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Just show them your butthole, and they won't think you're the fuzz.


I'm slightly self conscious of my butthole after some serious constipation following a stint with opioids back in 2014, shit there I went over sharing again.


That’s ok, we don’t really wanna see your butthole, just gotta know you’re cool.


I'll share food with you if that makes you accept me and also apologize for everything I perceive wrong with my camp if you come visit


no on camping looks like a cop lots of cops on golf carts though plenty asking for drugs in the venue


Sir, You have not met me. I appear to be a police officer for some reason especially to those who might consider themselves to be wooks. There's nothing I can do, if I try and hide it it looks worse so I just lean into it? But then you see me do a bump of k and realize reality is not what it seems always.


i hear you. and in the venue people may think that. and if you ride a golf cart, there too. BUT cops dont camp lol. So you should be safe in your camp site


Thats great, I got accused of being an off duty police officer 2023 roo at my campsite lol.


Bestie is that you? My festie bestie has the same problem. Went looking for a single nug of bud our first year and got called a narc by multiple neighbors. Just be yourself, don't worry about what you look like. I'm sure you wear sensible shoes for walking all day.


No. I am not your bestie, never been to hulaween, speaking from rooperience and day to day life Yes my shirts are breathable, yes my hat has a really wide brim to protect my pasty sunburn virgin skin, yes my SPF is over 50, yes my fanny pack has a hidden pocket and a clip for my keys, yes I have body wipes in it, and yes my shoes are extremely sensible, yes my sunglasses are polarized and mirror Finnish, yes I rock a high and tight skin fade with a hard part and get a haircut every 10 days.


Lmao buy some pashminas and harem pants Brodie


20 bucks says you're friend and I are so adjacent it hurts I know his type


Do you have a thick mustache or something?


Worse, got a goatee


Cargo shorts, a goatee, and do your wear your hat backwards? You’re either undercover or Fred Durst in the flesh!


No that's just cheesy, and also non practical, and my hats usually a bucket hat. But not a cool one a vary practical large one.


I laughed at “non practical.” As much as I love the 90s, non practical fashion defines the entire era. Keep on doing you man, sounds like you’ll be safer from the FL sunburn keeping a good head on your shoulders. Practical festie goers make the BEST neighbors imo. Come camp over around The Loop if you can snag a good spot, it’s a real “leave no trace - respect the grounds just as you respect others” community year after year. Those with less than legal hustle hobbies walk around to many seasoned festival going groups that no longer partake without any mutual judgment or paranoia involved. Shout out to all the lost and wandering spunions trying to make their way to a plug they met that day in the late hours. When I see someone circle the loop 2-3 times, I assume that someone needs some help with directions. Have never assumed “this must be a cop trying to bust someone,” and have helped out / hydrated/trip sat a few of them. Best was the guy so geeked out of his mind he assumed with all the questions, WE must all be cops, until we calmed him down by reminding him we still have no idea where his “new friend” is camped because he could only remember how to get there relative to his camp. Pretty sure dude wasn’t anywhere close, this guy just wandered into the Loop and was stuck walking in circles. “Well if we can’t find your new friend, where’s your fam?” de-escalated that one quite a bit. Turned out to be a pretty cool dude, too. 80 acres is a hell of a lot more convenient if you’re trying to catch the renegades, no doubt, but I’ve had no problem making new friends and getting groups together to scope out the after parties we all got word on throughout the day. On a related note, my friend just shaved his beard into a mustache for the lols, and he has been treated SO differently this week it’s ridiculous. He’s tan, works construction, commonly mistaken for either Hispanic or Native American, absolute goober of a human being (Andy Kaufman vibes,) and suddenly strangers are more on guard around him. More so around him and his dog. People are getting aggressive with him in petty traffic situations. A complete stranger took a joke the wrong way; not something offensive or racist in nature, just awkward, didn't land, followed by attempting normal small talk, and stranger was then AGGRESSIVELY guarded with his answers. Got the vibe this was about to escalate, and we knew the bartender well, he picked up on it too, and was ready for a situation. I had enough cash on me to take care of our tab so we could gtfo of there. No one needs that during a Monday happy hour. "Do you think it's the stash?" "Yes I told you it makes you look like a cop." "hahaha yeah. My roommate also said I was ‘looking extra white this morning,’ and I’m tan af right now. I'm going to have it for Hula and walk around with a walkie talkie." "Not going to make a lot of new friends, look how it's going, and this is a highly conservative town! "The real ones will know. The real ones already know." He’s now got his hands on a full camo hunting jumpsuit. “What if this year, I go as the spirit of the Suwannee? I’ll blend in with the trees.” Yeah, except with the mustache that costume/idea is truly going to horrify someone. Honestly kind hope it does, because that’s the only way we’re going to be able to find him. Total opposite of practical 😂


“Do you guys have any M I could buy”




Butthole or you're a cop. No games. Just buttholes. If you're wearing cargo shorts...butthole...white New Balances...butthole...backwards hat and soul patch...butthole...random tight t-shirt w/fishing branded face cloth...butthole...high socks that are white...butthole...military style haircut, forward hat and sport shades...butthole...if your backpack looks like it's just as much full of shit as you are...butttttthhhhhooolllleee. These are the rules. The rules can be elongated and elaborated upon...butthole. 👍


You got me to a t, minus the cargo shorts. That's just tacky.


Would I have to show butthole 👀[butthole or no? ](https://photos.app.goo.gl/sXxLvnGWmzvXYxEc8 )


Being a butthole I suppose counts as showing butthole...you get the pass. PYSCH! WRONG! Nothing passes through until we see thee butthole!


Just don't make fun of Mr. Flippaflappa I didn't shit for 12 days once and passed a two litre bottle of coke sized thing. Fuck heroin yo!


Shit, cargo shorts make you look like a cop? No wonder I get so many weird looks. I try and wear trippy but comfy shirts but the pockets on cargo shorts are way too handy. And my bag is a CamelBak so it can't hold much stuff. I always come over prepared but like, that's who I am lol. Need gum? I gotchu. Need a charge? What kinda charger you need? Porta potties outta tp? Np bro got my wipes.


I do this too...I'm no exception. I'll be showing my butthole.


Butthole gang


I’ll never forget walking around the campsite late one night because I was too zooted and couldn’t sleep without smoking some herb. Lost my bowl and ran out of papers, I swear everybody I asked for papers assumed I was a cop. Finally a chill dude gave me some and I went back to camp and finally got to bed.


That's funny as hell


Woop woop