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Joe Biden said that during WWII he had an uncle who crashed his plane while flying over Papua New Guinea and was never found. He said he thought that his uncle may have been eaten by cannibals. People have been making fun of him for saying that.


The family lore was that he’d been eaten by cannibals. Which, I get. The amount of family lore I’ve researched and found out was BS is astounding. But I also stopped repeating stuff until I can verify it.


Yeah, my own family had a story that my Dad's family came from a group of notorious horse theives and that our last name was changed to evade the police. I decided to look up our last name and found it was simply an antiquated but still perfectly valid spelling that came from before the printing presses standardized spelling.


My family's lore of our ancestors being criminals is amusingly true.


Same, I’m a descendant of John billington.


My grandfather in the North Carolina mountains supposedly (re)built engines for both the moonshiners and the revenuers, but always gave the moonshiners the advantage.


We have one Criminal in our family history. Several of our ancestors did crimes, sure. But only one capital C "Criminal".


I have the final "death" picture of my ancestor and the posse that killed him. He was a notorious cattle rustler.


My family has a notorious lore that my grandfather left Sicily because he was on the run from the mafia. I tried to find more information about him but his birthday is listed slightly different everywhere and he had a stolen social security number. So yea, my grandpa was dodgy.


Man, I had more kinda similar. A grandad somewhere in the 1860s was out west and fenced horses for Billy the kid and the James gang. At least that's as far as the lore went, just horse fencing. Turns out he knew Jessie James since Quantrills raiders and had rode with them, even being one of the last men with the SoB when he died. The family lore had just been trying to cover up how much of a shit bird he was. 


The same people who are making fun of him for this forget Trump's numerous gaffs. Covfefe anyone?


With the BS stacked so high, covfefe gets lost in the mix 😔


Covfefe never dies though. Hamberders. Revolutionary War soldiers taking over airports.


Sharpie-ing away a hurricane. Injecting bleach and/or sunlight to fight covid. Grabbing ‘em by the p*ssy.


Wasnt it nuking a hurricane even?


That too. It’s actually 2 separate incidents.


Jesus christ, i never heard of the other one then. What was that about?


Trump said Hurricane Dorian (2020) was going to hit Alabama. NOAA said that was not the case. Trump then used a sharpie on a map showing the projected path, drawing an obvious extra bubble showing the hurricane going to Alabama. It’s so juvenile. Look up Trump SharpieGate.


The cannibal story is funny and should be made fun of. The most absurd thing about the maga crowd is the deification of trump. Don’t mirror it.


Well, President Biden did say his Uncle crash in a part of the jungle that's known to have cannibals. Since the body has never been recovered, what happened is speculation that can't be proven.


Yes Biden did lie His uncle crashed in the ocean, as part of a known marked crash, dozens of miles away from New Guinea. His body has never been recovered precisely because it *definitely, objectively did not* make it to shore. They were looking at the time, and found nothing, cause the wreckage...sank. Somehow nobody but Joe Biden, not any of the dozens of family members descended from people on that plane, thinks they ever touched NG soil or had even a 0.5% chance of being cannibalized, cause they fell in the fucking ocean and literally everyone involved knows that. It's wild how much people make fun of Fox, rightly, for making you dumber, but you MSNBC watchers are THIS uninformed and willing to just make shit up to defend daddy. From his own lies AND his own genocide...


Oh my God! Joe exaggerated a family story! This is criminal and he should be in court over it. Oh wait, the other guy is in court at the moment for … What was this felony about this time? Or was it one of the dozens of civil matters and sexual abuse and or fraud? Either way, embellishing a family story is way worse.


Point out where I said Joe Biden being a known pathological liar who's basically only not known as the biggest liar to ever be the president because Trump also exists was "worse?" What's it like being exactly like trump supporters? They also shit their pants and screech about unrelated people who they think are "worse" whenever I criticize their racist senile daddy. Also maybe vote for a guy that doesn't have a half dozen credible sexual assault allegations before trying to wrap yourself in glory on that one buddy, as a Dem you've got Hair Sniffing Biden and Actual Pedophile Clinton, both of which are still prominent members of your party XD


God you are absolutely insufferable. Please grow and change as a person so people around you dont have to deal with this anymore.


I pointed out in my response to him that he's a contrarian. Literally just that. He hasn't responded anymore.


Which party am I part of again? I don’t believe I actually mentioned it. Perhaps my point was too subtle. One is less than Ideal as a president and the other is an unmitigated disaster. You certainly are good at stretching things. Have yourself a good day.


Which party am I part of again? I don’t believe I actually mentioned it. Perhaps my point was too subtle. One is less than Ideal as a president and the other is an unmitigated disaster. You certainly are good at stretching things. Have yourself a good day.


I hadn't watched cable in three years. Flooding damage the cable box. It was replaced but it's still in the Living Room uninstall. When I sign off from telework I usually watch art and craft and documentaries shows on non cable stations on the TV in the bedroom where I work. I do occasionally see MSN, but that's because the work laptop runs on Microsoft and that's the website which comes up when I sign on. I will go to news websites to get information to back up my answers and comments here and at Quora. And I must admit, I should had done a more complete fact check on Biden's comments about his uncle. Seemed some reddit Users has the same traits I find annoying over at Quora. Making incorrect assumptions about me.


You're mad I assumed you watched MSNBC but was completely correct you're uninformed? Oh and you admit you do in fact watch liberal mainstream media, so I'm not actually wrong? But you're gonna throw a tantrum anyway? Cool XD


I did admit I should had done a more careful fact check. As for MSN, I have no choice in that since it comes up when I sign on my work laptop. I usually only read it in passing. I don't remember which website I read the Biden's uncle story. Still misassumption, since I'm neither throwing a tantrum nor am I mad. At best I'm annoyed (since you assumed I watched MSNBC. I may do it in passing to fact check, but not regularly) I don't get angry on SM. Not my style. And you don't know what type of webpages I access to back up my comments/answers here and at Quora.


Oh brother you're about 8 years too late to warn Dems not to become mirror images of trump supporters. Literally their only argument for Jim Crow Joe is he's not trump and then he got elected and was "the new FDR" lmfao. And now Dem voters are defending a genocide just cause they know Biden will never do anything to stop it and he's Their Guy. XD


Oh yeah sure just like it was family lore that he grew up as the son of a British coal miner ;)


Don’t pull any muscles with that reach there, bud. It would be a shame if you hurt yourself so badly you could never shitpost again.


Reach? You mean reference to a well documented plagiarism scandal in the middle of an unbroken career of pathological lying about himself and his past and then pretending it's always just a little whoopsie doodle? https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/echoes-of-bidens-1987-plagiarism-scandal-continue-to-reverberate/2019/06/05/dbaf3716-7292-11e9-9eb4-0828f5389013_story.html Biden Bros are so fun to mock because you guys might literally know the least about the dude you religiously suck off than any cult of personality currently operating. At least Trumpies recognize and love that he's a lying scumbag, until you really corner them. Biden Bros literally have zero clue and have to be introduced to every event in Bidens life for the first time XD


I know what you’re referencing, I’m not brain dead. And since I’m not so busy being a tooth-sucking “bOtH sIdeS sUcK, mAn” jerkoff, I actually think plagiarism is a far greater sin than this. But I guess that wouldn’t win you points with the too-cool-all-this set.


Lmfao "I'm not braindead I'm just shitting my pants and crying cause you referred to Bidens history of being a blatant self serving racist liar after his most recent blatant self serving racist lie" It's genuinely so funny to watch you click into the different pre rehearsed defense phrases for Biden but not realize it while praising yourself for being so smart and thoughtful. So...you recognize that he's a lifetime liar but I'm somehow "playing both sides" by....recognizing that fact? Your criticism of me doesn't even apply to this situation, it's just what you're trained to screech to self soothe when someone who isn't livestock makes you feel dumb. Whatever you need to tell yourself. You're fighting fascism by supporting genocide too, buddy! ;)


Almost as funny as you think anyone is shitting their pants over you, brah. Lol. I didn’t say anything about you playing both sides. But go off.


I got the story but why does the meme imply that Biden ate his uncle? Did an AI just hear Biden+Uncle+Cannibal and pop this out?


Because a subset of Republicans think Democrats are led by cannibal human-sacrificing Satan worshippers.


And for those wondering if that's hyperbole -- No, it's not. There are a disturbingly large percentage of repubicans that really, honestly believe that.


If that scares you, there's at least 20% of likely Dem voters that are still going to vote for a guy who helped a genocidal apartheid state enforce a famine on a population thats majority children, and also covered up a blatantly illegal attack on a diplomatic building and then let the war criminals use "we'll do more attacks on diplomatic buildings and start WW3" as leverage for the Dem to greenlight an invasion of a concentration camp with the explicit purpose of killing every man inside. That's disturbing surely too?


Because it's a joke, holy fuck I get you libs are uptight cause you gotta run coverage for 20k dead children that your guy helped enforce a famine on but hey, psst, sometimes jokes aren't just lists of facts, they make things hyperbolic for...comedy...


But the joke needs to make sense. Like, if this was a story about Biden going Donnor Party and having to eat his uncle to survive, then the joke would make sense.


If you can't get the connection between Joe Biden serving his uncle to people from New Guinea and being the only person on earth who thinks his uncle was eaten by cannibals *and proudly repeating it over and over as some sort of endearing story* then you just aren't very bright lol I mean I assume you're intentionally pretending to be so so you don't feel "owned" by voting for a senile racist but cmon. Anyway thanks for the laugh, your attempt at a smart response to "hey buddy jokes don't have to be literal lists of facts" is "but ITS NOT A LITERAL LIST OF THE RACIST LIES DADDY TOLD" This is your brain on Vote Blue No Matter Who XD


Ah, yes, another "third party enthusiast" who only dogs the "libs" and the "Dems" and Blue Maga," who exhibits all the signs of aggressive commenting. Like dude, take a breather at some point.


Ah yes another Dem cultist who is identical to the people he hates (Trump supporters) but somehow thinks he's superior, despite needing to whine that I'm being "too mean" to you and your daddy for supporting a genocide Yeah that's the real issue, I need to be nicer to genociders like you and Biden. Calling you racist is actually the REAL racism ;)


Go off, buddy, I hope you're enjoying it. I'm pretty sure this is how you gain voters to whatever it is that you believe in, too! 💋




Wow, that's a lot of words for "I believe every political bloc is a monolith." Have you ever considered typing paragraphs that aren't complete generalizations/gish gallops?


More likely got eaten by coconut crabs


Coconut cannibals.


You beat me to this lol


If you think this is crazy, you should see the posts over at Quora. 🙄 And for the record, it was just speculation. Since the body was never found, there's no way to ever confirm it.


"my uncle's plane crashed in the jungle" actually isn't speculation when everyone involved knows it crashed in the ocean it's called a *lie* I understand he's Not Trump and so a perfect god but, and I don't know how to break it to you, the guy who has to suspend his political campaign in the 80s for lying about his entire childhood and lifting speeches from a British politician word for word...is actually pretty well known for lying, constantly, about everything


I mean shit, if he crashed in the middle of fucking nowhere and no one ever found him, you can’t exactly say he *wasn’t* eaten by cannibals.


Ah yes those cannibal fish in the middle of the ocean where everyone but Biden agrees his uncle crashed, including every other descendent of others who died. Totally plausible that there were ocean cannibals 10 miles off shore, that makes Biden explicitly saying multiple times they crashed in the jungle NOT a lie, cause uh uh uh orange man bad! Yeah that's it!


This is at least a somewhat plausible story though. Cannibalism in New Guinea is well documented, and someone was killed and eaten by cannibals there as recently as 2012. Odds are that Biden's uncle was simply killed in the crash, but cannibalism would have been a known risk in that area back then.


Cannibalism was a known risk dozens of miles out into the ocean where the plane actually crashed and everyone but Biden apparently knows it did? Huh.


Almost as if a passenger can land somewhere else than the crash site of a plane or even car. If only we invented something a cloth to catch the air to slow a person's descent and attach it to them by ropes. Or some kind of water traversing device that floats and is rideable by a human. Too bad science has never explored these concepts and people are doomed to die in plane crashes like Columbus almost did in 1492 when he left to find India.


Dude was born in 1942. Sorry to say that stories like that beliefs like that still exists, and definitely existed in the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and hell, even the 80’s. This type of shocking sensationalism was in pulp magazines, books, and even movies for years- at least he’s not saying JEWS are eating all of our babies and crazy bs like that.


im not gonna lie, without the political context the joke is a little bit funny


A little bit? Post this in bhj and it's comedy gold.


Welp. This is something I never need to know & wish I can travel 10 minutes back in time to make a different choice


Joe Biden alluded that his uncle or some other family member crashed his plane during WW2 and was eaten by cannibals. Or something


They love themselves some shirtless grandpas. Do they need to talk to a trusted person? 


add 1 uncle ben and they are set Ben & jerry's




He's cooking with his giant finger racquet?


I do appreciate that they made him look like he's in amazing shape for an 81 year old


Wa. was there. any context?


Biden has said his uncle was shot down over Papua New Guinea. An area that had cannibals at the time.


Lol this is unironically funny though like r/comedyhell


….who left the door to the comments open and let the crazy guy in ?


It is funny


They’re still running with the cannibal conspiracy I see


Wait? What


Don’t they think democrats are all pedophiles and eat babies or something crazy.


This is referring to Joe saying his uncle was shot down over Papua New Guinea and was then eaten by natives who were cannibals. This apparently never happened btw


I see. Thanks


Im no contact with that side of my family. They've been insane/hateful for years


AI Joe Biden looks good.


👀 huh? 😅


Joe Biden shared an anecdote that it’s possible his uncle was eaten by cannibals. Before you start saying that’s ludicrous, a reminder he was laughed at for the Cornpop story, and that may be true. There’s an old movie, keep the river on your right, about a New York gay jew that went to Brazil the Amazon and he wanted adventure. He wanted to contact an indigenous tribe. For this dude that probably never went past The Five Burroughs, given only the advice “keep the river on your right” and he found them. They were also cannibalistic, and the NY dude actually participated. He was in Donahue (wow am I old, I know what that means) and talked about it. So, Biden is old enough that he overlapped that particular tribe and their cannibalistic phase. His uncle? Definitely was in that window. Did it actually happen? I have zero nada zilch fucking idea. But ridiculing it is also stupid. It could happen. People aren’t making fun of Biden because he said he bumped into (insert current star of today). They’re ridiculing him because everybody *knows* cannibals are like from the 1700s and his brain is warped. No. It could have happened. It brings up another point. “We love Trump because he has no filter haha look at him talk about rape and sexual assault and murder awwww so cute”. “We ridicule Biden because he has no filter how could he talk about his uncle doing something that obviously could never have happened I mean I personally know all 9-20 billion people that have died in the last 60 years or so and NONE have died of cannibalism it’s so fake”


😮‍💨 I see.


Bahahaha. It’s unhinged but kind of funny.


Joe is yoked in this picture


Joe Biden looks kind of shredded in this picture, anyone else thinking that or is just me?


Honestly, that's just straight funny. It's so absurd.