• By -


I really liked Other Side of the Box." I also like: * [2am: The Smiling Man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_u6Tt3PqIfQ) * [Lights Out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUQhNGEu2KA) * [Curve](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dD3Fawk4y0) * [The Smiling Man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk-eY5S1Nck) * [Ignore It](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hs3paMLb9Qg) * [Guest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-5Upq2hcOA)


I know this is a year later, but I directed Other Side of the Box, and I just released my new horror short! If you want to check it, here's the link: [https://youtu.be/KZi7rVwD680?si=Zmj3hkfIJwaFDQea](https://youtu.be/KZi7rVwD680?si=Zmj3hkfIJwaFDQea)


This is genius!


Thank you!


I love this so much!! Congratulations!!! Please keep us updated on new work!


Your shorts are absolutely amazing. Well done. Please continue to create.


# Blasphemous sprouts of idle curiosity - I have pooped my pants


Y'all are forgetting the chair


Well, no. 8 months ago, I'd never heard of it. So there was no forgetting.




You named all of mine except for [Bedfellows](https://youtu.be/j6flB0XvmTo)!


With all sincerity, fuuuuuck Bedfellows. I watched it YEARS ago, and I still hate coming to bed after my husband is already asleep. I always have to check that it's actually him.


Same! He threatened to get a similar mask to screw with me.


Oh nooooo. I'd never be able to sleep again. šŸ˜­


Curve is terrifying to me!


I just watched this and yea... THATS HORROR


2 am The Smiling Man was a comedy right? Nothing about it was scary


2am the smiling man and ignore it are the two biggest pieces of dog shit i have even seen


worst fucking characters ever making the worst fucking decisions possible


Curve is pure horsedung and I love artsy films and non mainstream films. But this was just 10 minutes wasting time.


Great list!


> Ignore It Do you by chance know the name of a short on youtube that is similar to Ignore It but the premise is slightly different? It was about a friend who visits another friend at his house for dinner and then there's an entity that you're not supposed to ignore or something like that.


Itā€™s it the short film


Donā€™t know what you mean


It lives inside "The short film It Lives Inside is about a friend who has dinner with other friends who have all recovered from an entity that has been stalking and attacking them. The group contains the entity by feeding Sam raw meat, similar to how Tamira did to a jar. Later, Sam and Tamira reconcile, but Sam becomes worried when he assures Tamira that the Pishach will never leave. " That sounds right? It's now a feature length film btw not great but I'm picky hahaha Hope this helped if someone did not already


The other side of the box sounds like this


Thanks! Unfortunately that is not the one I was thinking about. The one Im looking for has only two male friends. One visits the other. Very similar premise but the one Iā€™m thinking about is older. Saw it 3+ years ago.


Could it be "Don't Look"? Friend goes to his buddy's house/apartment for a visit or whatever, tells friend he wants to show him some show but he has to run to the washroom and tells his friend not to watch it without him, etc. And then yeah. He does anyways... [Don't Look video on YouTube.](https://youtu.be/PBPn-9P0KRk?si=-xTHUMVUaaJzFlmP)


Thanks for your answer but thatā€™s not quite it. The one Iā€™m thinking about had more of a dinner setting.




Just saw "Portrait of God" the other day and thought it was really good.


The moment in the middle where it slides up (being vague bc of spoilers) had me sliding off the couch noping tf out with goosebumps all over my skin. Really enjoyed that one


Best on YouTube for sure


you just haven't seen this Blasphemous sprouts of idle curiosity - I have pooped my pants


hard agree


Honestly probably top 10 best horror movie (out of all of them) to come out in 10 years. Fantastic I loved it. That and ignore it. Ugh what a great way to show how grief destroys.


Not only is it great horror, but it's flawlessly executed. Even the editing is magnificent perfection.


Just saw it and šŸ˜® so good


I liked it


No one seems to like ā€œThereā€™s Something About the Johnsonsā€ ā€” but I do, highly recommend. When you realize itā€™s a film school short that is out to accomplish specific things itā€™s pretty amazing.


It's also an Ari Aster short film.


I constantly tell people that's it's my favorite movie and it's ruining my reputation.


I just watched it because of your comment. I've never met you, but the reputation you now have with me is that you recommend videos I hate and wish I never watched.


I thought it was really good. A lot of American writers and directors are too afraid to go so taboo. Even if it has something to say.


Just watched this and yeah it was FOCKED up to say the least


I thought it was really good. A lot of American writers and directors are too afraid to go so taboo. Even if it has something to say.


What a movie


This is NOT a horror movie.


Your favorite film being about disgusting incest gay shit tells alot about you :)


It's awesome if you can appreciate horror for horror. If you're looking for quick fast jump scare AHHHHH this isn't it. And to think that's why Too many people don't realize there's a lot more to horror than the top of the iceberg.


This just wasnā€™t a horror movie lmao this was disgusting


IMO, he's wildly overrated. A lot of his movies seem to be pinned upon the "what if??" shock moments, and 'Johnsons' is maybe the worst/best example. Per wiki "We were talking about topics that are too taboo to be explored, and so we arrived at taboos that weren't even taboos because they were so unfathomable, and the most popular was that of a son molesting his father." Of course 22-25 year olds in grad (and it must be said, FILM) school would be saying this between puffs. The first time I watched "Johnsons," I was out of the room for a sec and believed i had missed a part where his father had done something that was debatably inappropriate. Now THAT was an interesting plot. Wondering if his son had become a monster because of something inadvertent (or worse, once but "never again") he'd done. I was disappointed to find out that was not the case, it was a big ole "WoulDn'T iT be CraZYYY if??," that the son was a villain without a motive, and that the movie had all the emotional stakes that accompany an experience that people can really empathize with. /s Worst of all, it's unimaginative: a gender-swap of how plenty of people (still) read Lolita, as the story of a wicked child seducing a totally helpless adult.


I watched "Laura Hasn't Slept" the other day, which was pretty good. It was a pre-cursor to Smile, based on the girl at the beginning, played by the same actress.


Where did you find it? I was looking for it before Smile came out and couldnā€™t track down a link




Why did they unlist it?


yeah, I enjoyed that one too


Oldie but goodie, I LOVE Cat with Hands. Stop motion is one of my favourite mediums and it had this absurd and spooky slow vibe that I dig.


Anything by Robert Morgan is terrifyingly great. Bobby Yeah isā€¦ummā€¦interesting and the Separation is one of my faves.


My House Walkthrough, Heck, Local58 TV


Yessssssss. My House Walkthrough is so good.


ā€œMan on a trainā€ probably scared me more than any horror movie ever. Still gives me chills.


Oh Idk how itā€™s called (and probably an unpopular opinion) but the one where a little girl is watching tv, then calling for her mum and went down the stairs. There she met a fucking creepy monster that killed her mum and was laughing disturbingly. Oh and the one where a mother talks to her son who is in his bed and sheā€™s telling him to come out of the room. Then suddenly his ā€žreal mumā€œ comes into the room and saying: thatā€™s not me!!!!! Gosh I couldnā€™t sleep anymore Edit: Omfg. The creepy smiling dude who is weirdly walking behind a man and everytime he isnā€™t looking at him, the dude starts running. Thatā€™s probably the most disturbing short horror I watched. Simple but effective




What's the name of that second one? I can't find it


[Heck](https://youtu.be/HVQzEzW4faA) It's made by the same guy who did Skinamarink. Much more experimental than other selections and might not be for everyone, but it's pretty neat/creepy. Edit: It's about a kid who wakes up in his house but the doors/Windows have vanished and he is unable to leave. You get some random story points and it's really depressing. >!The kid in question got sick with cancer and died. He is then trapped in Hell.!<


I think what actually happened is >! the mom killed get child and then herself !< and thatā€™s why the child is apologizing and why theyā€™re in the place theyā€™re in, instead of a better place, per say.


Very atmospheric.


28 minutes is a bit excessive considering it's 90% extreme closeups with bad lighting.


I love Youtube horror shorts! It amazes me that short horror is often better than movies made by well-known people. [Whisper - Amazon Echo Horror Short](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9gUIhkzNDk&ab_channel=JulianTerry) [Okay Google - Horror Short Film (2019)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TExyn57SfPM&ab_channel=LeviMorgan) The above two scared the hell out of me, which is why I will not own one of those devices! [https://www.youtube.com/@WatchALTER](https://www.youtube.com/@WatchALTER) has some great ones! I just kind of binge watch them when I get frustrated with big (and low) budget horror movies. Also, I don't know if it fits the "Horror Short" category or not, but most of the Backrooms videos induce some degree of fear in me. Edit to add links


Whisper could be any generic jumpscare scene from sub mediocre movies like the nun etc.


The French Doors is worth a watch.


Iā€™ve always been a huge fan of Bobby Yeah, itā€™s gruesome and creative and made using stop motion! Itā€™s on YouTube and itā€™s 23 minutes long, so If you like body horror and grotesque imagery, Iā€™d highly recommend watching this!


Too many for me to pick, but this one came to mind, Don't Move https://youtube.com/watch?v=f9jd6lyGvMI&feature=shares


THANK YOU i've been trying to track this down for hours


The Dummy It used to air on USA Network back in the day and it scared the crap out of me as a kid. *sigh* Oh how I miss the ā€˜80s.


Aww shit everyone... please post links because I love going down the horror short rabbit hole!


I love short horror films! :D - Please Love Me Forever, Screamfest - So She Might Live (TW), Screamfest - Stoneheart, Crypt TV - Lovesick, Crypt TV - Uneventful, Crypt TV


My House Walkthrough, Backrooms


The Alexa short horror film was good Edit: it's called whisper and it's Amazon echo horror short


ItĀ“s crap. Basically one generic jumpscare scene like dozens in hundreds of below average horror flicks.


I am trying to find a YouTube horror short, and I apologize ahead of time if it seems vague or similar to other shorts. I want to say it was called "There's Something about Kevin" or something like that but I am probably off base (thinking of the movie). A teen boy is admitted to a facility (maybe mental) and there is another teen boy who has been there for a while and ends up being his roommate. The newer boy finds the other one out in the rec area, either watching TV, drawing, or doing both. He doesn't talk much but he draws either demons or monsters and he is afraid to fall asleep because they will take him. After a few nights of sleeping in the same room, the new boy starts to see evidence that the other boy may be telling the truth. I think he may even start sleeping with the other boy for a couple of nights so he can finally feel safe and get some sleep. I think something happens to where he can't sleep with him (maybe they separate them) or even if he does, the monsters or demons take the boy. Again, I apologize it's vague and a few details may be off (the kid afraid of falling asleep might be the newly admitted one, etc) but I remember it from quite a few years ago and it was a good horror short. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!


The last time I saw Richard?


That's it! Thank you. I haven't seen it in a while and could have been (way) off on the description so I apologize for that but I always thought it was a good horror short and had been looking to rewatch it for a few months now. Truly appreciate it!


More is a kind of horror stop motion film from the early 2000ā€™s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCeeTfsm8bk Kenna used it for his excellent single ā€˜Hellbentā€™. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3xlfp


Itā€™s not technically a ā€œshort filmā€ but VHS//94 is a really good watch. 20 mins long and is pretty realistic, plus really good ending :) Edit - you can find it on yt ā€˜VHS RATMANā€™




I love horror shorts! "Don't Look Away" was good.


"KOWAZO" is the best horror channel ever! They've created a lot of short japanese horror by POV! Some of them have Eng sub! [KOWAZO Japanese horror youtuber] (https://youtu.be/YcLVFAA_7S8)


I make short horror films. This is my latest and iā€™d love feedback! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlAJni6aavA


Iā€™m trying to find an older short film about a little girl whoā€™s home alone watching the news. The news talks about how a man has broke free from an insane asylum. The man ends up being in the house with her and Iā€™m pretty sure he was dressed in a rabbit costume?


I found it!


Thank you for all this gems ! Here's some of mine. My favorite of all time : [The dollmaker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdmefxcnL38&ab_channel=GRIMMFESTTV) Creepiest ambiance : [Backroom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4dGpz6cnHo&t=7s&ab_channel=KanePixels) Always love kids and monsters : [Smiling man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk-eY5S1Nck&ab_channel=ALTER) Like makeup tutorial ? [Kelleyā€™s last review](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma6HhbxnI2M&ab_channel=ALTER) An improbable monster but she rock! [The birch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxQj0DumF8Y&ab_channel=CryptTV) The most innocent victims of Christmas backfire : [Treevenge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAinT-kieFI&ab_channel=JasonEisener) Resurrecting the dead, not as easy as it seems : [Jesus vz Zombies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OJuYdwjAwI&ab_channel=DavidBusquets)


This guy kills Maureen Prescott https://youtu.be/Iah51eES0bc


Shallow With Dan Stevens


Not really the best, but the story is good and with only being filmed using an Iphone, it's quite good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcDy884aeYI&t=0s


ā€œthe kid and the cameraā€ i just watched it a few minutes ago and came to this subreddit to find more lmao. made me feel really uneasy the whole time, and the endingā€¦ euuugggh


Also here after watching it. Very unsettling.


The chair was phenomenal


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6GzuVdMbL4 THE MIRROR (short horror film) -made this myself for my YouTube channel


Just started going in DEEP with the short films! We have been watching all of ALTER, canā€™t wait to dive even more in


Can anyone help me i am trying to find two horror short films i watched on YouTube a few years ago, i can remember what happens in the films but just cannot remember the titles. first horror short film was divided into two parts first half showed these kids breaking into a broken run down home, second half shows one kid in his apartment watching out through a telescope or binoculars and sees across the street someone being killed the killer then notices him watching then immediately runs across the street to his building. second horror short film has a man at his home alone while his girlfriend/wife was working late during the film he can hear strange noises in his house but doesn't find anything, then at the end he is attacked by this crazy girl. Any help is appreciated thanks.


The first one is intruders.


That's it, Thank you so much.


That scene where the person runs into the other apartments is reeeeeal scary !!


I think the second is called creek ? They made a second. It just the first scene is him getting home late and hearing something and investigating and I remember that clearly. I don't remember the ending tbh but I hope this helps


I looked it up and found two short horrors on Youtube under that title, they weren't it, i can remember very clearly what happens in the short film it's just the title of it i cannot remember. this guy who is home alone hears weird noises in his house and at the end is attacked by this girl who appears to be an escaped mental patient.


Hmmmmm how about this[this one ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eP9Vov9cGfc)


Oh my ggoooodddddd. No I know what you're talking about. Is he like walking through this kinds dim light house and comes around the corner and she like refused to come into the light and he's like trying to get out the house now And you end up finding her as a crazy old patient. OR it's cobwebs.


Yea, that sounds like it. and no, not Cobweb that came out last year and i watched this short horror back in 2016 i think.


This is a new short horror film. Not overly scary but really good. https://youtu.be/wBuhOMoYydY?si=Uttm03uu9N6TwMAS


Some fun ones: https://youtu.be/f2EK6iYqsuE?si=b0Pj-Q1mQcaGQZyI https://youtu.be/Aw0uORumRts?si=kq0ZdvTrAPqHZKPi


Man on the Train, Other Side of The Box


I made the Box, and I'm just stopping in to say I just released my newest short! if you're interested, here's the link: [https://youtu.be/KZi7rVwD680?si=Zmj3hkfIJwaFDQea](https://youtu.be/KZi7rVwD680?si=Zmj3hkfIJwaFDQea)


Couple years ago I did my first horror short film called 'The Operator.' A lot of these shorts mentioned in this thread really helped in this first attempt. If you're a budding filmmaker, yeah, "Other Side of the Box" and "Lights Out" are brilliant. If anyone wants to see our short film, it's here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgE92MfqFao


Glad you liked Other Side of the Box. I just released my newest horror short, and you can find it here! [https://youtu.be/KZi7rVwD680?si=Zmj3hkfIJwaFDQea](https://youtu.be/KZi7rVwD680?si=Zmj3hkfIJwaFDQea)




Penrose stairs! This girl gets stuck in a loop, check it out! [44 - Horror short film](https://youtu.be/39ItiHdrKLM)


"The Armoire" is brilliant.


I know some of these messages are from a while agoā€¦. BUT THANK YOU, Iā€™ve written a lot of these titles down and have a lot of horror to watch. Canā€™t wait thanks to all of you!!!! ā˜ŗļø


SIMONE is a good horror short with an intense pay off. I also like their prequel fan film to Halloween 1978. [SIMONE](https://youtu.be/QcEcPq3qVUk?si=vScQR3JFMrOlMIM2)


[Pleasant Inn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jv4uiR3Aew8&ab_channel=DavidRomero)


Ghost Burger is a super good watch if you like stop motion




Check out A Walk Among the Dead on youtube https://youtu.be/0H62fnCby7s?si=FLi01VgJ4LQuOI07


I know Iā€™m a little late. But can anyone help me find a video. Of a boy looking out the window of his apartment building. Looking into another apartment building. Think he witnesses a murder. And the murderer looks out the window and stares back at him from across the building. Looked like he was possessed. The murdered then walks out the building and crosses over and gets inside the boys apartment building. And into the apartment. The murderer was this huge giant. Ring a bell ?


Someone asked this above. Intruder.


Hi friends, just released a new horror short *Dead Enders* on Alter with which we won last year's SXSW Midnight Audience Award. Would love for everyone to watch! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t\_Wdy1WOXqQ&t=5s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_Wdy1WOXqQ&t=5s)


https://youtu.be/eIWx7AxgAYg?feature=shared this is pretty freakyĀ 


uhhhh notice me senpai ig


or mama Agnes


I saw one on a reel or something but I can't find it again to show my daughter. A guy walks out to his apartment hallway and there's a creepy (lady?) with long arms staring at him from the top of some stairs. I think there's text on the wall that says "This tenant doesn't live here" or something like that. So he goes inside and looks out the peephole and she's right there. Anyway every time he walks further she's closer. I don't want to give away too much but hopefully someone can tell from that. Tia


I just saw that one! I can't find it though, it's very frustrating Edit: I found it, it is by spangerlookrey


# Blasphemous sprouts of idle curiosity - I have pooped my pants


All of mine but Emines Blu


Check out this one! It's insane! https://youtu.be/nu03fCS7hgc?si=6HJsGfODdfBL3mep


I'm surprised no one mentioned this one! It's a fairytale as horror! https://youtu.be/fw4gwwS-nFI?si=bL-tZo4A5toF5MDN


For the life of me, I can't seem to find or remember the title of this "classic" found footage horror short film on YouTube that was posted around like 2010. It started out with a guy filming himself as he's about to check out the commotion in front of the police station at night; a woman is hysterical about her husband or son disappearing into the woods. A bunch of local hunters gather around a campfire to begin their search party and then they hear this gnarly roar from the darkness of the forest. Gunfire and slaughtering ensues and I think the main guy gets swallowed alive.


Closing time. Best one ever!


The chair


Bro I watched other side of the box while cropping on YT shorts and was traumatized for the next week I WAS 7


In case anyone is reading this old thread, I released my first short horror film this week. Give it a watch if you're keen! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8Bf9FrH2ig](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8Bf9FrH2ig)


I recently released my first short horror film, The Guest, on YouTube. It's a lockdown project, filmed after restrictions lifted somewhat. It's more psychological horror, so if you like a slow burn, please consider watching. Hope you enjoy it! [https://youtu.be/C8Bf9FrH2ig](https://youtu.be/C8Bf9FrH2ig)


There was one short movie on YT I canā€™t remember the name of but it was about a couple in a house and there was a creepy girl on the deck and the husband goes to a convenience store and there a creepy woman there with a smile. Would love the name or link.


Ding You're Dead! by site b productions. it involves a killer microwave!


I'm a little late to this thread, but if you haven't seen Die! Sitter! Die! : Rupert, you're missing out.


https://youtube.com/shorts/TG8nbyv-j4s?feature=share https://youtube.com/shorts/TBXcdZRWbCg?feature=share


1st is Private, 2nd removed by uploader


Im trying to look for a short horror film. I remember that a guy just dies perhaps a car accident and he is in front of what you could say judgement. Thereā€™s a robot or creature with rotating faces, glimpsing through his life. Does anyone know what Iā€™m talking aboutā€¦?


I'm looking for the same, you find it?


I am looking for this exact one!! Please let us know if you find it.


I loved The Tenant. Saw it at a festival a couple of years ago, and they just uploaded it to Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZspEzypmGEU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZspEzypmGEU)


Have you seen [SURVIVERS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqufbEhlEkw&t=265s)? That's an excellent short film about three science geeks who basically screw up the end of the world


I shot a horror short in an old house with a couple of friends. Inspired by a distant mentally-disturbed cousin I had who lived in the same house years before and nailed the windows shut because she was afraid of a skinwalker-type creature trying to break in. When I was younger, I took notes during her stories. Unfortunately, she died a year or so ago. Here's what we made: [https://youtu.be/K0oe4YF6KX8?si=3Vm6t-vE0zhziyR0](https://youtu.be/K0oe4YF6KX8?si=3Vm6t-vE0zhziyR0)


[https://youtu.be/3ihQ0znrBGc?si=SdBpM8DI8CDtm-Q9](https://youtu.be/3ihQ0znrBGc?si=SdBpM8DI8CDtm-Q9) Psychological horror short


Hi all, if you like horror short films, I'd love it if you would check out my latest. It was made super low budget with tons of passion. It's called ... [Let The Wicked Rest](https://youtu.be/BMlC_CSwDOg?si=CJ-qaDzx8CWPqEt2)


i would say missing Halloween or whoā€™s hungry


Not the best but would love for y'all to take a look at my most recent short. Thanks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFid38N9lkc


Portrait of god


[Pleasant Inn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jv4uiR3Aew8) [No Through Road](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08rj_ioKNSo&t=245s) [There's a Man in the Woods](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXY71hCkLCE) [Remains](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3WXoSbFvC0) [Best Friend](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j01Hg4QJ6NE)


The Chair was AWESOME. best short film iā€™ve ever seen


Does anyone recognise this/is able to help me find it again?? I stumbled into old school youtube, the horror shorts, specifically. Blackbox TV and the like. I remembered one I found really good where theres a couple of girls living together and one of them is increasingly loosing touch with reality. She is obsessed with working for the fbi or something similiar, and one day comes home with a letter confirming she's hired or invited for an interview or something, but then the other girls get their hands on it and we see it's a piece of paper words written in coloured pencil, very obviously by the roommate herself. I've tried looking up "horror short fbi job application" etc, but nothing like this comes up


https://youtu.be/lQ_AbPELEtQ?si=N9iGEBIFVLqPrxhq. Give it a watch


[guys give it a watch ](https://youtu.be/lQ_AbPELEtQ?si=N9iGEBIFVLqPrxhq)


Check this crazy one out: https://youtu.be/xOFTOmycxus?si=vZ\_43vB5Ca739p1l




this is an old thread but does anyone remember the name of the short that had a swat team like group that hunted ghosts, and in the end you find out the main character is just reliving his last day and is a ghost himself? i have been looking forever and even asked r/helpmefind but no one responded


Did you ever find out? Sounds like a mixture of movies. Part sounds like one of the Hellraiser movies ā€” the one with Harry Dā€™Armour. Edit: Checked the post. Thatā€™s not it. Couldnā€™t find anything. Closest thing was The Living Ghost. That could be from 2015. Found it on a list of 191+ short movies.


Late to the party but just watched Don't Blink... very spooky!