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"If you get the vax, you'll be infertile." Promise? Do you promise me this? Don't let me down now,


Sorry to report that I am both vaxxed, boosted and pregnant.


I was vaxxed while pregnant and am currently about to wake up my perfectly healthy almost-9-month old who just got her first shot last week. SO WEIRD.


Basically have the same experience with my wife and 11 month old. She received the vaccine while pregnant, the booster while breastfeeding, and baby was vaccinated two weeks ago. Everyone is perfectly healthy and fine.


B-but that’s- that’s just what they want you to think!!


Congrats! My toddler is now 2 and a half, she just got her first dose and we are waiting for the second, can't come soon enough! Damn COVID hit when she was weeks old, can't wait untill she's fully vaxxed so I can feel almost normal again and experience a normal life as a first time parent !:


I have 4 and the youngest 2 haven't been able to get vaxxed til now. Definitely a relief knowing they get it soon


Ah, the biggest relief!


Exact same with me and my 13 month old. Hubs also vaccinated & boosted, and we just conceived baby number 2 on the first try!


Have you checked the crib for reptilian skin shedding? /s just in case lol


Don't forget about the 5G reception, too. Oh, and the magnetic skin.


Hey now, woah now, I shed skin b/c of atopia, and I'm only 75% reptilian!


Congratulations!! My 20 months old toddler just got his first covid shot last week too!


Well thats 2 people as examples. Versus this person's no examples? So maybe they don't know what a "fact" is


Lol I was about to say the same. Congrats! Hope your pregnancy is going smoothly!




I got pregnant the month after my booster. Certainly infertile.


Well my wife and I are both vaxed, boosted and definitely infertile. Of course we’re both in our 60's and I had a vasectomy 30 years ago. But the fact is we are vaxed and infertile.


Same dude


I was experiencing infertility...BEFORE I got fully vaxxed. Then I got pregnant. Baby came like 16 weeks early but she's otherwise healthy


If it makes you infertile, why are stillbirths up 300%?


I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that mothers who have Covid while pregnant have an increased risk of stillbirth due to covid prematurely aging the placenta. Nothing at all. It’s the damn vax.


Damn I didn't know that re: the stillbirth and placenta thing that's so sad.


This disease can and will fuck up your life forever, in many cruel ways. It's not just about the 3% mortality rate.




Just in general, how are people still having babies if everyone that got it is sterile?


Shhh, logic isn’t strong with these people


It doesn't even say up 300% percent, it just says stillbirths *are* 300%, which...yeah...makes about as much sense as everything else in that post.


It says 300% +. I assume that meant 300% higher than they were? I dunno man


Hmmm... *usually* when you write it that way, the "+" stand for "or more", as in "300% or greater"... but I have no motivation to ask OP which they meant.


Right? The way it’s phrased, I guess stillbirths account for 300 out of every one hundred births. They are spawning additional ones.


It also says that babies are being born at a high rate, which...just means that a lot of babies are being born.


Shhhh. Don't you go dragging your logic in here and messing up a satisfying little rant. I'm vaxxed x 4 and confirm I'm infertile. Or, maybe it was having my tubes removed 51 years ago plus going through menopause 22 years ago? Nah, it's the vax.


Shit man, I paid $1000 out of pocket for a vasectomy and you’re telling me I could have gotten sterilized for free by the covid vax? If only I had done my research! /s


Good thing I waited. Problem solved!


Dam big pharma trying to make us accidentally procreate!! First they said alcohol reduces sperms activity, but just to be sure I took up smoking and drinking heavily for 10 years but bam first child. Then there was the chemo where they were like "oh you'll want to save some sperm", ha!, bam child number 2. And now the vaccine is suppose to make you infertile, please don't fall for this nonsense, wear a condom!!!


According to a work colleague and a high-school friend, I'd say you're gonna be let down. Source: visible baby bump on both


Yup! I'm vaxxed, boosted and expecting in December!


Tell me you are a paid government actor without telling me you are a paid governemnt actor (/s just to make sure)


Clever girl.


Life, uh, finds a way.


I expect they were the lucky ones who got the pLaCeBo.


The amount of ladies in my office that have gotten pregnant this year alone is ridiculous. We work in healthcare and we vaxed pretty early on. There is something in the water I swear.


Right? I hear it's really hard to get a tubal ligation in the US...


Yeah there are people on r/childfree who have been trying for years to get sterilized. “You’ll change your mind, what if your (future) husband wants kids? What if you divorce your current spouse and remarry and your new husband wants a baby? Oh you’re gay? Well someday you’ll meet a great man who will make you want to have his babies.”


I literally just read a post over there by a woman who's female gyno said she'd *consider* doing a sterilization surgery IF the patient got a f%$&ing mental competency hearing to prove she was of sound enough mind to make that decision. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Yeah it’s insane, why is it so much harder to NOT have kids than to have kids? There would be way less shitty parents if they made people pass a psych exam before having a baby.


The easy answer is liability. These doctors do not want to be sued for "performing an unnecessary medical procedure" 10 years down the line, even if the patient requested it.


Yep! I have one child and he almost killed me, and it would be super dangerous and probably fatal to have another pregnancy but I am having a hard time finding a doc willing to perform a tub ligation without permission from a man or psychologist care first. ‘Murica.


I had to get two evals for my vasectomy.


WTF that's gross (especially the last bit, a doctor here would be reported for saying that). Where I live you can get it on-demand, no questions asked (they give you some literature and ask you to wait a week just in case) I mean, being an adult means you make decisions and sometimes you regret them or change your mind - this is a normal part of life and learning. What does it have to do with the person who performs the procedure and why do they have the right to override your agency? Don't they ask you to sign an agreement? I mean, you're allowed to refuse chemo or medication if you want, right? Are private practitioners the same way? Sorry for all the questions, I don't understand how it's even legal to do this.


In evangelical states, they'll make vasectomies illegal for white men. White men only.


I have kids and they still asked me while wheeling me into the OR if I was really sure I was done. I was married with 4 kids yes I’m done. Throw the whole uterus away if you want please.


I have 2 and feel the exact same way! Throw it all away if possible lol I'll take early menopause and never having a period again too. Have a consult in a couple weeks for sterilization, really hoping to not be one of those horror stories of Dr denying it...


Good luck!!! I didn’t take no for an answer. I was DONE. They kept trying the what if scenarios, nope done care don’t want another one. That shit was tied 24 hours after I gave birth and I haven’t regretted it since. It’s been 11.5 years now! This was in Connecticut if that helps at all.


Not just hard, but expensive! And they wouldn’t even consider it when I was in my 20s. Now that I’m 35 (and living in California thank goodness) I’m finally gonna be able to have one. They wouldn’t do it in some other states since I’ve never had kids.


I. Fucking. *Wish.*


See, this is why they overturned Roe. You don’t need abortions if you can’t get pregnant. /s


I hope so, I've had enough kids, maybe I can cancel my operation.


I got spayed after I got vaxxed. Was it the midichlorians telling me what to do?


Are you 100% positive? Because I don’t want to get arrested for getting basic healthcare for someone.


Same! I WISH it had made me infertile


Right? My tubes are fricken cauterized and I’d be cool with being even more infertile from the vaccines.


Why even BOTHER with Roe v Wade then?!


According to their logic, the o returning of Roe v Wade is necessary. So few people are now ABLE to give birth due to the vaccine that we are facing a population crisis. By forcing pregnancy, we will increase the population in the future and keep ‘Murica alive. It is blatantly stupid, ignores a woman’s right to bodily autonomy, the fact that most people not having children realize they can’t afford kids, the huge problems with healthcare and wages in this country. But…this is where we are…sigh


What is it with Reddit and baby hate? Like why y’all hate kids so much?


What? They didn't say they hated kids, they just said they don't want to be fertile. For all you know they've got 10 kids already and love them all very much


Loud, gross, needy, boring, irritating, expensive... Need I go on?


Why would someone who wanted kids comment on this post though? It’s mostly going to be people who are fine with becoming infertile.


If I had a child, he would suffer way more than I did from finnancial issues and I dont want anyone to go through this.


Goddamn I wish that was true, then I wouldn't have to shell out for a vasectomy.


Right? I am absolutely pro-declining birth rate






right maybe i could finally stop my birth control then!


They did write FACT! so I don't know what you're talking about. It's obviously true.


"most males and females are now infertile, that's why babies are being BORN with heart issues or are stillborn..." Something about that statement doesn't seam right....


Consider the brain that the statement is resonating with.


That brain is as smooth as a Koala Bear’s.


As flat as a pancake.


I think the Covid brain dog is strong with this one.


Lol, that was my exact thought. These people are so fucking dumb, and when confronted with how dumb they are, it makes them buckle down and get more set in their ways.


To be fair, I'm infertile and I have children. Sterility and infertility are different


Do you honestly think these people understand that?


That is true


Say that again, but slower... Yeah. The density of their brains are closer to a neutron star than anything else. I'm surprised there isn't an actual ignorance gravity well.


Well, also considering that many, many people who had the shots are over the age of fertility, it very well may be that they’re still, in fact, unable to have children after the shot.


The thing that gets me is "most females and males". Why type that out? I seriously doubt they were intentionally trying to imply that intersex or non-binary people aren't affected, so why type out what you mean to be everyone by typing out specific sub groups, why not just type "most people"?


They put fact in all caps. I'm not certain how people could possible question that!


It's an acronym, actually. It stands for "**F**alse **A**larm: **C**omplete **T**waddle".


FACT: anything written after saying fact like that is always true!


My friend you speak FACTS.


They are telling us these facts are cap 🧢.


If it's in all caps, then it's double plus true.


So, which is it? Is the vax making everyone infertile, or causing birth defects? It can't be both, moron. FACT.


These people don’t care about nuance. This shit still goes on in r/conspiracy and more times than not it’s posted by shady accounts that share wayyy too many similarities, but of course they don’t acknowledge that. Some users actually found that some of the accounts might be the same person as they sometimes shared comments or posts with the same thing, word for word. The best part is that more common sense comments don’t always get downvoted and many times will be near the top of posts which never happened UNTIL the Russian sanctions. I really hope someone does some more digging on this stuff


Infertile means the some of your eggs are scrambled or some of your fish don't swim. This is opposed to sterile, which is where all the eggs are scrambled or all of the fish don't swim


I mean, no Covid and I can’t get pregnant sounds like a win win to me wouldn’t have to be looking at sterilization surgery.


My wife is indeed infertile after being vaxxed. She was infertile before that too. I’d be perfectly fine with being infertile myself. I don’t want any more kids anyway, so it would be convenient to get a bonus from the vaccine. Not that I’m terribly concerned about having more kids: see my first paragraph.


“My wife used to be infertile. She still is but she used to be too.”


It's always a good time for Mitch Hedberg.


I remember reading one story where the OP was talking to her mother-in-law, who fearfully told her not to get the vaccine because it made you unable to have babies, and her and her husband were also not getting the vaccine for the same reason. The reason they were meeting was to show the in-laws ultrasounds of their first grandkid. Not the in-laws' grandkid-the OP's. She was in her fifties. Her kid was having a kid. Her mother-in-law was in her eighties, about to be a great-grandmother. And she was scared that the vaccine would make her infertile.


>The states are only now starting to emerge Oh good, then you should have absolutely no trouble sharing some of them. I'll wait.


I'm still waiting for the emergent stats of last year


Do YOuR OwN ReSEarcH!!!


"people who got the vax are now infertile" "Babies are being born [with issues] because of the vax" So am I infertile or not?


FACT: IF you don't post a fucking LINK or SOURCE, your statements are SHIT.




There's hundreds, and sometimes thousands of these comments on almost any health-related news story in Australian media these days. It's at a much higher ratio than comparable or the same stories on American media Facebook pages, which is strange.


Here in NZ it was recently reported that we're being specifically targeted by Putin's botfarms. That, and anyone with a functioning brain has long since abandoned Facebook, leaving it to the tinfoil army. So maybe it's the same for you you guys across the ditch.


Yeah many are clearly made by low-effort fake profiles, some with an almost identical pattern of the same posts, links, and videos with 100% Covid/NWO content. It is clearly a significant, professional effort aimed at Australian content, but why exactly Australia specifically is in the crosshairs is a bit of a mystery.


‘Infertile,’ but pregnancies with problems all over?




Let’s be honest, it’s mostly one kind of person.


Source: Trust me bro


Incredible, considering my husband and I are both vaccinated (3 times now) and have just had a healthy baby. Maybe we're the really rare exceptions? /S


“Most females and males rhat have had it are now infertile” AND “babies are now born at a high rate”? Hmmm.


Ah yes, the governent wants to REMOVE the people that have shown to listen to them. If the government was actually keen on reducing the population, wouldn't they want to get rid of the people who *didn't* get the vax?




Underrated comment


I got vaccinated at 3 and 7 weeks pregnant and then went on to have a healthy baby boy who is now thriving at 7 months old. I’ve had people (online) tell me I’m lying…that my baby isn’t healthy, that he must be behind on his milestones, that he’s developmentally delayed, or that I had a miscarriage/stillbirth and that I’m just being paid to lie. You cannot get through to these people, no matter what evidence or data you present them with. They will believe what they want to believe.


For every 100 births, 300 are stillborn, that's a FACT, this person is a total idiot.


Up 300 percent would mean the rate is 4 times the previous number not 300 times the previous number. Doesn't stop them being an idiot.


"Your cell phone is monitoring ALL of your behavior and monitored it when you typed this comment." That's what I'd tell them.


I have been vaccinated and I am indeed infertile. On a completely unrelated note, I had a full hysterectomy last month.


Welcome to the Republican party, where everything's made up and the votes don't matter!


of course no source for this...oh that's right, cover ups etc..LOL


Saying "you'll become infertile" like it's a bad thing when it's actually a blessing is weird.


The funniest thing with this is to look at Australia. It had vaxx rates of over 90%. Birth rates aren't significantly different. So you know it's bullshit.


Dealt with secondary infertility for 2.5 years starting in 2019, got third shot in September finally fell pregnant in October, holding my VAX baby in my arms right now. Maybe it caused SO MUCH infertility in me that it fixed it… like a revolving door!


This really pisses me off. As someone on the other side of infertility, as an aspiring mother a decade ago, I would have done *anything* that seemed to maybe, possibly increase my chances of conceiving. Avoiding a vaccine would have been an easy thing for me to rationalize in my desperation. This is the saddest form of fear mongering.


Who the fuck comes up with the belief that a government would just kill a random portion of their population (and their voters/support base) just for kicks? I know genocides happen but that's usually more deliberate and with some kind of stated purpose, and directed at a specific group of people. It's never just "let's do this thing that will randomly wipe out half the population, possibly including us".


Jokes on them, I was infertile before the vaccines.


Can’t wait to see all of the birth defects from these idiots slurping up the horse paste ivermectin..


This person is a moron. FACT.


If all of the women are sterile, how are they bearing children, with or without disabilities?


So.... if "most females and males that have had it are now infertile" then how are babies being born to then with heart issues "at a high rate"? Infertile people can't get pregnant in the first place


As we know, simple logic doesn’t apply to these people bc they’re dumb af


Wow, three made up things in one rant.


WOOO let’s go I wanna be infertile hell yeah


I got 3 shots. And I am in fact fertile. Unfortunately


The first people to get vaccinated, in general, were the elderly... meaning the women were likely post post-menopausal to begin with... so, yeah, it makes sense that they were infertile, but it has little to do with the vaccine.


Anyone knows you can just claim FACT and it's automatically so. This guy person's brain is as small as a pea. FACT.


Well, I got the Moderna vaccines last year and the booster three months ago. At 63 I would think being infertile is a good guess. Probably had nothing to do with the vaccines however.. 😉


It's funny how ever since I've been vaccinated (or had the V\*A\*X - cowards), my husband and I haven't been able to conceive. But, to be transparent, we're two men.


This is not true. People are still fertile, but they are giving birth to alien monkey babies. This was the plan all along to convert the human population to incubate their alien spawn for them. And we fell for it. What a joke!


with the way things are going right now, i WISH


To be fair both myself and my wife are infertile and vaxxed, but, that is more due to my vasectomy and her hysterectomy than any vaccine.


I mean, it's true. I'm vaxxed and boosted and I'm infertile. I'm sure that has nothing to do with the two vasectomies I had a decade ago. I'm sure it was the vaccine.


Well then I am birthing superwomen in the next few weeks because she came about after being fulling vaccinated and getting the booster when I was 4months along.


FACT: Anything I make up myself or hear second-hand that I want to believe even without evidence


Of all the things that is wrong with this it’s the 300%. Like things can’t be more than 100%. They can be up by 300%, but they can’t be 300%.


I wish. I got the Vax and boosters when it first came out. My dumbass missed birth control once and now I’m pregnant. 😂


Husband and I both fully vaxed and boosted.....also 10 weeks pregnant 🤷🏼‍♀️


Fucking let’s go!!! All the sleep and money are mine 😍😍😍


Don’t threaten me with a good time


My friend who tried to have a baby for decades unsuccessfully managed to get pregnant right after her vax. But cool story bro. Haha.


Fun that they ignore that covid can cause infertility, just blame everything on the cure. Litteraly saw people claiming all 4 million deaths were caused by the vaccine, even though the vaccine had been out for like 6 months of the year and a half of deaths.


This is absolutely cherry-picking and not data for a real study, but: I remember a thread on Reddit maybe six months or so after the vaccine was available to all. People were asking whether they should be concerned about the vaccine causing infertility. A surprising number of people in the thread said they’d been trying to conceive for a long time but didn’t succeed until after they had the vaccine. Me personally, I got my two doses of the vaccine while I was pregnant. I had severe HG throughout the entire pregnancy (starting a couple months before I got vaccinated) and was worried my baby would be malnourished. He ended up being perfectly healthy, no birth defects, 95% percentile height, skinny for his height but that’s to be expected because he’s got my genes.


Well that would at least help with the abortion ban problem.


I think this guy is getting confuse between real life and the first season of A Handmaid’s Tale.


So let me get this straight. The people that are vaxxed are now infertile, per your statement. Right? With me so far? Ok, so now, when these infertile people are having babies, the babies are being born with heart problems, and are dying in the womb. In the womb of an infertile person. You still with me, here? Have you actually listened to what you're saying yet? You picking up what I'm laying down? Edit: also, stillbirths are up by a third. You recognize that's 33%, not 300%, right? I mean, they both have 3s in them, and math is hard...


300% Stillbirths? I don't think they understand that'd be newsworthy if true and absolutely terrifying to boot. But..."my sources are correct just google it!" people are mental.


unfortunately the vax did not make me infertile


It’s always so convincing when someone makes a blanket, controversial claim and then supports it only by saying “FACT.”


Source: heard it on FB and twitter.


“There’s no babies anymore!” he says, waving his arms around in the air. Blatantly disregarding the crying babies annoying me two tables down.


Man, they love a 'cover up' None of the actual lies, falsehoods and crooked cover ups that 'Massive Dump' and his MAGA cabal did... But always Colossal Crimes that 'no one is reporting on' and 'are being concealed for America' by Bill Gates or G. Soros. They'll stand beside a pig, and then deny swine exist, but at the same time they have proof (on the internet) that Dodo's are not extinct, exist in a lab and are causing ADHD in Russians. Only they know the truth...typically told to them by the bible.


And by Bible, you mean their Facebook group


hah! Yes!




If that’s the case, Hallelujah, because I have no interest in being a baby factory


i wish this were true. overpopulation is a huge problem on Earth


How do they think this is being covered up? Millions of infertile people is something most would consider news worthy


It’s true because of the all-caps FACT.


actually, having covid while pregnant increases the risk of complications like stillbirth, low birth weight, premature birth, and pre-eclampsia


Well, they said “FACT” in ALL CAPS so it must be true.


I'm vaxxed, boosted and infertile! We'll ignore the vasectomy I got 8 years ago though.


Someone get on quality control, I have had 3 Pfizer vaccines and 3 mo this pregnant. (We were trying tho so I'm not mad about it)


til I can write any bullshit nonsense and make it true just by writing FACT after it


Wow, and here I thought my hysterectomy made me infertile and it was really the vaccine.


Truth. I am now sterile. It was either the vaxx or menopause.


Irma Gird !! Unvaxed sperm will be the next bitcoin !! Ahh told ya a while back !! 😂😂


Fuck I WISH it made me sterile


I’ve had the vaxx and am infertile, but there’s no way I’m blaming that on the vasectomy!


I was infertile before I got vaccinated. Checkmate!


My grandmother who had Alzheimer's would say some of the craziest jacked up shit, but these people take all that to a totally new level of crazy. Where in the fuck do they come up with it?!


Well. Considering I cant get sterilized bc i live in the Deep South and I am an unmarried, childfree 32 year old, I wish the vax made me infertile. I dont need or want my uterus, kthxbye


...FACT... 🤔


A woman next to me on a plane has a daughter who is a physician assistant student who is unvaccinated because she herself saw with her own eyes a fourteen year old girl who received the vaccine and was then tested to find that she had NO HORMONES AT ALL and is now infertile at just fourteen. No hormones AT ALL. None. The vaccine took em all. Stole em. They're gone. Never to return. She'll never have babies ever. Because she has no hormones at all. I don't know what prompted this young teen to have hormone tests in the first place, or if there were levels to compare to before the vaccine, but this woman's very smart, sophomore level PA student would know, right? Edit to add: yes, I thought this lady was crazy; no I did not take her seriously. Yes, I realize that hormones are important for many functions in the body. Didn't think that needed to be explicitly stated here, but I suppose that so many people are legitimately insane now that it's hard to tell sarcasm from anecdotes told in earnest.


Unbelievable that people commenting are taking you at face value, jesus wept.


You can't survive without hormones. She would have died within 24 hours.


Yeah this isn’t true at all. If you body suddenly stopped secreting hormones, you would die. Next time you want to post one of these BS stories, make sure you actually know what you’re talking about. “Hormones” do a LOT more than solely regulate fertility.


Do you realize how ridiculous the story sounds? A lady next to you on a plane? Stop spreading this BS. You sound just as weird as the person on Facebook


And I'm sure this has nothing to do with the recently decreased accesibility to abortions. (.\_. )




We're only seeing this kind of shit because he was elected in the first place. The guy broke the minds of millions of people.