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Wait a sec... A boy and a girl, both 15, are the suspects?! Jesus Christ...


Ah okay so the headline is saying there are two suspects. I thought it was saying “Brianna, who is a boy and girl”, is the one suspected of murder and I was just so confused.


Yeah, took me a minute too. That's a weirdly written headline.


Maybe intentionally agitating to drive clicks


I think it’s more because it’s a follow on story. News sites often put the topic first then the particular part of the story when doing that


That's how I interpreted it, too. I'm confused.


Her name is unfortunately everywhere in the uk at the moment so it makes sense in the context as everyone here knows she was murdered.


That's probably the point, British media is institutionally transphobic after all. Two media outlets published her deadname which the daily mail got by tracking down her old opticians. It's awful


That's disgusting...


That's the Daily Mail (or Fail, or Heil, substitute as appropriate) for you


Me, too! I thought the Guardian had decided to just start referring to trans people as both men and women to try to appease both the normals and the ~~racists~~ bigots.


How is racism involved?


Oops- meant bigots. Thanks.


Wait a second. Was I just called a numpty. Nobody calls me a numpty. I most definitely am not a numpty. What’s a numpty by the way?


Is roughly the same as calling someone a Silly Sausage


Them’s fightin’ words.


Happy Cake Day you silly sausage!


So we gotta get ready to throw them fists


You kid, but someone called me a silly sausage in like 2005 and I'm still salty about it.


Salt is how you know you’re truly a sausage


First of all, how dare you?


Fists nothing. Sausages at ten paces.


Numpty is a UK slang term for moron .


I think it's that egg that fell off a wall


Wall eggs. Mmmmmmm


Well... Floor eggs now


Numpty dumpty sat on a wall Numpty dumpty had a great fall All the kings horses and all the kings men Couldn’t put Numpty together again


Scottish slang for idiot


Definitely not exclusively Scottish


I like to think I not a Scottish idiot.


I think numptys might rule ! So if ur a numpty (whatever the f**k that truly means), you are alllllllriggghhht.


Yup. A boy and a girl committed a hate crime.


I thought they meant that Brianna was both a boy and a girl, and that both identities were 15 years old. And then I thought wow, that couldn’t have been worded more awkwardly if they tried.


Yeah, transphobes. It's TERF Island, but the biggest thing that gets me, is all of these hateful f*cks claim to follow Christ. In their own proclaimed beliefs they would burn for an eternity. I hope their parents are well aware that they're the reason their kids suffer that imaginary 'forever'. Because of their hatred. So incredibly sad.


In the UK I wouldn’t say it is driven by religion. Just full on “trans women are just predatory men invading women’s spaces” rhetoric.


Yeah, the UK is wildin with violent crime. Every once in a while, there’s a news story about some police officer who’s a rapist or a murderer, a lot of the big forces are rife with corruption, and the good ones can’t do their job because they’re not getting sufficient funding from the govt. Add to that the lax justice system and the apathy of the general public, and, well… 🥴


"wildin with violent crime" in comparison to where?


America obviously, which as we all know definitely doesn’t have any school shootings or racially charged assaults every other day.


While school shootings are obviously one of the most horrific developments in the evolution of crime trends here, violent crime is actually still lower now then it has been for most of the last half century. Violent crime rates peaked in the late 70s/early 80s, then steadily dropped year on year every year until the pandemic hit. Covid did cause a slight uptick, but even then it only rose to levels matching those in the early 2010s.


You guys had 52 mass shootings in January alone so if this is 'low crime' America I hate to see what the old days were like. No matter which way the U.S. trends it doesn't change the fact that you guys are insanely more violent than any other western nation. But hey, good on yas for trying I guess. Keep working those numbers.




The news over here in NA makes it seem like everyone and their mother is running around stabbing everything and everyone with kitchen knives while 'them immigrants' are Sleeping in tent Cities put up along most main roads. Where gang lords set up checkpoints. It's kind of like they're telling the plot to a video game.


Fun fact, knife crime rates are actually higher in large US cities than large UK cities. Possibly down to the fact knives are also regulated in the UK.


I never said they weren't to be clear, I did say that the news heavily implies and outright says it is the case


Seems to be a line heavily pushed by the gun lobby, along with trying to tell us we’re not allowed to own knives. Begging the question - what do you think we use to e.g. cut up bread? Hacksaws? Chainsaws? Lasers? Basically, outside of a few streets in big cities, if you’re not swinging a machete about in a public park you’ll be fine. I know chefs who regularly wander about unbothered with a cutlery drawer hanging round their waste they could probably dissect a cow with. So yes, the press hysteria is just that, and extremely disingenuous.


Don’t know why people are downvoting, this is true. Crime has been steadily decreasing since the 90s, but the media pretends things are constant chaos to get clicks. Guess most of this sub would rather clutch their pearls than look at facts.


It's partially to get clicks and partially because the rich want the poor to be afraid so they'll vote for right-wing dinguses.


They (FB post) can’t even leave a murdered child alone. They’re disgusting.


Call them “jerks”, on the other hand, and get a 6-month ban for bullying…


I wonder if it’s hard being that big of a cunt or if it comes naturally to them. I’m guessing the latter.


Wherever it is, any rightwing dumbass is always disgusting. It's just a matter of how disgusting.


Transphobic cunts are transphobic cunts. It is crazy how many of them you run into in this day and age.


There’s a reason why Britain is called TERF island.


You should see the comments on Twitter


That’s a nope for me.


As a parent of a child who is dead, I couldn't imagine the parents who bury a child and have to deal with vile, evil folks saying things about my dead child.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I wish I could hug you. I’ll ask my mom to hug your kid for you 💜


There's sadly a greater than zero chance the parents would agree with the vileness


This is true and so sad as well.


imagine you see a story about someone being murdered and your instinct is to respond with negativity. what a miserable life they must lead


It's everywhere you see trans people crying at the loss of our sister. People coming in and replying to us with Avada Kedavra, accusing us of making it all about us, misgendering and deadnaming her (fucking news sources did this!), and generally telling us that we're next. We did nothing and have become the target of a group of fascists who just see us as something to step over to get their ultimate goal, power, and the fucking media and these pathetic pieces of shit keep helping them. But at least we get lip service and told people stand with us while they attempt to legislate us to death!


Unfortunately, it's not a new part of the cycle. Before Nazi Germany came to power, the equivalent LGBTQ community in Germany was genuinely gaining game changing ground in terms of rights and recognition. Like, unthinkably so for back then. Then Nazis dismantled it all so thoroughly, we really haven't even recovered a century later.


Didn’t we lose *decades* of trans and gender research because the Nazis burned it?


Yes. We did. That one big "book burning" picture that most people think of when you think "nazi book burnings" is the fucking gender and sex institute.


The Germans were doing uterine transplants for trans women 100 years before modern medicine managed to do it. The patient died of an infection that is now preventable. Medical science was set back many decades by the holocaust.


Indeed. [Magnus Hirschfeld](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnus_Hirschfeld?wprov=sfti1) and his [Sexology Institute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institut_f%C3%BCr_Sexualwissenschaft?wprov=sfti1) in Berlin were doing groundbreaking work.


The news sources that include her deadname are fucking disgusting. Now not only are thousands of people mocking a dead teenager, they also have a name to call her that they know is extremely insulting to use.


I'm very sorry to hear about all of this. Unfortunately we have a long ways to go to eradicate transphobia. Just know that you have many allies on your side. There's way more of us than there is of them, loud and obnoxious as they are.


I don’t worry about the numbers. I worry about the will to act. The transphobes have demonstrated a willingness to kill. I’m not asking for people to kill transphobes, but to bring consequences and make them know that behavior like this will make the cis people in their lives unwilling to deal with them.


I hear you, and I think you are right on the money. We need to tolerate this shit way less, myself included.


The day the Harry Potter game came out and they revealed there’s a trans character in the game, a bunch of idiots were commenting how they can’t wait to “avada kedavra” her. Oh, and the social media platforms never consider it “hate speech” so it doesn’t get deleted. It’s incredibly exhausting being a trans person right now, having to fight for the right for our own existence. TERFs, Christians, politicians and any other transphobes who helped us get to this point can go fuck themselves for eternity.


Meanwhile Rowling is peeing her pants over a meme of Lily Zombieland with a gun


I’ve seen that. Poor thing. I bet she’s wiping her tears away with her billion dollars. Those trans peasants are ruining her life!


Yeah, "Sirona Ryan". They had to talk JKR down from her first choice of name, "Adam Sapple McHasapenis".


That name goes hard though


Of all the things in a sick society the hate building for trans people gives me the most despair.


I'm closeted to most people because I genuinely don't know if it will be safe to transition. I cried the other day because I almost wish my egg had never cracked. At least then I didn't know what would help, it's almost worse having knowledge of the solution and being unable to do anything about it.


and yet "Playing the Hogwarts Legacy game isn't effecting anyone! It has nothing to do with transphobia! JKR isn't getting paid for this!" And yet every comment section about the game is filled with transphobia people and every comment section about trans people is filled with Harry Potter related transphobia.


We had a local murder of trans woman where the cops dead named the victim in reporting. All empathy aside, it hinders the investigation. People that only ever knew her as a HER might not be able to provide information.


Hugs from an ace sister


It's okay! We have allies! ...So long as they don't have to sacrifice anything of course. Dontcha know? Wizard game is their *childhoooood* please give them permission to play it and not feel guilty please please it's totally okay rowling probably isn't even that bad and doesn't get that much money from it please please


It’s the case for so many people these days, especially the chronically online folks. Any news story is a chance for them to hop up on their digital soap box and puke up whatever crap they want.


Usually it's, "they're evil and going to hell so why should I treat them like a human being?"


**The Bible:** Only God the Almighty can judge the souls of humans **"""""Christians""""":** Yeah fuck that shit, I hate you and I've judged that you deserve eternal damnation for existing in a manner that makes me uncomfortable.


Jesus: He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her. Christofascists: *(gathering rocks)* And I took that personally.


I'd had a lovely supper, and all I said to my wife was 'that piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah!'


Yeah I'm usually super positive in my responses to murders


Funny, I see no dress or lipstick, just a girl with a bar of chocolate.


Bet that's a good Christian


It’s a shame the self proclaimed good Christian’s are actually the furthest from it. The hatred spread is mind boggling


They measure their goodness by how much they hate what they assume is bad.


No hate like Christian love


People suck


And Ann really sucks.


All my homies hate Ann


Who? Sorry, I’m a little late to this


Ann Maria, the person who replied to Jones’ tweet and misgendered Brianna


All I see is a beautiful young life cut short. Anyone who can attempt to make her murder about what was in her underwear is subhuman as far as I'm concerned. Absolute trash behaviour People disgust me


Same crowd who gets mad at effeminate guys, claiming that they “aren’t manly and act like women”.


The tomboys of men.


It’s depressing when a tragedy happens to see the amount of people who just use it to push their agenda


Way back when I was college aged, our community had pretty heated debates about telling our stories publicly. It was a really fine line to walk. On the one hand, people needed to know no one would *choose* this for their lives, but on the other there were extremes of people either fetishizing OR delighting in trauma of the LGBT community. I personally got mostly "well yeah, get used to it if this is how you want to be," but a lot of my peers had a lot less benign comments. Like, Americans are the best at considering minority lives political issues so our humanity gets lost through all the noise.


Is it sad that I'm numb to that sort of thing for the most part? Like I'm genuinely shocked when people aren't completely and utter vile when stories like this come out.


They're literally trying to shove us back in the closet. And for most of us, transition is a matter of SURVIVAL, not just done on a whim.


As if they’re clever enough to have an agenda. They’re just bad people.


Eeeeekkk.... sorry, but no. They DO have an agenda. They're also bad, awful people, but they're terrible people with an agenda and in a lot of states that agenda is now law. Don't underestimate the damage they do.


That's normal. Most people's agendas are intended to prevent tragedies. A tragedy proves that such an agenda is required. The transphobe has an awful agenda, but I see no problem with using a tragedy to push an agenda in general. I do see a problem with misgendering a murdered child.


>His birth certificate should say male. Ann Maria's birth certificate definitely says "cunt".


And "should have been swallowed"


To be honest I don't understand why people who proclaim they are all about freedom and the right of individuals to make personal choices are so keen to push their views onto others who are just trying to exercise their freedom of choice. The hypocracy is staggering. As for this particular case my recollection from my teenage years there was incredible pressure to confirm and I can only imagine how difficult it must be do find one is either gay or feel your gender identity is not as it appears. From a conforming perspective I was fortunate to be a boring heterosexual. I can only imagine the pressure and indeed bravery of those who do not and cannot be non-conformist in this context. So can we just agree freedom of choice is for everyone and we have the right to be the individual we want. To my mind it's either for everyone or its for no one. The loss of this teenagers life is a tragedy. A totally unnecessary tragedy. It's a murder by prejudice. Surely now at the time of burial we can acknowledge and record on the grave what our society could not accept in life.


>To be honest I don't understand why people who proclaim they are all about freedom and the right of individuals to make personal choices are so keen to push their views onto others who are just trying to exercise their freedom of choice Because its not about freedom and individualism. That's just the guise for their selfishness. Freedom and individualism is good for them because less government intervention loses them money and the right to be a dickhead. They don't actually care about everyone having freedom it just sounds more reasonable of an argument than "I don't think we should have universal healthcare because I like stepping on other, less fortunate people to achieve my goals"


As a trans person, I have yet to grasp why there is so much interest in what is between someone else’s legs? To be frank, it’s fucking creepy and weird. I don’t pass men in the restroom and wonder if they’re circumcised. It’s borderline obsessive the way people talk about trans folks merely existing. Anyway, protect trans people.


Fanatics' worldview is fragile and based on fear. You must submit to higher authority or die. They're obsessive and don't think like healthy people, I've seen it in my family. I lost hope trans people will ever be respected as equals in this society. It's wway too easy to use us in a cultural war. Your average Joe can get over gay people even tho they still disgust him a little (ew, male to male anal amirite). But understanding trans issues requires more. More knowledge, more empathy. More than that one biology lesson they had in fourth grade that somehow makes everyone smarter than scientists. Anything that needs to be backed up by some in depth research is a lost case nowadays. People are too lazy, too stupid, too egoistical and will choose easy explanations that validate their egos.


After losing the battle over gay marriage, American conservatives needed a new group to fearmonger so that they could stay politically relevant and keep scaring people into voting booths and church pews. And look at that, just as I predicted, they're back to harassing gay people because they normalized hate against trans people.


It’s not about what is “ between someone else’s legs “, it’s about being different. Humans have an intrinsic fear of differences, that’s why racism, homophobia, etc… exists. A better education system with some classes on philosophy or some other subjects that helps develop an open mind is only way to solve that imo.


Jones: We don’t know why her murder happened. Maria: Well, let me tell you from the bigot perspective…


she was born in 2007. seven. that’s a baby to die so young. it hurts my heart. she had her entire life in front of her. the stronger anti trans rhetoric gets the worse this will be and the people who do things like this will probably keep being just as young as the ones they hurt. and even when these kids die, their graves are still fucking spit on like this after. protect trans youth. i’m not even particularly “old” and i still feel like the times i saw progress was a hundred years ago, because everything flipped on its head so quickly. if you actively spread anti trans rhetoric, you have blood on your hands. may her killers be brought to justice swiftly. the fact that they were the same age as her makes it worse — hate is taught. and the harder you press it to the younger the people, this is what they do with what they’re taught.


I’m freshly 18 but lost 3 years to the pandemic and it didn’t hit me how much younger than me 16 is until you said “born in 2007.” Jesus.


i’m 21, was 18 when it started. when i saw she was 16 i thought that was so unbelievably young but somehow seeing the 2007-2023 on twitter earlier is really what got me because i hadn’t done the math and it’s just. insane. to grow up in a pandemic, die, and not reach adulthood. man.




A 16 year old girl is dead and this is the response. These people are actually evil. Nothing else I can say that won’t violate reddit’s tos.


People who end sentences with 'end of' get automatically filed in my 'fucking idiot' category.


Too true; end of. ^^(argument.)


Doe anyone have any info on why she was murdered? Was it because of personal issues, robbery gone south, or bigotry?


Bigotry. She had been being bullied and tormented by people for ages and the authorities did nothing to help her. Now those same authorities are confused at how such an unfortunate, avoidable crime has taken place. I wonder?


So, from what I read, it only says it was a "targeted murder", but then it goes on to say "there was no evidence it was a hate based crime". I'm not exactly sure why they would target her for murder if not for her gender identity though...


“Targeted” meaning her killers went after her specifically for whatever reason. I mean we’re all pretty sure what that reason is, but I guess they don’t have enough evidence to be able to prove it


They're trying to get evidence to *disprove* it. Transphobia isn't real, duh(/s).


It’s like terrorism. There’s the public version of terrorism and the legal definition of what terrorism actually is. Has to hit all of the marks to be a terrorist act.


Likely bigotry, but they are tearing up the room trying to find another connection.


So there is a funny thing that happened around June 2015, when a certain peachy-looking piece of shit declared he was running for President. He validated all the pieces of shit that had been hiding in the shadows. This didn't use to happen as often as it does now because people called you out on being an asshole. Sure, you could go to the underbelly of the internet (Yahoo Answers) or somewhere like that and see some awful pieces of shit, but the small-fingered moron basically gave everyone a platform and now the sort of people that belong to his cult, think its perfectly ok to be a crass ignorant rude piece of shit. Ann Maria for example over here. She could have just scrolled on, but she has a compulsion to call out things she doesn't agree with and well, we get her hateful piece of shit comment. Its really an incredibly sad and troubling part of our society that these people exist, but its even worse that they can do whatever they want and we're so immune to it, its just marked as "Well shes a piece of shit" and we scroll on and she continues to live her life as a awful person.


she's literally fucking dead, can't they just leave a dead child alone for one fucking second. they have this incessant fucking need to just constantly spew hate. we get murdered and they're still spitting on our fucking corpses. we die and we still can't escape it.


They relish in denying how we lived on our graves. The person she was matters so much more than what she had between her legs, and how she wanted to be seen is far more important than how assholes insist she be seen.


Imagine thinking you're in the right, misgendering someone who was just MURDERED, and calling someone ELSE a "numpty". These people are heartless.


Sadly this is the opinion of many above 40’s in this country.


Not even over 40s. People from all ages are cunts towards trans folk (source, am one)


Yes there is a lot of it that not many of us understand and probably never will. I’ve seen a lot of people with serious problems from keeping things bottled up. If any wants to be something else in their and doesn’t harm anyone then just let them be. Just let people be happy.


TERF Island is a nickname our country richly deserves.


My Birth certificate says I weigh 7lbs, Ig by that logic Im still 7lbs


They (FB post) can’t even leave a murdered child alone. They’re disgusting.


A dress and lipstick did not make Brianna Ghey a woman. That part is technically correct. What made her a woman was her gender identity, and nothing else.


The audacity. A young woman got murdered and some people, who never knew her, have nothing better to do than disagreeing with her on who she was.


Transphobes are utterly heartless people. Their hatred for trans folks is absolutely without limit or mercy. Transphobia is literally a genocidal ideology.


Ann Maria there continued on to say things like "he is a trans girl not a girl" and "bet he has a dick, women don't have dicks" and make like 25 other tweets about Brianna like these. She's disgusting. But also so stupid. "He's a trans girl, not a girl". Seriously, a trans girl means a girl who is trans. If a trans girl isn't a girl, that's like saying a blonde girl isn't a girl or a tall girl isn't a girl. The woman can't understand something as simple as adjectives or punctuation.


Also you have to be a MAJOR weirdo to care about what’s in a child’s pants…


Br*tish people will say the most vile, hateful shit and then end it with a Sesame Street pretend word like numpty.




some words are too vile, even for reddit


I didn't even know that word. I just thought it was something British... I guess it makes sense. My British housemate would always call people muppets


It is our right!


All words are pretend words


Remember it isn’t all of us though. Mainly just hateful older people. Young people tend to be much much nicer


Conservatives are shitty people. All of them. There is no death that matters, everything is an opportunity to be a cold-hearted jackass.


Fucking hell what an idiotic thing to say…. Do these people really have any social understanding at all? RIP to the lady, very sad


I hope one day Ann Maria's tombstone reads "here lies a f'ing numpty, whatever the hell that is."


A child is fucken dead, who actually gives a flying fuck about the gender. Christ, I can’t take these people anymore


Honestly it disgusts me. Fuck people.


Stuff like this really shows how much of a mind virus transphobia is. Once a person falls into it, it just destroys their ability to show compassion or even think of anything other than hating transgender people. I've witnessed it happen online and in the real world.


"This kid was brutally murdered but the important thing is that their death certificate says what I want it to say" These people are fucking degenerates.


There should be laws to protect trans people from getting hated on.


Even if there were laws noone would enforce them. Look at USA, there are laws protecting most minorities from abuse, but people who still attack us never get charged with violating those laws




I'm embarrassed to be English ngl these ghouls disgust me


Let’s *pretend* for just a second that it’s true: transgenderism is some form of mental illness and you aren’t *actually* the gender you believe yourself to be. Even if that’s the case, why give a shit? I thought this was the land of the fucking free. Let people be free dammit.


Well you see, in their minds, we are not really people. We are at best creatures that share genetic similarities and speak the same language. So when one of us is brutally murdered... when a child from our group is violently murdered, that's not more important than correcting what they see as being the greater evil--our existence. They want genocide. Full stop. They'll give lip service to "nonviolent" methods while simultaneously turning a blind-eye to violence committed against us. But if we ever defend ourselves, then all of a sudden that proves everything they've ever said about us... because, again, in their minds, we're subhuman.




I get what you’re saying, but there are no age restrictions on hatred. Her murderers are two 15 year olds. We can’t pretend transphobia is a trend that’ll die out with the oldest of us


I bet their parents and their parents parents are proper trash people too. I'd bet money these kids (murderers) parents failed them before they were even born.


That take is not exclusive to old people and there are plenty of older people who are allies. Generalizations hurt every cause.


Who gives a fuck what the child is !! Some evil cunts killed her.


These are the same types of people who will call a man who isn’t stereotypically masculine a woman


Not just a murder, but a CHILD'S murder. A child was murdered and these beasts can't even show a scintilla of grace or compassion for a second.


These people have zero empathy. Zero.


Good point, Karen. Since you seem to be an expert, what makes a woman a woman? Fucking trash




I would actually love to see her reply. Some people still like to pretend that she's all about "women's rights" but i doubt she could even condemn this


Absolutely. I highly doubt that she could manage to rebuke this, and even if she did, it does fuck all after she's funneled loads of money into anti trans policy


Trans people have been once again chosen by fascism to be the ones to start a genocide. Those god-awful people who are talking about „protecting the kids“ are making the lives of so many unbelievably miserable. Their only language is violence. Be ready this time to „speak“ to them, this won’t end like almost 100 years ago. Suffocate fascism wherever you see it and if that means fucking up some of those fascists, even better. The core group of them will always hate us, always fear us, so give them a reason to be afraid.


Even in times of tragedy TERFS can’t resist being cunts


*Young girl gets murdered* > He is still male and a bit of lipstick blah blah blah And you’re barely a person and your kids probably don’t talk to you. Why even bother with saying stupid unhinged shit like this, lol


I’d sooner be a numpty than a bigot.




Watching this go down live on twitter is so much more worse. People are legit fucking heartless scumbags.


This happened not too far from where I live, it's been interesting to see how the City's attitude changed when the headlines went from "girl murdered" to "trans girl murdered", it has really exposed a lot of the transphobia in Liverpool and how people feel the need to interject some shitty opinions put of insecurity and what I can only presume to be spite. This should be treated as the horrible and tragic event that it is and not some opportunity for bigots to spout hatred. I'm sure it'll be the same situation for the breed of the world as this news starts to spread.


These people don’t give a fuck about other humans. They just can’t. It’s terrifying.


I really hope people are keeping an archive of these hateful bigots. Let history remember them for what they are, the same way we remember the hateful bigots of our past.


I wonder, would Ann still call her male if she hadn't been told she was trans? I doubt it.


this is horrific


Imagine giving a fuck what someone’s death certificate says, rather than the simple fact that they were tragically MURDERED at 16 years old jfc


I can not express how incredibly angry this makes me. She was 15, a child, but you know she’s trans so her life doesn’t matter /s. Theres so many people on twitter mocking her. Worst part is that in her area, you need a certificate to be legally known as your preferred gender and name, but you have to be 18 to get it. So even in death, she’ll be disrespected. I’m pissed and mourning, I can’t even think right now


Stupid fuckin cunt. She was just fuckin murdered and the only thing you care about is their fuckin gender? God damn garbage people.