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If this goes through, it makes me understand yesterday's Walman trade even less.


It means one of Yzerman or Davidson fucked up lol


Maybe, maybe not . Each trade is context dependant. Sure, there's always a ballpark of what a pick is worth, and X stats = X dollars, etc. etc. but it isn't always that cut and dry. We don't know how other teams value the assets for whatever reason or why the parties may want to part ways in the first place.


No, it just means either Yzerman fucked up or both Yzerman and Davidson fucked up. Yzerman fucked up anyway


I have been singing high praises of Yzerman to anyone who will listen. But this was a major fuck up and I'm pissed. I'm still holding out hope that come July 1st the move will begin to make more sense somehow, but if not, he owes the fan base an explanation.


Not following here. Explain?


he means either stevie gave up too much, or davidson today accepted too little


Grier made them an offer they couldn't refuse


His future considerations are worth a lot!


Future considerations could really be future considerations???


Could even be Cash Considerations!


Yzerman is maybe not this wiz kid everyone thinks he is and can't wait to sign every middling free agent like always?


My guess is Walman has absolutely no value amongs the NHL. Yzerman probably proposed him for free to all the teams and they all said no.


I think it was Elliott that said today, managers were blindsided by that trade and didn't really hear that he was available.


The leafs and their lack of defense would have gladly taken him for free. Doesn't Utah need to hit the floor? How did they not get like a conditional seventh or something


If that's true then I agree it makes no sense. That would probably mean that Walman has no value in the eyes of Yzerman, or there's something we don't know about the player.


It's becoming clear to me that the vast majority of people have a lot in misconceptions about how thoroughly GMs talk with each other, especially with individual trades. Most people would be surprised that there are GMs that will go multiple seasons barely talking to each other. With most non blockbuster trades, a GM only worked with one other GM. There's no group chat where they float their trade offer to in order to see if someone will get a better deal.


Yea there is, it’s a WhatsApp group. Google it


Something like that exists moreso for league wide matters. They aren't dropping the average trade around in there no matter what Chris Johnston claims. How could he really know? How much of these chats did they really just let him see? I know it's real easy to just take whatever garbage an 'insider' tells you, but a few moments of logical thought will tell you why that's BS. I'll lay it out a few reasons that should give it away: 1) information control. GMs leak shit all the time. You put a players name out there. Nothing ends up happening. You now have to worry about 31 other guys leaking this information and you have no idea how that will effect the player and team. Which of the 31 guys leaked? You don't fucking know because you blasted it on a group chat. If you only talked to two other GMs, and they know you only talked to two GMs, you aren't going to leak anything you know can come back to you and make your relationships harder. 2) Some GMs don't like each other. You think Don Waddell and Marc Bergevin were all chummy with each other after they each tendered an offer sheet to each other's players? You think you want the GMs you don't like know about what you've got cooking and give them an opportunity to step in and blow it up? 3) Teams are competing against each other. Similar sentiment to #2. You think Boston is cool with Toronto knowing who they're trying to acquire? Or Pittsburgh and Washington during their rivalry? They'd all love an opportunity to step in and thwart the other teams effort. 4) Some of these trades take days or weeks to hash out. Each GM spending countless hours getting their ducks in a row. You think relationships are built by them just throwing out the best offer on WhatsApp to see who can match? 5) I could go on, but I'll just direct you to the very trade that's been brought up. If these trades, as you say, are so often discussed in their WhatsApp group.... THEN HOW IN THE PUCK WAS THERE A REPORT THAT A NUMBER OF GMS WERE BLINDSIDED BY THE WALMAN TRADE?? Did they all just turn their WhatsApp notifications off? But if you insist on the information coming from a 'hockey insider', mine is Dan Milstein. He lives down the street from me.


If only there was a mechanism where you can actually propose a player for free to all teams. That would've been neat to use before paying a 2nd to punt him to the worst team in the league.


He probably knew nobody would take him so it was pointless.


Even if that's the case it wouldn't be pointless as their whole fanbase thought he had positive value, and that would show that he didn't.


Wow, you think the guy who needed 2nd round pick to be bundled with him is not worth anything by himself in a trade? That's some top notch analysis.


this thread has you seething 😢


Oh that's like pretty good actually. Basically trading down two rounds to dump almost 5 mil. Especially when you consider Detroit got nothing back for dumping a better guy who made less money


Allvin is a genius, this and the Blueger signing today are tidy work


Shit, depending on how the Hawks are doing in 2026/27 it might barely be a bit more than a round. Canucks 2nd next year is going to be a late second around pick 60 most likely, while an early 4th rounder from the Hawks could be around pick 100 if they're still rebuilding


With Bedard & all the great young players they're accumulating I'd be shocked if it's not a late 4th by then


Ehhh it's possible, but it takes time for a team built through the draft to start to come together. A lot of the guys they're drafting aren't going to even see NHL ice for 2-4 years, let alone be impactful and make the playoffs. That could change depending on how shrewd the signings and trades turn out, but it takes a lot more than just talent to make a playoff team. The Canucks are a perfect example of that.


It shouldn't shock you if a down-to-the-studs rebuild stalls out or has back steps. There is a long, long track record of great prospect pools massively underperforming expectations and/or taking longer to hit expectations than expected. The 2027 draft will be after Bedard's 4th season. Edmonton missed the playoffs in McDavid's 4th season despite McDavid finishing 2nd in league scoring with 116 points. Drai had 105 points that year too. Edmonton had fewer prospects, but Drai is better than any secondary piece Chicago has and Edmonton had more/better young NHL talent on the roster than Chicago did. But it still took them a long time to fully exit that rebuild. Chicago has glaring weaknesses up and down the roster. They only have 2 players signed for the 2026/27 season and one of them is on a contract that is universally considered a large overpayment. They are far from a lock to be picking late in the 4th round by 2027. They have done an excellent job building the futures war chest in the last couple years and it absolutely doesn't mean the rebuild failed if they aren't picking late in 2027. And they might pick late by then. But it is far from a lock and that's why teams are so hesitant to blow everything up.


Getting something back for Lafferty's UFA rights as well is very creative. That's a guy who they probably were fine to let walk for free. His rights aren't likely to be worth a 4th round pick in a vacuum anyway, so to get one back is not bad. It may have meant the sweetener was more valuable to also upgrade the return for his rights though, but oh well.


This isn't getting something back for Lafferty, it's throwing him in to a deal because Vancouver knew he wasn't coming back.


*didnt want him back. Dude was a total non factor after that hot start


Blackhawks fans this is the most hype moment of your franchise in the last decade easily. Sam Lafferty is coming back for ONE. MORE. RIDE.




This is very good




Gang = Back Together


Boys = back in town


Last Dance 2.0


Way much of a bigger deal than the Cup, agreed.


Well duh, who cares about those lol


Yeah besides drafting bedard and Kane scoring on us in overtime. It’s top 3.


Just for Laffs


Plz mikheyev they have the best acl doctors in Chicago (probably)


Threaten Mikheyev with the waiver wire Sharks are #1, Blackhawks are #2 on the waiver list If Mikheyev doesn't want to go to play with Bedard in Chicago, then he's going on waivers, where one of two things will happen 1) SJ passes, he goes to Chicago anyways 2) SJ claims him


I actually think Chicago would now be first since Sharks already made a claim with Goodrow


No, the waiver priority is simply the reverse order of the standings. >If only one team makes a claim for the player, then he will be transferred to the claiming team. If more than one team makes a claim, then the player will be transferred to the team having the lowest percentage of possible points in league standings at the time of the request for waivers. If waivers are requested outside the playing season, or before November 1, then the player shall be transferred to the team with the lowest points in the preceding season. I don't know why people think Goodrow (or any other player) would have anything do with SJ making a future waiver claim. The Sharks finished at the bottom of the standings of the 2023-2024 season, so they'll have first dibs on any waiver claim until the waiver priority resets on November 1, with the new season's standings.


It's because fantasy hockey (and maybe the NHL games?) shift your waiver position if you pick someone up. It's a common misconception.


Well I stand corrected. Thought I had seen priorities change if a team has already made a claim on another player.


Yeah and just trade the second for the 4th after they claim him


>they have the best acl doctors in Chicago Derrick Rose might have something to say about that…


Can they transplant him some hands while they're at it


And they'll try their best to get ones that won't touch you inappropriately


Honestly, love Laffy coming back. Dude played his ass off for us


Dude was so solid for us to start the year. Seemed like the exact type of player Rick Tocchet likes


Would you actually sign him? He's a UFA


If I was GM, I'd try to sign him for 2 years at 2-2.3 mil per year. When he was on the hawks, he played his role and he did a good job on a bad team


Who you clearing room for Nucks?


Rumor is Guentzel or another top six winger, but they also needed a bit more space for Joshua and Zadorov. They have around 21M now with Mikheyev off the books


I haven’t checked this yet but someone said with Mikey cleared we can afford Zaddy, Joshua, Guentzel and Myers. If this trade goes through and those signings…


Depends on the numbers, I think Joshua probably gets more than the number that fits him into that puzzle if he goes to free agency,   that's likely what he does


I think Joshua is going to get a pretty decent offer from another team, and his agent knows that. I think he is gonna be gone, that is my feeling. You never know, let Pat and Jim cook and we will see what happens.




yes and no, hes a late bloomer without a trackrecod, hes never gotten 20 plus goals, at the same time hes a big physical body who can move, play a great 2 way game and PK as well.... I would have loved them to get him up with Pettey this year, if you saw top 6 potential or chemistry there you can easily justify a deal with money and term. We just cant afford a misstep with what little we have in terms of picks and prospects, we need all those guys for when Hughes and Demko get more money, or we are going to lose real pieces.


I know he isn’t the best player but he had real chemistry with Garland and Blueger. That line together was as much of a threat as our 2nd and 1st lines. Hopefully whoever takes his place will work well


Dhaliwal hinted today that Joshua is as good as gone. Said the Canucks are pushing hard for Zadorov but not at all for Joshua.


Are you guys letting Lindholm walk? Obviously you’re not GM but curious what the buzz is currently.


Yeah Lindholm is going to FA, no rumors about him staying like the other guys. Friedman said he turned down a 7x7 offer and he is also not crazy about what his role rould be here as a winger or 3C when other teams can offer him the 1C spot. Friedge also said he thinks he’s going to Boston (no real surprise lol)


Did you people learn nothing about overpaying bottom 6 forwards during the Benning era?


who saying they’re overpaying? They just re-signed Bleuger who had a great season at a less AAV than last year. there’s no indication Canucks are willing to overpay or they would have signed Zadorov already. This mgmt group found the right depth last off season, no reason to believe they’re not doing it again


All the insiders have already said Joshua contract talks have been next to none compared to Zadorov. Joshua is looking to cash in so he either doesn’t sign or they overpay him.


I’m interested in if they target Skinner now too


Guentzel come on down


Gotta be. Clearing Mikheyev was the last piece of the puzzle wasn't it? If Myers comes back on a discount (although LeBrun reported he's going to market), Zadorov money is now avail; Joshua i dunno. . But they should be able to afford all of them now. (Minus Lindholm tho obv)




Very likely Zadorov, plus going after Guentzel or 1-2 other top six wingers.




Necas and Kotkaniemi, Carolina are going to sign their own UFAs and need cap.space.


Some combination of Guentzel/Zadorov/Lindholm/Joshua


Lindholm is 100% going to free agency, does not want to be a 3C here or a winger when other teams can offer him the 1C spot


Thats a warning those to those teams targeting him as a 1C. If he can slot in 3C for Vancouver should he really be relied on as a 1C? This is not intended as a slight to Vancouver, but a majority of teams have at least one center comparable to who slotted above EL on the Canucks.


> but a majority of teams have at least one center comparable to who slotted above EL on the Canucks. Miller and Petey finished 5th and 10th in scoring among NHL centers this year. They were 15th and 5th the year before. 8th and 5th over those two seasons combined. Both have also received Selke votes in each of the last 2 seasons and finished top 15 in Selke voting in one of those seasons. The majority of teams do not have a guy like that. I think Lindholm is more of a 'top 6 center' than #1 center, but both Miller and Petey are high end 1C players, not average 1Cs.


Ok, that is fair enough. But I do think most teams have a 1C presently who would continue to slot there even if Lindholm was added to the roster. While in absolute terms Petterson and Miller may be better than a lot of other top centers, relative to their own rosters, most teams have a 1C they are comfortable with in that role. The Bruins don’t and I worry that they add EL as 1C where he really is not.


With Pettersson injured the whole second half of the season and playoffs Lindholm and the third line basically became our 2nd line and he was great, played every situation and was always out late defending leads. Should have clarified that I don’t think he’s demanding the 1C role necessarily but I meant to say that some teams can offer him that role compared to us so makes sense for him to move to a team with a spot for him as a top six centre while we have Petey and Miller locked up long term already


Lindholm’s gone, the other three are still in the mix though




> ... To Canucks : 4th Rd Pick That's not Connor Bedard.


But it could be anything. Even Connor Bedard!


Honestly think we should have gotten more. Especially with how many 2nd round picks we already have. But I’m not going to cry over a 2nd and two contributors (even if they’re not good) for a 4th.


It is a cap dump but it’s not like you’re getting a boat anchor in return


There’s a real chance that Mikheyev rebounds with a proper season of training and rehab and then he’s either helpful as a PK specialist, or someone you can flip for picks at the deadline (with retention).


He has flashes of speed, he can turn over some pucks as well. I don't know I have ever seen a more snakebitten player though. This season he couldn't buy a goal even if they were free. It was kind of unreal to watch.


Totally, it’s why I can’t be upset. But Detroit gave up a better player who’s paid less and a better pick just yesterday. So I’m fine with the trade but not impressed.


I think the whole league is probably pretty puzzled about the Walman trade.


Im still baffled about it unless the future considerations between Grier and Y is that on the first light of the fifth day, Stevie can look to the east or some shit. Idk if a GM has torpedoed his own good reputation as much as Yzerman has.


Another Yzerplan masterclass


Boomers saw him hit the griddy and realized he was worse than locker room cancer. He was viral.


Sounds like they just wanted Walman gone. There was some reported tension there? Any idea what happened? I know we like to think in terms of "player value = $ and pick X= $" but it's not always that cut and dry. Who knows how specific teams value specific players for whatever reasons. Mikheyev payment just like the Walmart payment are still context dependant, even with those loose ballparks on pick value.


I got the vibe from performance and end of year presser that Walman might’ve been on Yzerman’s “I’m disappointed in you list”. I think he had the same thing with Hronek after the Ottawa blowouts right before the deadline. Difference being, that trade was good (for both parties).


> Sounds like they just wanted Walman gone That is not a good reason to make a bad trade. If you want a guy gone, you still owe it to your own team to do the proper due diligence to maximize the return (or minimize the cost of getting rid of him). The fact that we have reports that other GMs were blindsided by the trade is a great indication that Yzerman didn't do that due diligence.


What's being said is "bad" to us as outsider observers may not be viewed by the same way by people inside the organization whatever the reason. But of course we on the outside don't always have all the information yet make sweeping judgments regardless based on "the numbers." You say "bad" but that's still a matter of *perspective.* Of course that doesn't mean good or bad doesn't exist or that it absolves any GM of any criticism but when these things happen outside the norm, we still need to ask those questions. Why would X be willing to do Y at Z price when it makes no logical sense to do so based on the projected math. Is the person just "stupid" "blindsided" or is there more to it based on the context with that particular situation, information of which we may or may not be privy to in the public sphere? We don't know. But we sure like to rush to judgment don't we. You say "didnt do that due diligence" without a hint of irony here.


Not surprised by the report that a lot of GM's were scratching their heads yesterday. I think a lot of teams would have taken that Walman trade. I wonder how many teams Yzerman even spoke to. This Mikheyev trade seems fair.


I'm certain he didn't talk to very many. For whatever reason he just wanted Walman gone immediately. Might have a bigger trade in the works?


This is a total win for Chicago imo. Both of these players make your team better. You have bedard and the 2nd overall this year, you don’t need to keep coming in last place. Also if these guys perform decently it’s an easy return come deadline if they aren’t part of the near/long term plan.


I think Mikheyev has some potential to bounce back and be pretty decent. His hands were absolute shit this year but he's been recovering from injury so hopefully he'll look a bit better next season.


think of all the plays you get to see where Bedard sauces a disgusting pass thru 2 defenders tape to tape only for Ilya to fire it at the goalie's crest. Surely that's worth something!


Now that we are exiting the flat cap era, I think the days of getting a haul for a 1-2 year cap dump are over. There is less desperation to get rid of bad money and no reduction in the number of rebuilding/retooling teams that have the space to eat bad money. Especially if the bad money coming back is tied to a player who can still play at an NHL level (albeit well below his cap hit).


downgrading to a 4th from a 2nd to off 2 years of 4.75 is huge.


Wow, we get a pick back too? Let's go.


Cap dump We need the space and you guys get to leverage our need


Vancouver hates 2nd rounders it seems like


Kyle Davidson loves them


This would most likely secure resigning big Z, right?


Gotta get those CapFriendly armchair GM trades in before it shuts down I guess




Gotta think Canucks are clearing cap space for a big free agent???


I have to clue how we’re getting a 4th back but I’ll take it.


Lafferty kinda became useless in the second half of the year. Like Mikheyev. This is a huge win


Dude was invisible in the playoffs


Tbh I thought this would cost a 1st at least to move Mikheyev so to get a 4th back and only give up what's hopefully like 60th overall and a guy who probably wasn't re-signing here anyway is solid


Canucks reddit has been completely off on the cost to dump him. This is right about where we would expect the cost to be to dump a player who can play third line and produce, and play up and not cost you goals. His contract is inefficient but more rehab on the acl, chances to maybe play up in the lineup in CHI if dickinson doesn't need to take the draws for bedard anymore, an injury to kurashev, ect could all be things that work in his favor. If it doesn't work out in Chicago I wonder if after this contract he caps out on 1-2 year deals with low salary to compensate for the abysmal production


This is awesome.


I just want to point out that a couple of years ago we got a free 2nd for Dickinson, who immediately went from 11 to 30 points. So getting potentially 2 warm bodies for our bottom 6 AND a 2nd for a mid round pick has me happy.


Gotta get Lafferty signed for that eighth year 


Thought it would have cost more to move Mikheyev


This is wild after the Walman trade. Yzerman really effed that up.


can we take a cap dump


How about Campbell and/or Nurse?


No one wants that campbell contract


This is good as done. Agent Dan on it, plus the cap space with csavr probably goes to his other guy Z


Pitt will upgrade that 4th to a 3rd.


Opening up cap space for Zadorov?


Getting a 4th for Vancouver is actually pretty impressive. Sounds like one of those nice-guy, new GM moves (see CGY and SJ) that could come back and bite them on the ass.


Ah, I'd take Lafferty back on the Leafs in a heartbeat.


They gave this dude a no trade clause?


Well If we can fill in some needs with some signings it's a great move for the canucks If not... we've really lost some assets needlessly I imagine we're using this cap space on a push for Jake Guenzel


For those unsure, it’s a 2025 second rounder


God almighty please let this happen


Yikes Mikheyev a consistent 80% WAR player If that isn't worth 4.75m then... 🤷‍♂️


Maybe watch the games 


He went like 60 games without a goal but he’s actually good because the Twitter man said he has lots of blue squares


He generated chances and shots, just none of them went in unfortunately.


Why do people repost this morons(frank) post? So many more reputable journalists who dont make up BS like this prick.