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user reports: 1: No hatespeech or personal attacks They can dish out out but they sure can't take it.


I can't believe "protofascist" is now being embraced as an acceptable stance


I mean, we fought a WHOLE FUCKING WAR about that, it's really getting scary.


No, see, the Nazis were National *Socialists*. We fought socialists in WWII. See? /s


This is really what they think. Their grandfathers fought against "socialism." Imagine what those WWII veterans would say about their grandkids proudly being "protofascist," holy fucking shit.......


And they use "The Republican party was the party of Lincoln! It was the democrats who wanted slavery." Ignoring the fact that the parties have changed a little in 150 years.


That stance always amuses me, since if they truly believed that then they wouldn’t fly the confederate flag and wouldn’t stand against the removal of confederate statues, since those are all 1800’s democrat things.


Many of the statues are from the mid-1900s to intimidate Black people that had the audacity to demand to be treated as human beings.


"A little" LOL!!! From Lincoln to Trump, indeed very subtle differences 😋 Here's my prediction: All this *reeeeee!* from the right over the current immigrant situation will change, once the powers-that-be turn them into corporate slaves. I predict that the current "OMG nobody wants to *work* anymore! I want my fast food ASAP!!" will no longer be a complaint once the migrants are forced into all those low-wage jobs.


No. They will stand at the McDonald's counter and talk out loud about how they are all slow and way overpaid. SOURCE - visited Alabama.


I don't visit fast food places much, but there have been a couple of times where they did seem awfully slow for no good reason. And I just thought, "can't really blame them, they must loathe this job." Having to wait a few extra minutes wasn't a big deal to me.


Usually the same fuckwads who then claim that Christian churches have changed since the days they were slaughtering, torturing, and raping.


It’s pretty easy to test that, just drive a bulldozer towards the nearest confederate monument and see which side throws a shit fit about it


I had a school district superintendent tell me that Nazis were socialists and pointed to their official name to "prove" it. Rural, red school district and that is how the GOP keeps the next generation stupid and voting GOP.


It's funny how *certain* they are, without any thought as to why so many people don't agree with them, historians included!


Also the PNF led by Benito Mussolini. Literally a group that called themselves fascist.


Right, but Mussolini used to be a communist so obviously fascism is also communist /s


It's insane how many conservatives right now are running to the "Nazis were Socialists" talking point, ignoring that the Nazis famously rounded up all the socialists within their party and sent them to camps (socialists and communists were the very first people sent to concentration camps) or murdered them well before WWII.


Somehow they always conveniently forget The Night of the Long Knives.....


Not to mention that they had mostly split with and started actively persecuting/killing/sending to camp the Socialists/Communists at least a couple years before that very famous purge in 1934. Hitler also pushed to privatize many state owned businesses as soon as he took power in the early 30's, along with an isolationist economic policy - he certainly was not interested in social ownership. ​ One of my favorite things to do when someone tells me the Nazis were socialists is to ask them to define socialism without looking it up. Literally not one single person has been able to do that. They don't like when you ask about North Korea's democracy, either.


See, you “sarcasm” that, but my ex still buys into that.


Fascism likes to rear its ugly head constantly. As the saying goes, we doom ourselves by repeating history.


It’s almost like political leaders are power hungry gremlins


oh boy here we go warring agan


Twice. We fought and won that war twice. 3 times if you count the cold war.


Except that the Cold War wasn't fought against fascists but Communists.


Nah, we didn't fight WW2 to stop fascism, and the evidence of that fact is that for 20 years after the war ended, the American south continued to be a fascist state that had basically the exact same ideas as about race relations as Nazi Germany had.


People have been calling fascist since Trump in 2016. People said they were crazy. As time goes on more people seem to seeing that, and more people are being open about it.


I'm gonna feel so fucking vindicated when the history books talk about the fascism of the GOP and the genocide of trans people that's being attempted by them.


They'll only talk about it if the GOP doesn't win, mind you.


Fascism is a death cult, it doesn't last. It's just that while it's happening things get really bad.


Notice how UK history books gloss over why Ireland, a vassal state of UK at the time and a short ferry ride away, had a famine so extreme the island hasn't recovered in population nearly two hundred years later, while the UK did not? History gets written by the victors, and it very rarely gets rewritten later. As far as the majority of Americans are concerned Columbus still discovered the new world, full of Native Americans living in teepees, one hundred to a village, and the population of Native Americans hasn't really changed, just concentrated into reservations, where they live the high-life off casino money. Don't be so assured that if they get to write history that history won't stand longer than they do.


Oh, we will have to fight and win to ensure this future, that's for sure.


And if there is still an America school system to teach anything in.


Oh right, you mean those books that are being banned from libraries and schools. 😣


“Attempted” it is currently happening and successful


True! I'm just used to code switching, if you will, outside of trans subreddits.


Code switching?


Adjusting certain aspects about your speaking or writing based on the expected audience.


People called Bush Jr. A fascist, I just didn't understand it then.


A year after 9/11 Bush started the department of homeland security. Opening us up to be spied on by our government. DHS certainly seems to be the most fascist organization we have in the US government. And my personal most hated government organization ICE was made a year later and is under DHS. We can thank ICE for the locking up of children in cages on the border under trump. Bush also pushed through the patriot act which was done opportunistically after 9/11. I assume that these precautions have done some good as well. We gave up our freedoms to be safer against external terrorist threats. And I imagine they stopped some. But as we're seeing now it left us open to the internal fascists. I was super against Bush and Cheney at the time. But looking back they're not as bad as our current crop, at least for the American people. Because they at least cared about the United States. I assume they believed that the ends justified the means. Yes they wanted to get rich and stomp on foreign countries but they were a whole level above what we have now. The current crop is willing to potentially destroy the world economy for no other reason than they don't like us. Bush opened the doors for these people. Many of us saw it coming. Personally I wouldn't mind giving up some freedom to prevent terrorism. Or school shootings. The issue is that we left ourselves open to exactly what we're seeing now.


Yeah, at least Bush and co were stealing shit and ruining the world for a discernable reason. Modern MAGA is destroying things for the sake of destruction. Which is how fascism works, generally. Less thought, more action.


I think Bush Jr. actually believed that he was helping America. Modern GOPers know that they are only helping corporations and rich people.


Dubya and crew *were* bad! Less bad than Mango Mussolini and the rest who have come along since then, but still bad. And yes, they completely paved the way for the current Q-cultists.


The whole "nascent surveillance state" thing made it pretty fucking clear. Aptly enough, I got thrown off two different school papers for making the point.


I'm glad things shifted by the time I got to my IT ethics course. I did my paper on Project Bullrun and I thought the ROTC kid in my class was going to attack me when I said the NSA was unethical and Snowden was ethical. Luckily he just stormed out. My professor loved it, though, and I got like a 97.


For him I don’t get it, but l can understand calling Cheney a fascist


That whole "I'm just a simple dude from Texas" thing Bush had going on was a carefully crafted persona. They're both rotten to the core


And regarding Cheney, he makes Patrick Bateman the *second* most evil character Christian Bale has played in a movie


That movie was so fucking good.


Change it to "caveman" and "Phil Hartman" and you have the same character who scarily ended up running America.


The Cheney documentary is pretty eye opening to who was really running that administration.


Which documentary?


It's the HBO doc series on him worth a watch.


Yep. I told people, early on, that the USA would turn into some sort of dystopian fucking dictatorship. My agemates didn’t believe me. Would prefer if I had just been hysterical.


Sometimes you just hate to be right.


It’s scary as fuck. I feel like we’re only a few years away from the Nazi label not only being accepted but worn proudly.


Many of them have long been wearing the Nazi label proudly. Did you not see the tattoos of the recent Texas shooter?


Less than 6 months.


That's the word on the list that really shocked me. "Orthodox masculine" what the fuck is that?


Man but you also hit your spouse


Then they ain't men. At most they're little bitches with a dick between their legs.


With a *little* dick between their legs.


If you're the type of person who is threatened by and actively argues against the fact that toxic masculinity exists, you're probably orthodox masculine.


It's pretty much where they take a Skoda body and stick a Volkswagen badge on it?


It's a cadence error, feminine is spaced over because masculine is supposed to be down there. They basically mean Gender binary


Its either an incel or a man who is going to be divorced like Steven Crowder.


The Overton window continues to shift, bit by bit


Wtf is a protofascist? Scared to google that 😅


Someone who is in the beginning stages of becoming a fascist.


mono = one rail = rail


Mono- d'oh!


Wow you saved me 8 weeks!


Would you like to change your name to Homer Junior? The kids can call you Hoju!


I didn’t know there was a training period 🤣 but sad those people are now publicly accepted in some circles though


Mussolini was an innovator. /s


🌈 Just Protofascist Things ✨


That word made me think this has to be a spoof.


Protofascist doesn’t even make sense; protofascism refers to people who were fascist or had fascist leanings before the ideology was defined. I’m sure they meant neofascist?


My grandpa used to kill fascists in France.


When do we stop being shocked by this? They've been openly fascist for years.


Jep. We're using that now. As a self - descriptor people wear proudly.


I can't believe more than two of them know what it means.


mostly the proto part, do they think that takes out the curse? and if you don't see fascism as bad, isn't that like saying you're almost going to work out?


Half then don't even know what it means.


Protofacist cannot be normalized


How is it different from regular fascism


It’s facism light. All the hate of the 1930s Nazis, none of the camps.




That's the "proto" part.


Seriously, how does one describe themselves as a proto-fascist without seeing how goddamn stupid it is? “I’m a proto-Nazi” is not _that_ much different from saying “I’m a Nazi.” These people don’t understand *anything*.


I’m not sure it’s any different, really. The term is usually used by historians who are looking back at fascist movements to describe the ideologies and movements that came before and laid the ground work for fascism, but weren’t explicitly fascist or actively and deliberately working towards a fascist state. It doesn’t make sense to self-identify as a protofascist in the present. If you know about fascism and proudly believe in the ideologies and support the movements that you also know lead to fascism then you’re just a fascist.


Ackshually it makes perfect sense. Just like how I'm pro-HIV and anti-AIDS. HIV might lead to AIDS but that's not my fault! I just want to contract and spread HIV! I just want to create a society in which we all accept HIV and live in a way to maximise the amount of HIV. So you can't say I want or am responsible for an increase in AIDS, I'm *proto*-AIDS, I just like the stuff directly before AIDS and that is both a valid and acceptable position to *checks post image* deserve a safe space!


Lol I thought about this too and almost made a similar analogy with smoking and lung cancer. But he’s trapped by the fact that he used the word proto-fascism. Since that’s defined as the things that lead to fascism, he’s pro-fascism. He can’t argue he just supports these ideas and movements for their own sake when he defines the set of ideas and movements he supports specifically as the ones that lead to fascism. Like in your analogy, he didn’t say he’s pro-HIV, he said he’s a proto-AIDSist. He defines himself not by support for HIV for its own merits, but by the things that lead to AIDS. That includes HIV, but it’s not really about HIV, it’s about AIDS.


What's weird to me is why even list proto-facism. You have traditionalist and nationalist on there already - they're essentially synonyms or dog whistles for facist these days anyway. Adding proto-facist is about as mask off as you can get - so why not just say facist? In my experience most pro-facists will say they're this *other* thing and any similarities between the *other* thing and facism are just coincidence and don't make *their* thing facism because its totally different, somehow. So why add proto-facist at all? I'm assuming it's there for the openly nazi - those who don't try to hide behind anything, those without cognitive dissonance regarding their beliefs, the neo-nazi and militant. So if traditionalist/nationalist is a dog whistle for facist maybe proto-facist is the more socially acceptable term for those that are even more extreme? That somehow seem preferable to me, like, I *know* nazi's exist already - I don't want to have to come to terms with a new pro-HIV group of the facist-lite and diet nazi too!


I’d argue it’s late 1920’s Fascism with the youth summer camps and rallies just like …. 2020 America.


That’s actually scarily accurate.


Everything old is new again. Sigh.


Alright cant wait for 2033 not to mention 2039


Not fascism light, fascism *early*.


It's the same fascism but just looks fancier.


More beards.


Nazis love to change their name, pretend to be someone else, claim to be a whole new idealogy (See, Neo-Nazi, The Far Right, the New Right, The Alt-Right, Conservative) Scratch a Conservative and a fascist bleeds.




Wow, five years ago


Nationalist should not be normalized, not should protofascist. We, as in the US and Europe, literally had to win a war to kick them the fuck out...and theyre antithetical to democracy.


I think you don't realize these people hate democracy They will argue that America is a Republic and democracy is just "mob rules" They actively desire a strong all powerful leader, a modern "chosen by god" fascist leader to crush the undesirables and silence those who think for themselves


Now I'm not American, but again, didn't you guys fight a whole war to not have a "chosen by god" fascist leader, ie. King George III?


Yeah, were not the brightest bulbs on the tree. You gotta remember that America was founded by religious extremists too crazy for England and the criminals that they shipped in as expendable labor prior to the space trade.


"we're the TRUE Americans" say the people who are against everything America has long been said to be about. Yeeeeah


Oh im well aware. But its important to remind people of the threat they pose and its antithetical place in modern democracies


They all want a powerful dictatorship with no civil liberties until they actually live under one. These people are idiots.


It's so weird, because when I was in school in the '80s, during the Cold War, they always made a big deal about how we're different from the Soviet Union (and, it was implied, everyone else) because we're a democracy and everyone (theoretically) can vote how they want.


Nor should traditionalist, patriarch, or "orthodox masc/fem".


I dont disagree...but those were still elements of our history. I'm using those 2 bc theyre specifically antithetical to even our "ethics" at foundation.




>Who cares about that shit, can we please focus on the literal facists? Oh like the "orthodox masculinity & femininity" isn't just a piece of the fascism. And as for "who cares," uh, women? Trans, non-binary, and genderqueer/GNC people? Do we/they not count?


Normalizing fascist ideals, rhetoric and labeling is where literal fascists come from.


Canada was there, too!


This is 100% done on purpose. They are trying to undercut the message and the power the symbology of the rainbow holds. This isn't a funny coincidence, they know exactly what they're doing.


Oh, definitely. The usage of "safe space" and the list of reverse minded groups already is a big flashing sign.


You know the person who made this though is the same kind of person who has mocked the term “safe space” before.


I believe the word you’re looking for is symbolism


Symbology is the study of symbols. Symbolism is the *meaning* of symbols.


Yep, that’s correct


The last two also seem to not be included unless the picture is cut off


orthodox masculine *and* feminine? i don’t know if a bigender conservative nationalist christian even exists


That’s what I’m saying. Like is it demanding you be a patriarch and feminine at the same time? Seems like the person who wrote this post would hate that combo


My fursona is a femboy cat. Do you think this person would keep a safe space for me for being feminine?


As long as you’re a traditionalist, orthodox femboy cat you should be fine. I’m going to hazard a guess that this guy’s “safe to be around” doesn’t extend much further than his sister-wife.


bold of you to assume his sister-wife is safe around him...


“Capitalist”?? “I will hold space for you”… WTF does that even mean?


I will hold space for a capitalist... for a small fee.




Well, I learned a new terrible word today.


Everyone knows capitalists are an oppressed group and need safe spaces. /s


“I am a safe person if you are Christian” goes against pretty much all of the teachings of Christ and I’m excited that one day, by their own belief system, this person is going to hear that from Jesus himself.


As opposed to people who are not safe if you’re a Christian?


As opposed to a Christian deciding they aren’t required to be a safe place for all.


I’m not a Christian, so frankly I have no idea what y’all are on about half the time.


I am a Christian, and frankly I have no idea what some of “us” are on about nearly all the time.


Must be a toilet, providing safe spaces for pieces of shit


Not the same. Toilets flush shit away.


Imagine. Fucking. Calling. Your-own-fucking-self. A. Proto-fucking-fascist. And. Not. Immediately. Dying. Of. Sheer. Embarrassment.


Dumb fucks ran out of words at the end


"The Imperial Patriarch"? Wow, that person must really be strong and wise!


This person cares not for spectroscopy.


I'm triggered by the dodgy typesetting.


2015: "How dare the libs call us fascists, antifa is another terrorist group!" 2023: "we love fascism!"


The small "if you are" is the most important part of this




Wow classic move- blatently take something, wave it around “this is mine this is mine WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT %€&$#(expletive for non-staright-person)?!“


orthodox masculine and feminine? thats my first time hearing about this. wtf lol


Whay is protofascist and why would one be prpwof it?


I thought safe spaces were supposed to be for "snowflakes"


So they’re done denying fascism


Orthodox masculine?


>protofascist Uh oh


Conservative, Christian, Nationalist Real mask off with those first 3 layers


This makes me furious. Can we really not be allowed to have some actual safe spaces and be left the fuck alone?????


So they’re just fully and openly embracing fascism now?


I wish they wouldn't lump Christians in with those other fools


The problem is that anyone outside this list is not safe with these folks.


I'm actually Protestant Feminine.


'Hold space for you.' not to be crass, but the vibe I get is that the space they are holding for me and my ilk is in a gas chamber.


It's funny that they used the red colour to represent "Christian". I already see it as a red flag, now they also accept it...


If you have to tell me your safe….you’re probably not.


Nazis are incapable of original thought, they can only corrupt what they have around them.


This is even worse than the people who want LGBT to stand for Liberty, Guns, Beer, Trump. Disgusting group of boot lickers.


I have a family member who drives around with a bumper sticker that reads: "I Support LGBTQ: Let's Get Biden To Quit!" I am deeply ashamed I share DNA with this person.


I am at least glad you came out as supporting as you sound. I hope that passes around, too.


I don't even understand what it's trying to say.


"We are going to kill all the LGBTQ folks, and then we're going to move on to killing Democrats" Sorry to have to reveal the ultimate goal of modern post-Trump conservatism, but yeah. That's what they actually want


My parents marriage would fail with this. My dad can’t use a computer at all none the less well enough to pay their bills, he’d be screwed


He’s a feminine patriarch?


Would this make a good example of "oxymoron"?


With all those things I very much don't feel safe around that person


this dude is from my country. im so ashamed. hes such a fucking idiot.




"Proto-fascism refers to the direct predecessor ideologies and cultural movements that influenced and formed the basis of fascism" Source: Wikipedia ...


“Orthodox Masculine and Feminine” is a new one. Whoo lord.


Why is feminine tabbed twice, that's almost as bad as protofacist and nationalist being in there


Safe people don't have fucking conditions that exclude actual minorities. FUCK.


Since when were Christians just going out in the street demanding for the heads of all gays? And Capitalists? Conservatives? I'm not even right leaning and even I don't get this.


History doesn't support you....lets us not forget the quote 'Please lord save me from your followers'. The ignorance of this statement is astounding.


Protofascist? What the actual fuck?


I thought they hated safe spaces?


Until they make you get on a train to take you to a safe space down the tracks. I just finished watching Band of Brothers. Fuck these people.


Bet they wouldn't like feminin men or masculin women, too.




Proto-fascism refers to the direct predecessor ideologies and cultural movements that influenced and formed the basis of fascism. A prominent proto-fascist figure is Gabriele D'Annunzio, the Italian nationalist whose politics influenced Benito Mussolini and Italian Fascism.


You're from Italy, you should know.


when they realize rainbows are from the Bible they are gonna be angry

