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Jesus Christ


Reinhart might command 11-12 on the open market if money is his primary priority lol. Good for him if he gets it


He's gonna sign in Florida for 8.5 and you know it




Yep, I think he’ll take a discount for 8.5-ish though


It's...Travis Konecny?


9.5m for maybe ppg? Oh boy - contracts are going to be 🔥 this year


tbf he's not getting a lot of help, especially with their PP being so shit. But in terms of cap % at signing, Konecny would be getting paid less than Barzal, who has similar "PPGish in his good years" production


Philly PP stats are really funny.   The Flyers leading PP scorer had 11 PP points.  Their top 5 scorers combined had 45 PP points.  Top 6 had 52 PP points. Nikita Kucherov had 53 PP points last year.


I think the Flyers only scored 5 more PP goals than Sam Reinhart this year. The unit is truly awful.


I’d rather go by PK numbers.


Sounds like torts hockey. Whack PP, awesome PK, somehow win way more games than expected. Feel like hell find a way to get them in the playoffs next year.


Yeah the Flyers having worst PP in league is only reason why hes not 90+ pt guy. Not to mention we dont have any other high end forwards. His primary scoring is one of best in the league. He still shouldnt get 9.5 mil but his play the last 2 years compared to recent contracts should at least get high 8s


Yeah, that's fair. If we see the significant rises in cap that are forecast, contracts will look interesting. Also a flat cap hit structure like we have makes it awkward to make longer term contracts work if the cap does rise significantly through the contract


2016 all over again, overpayments for everyone!


Yeah, the only place the cap going up helps is with the contracts you already have signed long term. Because the new contracts this summer will go up with the cap.


Reinhart and Guentzel licking their lips.


The entire world has lost their fucking minds when it comes to money. Konecny is great but $9.5M AAV is an absolute joke. And he's going to get it, skewing salaries for everyone else and turning first line money into second line money, second into third, because the ones offering the contacts have no concept of money. Shit is insane.


If you go by cap percentage it’s nothing new. Cap inflation means salary inflation. Same number of contracts but more money.


9.5m ain't the cap percentage it used to be and iirc he's good defensively


Konecny is only 27? Dang 9.5 is quite a bit. Exactly why I roll my eyes when people on the nightmare Leafs subreddit say Marner is an $8-9m player though. To be fair to this a bit, every time the cap ceiling rises, the higher contracts at all levels will be, not just the upper level


This is the first offseason the cap is going up by an appreciable amount in years, so there will be a lot of adjusting to contract numbers that initially seem too high but will be the new norm, and will especially be fine if the cap continues to increase. The Leafs get slagged for the Core 4 contracts but they got totally screwed by a flat cap these past 3-4 years.


The last time the cap was going to jump up was right as Toronto had to sign everyone. Pain.


I do think it’s wild he and Ferris are gunning for $12 million+ on the open market. I’m of the opinion he’s slightly overpaid as is, but credit to his team for raking Dubas over the coals. If I’m a competent GM he’s not getting more than 11, but we’ll probably see someone desperate give him what he wants. But for a guy who’s never had had 40 goals or 100 points in a season, has a notorious playoff performance reputation, and has the most hated agent in the league, I truly don’t believe he’s a superstar. He’s just a star, and whatever team signs him will find that out quickly enough


What's the difference between Marner and Panarin at the time of signing? Panarin had minimal playoff success and was about a PPG player. Panarin signed for 14.3% of the Cap at the time which would be $13.15M under the ~$92M Cap for 2025-26 Marner asking for 12M is exactly what he deserves as a Selke finalist who's tied for 8th in points over the last 4 seasons. At worst he deserves the same as Nylander, where an identical Cap% would still be around 12.1M


> Exactly why I roll my eyes when people on the nightmare Leafs subreddit say Marner is an $8-9m player though. If they repeat it enough times maybe it will become true though!?!?!? lmao


Marner has done what he has done points wise on a perennial high scoring team. Koneckny will be the next Samson Reinhart if/when he signs elsewhere


I mean Konecny has never had a ppg season or even close to it. Unless Philly sees him as their 1C and as some defensive wizard like Barkov, it’s a huge overpay.


That seems like a lot


It is and he simply isn't worth it.


Konecny is good, but $9.5M good? More than one UFA forward just got a hard on reading this news.


Seems heavy, I hope you don’t make the same mistake that we did with Gally!


Oh why make your mistakes when we can make our own brand new ones??


Cap is definitely going up a lot the next few years if agents and GMs are getting this crazy


The cap growth is guaranteed at this point, the ceiling is currently on a two year delay for HRR, so next season's ceiling is being determined off 22-23's revenues, not 23-24.


As a flyers fan, no way in hell is Konecny worth 9.5.....no fucking way. He is at best a solid second line winger on a contending team who is playing top line minutes because he is on the flyers. Absolutely asinine. He disappears more than Waldo and is incredibly streaky. Flyers need so much help at center and on defense. Put the money into that especially with Michkov now on the way. Just stupid if true.


>He is at best a solid second line winger on a contending team who is playing top line minutes because he is on the flyers. He would be 3rd/4th best forward on most cup winners/elite teams and those teams are the most stacked in the league If you actually look at where his scoring per TOI ranks vs rest of league it ranks top 50 in league and for some top 20 like goals per game/TOI. Over last 2 yrs hes top 40 in goals per game, goals per time on ice, 5v5 scoring, primary scoring etc. Hes a legit top liner. Hes just not good enough to be a top two forward on a cup winner. He could be 3rd though.


Eh, I think with the cap going up over the next couple years you’re going to see a lot of 2nd line types getting 8.5-10m.


Yeah exactly. No ppg seasons or even close to it. Unless he’s some defensive magician then he’s gonna be about 3.5m overpaid.


2019-2020- 61 points in 66 games (0.92 PPG) 2022-2023- 61 points in 60 games (1.01 PPG) 2023-2024- 68 points in 76 games (0.89 PPG) Yeah, definitely not a single PPG season or anything close to it lol


Forgive me I misread 22-23. Either way, one ppg season and wanting 9.5m is a long stretch lol. You’re also pointing out the only times in his career he had over 60 points. Otherwise he’s been between 30 and 52 points which in my opinion would warrant nowhere near 9.5m.


2 of those 3 seasons were the last 2 seasons and in one them he had 61 pts in just 60 games. Over last 2 seasons hes scored at 39 goal 78 pt pace over 82 games while on team with worst PP in league. His 5v5 scoring, goal scoring, and primary scoring per time on ice are all top 20-40 in NHL over last 2 yrs. Hes a legit top liner. 9.5 mil is definitely overpay but thats closer to his value than the 6 mil you are claiming. 50-55 pt guys are getting 6+ mil nowadays ... On this market hes easily 8+ mil guy based on the contracts signed in last year.


Your words, "never a PPG season or anything close to it". I gave you 3 seasons where that was the case lol


Yes and I told you I misread it. As the point is no longer valid, I brought up new points. This isn’t hard to understand lol. Dude isn’t worth 9.5m, but if y’all want to pay him that, go for it.


I just find it funny that you moved the goalposts I agree 9.5 is too much, I'm not sure if you think I'm handing out cheques, I just watch the games


Isn’t that how a discussion occurs though? Point was brought up, point was refuted and proved to be incorrect, move to another point. If we only had one point as to why TK isn’t worth 9.5m then odds are he probably is worth it would he?


I see things like this and I’m very happy we signed Kyrou and Thomas to 8x8 contracts


in what world is 9.5 reasonable for konecny


Someone is working for the agent.


That seems very rich


Eye-watering at face value


Good for TK but like…wow.


With the cap going up significantly, expect more of these contracts that might raise some eyebrows. 9.5 million is expensive for what he has done, but with the cap going up, these contracts are going to become the norm.


Still seems like a bad idea until you actually know for sure the cap will go up. Marner’s deal was supposed to be expensive at first but then not so bad as the cap went up, but then a pandemic fucked everything up. Assuming the cap will forever go up could end up backfiring


I'm not saying I disagree, but that's the way these general managers think. They see the cap going up significantly in the next few years, and they think it's going to keep going up.


Koneckny isn’t necessarily worth 9-9.5 based on current stats and cap percentage but he has played and even thrived on one of the worst teams in the league while maintaining Selke adjacent defensive metrics through a couple years. If the Flyers let him walk it’s gonna be another Sam Reinhart (+2-3 years of inflation) type situation. Mark my words on this one


Hes actually pretty bad defensively but the rest is correct. Hes scoring at top line rate on team w/ worst PP in league and nobody else on team even scoring at 55 pt clip. The fact hes scored at 39 goal 78 pt rate over last 2 seasons is incredible. Hes had to create pretty much all his offense himself and at 5v5 and SH. Only had 9 PP pts all year. Put on him better team w/ proper PP and his numbers could be incredible Like even a 35 yr old Giroux went from 60 pt guy with us to PPG with Florida and Ottawa pretty much due to much better team situation (especially PP).


Based on evolving wilds model his market value is 8x8.75 which I agree with. 75 pt top liners are get getting 8.5+ mil now. In last year Horvat got 8.5, Meier 8.8 and Barzal 9.1. So 9.5 would be a little overpay but 6 years is a lot better than 8 years. I wouldnt hate 6x9.5 b/c its only 6 years. If at 8 years 9.5 aav would be significant overpay. TK is even better than his stats suggest since we have worst PP in league. His goals, primary pts, 5v5 scoring are all high end top line over last 2 yrs and thats without having a center or PP to work with. 7x9 seems liked fairest deal


I’d rather have Koneckny than Meier or Horvat. I’d rather have Barzal but it’s not by a lot


Yeah id say he should be around 8.75/8.8. Larkin also got 8.7. Barzal and TK are very close which a lot dont realize due to name and rep. Barzal is now a winger due to his defensive struggles and this was the first year he scored 20 goals and was near/around PPG since his rookie year. Both are dynamic ~70 pt-PPG defensive liability wingers but TK is better goal scorer and less reliant on PP. But Barzal is probably more versatile.


I think 8.25 - 8.5 should be the Flyers personal limit based on where we are organizationally, and 9-9.25 should be the max I think any team should reasonably offer him on the market. I really hope Danny isn't thinking about giving him 9.5


I kinda wanted to try and get him for either chychrun or chabby but in the 7.75-8 range. Hell no at 9.5




9.5 lol where is Hextall?


I don’t watch the Flyers much but that seems expensive


Its definitely a little high but hes better than non Flyers fans realize. When hes on hes one of most dynamic guys in the league. Over last 2 yrs hes scored at 39 goal 78 pt rate while the Flyers have had worst PP in league and nobody else on team has scored at even 55 pt rate. His offensive metrics are incredible. His primary scoring and goals per 60 are incredible the last 2 yrs. He just gets no PP or secondary points which is why hes only ~75 point guy as opposed to PPG+ guy. Hes similar to Keller. Has become legit good top liner in bad situation. With all that said he shouldnt get more than 9.


Feels a little high




TK would be paid 500K-1M more than what he should be, Nurse should be making like 7M lol


I think a lot of people are underestimating Koneckny. 9.5 is an overpay but not by a lot. He has done what he has done on (respectfully) a series of dogshit teams and maintained unreal defensive stats throughout. I think Reinhart is a comparable


Not even 7 mil


Dont forget Skinner. Id say TK is better than all of them but definitely isnt worth 9.5 mil.


Nope. Not close. Nurse is worse. He actively hurts his team, Konecny produces near PPG as one of the only talented forwards on his team. And has a good skillset to be a playoff type player


Travis Konecny has more career games as a flyer than guys like lindros, Carter, Richard’s and Briere had. I could see them locking him down at that number no problem.


It also helps when you are by far the best player on the team. That team and franchise will value you even more compared to if he were on a better team where he were only like 4th best player.


Larkin at 8.7 looking pretty good right about now


About a mil too much


I think hes worth 8.5 mil aav like you said but 6 years would be taking 2 years off which is why it would be over 9+ imo Id rather go 6 years with a higher cap hit than 8 yrs imo. 8 yrs would take him to 36 and his game doesnt seem like it would age well.


just philly things


I thought Dubas went to Pittsburgh?


R/leafs nonsense leaking


that sub sucks


We are not rebuilding