayed due to the grueling nature of such a deep playoff run--even with what they learned from last year. But we saw it, they still dominated for periods of the last two games after that collapsed game. When they're playing well they are the better team. And I think they're gonna bring that in this 7th game. I just think it's taken awhile to kinda snap out of the state game 4 put them in. 3-1 Panthers is my prediction. Go Panthers!!


As a sharks fan I'm having serious 2014 first round flashbacks from war


So the next game is Friday and if goes to seven, it's Monday. Really, you don't want to have last game on a Sunday....


It's gonna make it a pain to go to game 7 for sure.


Has to do with travel. 2 days in between all series switching cities


They're walking back and forth from Sunrise to Edmonton?


Was the same thing last year’s Finals 5 hours between FLL and LAS


Then start your series 1 day earlier. A game 7 on a Monday is just insane.


I agree. This has been the longest wait for a SCF to start.


They gotta ditch that rule, if people are more tired, well it's everyone.


Yah, they're concerned some game will go to the fifth overtime again. They could go back to the 2-3-2 format for playoffs to limit the travel.


Watching Zito lose his fucking mind was the cherry on top.




[Pic of seething](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F15s3h33alg7d1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D1179%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D1608606f42fe4b40e4bba96c84dec722c57fce66) [Vid](https://twitter.com/inch/status/1803260629853048862)


Florida lost on purpose so they can win in Edmonton right?


Edmonton lost first 3 on purpose so they could reverse sweep.


It's to go game seven. Maximize revenue and win the cup!


This has to be mentally brutal for Florida. Flying back to Edmonton has to be completely gutting. I can only imagine the reservations and plans they had for last night. The team feeds off of the coach and the GM. Seeing that reaction from the GM just shows that they're getting a bit rattled. No doubt they still have a stranglehold on this series but Friday is gonna be super tough for them. Rogers Place will be the loudest since Game 6 in 2006.


>The team feeds off of the coach and the GM. Seeing that reaction from the GM just shows that they're getting a bit rattled. Tkachuk also went from saying "we're going to win" in advance of game 5 to "we just need to do X to win" in advance of game 6. I love seeing the confidence evaporate from the Panthers and the panic set in.


Stop, I can only get so erect.


Semi-chub here After Friday ….. it could be a full tent pitch


Stranglehold is a bit much. Slight advantage at best.


That's ridiculous, reactions would be wildly different if Oilers won Game 3 and 5 instead of two in a row. Panthers still have roughly a 75 percent chance to the cup, that's not a slight advantage. One of the teams can lose a game and still win the cup.


A team holding a 3-2 lead has a 75/25 advantage. Triple the chance to win. That ain't a slight advantage.


Assuming they are evenly matched* I would argue that despite being down a game, Edmonton has been playing better overall in the series. Florida's got more than a slight advantage, but it's also far from a stranglehold.


It doesn't actually matter. Using CF% as a rough proxy for how much better one team is over another, team Canada in Sochi was IIRC topping out at 70% for the elite d-pairings. The LA Kings (who the Canadian team was built to emulate) had Kopitar at something like 55-60 CF% with Bergeron right behind (this is all from memory, so grain of salt). The point is, if you're a 60% favorite, you still have to win two games in a row, and you have a bit over a 1/3 chance of doing it. If you are 2014 Sochi Canadian dominance, who basically ran into Finland and that's it (Swedes got screwed here), you still aren't the favorite to win two games in a row.


They may have meant a slight advantage in relative terms, compared to what the odds looked like at 3-0.


This is ridiculous. It's almost July and the season isn't even over yet. They need to cut the length of the season by at least a month.


Game 6 is literally the first day of summer in Edmonton!


I personally love having oilers hockey when the sun is still out and I can crush some deck beers after the game.


And this time of year there's a lot of sun after the games are done, I love it!


I'm actually okay with a longer season. It just means that I won't have to see as many baseball highlights on TSN and SN.


agree, the regular season games should be reduced. Make it 70 games but it won't happen because $$$


Yep. Ten month season including training camp and playoffs is ridiculous. You might have a wider cross section of fans watching The Finals than they do now with a shorter season


They really made the finals go for as long as humanly possible. They pushed game 1 out a full week, then they have 2 days between each game. When I looked at the schedule prior to the series I was very surprised to see it go to almost the end of June (if there are 7 games)


Why.  You can stop watching anytime you want but summer is the most boring time for sports   


Both CFL and MLB are in full swing right now, weird take. 


That's not a weird take at all. Maybe a dozen people watch the CFL and MLB is something you put on while you're cleaning your house


Really? There is racing, baseball and in some years we get WC or Olympics or Copa America or Euros. Always something going on in the summer


I’m not a big soccer guy.  


Ohhh so boring time for you! Could have said that lol


I did, it’s like the 4th last word.  




I hate to be that guy, but as an Edmontonian who goes to the outdoor watch parties, I love that it’s in the summer. I’d would hate to be out in -30 to -60 Celsius and outside.


dont say such nonsense! who doesnt love watching watching in the summer? i sure do.


Well .. normal people do normal things. Normal is when you go outside and enjoy the weather during the summer, especially in a part of the world when it might be too cold, the conditions too severe, or simply too dark during the winter. Why squander the opportunity to go outside by staying indoors? I don't know of anyone who would enjoy being cooped up inside 365 days a year .. that's not normal. Except for you maybe.


You can watch hockey and be outside at the same time. it's the best of both worlds.


In light of all these downvotes it’s instructive to remember Canadians complained loudly about Bettman’s insistence on expanding to areas with warmer climates such as Florida and California .. and now, playing almost into July apparently isn’t a problem Some people apparently aren’t too bright


What a stupid comment. Nobody is upset about the game going to warmer climates. People were upset about relocating Canadian franchises to America. And creating more American franchises when American franchises need to be win to be successful, while Canadian franchises just need to exist. That’s why the league is nowhere near other sports.




If most people disagree with you, you’re probably wrong! Nobody is upset about climate, people are upset about bringing the league to places where it doesn’t belong, which just causes the sport to become stagnant. I don’t see how you can be so daft after what happened with the coyotes. And the thrashers. And the whalers. The guy is bad at his job when it comes to growing the sport.


Are you serious? Revenues have reached record levels and have been clearly trending upward. Saying that Bettman has been bad at growing the game is an utterly ignorant thing to say


Don’t know much about sports, hey? When bettman took over the league revenue was 450 mil. It was 3rd behind NBA, and MLB, and not far off at all. Now we are 4th, by a fucking long shot. Not to mention at the time the MLB was going to strike and NHL had a shot at taking the spot. Even the MLS is surpassing the NHL in terms of revenue. Bettman has done jack shit to grow the sport when it comes to major leagues. He financially props up failing teams in an attempt to grow the sport instead of taking the franchises to a new market where they are actually wanted. Not to mention off ice earnings are abysmal in many American franchises. Even some Canadian teams are somewhat victims to this and should be moved. He actively suppresses personalities and hides drama in a shitty attempt to maintain PR in places that don’t give a shit anyway. Quebec has been begging for a team, brand new rink and all, and theres been research done that both Toronto and Vancouver could support multiple teams. But no, give the thrashers another shot. Not to mention the lockouts


June in Edmonton isn't as hot as June in Florida.


Neither is Columbus or Nashville or Carolina or San Jose. And Florida is a big state, the weather in Key West is going to be different than at the panhandle. Is it just me or are some people dumb. Expand to US bad. Play until July good. Yeah, some people are dumb.


Florida's not that big. It is way smaller than Alberta.


LOL such an ignorant comment. Saying the weather is the same across every inch of the state is such an ignorant thing to say ..


I didn't say that. All I said was Alberta is bigger.


If I don't have time for a 3 hour hockey game every 3 days in the evening trying to witness history, the only outside time I'd realistically be having on a weekday evening is sitting by a backyard firepit or on the deck. Could be golfing, but time for that on off nights. Maybe pushing a lawnmower. More likely bingeing Mayor of Kingstown. Unless we're attending games, we're not talking about a big time commitment here. Plenty of experience for doing things in summer to keep active, and doing just that when I become a casual fan in the deep playoffs for the last 18 years when my team is out. But the Oilers in the SCF is 18 years in the making so I'm happy to witness while it lasts.


Just don’t watch then lmao


You replied to the wrong comment, I'm watching.


You watch these comments but not your time management skills so you can watch a game during the summer??? Crazy.


Jesus fucking Christ, I guess you still didn't read my comment, lol. *I'm watching the games. My point was that it is only a 3 hour commitment every 2 or 3 nights, and was describing the alternatives for that time.* In terms of time management, this exchange has been a waste of time.


The games on at 8 , you have all day to be outside lol


If you want to stop watching hockey in April, become a Leafs fan. 


Then go outside and don't watch hockey? Jesus


Yeah this guy sounds like a goof


Hahaha this is the right answer. OP: "this thing that does not care if I exist and **in no way at all** depends on me doesn't fit nicely in my definition of what is ideal. This thing should, therefore, obviously change."


Yeah maybe you're right. Only in Canada can you organize a World Cup qualifier in the middle of winter, in freezing conditions! It would explain a lot of the mental gymnastics I'm seeing here


wellllll here in edmonton the weather hasn’t been as good as it’s usually is so i’m not minding some extra hockey :p


It's way too cold, the days are short, the city is relatively small, there's not a whole lot to do in the winter in Edmonton. They tried enforcing lockdowns during COVID and we all know how that turned out. Choosing to live in Edmonton amounts to a sort of self imposed of lockdown as well. And you want to stay indoors? You do you - go for it


Have you considered just not watching the games? They're clearly a real stressful tax in your life.


it really isn’t that deep and a plus is that during summer days are super long






What was with the quality of ice in 1st and 3rd period in Edmonton offensive zone.


It's like 90 F / 32 C in Sunrise


It was crazy like 2-3 scoring opportunities missed because Edmonton players wiped out. Saw a couple Florida guys wipe out in the same area too.


I too noticed everyone blowing tires in the circle to the right of Bobrovsky. Thought it was unusual.


Why did Florida throw this game too? I thought they wanted to win the cup at home. Are they stupid?


Maximize revenue. They’ll win it in 7.


I know it kind of gets overlooked because McDavid scored right after. But holy shit, Tkachuk saving that empty netter on the goal line was one of the best displays of effort I've ever seen in a hockey game.


That was a great save by Tkachuk and I'll give him props for the effort. It's just too bad OEL PLD'd it and went for a skate instead of try to stop McDavid.


Tkachuk proves again he is a master at diving.


That's what she said.


Yeah, I didn't think he was going fast enough and then he managed to get it. I was stunned until McDavid scored.


Same, I thought he dove too early. I was wrong lol


as a non-hockey fan who turned on the game, that was one of the coolest things I've ever seen in sports


Not only effort, but incredible coordination, control and kinesthetic awareness. He looked like he defied physics because I thought the puck was going faster than he was.


Dude is easily one of the hungriest players in the world


You can tell because he’s always chewing so furiously on his mouth guard. Someone get this guy a sandwich am I right!!!


If the panthers blow this this will honestly be one of the greatest choke jobs in all of pro sports history but at least almost no one down there will know about it (in terms of the general public). Imagine if the oilers got reverse swept in the final? The whole team wouldn’t be able to leave their house for months. 


Be real, most of the team heads out of town the moment the season is over and only sees YEG again in the pre-season


I’d just like to see a Game 7


He might be saying otherwise, but you can definitely Paul is rattled in the PG interview. If it goes to 7, it's gonna be a ton of pressure on both teams for very different reasons.


Teams down south dont usually experience this type of pressure from fans/media. I know they were in the SCF last year too, but it's definitely somewhat unfamiliar territory still. Canadian teams already have to deal with this if they lose 3 straight in the regular season and are used to just filter out everyone and everything.


I would way, way rather be in the Oilers shoes if this goes to 7.


Way better to be in the Oilers shoes starting with that win in game 4. If they lose Game 5, oh well, statistically they had very low odds to win and Edmonton fans seemed happy just to not get swept. Lots of "They made it this far, the experience is good, make a few tweaks in the offseason and make another run next year". If they lose game 6, oh well, they *still* were statistically going to lose and they made a series of it. Fans will be disappointed and I'm sure the team will be heartbroken but similar sentiment, make some tweaks and take another run at it next year. If they lose game 7, oh well, there's a reason a 3-0 comeback hasn't happened since 1942, because it's insanely difficult. Still a super impressive season that fans can be happy about. On the other hand, Florida takes one step closer to "generational choke job" with each goal against.


True, but I still wish my team could lose one still.


I'm all for the shit talking, in fact I welcome it. But my god, with the amount of fake accounts flying into our sub just to be toxic, is crazy. Some of you have way too much time on your hands.


You should check Twitter. I doubt Panthers fans see as much hate as Oilers fans do, because Canuck and Flames fans have been relentless towards the fanbase. The majority of accounts are burner accounts not associated to a real person either. I'm just amazed that people are willing to take time out of their day to piss on someones cornflakes. I'm also not saying the Oilers fanbase is any better because there are a lot of douchey Oilers fans or it's just kids trolling. I noticed blocking some accounts on Twitter at least helped cut down the negativity I was seeing on my feed.


I am sorry you all are dealing with that. I genuinely enjoy watching the sport and it sucks that people come in to just troll fans. Not cool.


Sorry about that bro. :/ Trolling is the worst.


Yea that's been happening to us a lot during these playoffs as well, I'm confident there's certain fan bases going out of their way to do it.


Yeah I kinda doubt most of them are even oilers or panthers fans. Some for sure are involved but it seems a combination of trolls and division rivals in the Edmonton sub each time we lose.


Sounds like a Toronto thing to do


When in doubt, blame Toronto


Hi, it's me a Leafs fan!


People like that suck


In fact, some people even love that suck.


Happens to us after every loss too, internet is a cesspool. Half these accounts aren’t even oiler / cats fans, just neckbeards looking to stir the pot for entertainment


I thought the biggest cowards are people who talk the most shit when they have no skin in the game, but then there are people who do this on fake accounts.


Holy shit if the oilers pull this off or even force 7, this would be an all time final.


Stop it. 93-94 Rangers is the all time final. When you beat someone 8-1, its not an all time final. If they pull it off or force a game 7, I will watch it. Let's start there.


Hop off the Rangers dick bro


He didn't even argue that this was THE all time final bro chill💀


“How can I make this about the rangers”


One game ended 8-1. And because of that you've decided that 2024 cannot be in the conversation of one of the best finals ever. But in 1994, we had scores of 5-1, 6-3, 4-1. That's multiple lopsided games... Calling that series "THE" all-time final while ignoring 3 one-sided games (and denouncing this one because of an 8-1 game) is a headscratcher. (Granted game 7 was electric.)


>One game ended 8-1. And because of that you've decided that 2024 cannot be in the conversation of one of the best finals ever. Yes. >But in 1994, we had scores of 5-1, 6-3, 4-1. And? >That's multiple lopsided games... None of which were 8-1 by the team down 3-0. >Calling that series "THE" all-time final while ignoring 3 one-sided games (and denouncing this one because of an 8-1 game) is a headscratcher. No it isn't. It's my argument. 8-1. You need to call up the Rangers and have them finish the series.


The rangers already lost to the panthers, buddy. They lost their chance to play for the cup Please. Seek. Mental. Help.


Saying it's your argument doesn't validate your comment.😂 Whether the game was 4-1, 8-1 or 12-1 you're denouncing the series because of one game 😂😂 The Canucks/Rangers series had 3 lop sided games. So by your logic, multiple lopsided games cannot make 1994 THE all time final. If the Oilers force game 7, this immediately becomes one of the best series based simply on the fact they did soemthing only 1 other team in history has accomplished: forcing a game 7 when down 3-0. What the Rangers/Canucks did in 1994 wasn't special in hockey terms other than you being a Rangers fan getting to watch your team win the cup. If it was any other team facing the Canucks and winning the series in the same manner you wouldn't be calling it THE best series. 2001 and 2003 were better finals.


I am imposing the restriction of an 8-1 game by the team down 3-0. You're the one the who's made up a bunch of other rules and imposing your own logic about lobsidedness. Stick to your lane. If Panthers win, they're forever an \*asterisk.\* If Oilers win, its cool they did it, but they're an asterisk because after game 4 the Panthers have no real reason to try since they've been beat so bad and cannot win clean. The series is tainted. You are making your argument, I said I disagree. It's not a headscratcher. It's my argument. The ECF vs. the Devils was a better series game by game. Usually with 93-94 it's Game 4 and Game 7 which are generally regarded as the two of the three greatest games of hockey ever played. And the tempo was unmatched. What I watched last night looked like peewee B compared to the 93-94 finals. 93-94 finals hockey has never been matched, and will likely never be matched until the Rangers win the Cup again. Maybe Rangers should by McDavid and pair him with Igor. No idea who played in 2001 or 2003. Probably flyover states.


Should buy* Learn to spell And please seek help. You are mentally unwell


If this is a bit I really appreciate your dedication


It has to be, I refuse to believe someone can be this mentally cooked about their favourite team


Best final ever. It’ll only be topped after the rags win after another 54 years. What’s that 2048?


Cool. Maybe I'll own the team by then. I got to see one, the rest are just gravy.


dude cant even read


You really think a reverse sweep isn't an all time final because one team beat the other 8-1 in a game? Interesting take. 




Dude I literally just said “if Edmonton pulls this off or forced game 7” and you went “NO WAY, let’s wait to see if Edmonton pulls this off or forces game 7” You just repeated me 😭


..... no...... you need to check your reading comprehension, because your premise was that it could be an all-time final. If Edmonton forces a game 7, I will watch. If they pull it off, I will think its great for McDavid. I made it very clear that it is not possible for it to be an all time final because one team beat the other team 8-1. Howabout you go back, read, and check in later.


You don’t make the rules


You’re genuinely making an ass of yourself in these various responses, how bout you work on your social skills in addition to your reading comprehension. I also was talking about IF EDMONTON FORCES A GAME 7, it would make this an all time memorable/ entertaining final. Who cares if one game was a blow out? They play a series for a reason ya know. I forgot that we need to base all opinions off of u/thepromptys opinion. Don’t expect another response, you’re making a mockery of our fanbase.


this dude argued in another comment that no matter who wins the series it will "have an asterisk" because one game ended 8-1 like what even is that logic


reddit moment


Can't follow this. If one team beats the other 8-1, it means the final is irrelevant.


dude do you even like hockey lol


Hes a rangers fan cut him some slack. They cant all be Albert Einsteins


No don’t take me down with this dumbass


Lmao im sorry you cool


I didn't know God Emperor of physics was a Rangers fan, but thanks for letting me know.


Dude arguing with air


Lotta people saying that if the Oilers win Game 6, the momentum will be too much for the Cats. I really don't think that's true. Also, there may come a point in this series where the refs decide to swallow their whistles like traditional playoff hockey. If that happens in Game 6 or 7, the Oilers 5v5 play is going to bite them in the ass. Got my fingers crossed for a reverse sweep just for the spectacle.


Yeah, beating any team 4 times in a row is hard. Let alone in PO finals.


Yea I mean the oilers only scored what , 6 of their 8 goals in game 4 at 5vs5 so I can see how you think they would be outmatched if refs put whistles away 😑 lmfao


Citing literally the only outlier game. That makes sense.🙄


Well seeing as how it was only couple games back , seems relevant right ? lol your acting like they can only score on pp, if you have been paying attn the panthers had been shutting down the oilers pp until past 2 games , oilers scored on a 5 on 3 pp in game 4..giving up short handed goals in back to back games is a bigger problem imo


I'm saying they have been outplayed 5v5 in large parts of this series, barring game 4. Scoring on 4v4 or other scenarios have been their bread and butter. Their PP has started finding some purchase as they have started working out how best to handle the Panthers' press, or ya know, just waiting for McDavid to do something ridiculous. If they played the game last night with more conservative officiating, the panthers may very well have closed this out. All the penalties chopped up the play which was often being dominated by the Panthers who tipped the ice massively in their favor for the last ~30 minutes. I'm rooting for the Oilers, but following game 4 with that performance wasn't super encouraging. In the end, they're still in it which is all that matters. They're going to have to play better to win two more in a row. I hope they do.


I'm riding the Oilers bandwagon super hard, and I gotta agree with poogle here. The Oilers didn't look great yesterday. Yes, the 4-1 lead sorta made them look great, but they were very lucky to leave the first period up 1-0, 2PP goals in the second, and a close to collapse in the second half of the game. Florida outshot them and generally looked better 5v5. If Bob doesn't let in the softie that game looks quite different. Or, if McDavid doesn't go absolute beast mode that could be a 3-2 win for Florida. I'm just ranting, but Edmonton (minus one player) did get outplayed at 5v5 yesterday, but the puckluck was leaning in their favour. Shots in the second half of the game were 26-14. Can't count on that two more times, gotta figure it out next game. The Oilers comeback started with 2 goals bringing a game back from 4-1 to a 4-3 loss...


The only game of this series that I felt the oilers deserved to lose was game 2, panthers dominated ..game 1 was the Bobrovsky show and game 3 was fairly even ..game 4 the oilers dominated and then last night Skinner held the Fort for the first 10 while panthers pushed hard ..but then Edmonton held them to 0 shots for 13 straight minutes ..regardless of what happens in game 6 , I am damn proud the boys didn’t just roll over and make it easy for panthers ..watching Zito take his anger out on that water bottle and Maurice being pissed during the post game presser was great to see lol


100% agree. I hope they keep playing hard and that luck is on their side for the next 2. :}


Game 1? Game 3 halfway through?


Oilers should have won game 1, but Bob was on fire ..game 2 the panthers dominated ..game 3 was back and forth 


Im not saying edmonton coming back is likely, its quite the opposite, but its not impossible at all.


They should be the favorite right now.


I feel like the Lord of the Rings character saying 'how is this possible'?! - King Théoden


Upvotes for accenting the é


Two more for the Oilers! I think the whole Panthers squad is rattled, they've been thinking its been a done deal and now its not. If (and when) the Oilers win game 6 at home, that wave will be too much for the Panthers to stop in game 7 and it'll be the Oilers cup. To reverse sweep your opponent in the final... That's something else!


They don’t really seem too rattled, the oilers took away the stretch pass and got way better at trapping in the neutral zone. The Panthers are going to need a really good game if they want to close it out, I’m super impressed with the adjustments from Edmonton


Yes, Zito looked completely calm and rational after McDavid's empty netter. Certainly not someone who can't believe what he's witnessing.


That's something we've been really good at this post season. Knoblauch has been excellent at adjusting our game to the opposing team. Either way she goes it's been a hell of a series and I'm very happy we've made it close


Maurice definitely looked like he was still shaking it off post-game, so I'd imagine that probably rings elsewhere too. That and the lazy backcheck from Barkov on Brown's goal, OEL just disconnecting for the EN, I feel like it builds to it. I hope the Oilers complete the comeback, Canada deserves a cup. And I do agree, Knoblauch has adjusted beautifully.


I don’t see how anyone outside of Florida could root for the panthers. Biggest divers/cry babies I’ve ever seen in pro hockey.


flair up your burner account 😂


Digging through old comments from when the panthers lost to trash talk? That’s pretty sad bud. Your team won the cup, stop being butthurt lmao


It's their turn. This Panthers core has paid there dues and been this far before; it's time for them to get over the hump. This is supposed to be the Oilers' "lose before you win" deep run. Losing when it's your turn can absolutely devastate a fanbase; just ask the 2011 Texas Rangers and 2018 Saints.


There's no such thing as "paying your dues" Every year is different, every team is a little different. It's whoever gets 4 wins first's turn


OP is describing how Florida fans are feeling, not necessarily how it really is or should be.


Drai's dirty hit in game 2 and other goonery early pulled me to Florida. And yes, I know Florida plays dirty, but I didn't realize EDM was dirty also. I want them both to lose.


We played them 11 times this year and I never really got the feeling they were that dirty. Occasionally someone would pull some bullshit but they’re not exactly a band of criminals


I trust my eyes, when EDM was getting beat they were all about dirtiness. Also, I have seen quite a few VAN fans and other Western Canadian team fans posting they are happy us East fans are getting to see how dirty EDM is. FLA is dirty too, I have seen that first hand. I love physical hockey, but I have a big issue with intent to injure type plays.


Hockey fan just now discovering you have to play rough to win in the playoffs…


playing rough and dirty with intent to injure are different animals. Intent to injure is an ugly part of the game. Apparently you enjoy it and have little respect for the players on the ice.


Your team employs Sam Bennett


not my team, I am disgusted by both teams. I watch mostly Eastern hockey, was surprised to see the how dirty EDM plays. Judging from VAN fans and OTT fans, I shouldn't have been surprised.


Drai had a bad, high hit for sure but calling that intent to injure is a bit much. Drai is known for his dirty stick work but doesn’t have a reputation for bad hits. It’s an inherently violent game, it is what it is.


If bennett did that hit to McDavid the world would have stopped. Leaving skates is one thing, lifting the elbow to hit Barkov in the jaw was IMO intent to injure. That was not a hockey play. Foegele's knee on knee was pretty bad too, he pushed his knee out as he collided. They did this in game 2 when things weren't looking good. Took the proverbial mask off and showed the character underneath. Not saying other teams aren't dirty, just saying this is why I am rooting for Florida, in this series FLA looks more professional. That could change in game 6 when there backs are against the wall.


Bennett did way worse to Marchand in round 2 and nothing came of it. Obviously Marchand & McDavid are treated very differently by the league and media but still he sucker punched him, concussed him and knocked him out of the series. As for Foegele I think he was going for the puck and skate actually contacted the puck before he made contact with Luostarinen. Foegele just isn’t that guy trying to take guys out. Anyways if this sort of thing makes you squeamish perhaps playoff hockey isn’t for you.


touched a nerve, EDM fan can't handle the rest of the league seeing who they really are. Yes I know bennett is trash. Doesn't change what I saw. Expected more from a goal scorer like Drai, dissappointed. squeamish? I guess you are cool with concussions and career ending Lindros type hits, got it.


I don’t give a shit what the rest of the league thinks, everyone on /r/hockey had handed the cup to Florida after game 3 anyway. I know Edmonton isn’t liked around the league, that’s not new. I just don’t think your criticisms are accurate. Go watch a Scott Stevens highlight reel and let me know if you honestly believe that’s the type of stuff that still happens in the league to this day. Lindros got fucked up on an east-west blindside hit. Not remotely the same thing. You’re squeamish and dumb lol


It wasn't the same hit, just the same intent. Are you surprised that the hockey world thought EDM was done down 0-3? Who wouldn't think that? I hope you have a similar experience to game 7 2006, I was there, loved it!