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1. Spirit lake is the area that hosts the art installations. They have had installations here every year but last year the area expanded to fully encircle the lake (Reese lake on Google maps) and I assume that will be the same footprint or even bigger than last year. 2. The water is typically safe to swim in and the park will issue warnings if this changes (due to high tide/current, or other) 3. This depends on who you ask. To me the music is important but the overall experience at hula is unmatched from the camping to the music to the art installations. If you arrive Wednesday, watch the bats take off from the bat house. Take a trip to the river. Explore spirit lake for the first time at night. Take some time to wander around the park. Visit the house of lost. Play or watch frick frack. Rub the bears stomach at the amp. 4. Not sure exactly what you are looking for. They have an organized “vendor village” and then there are rogue vendors selling spoons, shirts, art, etc that wander the campgrounds. There are occasionally enamel pin drops from bigger artists usually in the rv pine field area. 5. Be nice. Don’t litter. Don’t take up more space than necessary in the campgrounds. 6. There’s usually some renegade sets in the pine fields or 80 acres however they have been shutting those down at the other Suwanee events this year in order to appease the county and secure some funding (or that’s what they say). Check out the incendia stage for late nights in spirit lake (sounds like this might be the DEF stage this year). Keep an eye out on here and on the Facebook. People tend to post things about particular meetups/trades/etc. think there’s usually a beer exchange and a clothing swap


The beer exchange will occur again!!!!


I need to get in the loop of that.


Keep an eye on reddit, they post details before the fest.


Will do! What other good fun stuff should I keep an eye out for other than the beer exchange?


They have lots of workshops. My ex wife did the slinky and yoga workshop last year and had a blast.


Yessss Reddit beer exchange for the win!


We should do a sampling where we also can open some up and have a bunch of people try in little paper cups (did that at okee and it was so fun!) there was plenty of beer to still take a can back after


That is what we did last year. There was also Bacon pancakes.


To add to #6. Magic show at the playground at 2am.


Awesome thank you so much! Definitely interested in a clothing swap.


Others have answered most of your questions, but allow me to throw in my 2 cents: 1. As others have said, it’s an awesome visual experience, especially at night. 2. Yes 3. The music is indeed a very important part of the fest, but it’s not the ONLY part. In some cases, the music serves as the vibe setter to what you’re doing as you explore Spirit Lake. 4. Eh I mean there are areas where vendors set up, but there’s not really a designated Shakedown Steet. 5. Most of the unspoken rules can be applied to other fests: be cool, clean up after yourself, etc.. but one Hula specific piece of advice I have for you is: do not miss Saturday night’s String Cheese themed set!! 6. Just walk around and enjoy the sights. Keep yourself open lol


I will be there for every single second of cheese, you have my word. Can’t wait to see Bobby again, life might come back around for another peak moment then.


Good man!


Do you know if SCI have hulaween specific posters and shirts? I’m a poster head and if I could get one from that weekend it would mean the world.


I’m not 100% sure, but wouldn’t be surprised. Try their website or merch tent. Surely they have at least Hulaween posters


Saturday Night Cheese!! 🧀


1) The lake is basically the center of the venue. You can walk all around it, and there's lights and art exhibits and so on. Super neat 2) Yes indeed. There's a beach that folks go to. Water can be cold though 3) I don't think that's true. It's a super laid back festival, and you can spend days just exploring the campground. That's entirely up to the individual though 4) If by shakedown you mean, how thorough is security, then no, there isn't a shakedown 5) Don't be a dick. Bring flashlights. Have fun 6) Renegades happen. Just walk around the campground at night and follow your ears I'm fairly new to Hula, so any of the veterans feel free to chime in with amendments.


Shakedown= vending area (art, clothing, accessories and the like) often including casual non-registered vendors . Hula has a formal vendor's row and unauthorized vending is not allowed. You will still find wooks that wander the campgrounds selling their wares (i.e. some dude hawking pins or unlicensed Hula-branded merch). But the fest can and will shut people down, confiscate their stuff and cut their wrist band.


Caught that after I read the other comments 😂 I watch too much mob stuff. It's added to my lexicon now. Thanks!


Thank you! Hope to get some parking lot bootleg shirts from a wook! I personally like bootlegs over official merch (just off designs).


omg last night after pretty lights we wook walked until 8am on Saturday, just following our ears and eyes to random camps. Everyone welcomed us to chill and dance! so fun!


Don’t fly pirate flags, they will get stolen


lol sounds good


I’m also a newbie! These are great questions. I can’t wait to see any responses


1. Spirit Lake isn't just a body of water with a light show it also has a lot around it, a lot of art, stages (please check out House of Lost), the area where classes are held is also around Spirit lake. If you want to get full spoilers I can happily attach some good youtube videos. 2. Yes 3. You can make Hula all about the music if you want but also if you are somebody who's into classes, yoga, art you can immurse yourself in those experiences. 4. Shakedown? like security? or like a shakedown street like what they have/had at Roo? 5. Too much of a newbie to answer solidly...I'll let somebody else handle that 6. People do a lot of pop up events in the campgrounds


Nothing shakin on shakedown street, used to be the heart of town. Don’t tell me this festi don’t have no heart, just gotta poke around.




1. I don’t have the words to describe how special spirit lake is but you’ll know once you’ve experienced it. 2. The river is very clean and safe. Moves swiftly and drops off kinda quick though. 3. The music is still a major focus, there’s just a lot of cool stuff going on in addition. 4. People walk around selling stuff and they also have official vendor areas 5. Be excellent to each other 6. There are all kinds of renagade sets with a couple established stages like wookville and camp Reddit


Can’t wait! Thank you! Hope to run into ya there!


Follow the weather forecast leading up to it. Don’t trust the weather forecast leading up to it. 😂


The lake is a large pond in the middle of the venue, they do laser and projection mapping visual shows there at night that are dope.


Can’t wait! Thanks for the reply!


People seem confused about your shakedown question, no there really isn’t a shakedown. Most vendors are in the venue, there are some out in the campgrounds but nothing like I would consider a shakedown. You’ll have your campsite to campsite vendors like any other camping fest though




This place will blow your mind!


I can’t wait!!!!


Visual stimulation overload, lol, dose and absorb where you are ,and what is happening and , it will all make sense


Shakedown is only at dead shows/jam shows anymore not really at festivals there will be vendor villages for sure but wooks selling their art and stuff will probably be by foot if they allow it. It’s ok bud I miss shakedown too 😂🫶🏻 we’ll be back soon enough


SOSMP charges a fair amount to vend and they have a couple of authorized “vendor rows” or villages around the park. Because they charge the vendors they also enforce unauthorized or renegade vending rules. To protect those vendors that paid to vend. Why should someone be able to sell their crystals or hotdogs for free while others paid to set up? So if you are caught vending without permission your stuff will be confiscated- per the written park rules. Therefore no “traditional shakedown street” at any SOSMP events.


Why is this being downvoted? It's factual


Haha! My buddies at roo said shakedown was alive and well, will be checking it out next year to see if it brings the same feelings.


i can imagine it’s much different than the actual lot but that’s why I love fests cuz they give an opportunity for people to sell their goods the only downside is they charge you when the dead never charged you to vend until recently you just have to pay to park these days


Unspoken rules: Prepare for camping so you don't become the wook that has to borrow everything. Be kind, respectful, pick up your trash. Make friends with your neighbors and be thoughtful about how much space you need when setting up your camp area. It's a marathon not a sprint so pace yourself accordingly. Get the lay of the land and walk the park during the day before altering your perception, lest you find yourself lost and a mile from your camp at 3 AM.


Thanks for the reply! Already had this stuff in mind but thanks for the reassurance!


Make sure you wait until night time for your first trip around Spirit Lake. Don't go during the day until after you've spent a couple hours there the night before


We’ll be there Wednesday and we’re kind of antsy to familiarize ourselves with the ground. But I get what you’re saying, I’ll def enjoy it on the second trip at night.


There's a ton of Park to explore. Once you get camp set up you can go check out the river and just go walk around looking at all the other cool camps. Definitely plan on going to the bat house a little before sunset. It's great watching all the bats leave the house.


Might be a spoiler but the "lights" some people refer to are an amazing hologram-esque show using water in the middle of the lake. I highly recommend seeing spirit lake during the day and then returning when it's pitch black. Extremely trippy and awe inspiring to not experience the transition to night imo for your first time


My first Hula was last year, skipping this year and making a point to go in 2025. It was my first music festival experience and I felt so much love and community and compassion and gratitude 🙏 Not only from my camp but all the wonderful people and performances that go down on the meadow. You’ll hear about Saturday night Cheese a lot and it is worthy of the hype, the whole festival comes alive in an uproar of dance and music. It’s a sea of people having the greatest Halloween party in an absolutely beautiful place .. I’m so grateful for the experiences, the new friends, and perhaps most of all, that part people call the secret, the holy spiritual baptism, that is, the Suwannee river itself .. GO to the river and jump in and just flow 🦦


You’re gonna love it at your new home!


Bring cheese