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# What's going on around /r/HomeGym? [**The Garage**: Free-talk Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/homegym/about/sticky?num=2) [**Targeted Talk**: The BEST Thing About Owning A Home Gym](https://www.reddit.com/r/homegym/comments/1dlap01/targeted_talk_the_best_part_about_owning_a_home/) [**LIVE AMA**w/ Pioneer Fit on 6/26 & 6/27](https://www.reddit.com/r/homegym/comments/1dowy13/matt_at_pioneer_ama/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/homegym) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What did you use for flooring?


It’s 8mm rubber flooring. Not sure on who makes it. I was able to snag a great deal on fb marketplace. Essentially a floor guy got it for free from a customer that didn’t like the color and so he sold it to me for $200.


I have the same leg curl/ext. It's great. If you haven't tried already, try lying on an ab mat under your thighs for leg curls. This makes it more like most commercial leg curls where your hips are bent a bit. It will probably feel better.


Thanks for the tip! I’ll give it a try.




Bro has a gym in the batcave


Hah! But I’m more of a Spidey guy. Read the new ultimate line that launched this year guys. It’s really good and there’s only six issues out.


I’ve really been anticipating that, I love ultimate way more than mainline because nostalgia, I’m so glad they relaunched it! Your setup is awesome also but that’s obvious😂


It’s my first comic series but i had heard the mainline is not well received these days. I’ll just stick to the ultimate spider-man series for now. Don’t need to pick up another hobby right now. I’ll end up spending too much money lol


Yeah definitely stick with one universe at a time I’d say, I hate getting caught up in too many storylines


Nice we're moving in a month or so I'm so dreading it. Ready to finally get settled once we buy another house and get a decent hack squat leg press combo


I was dreading moving all the dumbbells and plates too but dolly helps. As does dad and brother helping load things into the car. I went slow and probably moved everything in about five trips. Good luck! I actually sold my leg press/hack squat machine because it was too big for new space. Old gym was in my parents multi family house and now I’m in a single family home. I have a bad back anyway so it was an easy decision to sell it.


Have you tried doing leg extensions on the lying leg curl? I think it's probably better than the seated if you can get it deep with all the research out showing a straight hip really works the rec fem harder than a bent hip


Yes I’ve had the machine for four years now. Use it all the time for lying leg curls. I would try to alternate with low pulley standing curls but I prefer the lying one. Really feel it in the hamstrings.


Nice yeah give lying leg extensions a shot in it. I prefer sissy squats in general especially with a trx support but looking at it I think it's feasible


I’m willing to try anything these days that will help me workout my injured back. Right now a seated leg extension with no weight aggravates it so I’m taking it slow and going to go back to PT.


Nice which one did you have? I've seen some of the $1k combos with linear bearings and they seem like they'll do the job. We're moving 5 hours away so it's gonna be a little less fun. Plus moving into a rental before we buy a house but oh well


I had a tuff stuff one. It’s an on rails style leg press. I paid either $300 or $400 for it four years ago and just sold it for $650. Oh yikes, 5 hours is a long trip. I only moved 1.5 miles away which was a great benefit. Shout out to dad for helping me with the lighting wiring.


Nice that's a deal. I have a wooden cable belt squat setup but it's a pain to set up with all the counterweights ready to have it fixed and just bolted into the ground ready to go or removable with some really heavy duty gate pins


It’s probably hard to see but I have the Fringe belt squat. Picked up when they were giving away the kickstand with purchase a couple of weeks ago. I got the wall mount for it and I’ve been loving it so far. Granted I’ve maxed out at 12.5lbs so far but I’m just happy I can start squatting again while protecting my lower back.


Haha yeah I don't have any back issues and use 3/4 Oly shoes plus an extra 1/2 inch heel insert to bias quads more but I feel like I get more stimulus out of any machine variation that takes load off my back than a barbell squat not to mention I can do more sets in the same amount of time.


Dang. Now that’s a basement gym!


If you don’t mind me asking what brand are the dumbbells you have?


They’re a mixture of brands. I picked up a set of 5-50lbs Hampton brand which are possibly urethane but they were missing two random pairs. The price was really good and the guy was selling them new out of his trunk. I think you can figure out how he got them. Filled the rest of the set out with York and Rogue.


Looks awesome. What kind of paneling is that? Was it there when you moved in, or did you install it? I need to finish my basement walls but don’t want to drywall and get dust everywhere from sanding. Looking for a solution that avoids that. Thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/h0qba4q9o49d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25921c3412111692f09926e40c0c85bb39db23fe Here is a before picture of the wall paneling if you’re curious.


They came with the house. Ugly brown wall paneling. Cheapest and easiest option for me was to just paint over them. It’s a black paint that ended up looking a bit blue but my wife and I really ended up liking it.


The fitness equipment is arranged neatly in your gym. It looks quite nice!


That’s the goal! Last gym was a crowded awkward to walk through mess. Wanted something neater this time.


What is the rack for the barbells? I need to get one. My barbell is always hanging on the floor or concrete wall, and this week I got an eleiko and that cannot happen anymore lol


It’s the Titan gun rack. I believe it’s the version 2. That was four purchased four years ago so might have been updated since.


Good shit 👏


How do you feel about the rep cambered bar? I use mine for incline and ohp. I wish the put out a demo on correct form to lift with it.


It’s actually the PRx cambered Swiss bar. I know the company is not very popular now but they are cheaper. I’ve been bench pressing with it and doing pull ups and it works well. The REP version may have been better for me since the distance between the widest grip is smaller on the REP version. I am 5’6 so it’s probably not an issue for the most. I was also worried the 52lbs starting weight would be much for me after coming back from not lifting for a year but it was actually fine.


I’m 5’8 and I find reps a little wide tbh


Bummer. But does make me feel better about going with the cheaper option. One potential pro is that there is no eyebolt. It’s just a hole that was drilled in the middle. Haven’t tested it yet but the option is there


The eyebolt is removable, and you can even switch what side it’s on. I have a little buyers remorse with the bar but the more I use it the more I love it.




Great space you've created my friend


Thank you sir


What is the white machine for the calf raises? Sorry for silly question


You nailed it. Just a seated calf raise machine. Specific brand is Yukon. Bought it second hand.


Whoa nice !


Thank you!


Looks great! What kind of lighting did you use?


Just the Amazon cheap option- Barrina 6ft LED lights. I actually got the 6foot connectors because I thought I’d need to stagger the lights between the perimeter and inner part but I’m happy with the lights just on the perimeter. Plus it looks nice directly connected than having cables in between each one.


I work in architectural lighting and I think this was the right move. As it is right now, you've basically wallwashing the room which creates a nice effect and gives you pretty even and uniform illumination across the space. Nice job.


Ty! Yes I’m really happy with how it came out. Only con is taking photos usually results in washed out but that’s minor.


I hear ya. FWIW, I think the photos look great and you don't have to deal with as much glare as exposed tubes directly overhead. Really nice space. I wish there were more basements in this part of the USA, we are pretty much limited to garage gyms out here in SoCal outside of a few exceptions.


Thanks for the compliment! At least your weather wins over here in the north east.




Yup good eye. I’ve had it for four years now and very happy with it.


That is very impressive, nicer than most commercial gyms, job well done. :-)


Thank you!


What leg curl machine is that?


It’s from Tuffstuff. Picked up during pandemic from a school that was looking for a quick sell on a bunch of gym equipment.


i had the same question. looks like this one: https://tfusa.net/products/muscle-d-plate-loaded-leg-extension-prone-leg-curl nice that it's plateloaded but still uses a cable to lift


That one looks very similar but it’s actually from tuffstuff.