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One night it took me 4 hours to walk to my campsite- but most of that was in circles for some strange reason… gets weird in the woods.


LOL. Hmm… I’ll have to try some of whatever you were having that night.


In 2022 I arrived on Friday morning and camped out in a field. Even then, it was only about a 15, maybe 20 minute walk to the performance areas. Suwannee is very walkable, and there are less people than most other festivals. “Far” in regard to Hula is relative


Probably gonna be way off in 80 acres somewhere or out in the field with no shade.


I would agree with this. Most of the good spots like the forest or the bat house will get snatched real quick.


It honestly depends on your campsite footprint. If you wanna have a canopy/big tent/large group you will have to camp kinda far away. If you don’t need a big campsite you could squeeze in between camp sites or carve a small spot out in the woods for yourself somewhere close to the fest. One year this guy brought a small cooler and strung a hammock next to our campsite and that worked for him. He had a small car so he was able to wedge it between two trees near our campsite. If you are nice and ask politely most people would accommodate you if you wanted to do something like that. The worst case scenario you camp in a field outside the woods (I believe they call it the airstrip) which is a 45-60 minute walk to the center of the fest. I did that the first year cause I arrived Friday night but it wasn’t too bad if you have good walking shoes. Also try to get there when it is still daylight. Finding a camping spot in the dark is a nightmare, especially if this is your first time at Suwannee.


We were planning a Thursday arrival, too. Based on these comments, I may try for one more day off! We are used to a lot of walking at Bonnaroo, but I was hoping to be "in the mix" so to speak...


I would definitely shoot for Wednesday if not earlier if you want a good spot in the trees that's not too far of a walk. If you have any friends going that show up early that can hold space for you that's an option as well.


Monday/Tuesday is the move


I got there on Thursday last year and was immediately stressed the fuck out because of how packed it was. Took like 2 hours to find a spot, and when we finally did it was way back in the fish bowl… which ended up being a decent spot but just very far. I will definitely go on Wednesday this year. No lie, the second day we walked a total of 30 miles. Part of that was because we were camping super far away and the other part is because we were tripping and got lost for like 8 hours lol


It be like that 😅 arrive Thursday latest and roll the dice


We arrived Thursday night last year and camped in the outskirts (what apparently was the double overflow for ADA), 20 min walk, pretty quiet/chill and sparse neighbors. No matter where you land, you’re going to have a good weekend.


Last year, I arrived on Thursday around 9 am when gates opened, went to will call and was in the gates by 10. Managed to fit my group of 9 cars in the A section, which is super close to the gate entrance, and it was only about a 10 to 15 minute walk to the stages. Camping at hula is kind of a free for all and there’s hardly any structure from staff when entering, so don’t let people scare you away from camping in open spots that are being blocked off by people and or tape. If you can reassure them that you’ll take a small amount of their space and they aren’t even allowed to block of areas, you can easily get a great spot under the trees. We did come across people who tried to block us off from camping where we did, but after diplomatic conversation, we were able to get us all squeezed in including their group who didn’t even show up until Friday…. Just get there as early as you can, try to get your tickets early to avoid having to go to will call, and enter with your group together so you don’t have to go through the hassle of saving room for them.


This year is my first Hula. It seems like if they gave out “parking tokens” for the purpose of saving space it could help with potential problems. They are different than parking pass. Then have zero value other than holding space at camp. If you have 4 parking passes In your total group; but 3 cars are coming late, give all four “tokens” to the first camper of the group. When workers go to check on blocked off spaces that are empty; you can show them the tokens as proof of the size of the group. If you can’t produce the tokens you lose your taped off extra area. It’s nothing crazy official but could help with potential greedy land conquerers.


There’s not really parking spaces though and the concern isn’t always just having spots for cars. People set up stages, big art areas and all sorts of other stuff they would like as part of their camp space. Maybe I’m biased but I love the free for all


Enjoy the airstrip, pal!


Does Thursday cost extra?


Dude the park will be full. If it’s just you or 1 other person you may be able to squeeze in somewhere. Expect to be a good 30-60 minute walk to the venue. Best to bring a bike to get around should shorten that time. To answer your other question most the park will be there by then. I tell people if you can’t get there Tuesday or before your funna have a bad spot. Don’t listen to the fools on this reddit say there is not a bad spot in the park. There is.


> Expect to be a good 30-60 minute walk to the venue The beach is further than any camping areas and is only a 25-30 minute walk to the festival grounds. Where could you possibly be camping where it takes longer than that?


I feel like last year I was a 10 min walk from the beach and a 15 minute walk to the venue.  Idk, it feels like that every year. 


Even from hippy trail/bird sanctuary the beach is only ~30 minutes. That is nearly traversing the entire park from North to South on top of being forced to go around the festival grounds instead of going thru.


Yeah, I've never been so far out that I felt walking was a pain. You just grab a drink for the walk and talk with your friends. 


The venue is confusing as fuck and not everyone walks at the same speed, and this dude has never been there before. Shit takes longer then you expect


Sure, any first timer needs to figure out the best path to the venue. But once you've figured it out, there's no excuse to be taking >30 minutes unless you're purposefully walking slow. There is no camping spot that takes even close to an hour to go between camp and the venue lol.


This is not true at all


Respectfully there’s literally no way. We parked in the very back field towards the furthest point and it was maybe 25 min walk to venue and it’s a nice walk at that.


I camped there too. It was a nice walk at first but after doing that walk like 10 times a day, it got old real quick lol. I was so jealous of the golf cart people 😂