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Love your house, super gorgeous. Color definitely depends on your personal style / vibe you’re going for. Tropical? Modern? Quirky? Quirky but sensible?  First and foremost though - just a word of caution. You’re posting on a huge public forum and never know what you may catch.. I’d hide your house number/try to anonymize your photo a bit. 


Looks to me like you can paint that house at least five different colors! Your house is very unique. Keep the vibe going !


Pepto Bismol pink


Nooooo! My mom painted my bedroom that color when I was in the 5th grade and I was not allowed an opinion. I’m still traumatized.


I’d do three shades of the same color to accentuate the different ways the sun hits it. Darkest shade on the bottom, next darkest under the gutters, lightest for upper window areas. Keep the white trim. Yellows or lavenders would look great.


If you end up doing the painting on your own or just want to use our discount account at any Sherwin Williams feel free. My sw rep just set it up for any homeowners to use. That goes for anyone else in here as well


Oh I think I’m going with CertaPro. However do you think the discount will still work?


Where are you located? My guess would be they included paint in their price in which case they should be getting a big discount anyway


I’m in Atlanta🙂


If you want to chat message me I am happy to give you the acct info but I do think certapro would be using their own corporate acct


Omg I can’t help with the colors BUT I see houses like this I can’t help but to wonder what that top room looks like and how awesome it is, and how it connects to the room below. Is it possible for you to share just a couple inside pics? Your house is AMAZING!


Oh i don’t mind! I got a whole album I can share when I get home🙂


Please share! Do you have instagram? I’d love to see more of your beautiful home!


I love this house as is. 🥹😍 So much character and detail! Breath taking!