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How is this not a Beaverton headline?


I actually had to stop and double-check to make sure it wasn't the Beaverton


Sports riots are a storied tradition that transcends all cultures and creeds.


That was 100% my first thought.


Because Vancouver is a place that exists lol


Y’all acting like you didn’t riot in 2006 is hilarious


Now now. 2006 was no where near the scale of either 1994 or 2011 in Van, but Edmonton also didn't have a centralized area then. Regardless, were 2/2 for SCF game 7 loss riots... (Sad sarcastic "yay").


Actually, 2006 had 20000 people on Whyte Ave with over 200 arrests. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/police-watching-for-whyte-avenue-troublemakers-1.588218 Compare that with 2011's 158 arrests. The difference between 2006 and 2011 was Smartphones and Social Media, which allowed the police to arrest people later on, there was a lot more evidence.


I love that Edmonton and Vancouver fans argue over whose riot was bigger.


It's easy to riot when you lose, Montreal has a history of rioting and flipping cop cars after a series *win*.


Or when their star player gets suspended for attacking a referee. It's an older cut but it's still one I think about


I mean, that's the greatest hockey riot of all time. It's important to note that the riot doesn't actually happen until the last game of the season, when Clarence Campbell (Public enemy #1 and noted Richard hater) attended the game despite previously receiving death threats and being advised by pretty much everyone not to attend this game. "Midway through the first period, with Montreal already down 2–0,[38] Campbell arrived with three secretaries from his office (one of whom he would later marry).[39][40] The 15,000 spectators immediately started booing Campbell. Some fans began pelting him and his group with eggs, vegetables, and various debris for six straight minutes. At the end of the first period, Detroit had taken a 4–1 lead, and the barrage began again. Despite police and ushers' attempts to keep fans away from Campbell, one fan, pretending to be a friend of Campbell's, managed to elude security. As he approached, the fan extended his hand as if to shake Campbell's. When Campbell reached out to shake his hand, the fan slapped him.[41] As Campbell reeled from the attack, the fan reached back and delivered a punch. Police dragged the attacker away while he attempted to kick the NHL president.[38] Shortly after the fan attack, a tear gas bomb was set off inside the Forum, not far from Campbell's seat.[39][42] Montreal Fire Chief Armand Pare mandated that the game be suspended for "the protection of the fans", and the Forum was evacuated.[38][41][43] Following the evacuation, Campbell took refuge in the Forum clinic, where he met with Canadiens general manager Frank Selke. The two wrote a note to Adams declaring the Red Wings the winner of the game due to the Forum's ordered closure.[39]" It was also kind of the pre-emptive "we lost the Stanley Cup final" riot, because the fanbase knew that losing Richard would make them not have a chance against Detroit that year (turns out they were right, they lost to Detroit in the final)


>fans began pelting him and his group with eggs, vegetables Do/did fans in Montreal regularly bring produce to games? Or did they have it on hand in case he showed up? I just love the thinking that had to go into it. Also, considering hats and octopi and rats and catfish... I'm kinda sad it didn't become an NHL tradition to toss produce at the Commish. Sure booing Bettman is ok, but throwing eggs and vegetation at him? Come on! We have got to bring this back!


> Campbell arrived with three secretaries from his office (one of whom he would later marry) He knew what he was doing lmao


LA and MTL aren't supposed to like each other from 1993 but we're not so different [you and I.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMdi-lOqDv8) Come here, bring it in.


Honestly that’s how you riot. Scholars celebrate by burning shit, the opposite is just a slippery caveman slope.


In France they just riot for the fun of it


"Did you see the pool? THEY FLIPPED THE BITCH!"


"They are rioting at a college level Mr. B"


Unexpected clone high


"You guyses is the bigger assholes!" "No you guyses are!!!"


It's not an argument, you can easily compare and contrast the size of crowds and the arrests. Vancouver had more damage and their was more evidence to press charges against the crowds.


Why did you leave out the “mostly for liquor offences” part?


Because he's not concerned with facts.


Celebrating after a win and rioting after a loss are different.


Downtown Edmonton doesn't even have anything to burn down.


Soviet era architecture serves a functional purpose too 😂


Whoa now. We have a Bob and Doug Mackenzie statue


To the Edmonton Mall!


Shhhh we’re only allowed to talk about the Canucks riot around here


Hey we riot when we win. Vancouver riots when they lose.


lol yeah i just assumed it was


I was like that's funny, but not enough to get me to read the full article, then I opened the thread here to just see people paste the best couple quotes in the top comments. Was floored when I saw the actual top comment (the one you're replying to here).


I literally thought this was. No one shits on you like your own local news lmao


Canucks fans: https://preview.redd.it/oep2uw6t4x8d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4faed4e6662bb313476c932d30a8095d627324d6


Canucks fans Habs fans


They riot when they lose. We riot when we win. We are not the same.


We’ve never won, we’ll probably riot if we do.


I think the province will be in too much shock to riot.


I'll be waiting for Gary Bettman's clone to announce that the series was a mistake and the other team will actually be awarded the cup


You've also rioted for a suspension.


We didn't riot because of the suspension, we rioted because smarmy ass Clarence fucking Campbell (who suspended him for the rest of the reg season + playoffs) showed up to the Forum and sat amongst the crowd at the very next game. Imagine Colin Campbell showing up to the Bell Centre and sitting in the reds the game after the Chara-Pacioretty non-suspension. (He technically recused himself of that decision but he had his best bud do it instead, so eye-roll). Edit: also there was a bunch of anglo/franco politics tied up in that whole fiasco Edit 2: Richard deserved the suspension


Yeah, people were upset. But showing up to a place that a) hates you b) has threatened to riot if you show up c) you have informed you are showing up to is just kind of willfully stirring the pot. Like I can't fathom that sense of stupidity.


I will always believe the riot would have been bigger had they won.


It’s like they don’t even care about hockey.


like honestly though.


Our game 7 was at home. Kinda different


To be fair, the first riot was an away game.


I think one major difference was the series vs Boston was charged up way more. They were dirty as fuck. Many fans felt the league itself was out to get us with Colin fucking Campbell and suspensions and non calls for their numerous infractions etc. There was true hatred and anger that i don't think any series since has had. But yeah we have a history of it too


I thought I remember reading that like a couple dozen people arrested weren’t even from the lower mainland? Like either northern BC or a different province entirely. Could be wrong tho. Which would explain why you had assholes destroying property.


We rioted in '94 as well.


Game’s gone :(


Fandom an inch deep. Sad.


Idk edmonton fans looking like a bunch of unpassionate fairweather fans to me, smh


Buncha casuals


Fucking amateur hour.


I'll break some drywall at home to make up for it later today. Sorry guys. We let you all down.


The Canucks be like “no balls” Also why the fuck do I need to download the app to read an article


[No balls indeed.](https://youtu.be/LmjmcS5-TNo?si=chCvElJFcM1ll0FP)


Core emotions as Canadian hockey franchises (post Stanley Cup) Sadness: Edmonton Fear: Toronto Anger: Ottawa Surprise: Vancouver Disgust: Calgary Happiness: Montreal


Forgotten: Winnipeg


Yep, was waiting for someone to notice lol!


We got most of our rioting out of our system back in the 50s, before most of these other teams even existed


I didn't know 1993 was in the 50's


I said most, not all


I'd clarify Toronto as depressed anxiety


Nah, the anxiety is long gone. It's depressed resignation. 


TBF I think that sums up the cities, ignoring the hockey franchises


This has been brought to you by Disney. Inside Out 2: The official emotions of the NHL


1 arrest per 1OA pick


One in particular was a real bust.


Got immediately deported to Russia


Damnnnnnnnn lol they’re already dead


No shit thought this was Beaverton


Honestly a credit to Vancouver fans for even having the energy to riot…. I just sat there on a couch for an hour and a half in pure silence. Couldn’t even muster a word


My friends and I just sat there stunned, speechless, depressed. It was such a heartbreaking game. Wasn't even any controversy, anything spicy... We didn't say anything for over an hour either. The real sadness didn't even kick in 'til the next day


Well your game 7 came down to the last seconds. We knew we were done for by the end of the second period so plenty of time to get rested up/drunk to riot.


I was that Homelander gif of him staring at the screen as they passed around the cup


I have never seen a Bruin lift the cup except when CBC jump scares me by including Chara in compilations.


That's me and Rod Brind'amour lifting for Carolina. Didn't watch that, don't consent to watching that either


Same boat as me. Sitting in silence in just a mixture of sadness, pain and rage not knowing what to say or do


I cried


The Connor post game I was like "ugh man"


My girlfriend wrapped a blanket around me and played video games for an hour while I just stared at the TV


From most reports i saw, there were plenty of people showing up with masks etc from multiple cities, that planned to riot likely win or lose. Or at the very least very ready to join in


I was downtown that night and there just wasn't a chance of a riot. The fan parks helped concentrate people so police could cover specific ground and not be too spread out. Way less alleys to lose coverage in that area. Police were pro active early on too and while they weren't perfect in controlling the fan parks, they got involved quickly when there was risk of people spilling in.


Sounds like your police learned from what happened in 2006 and took the proper precautions to curb it. Meanwhile, we invited the entire province to a viewing party downtown with minimal police presence because everyone was so confident we were going to win and then when it all went to shit, had no infrastructure in place to stop it from happening. Big ups to Edmonton for having actual crowd crontrol.


I think some other things are the fan parks are a relatively wide open space and you have room to move around during the game. You're not roaming bar to bar getting drinks all game long. If you're in the area, there's also nowhere to just linger. You kinda move on because there aren't screens everywhere so crowds don't necessarily gather where they shouldn't. Lastly, was there a viewing party inside the arena? I feel like the arena watch parties change the dynamic quite a bit.


We had game 7 at home, but there was a MASSIVE outdoor viewing party on one of the major roads closed off where they estimated around 250K people or something stupid? Like, no forethought whatsoever. The idea was that a bunch of happy Vancourites would run around celebrating like we all did in 2010 after the gold medal hockey game. Obviously, that did not come to be. Edit: [Here's a picture of the viewing party in Vancouver from 2011 for visual reference](https://imgur.com/a/yM5zktK)


That is a actually a crazy crowd, I would be worried about getting trampled regardless of outcome in that


That crowd is nuts. I don’t understand how anyone enjoyed the game while being in that situation


It wasn't as tightly packed as it looks in the photo. Sort of like being at a concert, but not too close to the stage.


The people who rioted in Vancouver came prepared with flammables and shit, they were there TO riot and couldn't give two shits about the game. It doesn't help that the media kept goading them on.


I’m from the island and some dipshit I went to school with ferried over and he fully planned to get crazy and riot win or lose and bragged about it when he got back. As far as I knew that was the first time I’d ever seen him give a single fuck about hockey


I was in my early 20s, right in my prime rioting age. I was numb for days, everything was a blur. That summer was like that Pablo Escabar meme.


Big difference is you were in it until the end. The Canucks were out of game 7 vs Boston early enough for us to mourn the loss during the game.


I know the feeling. My alma mater (Purdue) finally broke through and made it to the final of the NCAA men's basketball tournament this year, only to lose to UCONN. I was quite depressed for some time. More depressed than I had any right to be over a sports team losing.


How do you do fellow hockey fans, can I also partake in this argument of who's riot was worse to prove we are the superior fanbase?


Please be my guest, it is silly season of course.


Our riot was bigger and bigger = better


Congratulations. You now qualify for Texas citizenship


Hell yeah brother 🇺🇸🇺🇸




[Habs fans seeing everyone trash Vancouver for rioting when we've been doing it since the 50s](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/030/710/dd0.png)


/r/hockey seeing Edmonton and Vancouver fans argue with each other: https://preview.redd.it/92wt8w2zdy8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b942c37f2e0292b2de1eb5bc338021ceaafe86d9


We took the title from you and you're really gonna have to step your game up in the modern era if you want to be part of the discussion for 1st.


My wife is an RCMP dispatcher. She said absolutely nothing happened for the whole game, and then the instant it ended, the domestic disturbance calls started to roll in.


That's sad. I hope the people who called got the help they needed.


I know my flair would seem to presume bias, but it's a very sad truth that this is par for the course after *any* game, anywhere. Magnified in a final like this of course, I'm sure, but the same thing happens on any given Sunday in the US. After the Super Bowl. World Series, etc. People, usually men, use sports as an excuse to do harm to others. They always have. And until and unless our culture shifts radically, they always will.


Atleast they got a break for a few hours.


I remember hearing after the Vancouver riots that people in the crowd noticed a significant shift in the mood as the game went on. A lot of people left before things started getting out of control. The riot could have likely been prevented by taking trouble makers out of the crowd earlier. I don't know what happened in Edmonton but I would bet they were more proactive in dealing with the crowd. 


Edmonton was also not pent up the entire year thinking they were the chosen ones.


Didn’t they literally start the year with a “cup or bust” quote from McDavid and being the favourites by a lot of media going into the season? Obviously they had a pour start but once they turned it around they weren’t exactly considered underdogs


Still, they got humbled and had to claw their way back. They had to face how pathetic their start was first. They’re not underdogs but they had already embarrassed themselves plenty. 2011 Canucks started a little slow and then held 1st in almost every metric. The season looked at risk for perhaps a total of 1 week, all the way up until the penultimate day.


You are right. They've spent the last few years thinking they were the chosen ones.


I think Edmonton learned a lot of lessons from the property damage and arrests in the 2006 run. The main one being having a big police presence BEFORE the shit hits the fan, and having more strictly controlled areas for people to go. The problem in 2011 is the city just went through the Olympics which was all love and happiness, and the City/police mistakenly assumed that Vancouver could be trusted to act just as mature in the playoffs. I hardly remember seeing a cop the entire finals despite HUGE crowds, and the crowds were basically allowed to go wherever they wanted. The CBC building had the game on outside but it was far from an organized "viewing party" like we have now -- it was basically just 100,000 people standing or sitting whereever they could.


Not even. Everyone just went home, hands in pockets. One dude threw a beer at the screen when the buzzer went, and everyone booed him. The bars after were busy, but relaxed. Everyone was in a decent mood. It was totally fine.


I'd love to know the psychology behind when/why sports riots occur (if that's a thing that could be figured out)


Part of it was police incompetence. Even I at 13 saw all the people with booze or who were already blasted that were fucking everywhere and getting angrier by the minute. Hell that's why my dad made us leave in the 2nd period. It's not surprising though, VPD are the most incompetent police force in the country. For example having evidence in their locker that could've tied Robert Pickton to several missing women for a DECADE before he was actually caught.


I was at the fan park for game 7 and I honestly feel like part of it was that it was a low event game. Nothing to get super amped about but at the same time to score was close so nothing to get super upset about right till the end, also I’m sure lots of fans had at some point in the last week made some kind of peace with losing being down 3-0 and all.


The 30 for 30 doc about the canucks riot was pretty fascinating


before the 2011 riot, every radio station and news stations were talking about the 94 riots we did. i feel like the media was a huge part in reminding everyone about riotting when we lose


ONLY FIVE? God damnit Edmonton


Pfffff, young people these days 😒


The Golden Seals flare makes this comment hilarious


What kind of monsters would riot and destroy their own city after a loss.


Vancouver fans: https://preview.redd.it/4hzwm27idx8d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f57b85d841e5f455588212ee0b82b62e4385f3c8


We should be able to have a *little* riot if we win/lose.


As a treat?




>What kind of monsters would riot and destroy their own city ~~after a loss.~~


Vancouver 2011 and Edmonton 2006 weren't that different, neither fanbase should be throwing stones about this lol.


Montreal would also like to get in on this.


Montreal flies way under the radar on here. They're the kings of hockey riots


Calgary 04 was “Fuck Tampa Bay, party anyway!”.


I'm loathe to give Calgary any credit, but their Sea of Red for that finals was pretty cool and started a lot of cities doing the same thing


Vancouver 2011 it was a full blown riot. Nowhere close to Edmonton 2006.


2011 was poor city management that let many non hockey fans already showing up with riot tools. Canucks fans actually showed up next day to clean up. Anyways enjoy the years of regretting what could have been. It's not fun lol


I was in grade 12, the kids at school were talking about it in the lead up. Everyone knew there would be a riot if they lost. There was so much riot talk before the game, and the City/VPD did nothing to curb it. They should have doubled the police presence, bring cops in from other cities, and make statements before the game about it. Either they decided to bury their heads in the sand, or they were incompetent.


I'm convinced there was going to be a riot win or lose. I actually think the fact that it was 4-0 led to many people leaving downtown before the end of the game. Riot likely would have been worse if they won.


Yup I was in the center of it too in library square pub and we left right after game ended and headed home. I was so devastated that I turned off my phone and buried myself in comedy shows at my parents basement, and I didn't even hear about the riots until the next day!


Yeah, the 2011 riot was a bunch of people who knew very little about hockey. They were tweeting stuff like "rioted like we planned" so it was more of an activity for those people than an act of passion.


Yeah, they actually shut down skytrains running from Surrey into Vancouver because after the second period people were getting onto the skytrain just to show up in Vancouver and riot.


To be fair, Vancouver 2011 was bad enough that the Mayor of Vancouver wouldn't even allow public watch parties in the second round this year. Also, not that it matters, but I'm almost positive in Edmonton we only really went wild after wins. At least that's when I remember the bus stop bonfires and the cart-crowdsurfing flashing women being hit by fireworks.


Wow, this thread is an education.


When I think of hockey riots, I can't but help see this photo in my head. https://globalnews.ca/news/7952563/vancouver-riot-kissing-couple-stanley-cup-update/


That websites layout is a fucking war crime.


Really? I saw some photos of Edmonton absolutely trashed. Edit: Nevermind, that was just a photo of the city. My bad.


>Nevermind, that was just a photo of the city. My bad. All this because our *glorious* premier is a flames fan


i dont think she even likes hockey. she is just a fucking bandwagon jumper and exploiter


She fucking sucks in general


She thinks *hockey* is a bruise she gives herself on the neck with a vacuum.


Didn't she say "go oilers" while wearing a flames jersey? She doesn't get to have an opinion


Did she do it while eating at a Boston Pizza? I've been led to believe that she gets a pass in that scenario.


Gross, I might have to consider switching teams


Nah, she's an opportunistic dummy. Said "Let's Go Oilers" wearing a Flames jersey while announcing our new arena. Maybe she just meant "Let's go Oil (and Gas)" though.


Why you gotta do Edmonton like that :( Generally I think they, as a fanbase, are pretty okay to interact with.


Some, I assume, are good people


Leafs fan that moved to Edmonton 3 years ago. They’re one of the better fan bases to interact with. Rarely bad takes, everyone is friendly, lots of banter but nothing personal. They just wanna get Connor his cup much like we want to get Matthews his. Just keep the conversation sports-related because most of them are Albertans.


Nothing but love to Leafs fans from a lot of us. You guys take a lot of shit, but you're as die hard as any fan base in the league.


That’s hilarious coming from a Toronto fan.


The most insufferable fanbase by far is the Vancouver Canucks. They’re mad that the media covers the Leafs. They’re mad that the media covers the Oilers. They’re mad that when the Leafs visit Vancouver, Leaf fans show up. They’re mad that Toronto might actually be the better city in Canada. They’re just always mad about something. In terms of Canadian fan bases that aren’t the leafs (who I would argue have some of the most insufferable of the bunch). My order is: Jets, Habs/Oilers, Flames, Sens, Canucks.


Stop stereotyping me. I am very sufferable


Are you guys okay up there?


no. everything is shit and it has nothing to do with hockey at this point.


> They’re mad that the media covers the Leafs. "Covers" has to be one of the biggest under-statements of all time. If they truly just *covered* the Leafs then no one would take issue with it. There is a long running, and practically true, joke that TSN is in fact the Toronto Sports Network. Bob McKenzie even acknowledged this himself during a live TSN broadcast covering the draft. One particular egregious example I can remember from not that long ago was that Ovechkin was on an absolute tear, scoring some stupid amount of back to back points and well on his way to another Rocket trophy and TSNs page at that time was 90% blue with Leafs coverage. Ovechkin had a 10 second video noting his accomplishment buried down the page. The top story? An 8-10 *minute* video of two analysts talking about how Auston Matthews ***did in practice*** that day. So in all fairness to Vancouver, and on behalf of every non-Toronto Hockey Fan in Canada, that is a valid damn complaint.


Nah let them trash Edmonton, it keeps the costs of living down 😝


from outta nowhere


Yeah a riot would have improved the city.


HEY NOW! That's just the north of downtown!


I've unfortunately been in SF for three Super Bowl losses at my brother's place. It's the same in SF; they riot when they win only.






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I was at the watch party, and as we were leaving, someone chanted out, "let's have a riot" and someone else replied, "we're not Vancouver" in that really sing-songy cadence.


It's really a shame. A riot would have really improved Edmonton.


Come on Oilers fans - get out there and riot. You’ve earned it! Nobody else has been fed top end talent and first overall picks for the better part of a decade culminating in the acquisition of McDavid, the most skilled player since Gretzky, only to do next to nothing of significance with his prime years before coming so close to the cup you can almost taste it, then shit the bed. So grab them pitchforks, cos if not now, then when?


Hey, it's offset by having to spend $9M a year on a mediocre at best defender.


Every day I light a candle for whatever deity gave us Zito and Forsling for chewy nugget bars


Sometimes you get Forsling, sometimes you get Oliver Ekman Larsson. Risk...reward...


Oel saved us against the rangers. He cool.


Isn’t he making like league min too? Nothing wrong with that.


It's honestly pathetic lmao 🤡 they just needed one more generational talent and 1st overall pick to get them over the hump /s


Realistically I think all they needed was one less Darnell nurse. If they ditched thst contract and had 2 league average ~4.5 mil dmen instead of nurse and ceci I think they would have won the cup 


Edmonton can't even riot correctly anymore, or maybe deep down they knew they never had a shot


love this take, we didn't riot because we didn't want it enough lol


We don't really riot much. Sometimes but not that often. I remember the city after the Oilers won the 5 cups back in the 80s. That was fun. It was just crazy parties but not super destructive.


Yet Albertans will be the first one every other Canadian not from Alberta throws under the bus when they want to insult someone. There's a lot more tolerance in Alberta than people give them credit for. It's the government they don't like.


Why does everyone think Oilers fans would riot? We’re not Vancouver. All we did in 06 was head to the streets to celebrate. Didn’t riot after a loss.


Every Canadian team that lost in the finals in the last 31 years never got close again the following seasons, and the same thing will happen again. Oilers fans know that 2007 onwards was brutal, and 2025 and onwards will be as well. I'm not surprised they're heartbroken.


It isn't just Canadian teams. Very few teams are in multiple Stanley Cup finals in a ~10 year period. The salary cap makes it difficult to keep a competitive team together, long playoff runs take a toll on players' health, and there is a certain amount of luck needed to win any playoff round. 


Ahem, but didn't Florida and Tampa Bay just do exactly that?


Since 2014 the following teams have made finals appearances: * Tampa Bay x 4 * Florida x 2 * Vegas x 2 * Pittsburgh x 2 * Edmonton x 1 * Colorado x 1 * Dallas x 1 * Montreal x 1 * St Louis x 1 * Boston x 1 * Washington x 1 * Nashville x 1 * San Jose x 1 * Los Angeles x 1 * New York x 1 * Chicago x 1 4 of 16 teams that made a finals appearance in the last decade appeared in multiple finals in that period. Hockey isn't like football where it is really common to see the same 2 or 3 teams dominate the league for years. It is far more common to see new teams in the finals than it is to have a team repeat.


I remember a reddit comment from before the Eagles Superbowl against the Patriots that was something along the lines of: Fan 1: Maybe they should just let the Eagles win because if they lose I can't imagine how bad the riots could be Eagles Fan: Oh my sweet summer child, this city is about to burn either way, all that's left is to figure out if it'll be from anger or joy.


For shame, I guess it’s true that Edmonton have no real hockey fans. Just ask Montreal and Vancouver


They are just en route to Ottawa.


pfffft. pussies. - Vancouverite