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Honestly looks really good to me. Better than my first.


Thanks I’m happy with it definitely a learning curve!


The cool thing, once you can do it and now you can, short of a gamer, I don’t ever want to buy customized again. Mine aren’t EPS / factory / etc quality, but I’m far more attached to the ones I’ve done myself. 🙂


I agree definitely have my eyes on a few games and mic


What a beauty! Super impressive stuff.


Thank you!


How hard did you find it to do?


I practiced on a few cheep jerseys and some left over fabric for a few days and then did this honestly I found the numbers the relatively easy once I got the hang of it but i definitely struggled a bit with the name letter as they were so small and the turns were giving me a tough time but overall not too difficult definitely need some patience


Awesome, I was thinking about doing this with the $50 ducks reebok i got from the sale, and then if it went well doing up a bob for my panthersblank but ive been nervous about trying


Definitely do it on a cheeper one first don’t do what I did and go right into the expensive stuff I was just impatient do that Reebok first and see how you do and go from there and just take your time and definitely do plenty of research on how to sew and use the machine and use reference photos I used this guide by Pensjerseys on YouTube https://youtu.be/7WhdKDSFfg4?si=5tgwmJ7A64skO9IW


The name would probably be easier if you used a nameplate, no?


It definitely would but this specific jersey that don’t use nameplates it’s sewn directly onto the jersey


Oh, interesting.


Keep at it, you got this! 💪🏽 #GOKINGSGO 👑🏒


Quick note OP just for reference. You may have noticed that the Silver material on the 9 is Kiss Cut; the Kings have been using stitching on both the inside and outside of the outer borders. I’ve included a pic of my game issued MOVERARE for you below. 👍🏽 https://preview.redd.it/epzwjvjs759d1.jpeg?width=3023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a8a7b8de96444b3a6b80a5e6cb88b1617a80cf1


Here’s a zoomed-in look at the stitching used on the silver material around the outside border. https://preview.redd.it/98ye56ku759d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50b6d9038fd7c3cc2b4dcc8e1f6260ea92b69f43


Thank you yeah I notice that while looking at references photos so I’m still pretty new to sewing so I didn’t know if I a kiss cut is just like sewing it twice or if it’s a certain stitch still trying to figure that out definitely want to complete the look at some point


Kiss Cut is in reference to the Twill Kit. (Reference Photo below). It gives the material a cool debossed look to it as the border (in this case below, the White) sits higher than the interior (Black). As opposed to standard ‘stacking’ which they’re reverting back to for next season’s jerseys. https://preview.redd.it/w3l8bzwem69d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d8f4d6025ad8223fbd1528b64443f6cf5b8a3b6 In the case with the Kings, they’ve used Kiss Cut numbers for most of their number kits for several years now. (Exceptions would be like the 20-21 Heritage Jerseys or the Legends Night Jerseys where they used stacked twill.) They just choose to stitch once on the outside border and once on the inside to cover the border material on the outside of the back numbers. And then a single stitch on the outside of the Black which is stacked on top of the White layer. \*I’ll send another reply below so you can see how they stitched the sleeve numbers.


Because the border around the sleeve numbers is smaller, they just use a single stitch with a width wide enough to cover the metallic silver material as opposed to the inside and outside stitching on the larger back numbers. https://preview.redd.it/drfhm83ao69d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cf3ceb3d8c0a0f7d36ba645493cf4619c4ea067


Thank you so much for that insightful information that’s very helpful and explains a ton I can definitely go back in and add the inner layer of stitching to the numbers I sleeve numbers I did think they will be okay because of the bigger stitching I did but definitely a lot more to learn and more jerseys to do thank you! :)


You’re welcome! I’m a bit of a nerd when it comes to these little details. \*ALSO, after closer inspection, it looks like next year’s stitching may still include another combination of kiss cutting and stacking. Hard to tell for certain, but based on the picture of the home jersey below, it looks like a White layer stitched on the outside and then a Metallic Silver Layer stacked on top with a Black Kiss Cut border where they’re using that double stitching technique. Something to keep an eye on next season. 🧐 https://preview.redd.it/xx4j6q0jq69d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1c5ee46303eccba5deaeba7ccc2735749459c4f


Post some close ups of the stitching on the name and numbers.




https://preview.redd.it/tsb9jtnnz09d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=14c1b0edf8e39f0e302a15cf6d103cdcb0548f9c Not the best but I’m happy


Nice! Any tips other than practice? Slow and steady? And did you have to experiment with the sewing machine settings to get it the way you wanted?


Just what you said practice and keep it slow and have plenty of patients and yes I did it took me a while to figure out what I liked what I did was bought a bunch of left over scrap fabric and played with the settings until I found out what I liked the best also make sure the sewing machine you have has stitch width and length settings to figure out what works best for you


Looks really nice! Great job especially for a first time


Looks great! 🧃🧃🧃


Curious to know if you used the temporary adhesive or something more aggressive?


I just used the glue on the back of the kit I got from customize sports and I have a heat press that I used I measured then heat pressed it down


Looks good to me. Did u iron on the letters first or just sewed them on? I have never sewed a jersey but i will like to try


I actually bought a heat press and heat pressed them on definitely do that or iron on first that way they aren’t moving while your sewing just make sure you wait a little for the adhesive/glue to dry so they don’t move around and shift


Got it, thanks. Hope mine comes out as good as yours.