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Which part of Joliet is the key question


Extremely important


Some parts are actually Plainfield and some parts of Plainfield are Joliet


Come to Plainfield. It’s so much better


Way too expensive now. Plainfield is setting rents like they're Naperville


There's nothing to do here though


Omg I love this comment 😂 looking at you Joliet water tower behind Plainfield south!


It should have read that some parts of “Plainfield” are legally within Joliet. Including Plainfield South High School. Supposedly the developers figured Plainfield sounded better so somehow got Plainfield mailing addresses but all their facilities and taxes are all in Joliet as they are all properties fully within Joliet boundaries. You can see PF South here within those boundaries on this map, as well as lots of surrounding properties having similar Plainfield mailing addresses while being within Joliet https://www.google.com/maps/place/Joliet,+IL/@41.513015,-88.1501694,9z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x880e456bec363d7d:0x9f9e66f7a36bc042!8m2!3d41.525031!4d-88.0817251!16zL20vMHM5Yl8


Some parts of Joliet have a Plainfield mailing address but are in the city of Joliet. But my God, they never want to admit they're in Joliet.


Between the prison and the oil refineries


Gotta be west of the J on the map. Or far eaat


I was on the j for like 4 years in my 20s in the cathedral area and it was pretty nice. But east of the j is not advisable.


Agreed. Cathedral area is very nice but down the hill ... It goes downhill


Damn this is too accurate lol


East Joliet here 😂


Fingers crossed not the hill.


Born and raised there for 18 years. It’s fine. An industrial city that fell on some harder times as a lot of the rust belt did but has generally rebounded due to its location to 80/55 and the industry that has brought. There are better places to grow up but there are also a lot worse places to grow up. Never felt like my upbringing was impacted from growing up there.


This is a great take and true of the vast majority of places in the US. Everyone is suffering from greener-grass envy


Yeah if we look at it from a bell curve perspective, most places are like this, especially in major western countries like the US.


Born and raised and still here at 39. I'll agree with this assessment. Also close enough to Chicago and Starved Rock and tons of things in between.


Grew up there too!! Went to Farragut, Dirksen, and Central.


I80 cities and towns are all the same


Fair assessment


Great…if you love disc golf! ⛓️🥏


Never played any of the courses in Joliet, but being super close to Dellwood must be amazing.


Dellwood is the jewel, but West Park, Highland Park, Community Park, and The Oaks are all great and right there.


I grew up playing disc golf at west park and discovering that most courses aren’t complex forest courses was a surprise to me. Didn’t realize how spoiled I was.


Played Oaks a few times. Never the other 2. I think The Oaks is a much better looking course, but Delly is so much better


I feel like the Oaks has gotten a little worse over the past few years. Mostly in terms of the OB. If you’re off the fairway at all, it’s tall grass, poison ivy, and thorns. They used to trim up the OB a bit more and now it’s just super overgrown.


Glad I don't play there anymore. Just Dellwood, Rivals Lookout outside of Wilmington, Willowhaven in Kankakee, Riverfront in Bourbonnais, and Peotone. Played Round Barn once and the Elwood course a few times.


Third hole at West Park is 🤌


Was about post this then saw it was the first reply lol


Which are the best courses around there? Had no idea they had courses there


Dellwood is the jewel, but West Park, Highland Park, Community Park, and The Oaks are all great and right there.


Spent time in prison there, and of all prisons I was I was in, it was certainly the shittiest one.


Joliet Jake?


No, that’s Stateville Sunshine


I grew up in Joliet. I remember having to do some clean up duty during army basic training with some other soldiers from other units on post. The “where are you from?” question eventually came up, and after saying I was from Joliet this female soldier I had been working with told me her dad lives in Joliet. After asking what part of Joliet she lets me know he lives at Stateville.


I recently learned that incarcerated persons from other facilities go to Joliet for hospice. I just can’t imagine.


It's by far the dirtiest and most run down facility I've been too. I spent time in a good dozen or so.


Ah yes club ultimate


Did you meet Freddie Gibbs?


Great if you’re looking for one of the last remaining Rax Roast Beef restaurants


Rax: You can eat here


Upvote for Rax - I miss the 5 for 5


Wait, that place is actually open? I drive by it all the time.


Put 150,000 people in one place, 15,000 of them are going to be assholes. Joliet’s no different.


Come see some great live music at Richardson’s every other Friday! Dope ass band that I’m totally not in just booked a regular gig there


Marzell’s good people


You know, it’s awfully interesting to read people say this city sucks but it went from 75,000 people 30 years ago to over 150,000 today. Schools are expanding because it’s a place families are relocating to. Once downtown becomes a better destination for entertainment, it’ll be awesome. I love Joliet.


Downtown needs a total redo for sure. So many empty storefronts and then you have to pay to park for the privilege of going there.


Aurora was in this same predicament about 6-7 years ago. They got lucky with some great developers and it's really turning around. Have patience. Hollywood is relocating the casino to the East side away from downtown and we can't wait. It only takes 3-4 great businesses to get things going, but you can't slow down once the momentum is going.


I really wish the current downtown casino didn’t wipe out blocks of cool old buildings along the I&M Canal / Des Plaines River. It didn’t need to be THAT close to downtown. It’s convenient to get off the train and be at the baseball field across the street (if you’re on Rock Island, certainly not Heritage Corridor!) but it blows my mind how they lost both of their downtown breweries within six months. I host history tours at the oldest-standing brewery in IL and one fact I share with people is that prohibition really affected mom and pop breweries. The pre-prohibition number of independent breweries in IL didn’t recover till about 2005. We’re seeing the pendulum swing right now though because 10% of all breweries in IL closed in 2023. MyGrain was such a perfect location, and Elder was easy to get to as well. I hope someone considers another swing at union depot again


I lived in downtown Aurora about 10 years ago. It was fine, but it really needed a facelift. People had been talking about new development for awhile. Glad to hear it finally happened!


Leland? Downtown has really changed so much from 10 years ago. I think you'd be impressed. Broadway is still a bit of a struggle but the core is definitely being reshaped. River Street has a new coffee shop across from the library, the West Aurora Admin building is 2 storefronts, apartments, and has an architect in there too. There's a tap room a little further south on River. A small ice cream shop and new restaurant on Stolp. Two new restaurants in the next month (hopefully).


If only they could do it without giving tax dollars and public land away to outside billionaires.


There are so many solid (and historic) buildings downtown that I don’t want that to change, but I would love to see these continue to become places to frequent. Vintage clothes, albums, a coffee shop, a plant shop…Chicago Street is getting there!


They are working on it. They had like three professional mockups of downtown and last I heard was it was going up for a vote.


Making downtown better has been talked about for at least 30 years and it’s improved at a snails pace.


This is good to hear. Go Joliet! I love seeing the baseball stadium when you approach on the Amtrak.


We salt everything


Fuckin JOES


Fries or rings?






There is a nice part of Joliet that is in the Plainfield school district. I would look into that area if you are set on moving there.


3rd largest city in Illinois


According to recent numbers it looks like Naperville might be 3rd now.


Wow some estimates put them within a couple hundred of each other.


Nah E: stand corrected didn't realize it was bigger than Rockford now


Apparently Rockford has been dropping positions for quite a while. It'll be interesting to see how much the boom Belvidere is having and the train line affect this.


It's all 815 to me


I always thought Peoria was the third largest.


Or Springfield, or E.St Louis, or soemthing.. I never thought it would be Joliet but dam if it hasn’t grown.. although Aurora-Naperville also wouldn’t surprise me.. or Evanston actually.


Evanston doesn’t have the real estate. It’s less than 8 square miles in size.


Joliet is blue collar and proud of it. It’s large enough for diversity and all the good and bad that go with it. It has all the shopping and restaurants needed for a community of this size. It’s at an amazing location with rail access to Chicago and beyond. An hour south of Chicago and 30 minutes North and East of rural Americana. Fishing, hunting, and as mentioned above, disc golf. I moved to Chicago a few years back but I miss Joliet. It is as real as the shirt on your back. It’s not pretentious. You gotta be a little tough and a little thick skinned, but that’s what being real and honest is all about. The city runs well. Police and Fire don’t mess. Streets and sanitation are in good shape. I personally miss the wide streets and the grass easements and front yards. Chicago is beautiful but a concrete wasteland. Joliet has a pace that I was attuned with.


They should hire you to do marketing because this comment was better than any radio ad I’ve heard




This is probably the best explanation. Enjoy my upvote!


💯 this is a perfect description. I love Joliet. I moved away years ago and find myself missing it more as I get older.


That’s a really good explanation


This is the perfect description. I love Joliet for these reasons.


Better than Danville.


I haven't heard anything positive about Danville.


Growing up there is the most negative thing that’s ever happened in my life - and it lasted for 18 years. Left that bitch the moment I was able.


I only lived there for the first 6 years of my life and I think it negatively impacted me lol


Right. And I meant that “negative” comment literally. Every person in that city has a chip on their shoulder. There is no light heartedness present there. At least there wasn’t in the 90’s and early 2000’s. Everyone was pissy, negative and just a drag to be around. It is not a happy place.


I've lived her my entire life. I really like it. The food is good it's normally pretty quiet. Not a great place if you're looking for exciting nightlife or nature, although it's got a few nice paths. It's also only an hour from some nicer state parks.


That’s not even the whole city, plenty of Joliet still off to the west


It really does sprawl out in a bizarre way


Lots of annexation over the years


Lived here the last 3 years, grew up in South burbs. I feel like the NW side near Shorewood is a hidden gem. Wife and I love the area and people should definitely not move here. I hope the persona stays negative cause I like it and don't need more people ruining it.


It’s quite beautiful there. The Black Rd Library is on beautiful wooded woods and looks amazing in fall


Joliet is perfectly fine these days people just can’t shake the stereotype, same as Aurora


my slovenian side of the fam is all from here and I consider moving back there all the time (in northern IL now)


Like Chicago and malort, Joliet likes it slivo


man, now I want a shot of it shfdsjkfhds haha!


I've been here for over 49 years. I dig it. My property taxes are cheap and there's a lot of good people that live here. A lot of shitty people also, but you'll have that when you have 150,000+ people


There’s a Rax. That’s enough to get me off the highway when I’m in the area.


I lowkey love J-town. It's got its problems, but spending time both there and Peoria, I'm taking Joliet.


It's affordable.


They got the autobahn which imo is a great karting track


I do track days there with my Mustang.


You get to watch Semi trailors load up and depart and arrive IN REAL TIME!!


Cheap rent, cheap beer, cheap bowling, 24/7 donuts & coffee, frequent Metra service to Chicago. Joliet has its issues but it's a wonderful city. Gorgeous mansion district, has a cute little college area, a little medical district, and great hunting grounds.




There's also a thriving hispanic community on the east side. And JJC does much for making education affordable & equitable in the region.


Having lived in Ingalle Park, it was my favorite part of the city. Non pretentious, affordable housing in quiet tree lined neighborhoods close both 355 and 80, it is really a working man’s paradise if you can get past the stigmas the town still carries. Cuisine from every culture, great parks, convenient shopping, a great minor league baseball team, and great, accessible education. I’ll always stick up for Joliet, even if it can hold its own.


Depends: in prison? Or out?


Good comment on the town from another sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/ChicagoSuburbs/s/jPwfKu6zpa


I personally think that person is a fucking idiot but what do I know. Since then Bill Murray (with partners) has bought the Joliet Slammers!! If that’s not a ringing endorsement idk what is


There's White Castle. That's what I say when I drive by on 55.


[Thumper City](https://youtu.be/mFh1_U9FOcA?si=4zr65clIOTyS2dWY)


I feel like a suburb is a suburb, but it’s definitely worth pointing out that Joliet has a ton of potential. There’s some gorgeous architecture both in the downtown area and in the neighborhood. It’s not exactly close to Chicago but it’s also not the farthest away place in the burbs. I think there is a lot of opportunity for the right person who wants to invest in a suburb with a lot of character and it’s still relatively affordable. It is also definitely isolated enough that people who are not particularly fond of cities can really thrive and you can experience a decent little metro and farmland right outside or something if you want


I have friends who moved out there from Chicago, they seem to like it well enough


Is it like Roseanne?


I grew up in another suburb, moved here 10 years ago. I love it! It's a city that values families and education. Kids' sporting events are packed. There's a sense of community that is undeniable. Whether I'm debating between Joe's vs Hey Hotdog, Dari Delight vs Walts or Homecut vs Donut Den, I know I'll never go hungry.




Depending on the part it’s not bad, not good really either. Just kinda there.


Quite lovely lol


My friend from Kazakhstan was visiting one time and we went through Joliet on our way somewhere. He legitimately thought the town was called “Joilet” (as in “Toilet” spelled with a J). I wouldn’t say it’s THAT bad, but not super great, either.


Not so bad, honestly. Its an area with a lot of potential for regrowth. There are lots of great spots to eat and small businesses, and I’m hoping that the downtown area can continue to get bigger and better. Slowly but surely theres been more and more stuff to do there.


Not bad, very diverse, lots of new homes being built You don't even notice the jail, it's closed anyway but the state police is downtown


Shout out to El Huichol De Don Memo, fire seafood.


Chicago urban sprawl is catching up with Aurora and Joliet.


West Side Joliet represent! Rep Da ET!


Which side of the tracks we talking here? The more west of the tracks the better. The baseball stadium is as far east as you’ll want to go in Joliet.


I’m even farther east….as far as you can go…it’s basically New Lenox


Best not go there. It is a silly place.


Vampires live there.... Only Blade can stop them.... /s


I know on Thursdays the prison serves a wicked pepper steak


I used to work there, I worked at the scrap yard next to and across from the old Joliet prison. Although I liked the job and the people I wasn’t a fan of the city. Everything is mediocre.


Lots of good discgolf. The Mexican food is not as good as Chicago or Aurora. I honestly don’t know where the tax money goes.


downtown is boring as shit, it needs a redo. but overall an okay place to live. i will say, my family left around 5 years ago due to an uptick in gang violence in some areas.


Depends on whether you are in the prison.


It's awesome if you like oil refineries and prisons.


I like Joliet, been go karting there and used to stay with my grandma when she’d stay at Harras Casino so I’ve got good memories of the area but the water there is gross takes like it has a film on it or polluted after, uses to drink strictly bottled water when staying there


i lived just south on the north east outskirts of Elwood, i had to go up there a lot and if you just mind your own business and be a considerate person everyone is pretty chill. like a lot of cities there’s a decent homeless population, i tried not to cave in and give them money but if they seem genuine enough i’d give them a couple bucks. there’s some parts that i wouldn’t want to go to and it’s pretty obvious when you’re there, but a lot of the time you can just scurry on by on west Jefferson and get to pretty much anywhere from there. also, don’t really gotta worry about getting pulled over, cops don’t really give a shit there/don’t wanna get shot or some shit. with that being said that means almost everyone goes over the speed limit since it’s so low. great food that’s another thing, there’s a lot of places to eat that are just great especially really good tacos and burritos.


Currently here and the water tastes like ass


I'm from Illinois quad cities and one time when we were traveling my daughter read the interstate sign for Joliet as Joilet... Like toilet. We both had a good laugh at that one. That's what it's been called ever since. No offense, it's perfectly okay E: turns out everybody does the same thing to disparage Joliet. I can assure you all our discovery of Joi-let came with no ill intent. 😂


About to run out of water for their citizens by 2030.


I love that all the disc golf people jumped in. I have been playing disc golf for 20 years and we used to always play West Park.


There’s a reason it’s accurate to say it like it rhymes with toilet.


It’s fine and it’s right next door to Plainfield, which is a nice little suburb.


It gets a lot of shit from how it used to be in the past. Born here and still live here 21 years it's good not bad or great. Lots of diversity, great food just about everywhere (taco truck, ta canijo, China house, Mr Sub, Rax, Sub Dock, Jerk Flavors, Home Cut, southern Cafe, fire water, Aces drive in, I could go on), lots of small businesses owned by local people, there's some good gyms, bars are pretty cheap, you could go gambling at Harris if you want to, there's some nice parks and trails, theres always some event going on wether its a a celebration at bicentennial or something happening downtown, or volunteering to make Joliet better or helping people less fortunate, it's easy to get to neighboring towns and honestly they kinda all blend into one Downtown could use some work and the worst part is the drivers, Joliet drivers are built different, don't ever get caught lacking cause there's always someone driving like a dumbass or just being an asshole


It’s ok. Not really good, not really bad. If you’re looking for a place to raise a family in Northern IL you could certainly do much better. If you’re younger and single it’s probably better.


Gives me the Blues, Brother.


Hot dogs are everywhere.

