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Gotta say they played him just as good as the books described him, equally annoying.


How is he annoying? Peeves literally does nothing with the MC the entire game, even when he went to snitch to the librarian on us he practically hovers there and allows Sebastian to lie and cover for us not once does he go he’s lying it was the new 5th you know the famous one that everybody is talking about lol


Lol, you don't need to find him annoying but I do and I am allowed that.




Fair enough maté fair enough 🫡


You are certainly not alone. One of my favorite random NPC conversations is about a Ravenclaw girl who secretely likes to sing songs with Peeves near the boys' restroom. Her fellow Ravenclaws are disgusted at first, but then one of them goes "No, wait, I kinda understand, Peeves's rhymes are rather witty!" and another is like, "That's it, you're both insane, I'm transferring to Slytherin."


Is this the ravenclaw bathrooms? I have to find this convo


I think it can happen in any place where students congregate by three, you just need to catch them when all three are Ravenclaw. I heard it in the study area in the DADA tower, the one with a sofa and a round table. It usually has two students sitting on the sofa and another one leaning on it. Edit: found a screenshot of it - https://gyazo.com/6b71a63447d3b62a48eb6e861ecee366


I didn’t know you could transfer Houses.


Oh, 5th year, you rotter, oh, what have you done, You're killing off ashwinders, you think it's good fun




same, i love when he’s sliding down the stair rails


"Slow Coach. Slooow Cooooach"




I like his little songs! So accurate to the books


So very annoying


I LOVE SEEING PEEVES😭😭 i was so disappointed that they left him out the films


To me, he was an integral part of the story and should have been in the films.


Considering peeves dropped and wrecked the vanishing cabinet that malfoy used to get the death eaters into hogwarts.


And of course the most important part… the victory song


Now voldy's give moldy so let's have some fun!


Let us not forget his partnership with the teachers in tribute to the Weasley bros to wreak as much havoc as possible on Umbridge


What did he do in the books for him being that important? I've just read the 7th book and don't remember him there.


On top of the vanishing cabinet, multiple times when they are sneaking around they have to avoid Peeves which usually forces Harry or the team into an area of the castle that as advances the story.


If it wasn’t for Peeves, the golden trio and Neville would have never discovered Fluffy. It was because of him that Harry, Ron, and Draco were sent to the Forbidden forest. Peeves actually fought in the 7th book. There were tons of things he was involved in that were kind of in the background but necessary to move the plot forward stretched throughout all seven books. (I’m finishing up book 6 right now, about to start book 7 again)


Yea. They did him, Dobby and the rest of the elves a disservice. Who wouldn't want to see Peeves terrorizing the students, bowing to Fred and George, seeing that Dobby is the one who helped Harry in the triwizard tournament and seeing the house elves viciously attacking the deatheaters with kitchen knives? Such missed opportunities man.




I'd have loved to have Ric Mayall in the movies.


Peeves is like a hyper child 🤣 Hated his snitching ways, but he's kind of funny. Especially when he's happy sliding down the banisters.


I like seeing him around.


Me too! He's a dick, but I absolutely adore watching him fuck with people.


Controversial opinion: I didn’t even mind the floo woman that much. Or Deek telling me about all the potions I’d brewed.


Same! It wasn’t Deek or Ignatia stuck in my head when I went to sleep after playing the game. But that ROR music…. 🤪




This reminds me of some guy saying he actually loved jar jar. These people must just be the irl jar jar /peeves


I was soooooo glad he was included!


I love how much attention to the books they put into this game! Literally everything about hogwarts mentioned in the books is somewhere in the castle


I feel guilty I can’t help the students he is bullying 🥺 I may or may not have tried to cast the killing curse on him lol


Hes a poltergeist, he's already dead!


He was never alive.


I like his presence, too. He is obnoxious to be sure, but that is intentional and I love the texture and depth he adds to the overall Hogwarts experience.


Yes! Sometimes I don’t even see him, I just hear him in the distance being happy and goofy somewhere close haha It adds so much to the overall immersion and depth.


You're not alone, I love Peeves. I always stop and watch what he's doing


He annoys me to no end whenever I hear or see him in the game. They did a good job at making him so obnoxious. I only like it when he rhymes about bothering headmaster black 😂


Even more controversial opinion: I’m annoyed that they made Ignatia speak less


What are you up to now?


you couldn’t IMAGINE it!


I always said that travel broadens the mind!


Though traval was rather inconvenient at one time.


Until I discovered flu powder!


Ikr I liked her.


Did they?! I thought I was going insane. I was sneaking by her once a few days after release and she whispered something to me - but yesterday when I was playing she only said something twice.


She never whispers but shouts loud that you are there, that's why she was so annoying and that's why they lowered the amount of times she speaks!


She startled me whenever I walked past but now it's strange not hearing hear her lol


Peeves is a piece of shit...


Which I feel like is needed, it gives realism to the books. Not everyone you meet is going to be rainbows and butterflies 😂


I rlly enjoy peeves being in the game it’s a nice lil touch for the book readers and I loved it I just wish u could cast spells on him and interact with him a little more


It disappointed me when he wasn't included in the films. Him bowing to Fred and George before they leave Hogwarts in such a majestic way was one of my favourite moments in the books.


Yes and then helping cause chaos and McGonnagal actually helping him with it ugh so good!


Peeves should be called pervs. Any adult ghost that hangs around the bathrooms willingly should be exorcised


Peeves is hilarious and I was livid with my wife ( a huge Harry Potter fan) for not ever mentioning him!


sLoW cOaCh. SlOw CoAcH.


If I was a student at Hogwarts, I would find/make a spell that would let me harm ghost!


I’m pretty sure there a jaw locking curse in the books that works on peeves


I liked him for a while, but his voice was just too annoying for me


I can’t stand him. He is so loud. The scaring other students is hilarious. But they didn’t have to make him super loud. 🫣


Peeves : \*Terrorizing all the students\* My MC : \*Slowly backing away\*


I just don’t like a bright and colorful they make him. Besides that, love all the peevsie pop ups


Love his laugh. He’s a cross between the mad hatter and Joker.


When I first saw Peeves, the game became an instant 10/10 for me.


I love all the ghosts! They’re hilarious! There are a lot of funny little things in the game!


I felt sad they didn't pit peeves in film. So when I saw peeves in Legacy, it was like meeting old friend.


The ghosts and house elves are significantly cut short from the films.


Honestly I kinda wish he showed up more, I saw him roaming around a decent amount times in the beginning but now I only see him once in a blue moon.


He was meant to be in the movies, Rik Mayall played him & is even in the credits but was cut even though he attended the premiere. Worth a look on YouTube, just a short clip


Seeing him sliding down the stair handle as i go up, screaming "I AM HIDDENNNNN" (not sure what's the exact line in English) always cracks me up. To be honest, i haven't met the guy that much though


I was fucking pissed when he snitched my boi Seb


I have a heavy bias against him because I'm still deeply traumatised from his appearance in the PS1 Harry Potter game


https://preview.redd.it/cckl4rb0tjpa1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3c9fb8b23fb99fa00292fb2636f2e8eef1b0299 Yeah I forgot it’s been so long. That is terrifying your right. I wish they would remaster those games.


Peeves annoying af. He sucked ass in the books but in the game this mf is insufferable. I’m glad they opted to keep him out of the movies.


That means a character doing their role is a big thing. It’s like when a villain really makes you hate them in the movies. That’s what they’re supposed to be doing, you feeling some type of way is the reaction they’re supposed to get out of you.


Well for me it’s more of a vibe thing. He throws the whole vibe off. I’m having a good immersive experience and boom here’s peeves bringing me back to reality because he simply doesn’t fit. He’s like the Jar Jar Binks of the Wizarding World.


He’s a peeves of shit if I’m being honest.


I was supposed because I had never seen the movies or read the books before I started playing. But I got interested and finished the first few books, and then went to watch a movie and was like... Half the story is gone, and there is no peeves lol


I love to hate peeves! The only thing is he is not AT ALL like I imagined him from the books. I’ve read the whole series a dozen times (probably not hyperbole lol) and I can’t remember him being described as a colorfully-fashioned middle aged man? Is that a description I missed somewhere?


F*ck Peeves


I’m so happy to see him, but so aggravated to hear him 🤣 The voice actor did a fantastic job. I wish there were ways to help students being picked on by Peeves, though. There was a Hufflepuff just outside of our common room who was being teased by Peeves and she was trying to get to class. I would have loved to have been able to help her.


After he ratted me out, nope.. now it's personal. Plus he likes swimming in the toilet which is kinda disgusting.


Well yeah, the movies were eye candy entertainment. The books were the story.


I wish all the jokes got the treatment he and the cleaver guy got… I did see two dueling though so that’s cool




Peeves is my spirit animal.


I didn't miss him in the movies. What I was disappointed about is how they simply left out all the other ghosts from the later movies.


I love Peeves, man. No matter wether it's in the books, the old games or here - he always was one of my favourite characters. Shame they never included him in the films.


Hate him


I've seen the movies first, and then started to play the original PC games. The first one had Peeves in it and I had no idea who he was and it annoyed the crap out of me, so I went and read the books - and I'm so glad I did! Basically Peeves is the reason I've read the books at all, so thank you Peeves!


I'd like it if he was even more present like in I believe the 2nd HP game


So do I, who doesn't?


Peeves missing from the films , especially when the twins leave’s kinda hurts


I want something more along the line as crusio, that causes horrible pain, and because they are dead there they s no escape


Peeves is sooo f*cking annoying ngl, I am so glad he's not in the movies.


Anything canon is enjoyed and respected


Peeves and I have beef after ratting us out in the library


I actually run from him everytime i hear or see him. He creeps me out more than anything. I'm not sure how he is in the movies but I seriously despise his existence


He pissed me off in HP3 back in the day


I like peeves, he does what he's supposed to do which makes him a good character.


Is that controversial? I mean I don't follow the threads, but I doubt anyone is seriously mad at that. Also was glad to see him. Made me sad when I heard he wasn't in the movies. Fred and George leaving higwarts isn't the same without them telling peeves to "give her hell", and peeves showing the first sign of respect by saluting them, and proceeding to do just that.