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The guy (edit: it's a girl)that came in second place is going to tell the story of the time he beat 99 people in a foot race only to lose to Usain Bolt, for the rest of his life


In high school, I ran multiple 100m dashes against Eddie Drummond, who had a brief NFL career as a returner and I believe held the unofficial moniker of ‘fastest guy in the NFL’ in the early 2000s. If not the fastest, he was one of the fastest guys in the league.  25 years later I still tell the joke/story “I almost beat Eddie in the 100m in HS. I only lost by 40m”. 


In college, I beat Victor Oladipo at pop-a-shot in a bar and I tell that story all the time. He played for IU and then the Pacers and Heat but got waived by the Grizzlies this year.


Too bad the scouters didn't see, that coulda been you


While in the Dominican Republic, I met a guy who claimed to be Olympic level fast, in fact once beating Bolt in a race. Not to take anything away from Bolt, it seemed clearly circumstantial at best, this guy grew up with Bolt and beat him once. But being a “regular person” we did several races. It was immediately clear that his off the line abilities were far beyond mine, and he was 10m ahead before the race even “started.” So we handicapped it a bit. Then I was starting a full second ahead of him and he was still easily coming back and winning. Then after we were as warmed up as we could be we did an all out race where I would give it my all, but starting as equals. I literally thought I could challenge him in the race. I was all pumped up. We blew the whistle and he beat me so badly. He was 40 feet ahead of me within seconds. It’s when I realized what another level these athletes were on. I will obviously never complete on that level, but this wasn’t even the milliseconds of an Olympic race, this dude worked at the resort. And I’m not a 300lb fatty, I’m not going to win races but I’m a normalish person. He would never run an Olympic race, but his skills were enough to make me never forget, those athletes are for real. The Olympics would genuinely be improved with “normals” doing the events too. I’m not sure I’m even a normal, but I’ll never forget that series of races, it started as kind of a joke, and finished as even more of one, even though I didn’t expect it. TLDR - hats off to these incredible athletes, even if it doesn’t look like they are doing anything special. They are


Look like it was girl that got second.


That's impressive as hell. Much love to her.


Wouldn't you?


The thought did cross my mind...


I thought it was a girl and I was surprised she stayed with him pretty close although she's going all out and he's taking it easy.


Hell yeah lady!


Looks like it’s the woman at the top. They didn’t find the fastest other dudes at all


Thats a girl


Bro wasn’t trying at all either 😂


It's crazy. Bolt is fucking cruising, while you've got the guy in black on the far side absolutely giving it everything and red-lining himself, while Bolt is still pulling away. It would be interesting to see a proper run with Bolt powering off from the start, but then I expect that's something he doesn't want to do. Imagine being the world's best and then injuring yourself for a charity event/photo op.


Just to show how much faster you are than a bunch of accountants and constructions workers and school teachers lol


Now let's see how fast Bolt can teach a grade four science class.


Usain Bolt's top speed is over 27 MPH. It's illegal for him to run in a school zone.


That raises a question - do speed limits only apply to vehicles?


Most laws about speed limits mention "motor vehicles", so they don't even apply to bicycles half the time. I'd love to be the fly on the wall of a court case about someone running faster than a speed limit though.


Not to mention that the scenario would be a clever publicity stunt, if he needed one.


A-Train scenario but Usain Bolt


As he runs into a girl and completely obliterates her. Don't need to relive that traumatic experience again haha.


Imagine the kids roasting him 💀


Start running, I'll give you a 5mins head start.




I mean, if he runs *fast enough*, gotta be lots of practical applications for physics there, right?! "Hey kids, do you wanna know what red-shift looks like?"


You mean to tell me mark from accounting isn't the spitting image of peak performance!?!?!?


If he ran full speed we wouldn’t see the rest of th crowd after 2 seconds.


In the uk, they had one of the Blue Peter presenters (who looked young and reasonably fit) race against an elite 60m sprinter. It was honestly like they were in 2 different universes and the presenter was miles back right from the gun.


People don't realise what elite athletes are like. We watch them on TV, or see them against other elite athletes, but rarely compete with them in any kind of serious situation. I've trained MMA with some guys in the UFC and they are so far ahead of normal people, it's absolutely wild.


I went to HS with a guy in the NBA. In the NBA, he’s definitely lower-mid tier. He gets game time but he’s definitely not a well known name. I’ve seen him get called out on Twitter for bad plays. In HS gym class, he couldve played 1 v 5 and crushed us all no sweat. Dude was insane to play with.




I mean, duh. The worst nba basketball player is better than 99% of college d1 basketball players, and those d1 basketball players would all destroy anyone not in d1 basketball 99% of the time


As the White Mamba so accurately put it: he's closer to Lebron James than we are to him.


It's the Yamcha effect He's only a loser when compared to near gods He can still make YOU his b'tch




People wildly underestimate just how good even the worst professional athletes are!


There was a thread on reddit asking which sport you think you might medal in if you had no time to prep and one dude, highly upvoted, said the javelin, its like man you must be joking


This is why we should always have one regular person compete at the Olympics for every event


I think in the olympics they should pick a random person from the crowd to compete so we have a baseline.


I remember watching Mike Tyson highlights and realized that not only was I completely unable to follow the punches in real time, I was struggling to do so in the slow motion replay. Even if Tyson was moving at slo-mo speed I’m fairly sure he would end my life in 30 seconds max. Normal speed? I’m getting straight up decapitated.


fight him on 2x speed so at least he sounds like a chipmunk when he vaporizes your head


Reminds me of being a young teenage idiot in a judo class. Chiyo-sensei looked like a middle-aged housewife and when I was saying to another guy there that weight class still mattered more than skill, she asked me to prove that theory. I was nineteen and playing rugby at highschool, and was 6' and maybe 210-220. She was 5' on heels and if she weighed more than 100, it was because she'd been out in the rain in heavy clothes. She then told me that while weight class matters, a big enough skill gap makes any weight advantage meaningless, and inspired a deep fear in me of small Japanese women.


I think you missed the part where you tell us she kicked your ass.


It reminds me of Kurt Angle talking about having an actual wrestling match with Brock Lesnar after Brock was boasting how he'd kick Kurt's ass. Kurt ended up beating him pretty comfortably but he explained that as great as Brock's college wrestling achievements were, the step up to Olympic level is something else entirely.


His top speed is 27mph so you aren't kidding.


That is insane. In another life - decades and dozens of pounds ago - I was a decent middle distance runner (not a sprinter) in HS. Bolt's top speed is about 10 mph faster I was in my prime. That's staggering. For comparison, Tyreek Hill (probably the fastest guy in the NFL right now) has been clocked at \~22mph. A quick google search says the fastest EPL player was clocked at \~23mph last year. There are elite athletes, and then there's Usain Bolt.


Just look at this legs they're so long a single stride would be about 1.5 or 2 strides from the guy in the back.


Big fella in the beginning WOULDVE smoked Bolt had he not eaten shit right out the gate


Lmao he even *fell* slowly


Ha you’re absolutely right, he starts at like 80% Power and by 25 meters he’s at a 30% jog and still easily pulling away from the group.


Yeah and that dude red lining it legit looks like one of those guys who will pass you on a run and you barely realize it because he goes by so fast.


Based on what I've seen in the gym, most people struggle to keep up with a 15mph treadmill. Bolts top speed is nearly 30mph.


Kipchoge can run a marathon at 13mph average speed. people have no idea.


My dude the average human runs something like 8-9 mp/h.


I remember visiting sci-tech when i was a teen and they had 30 meters of floor to ceiling tv set up so you could race against a visualised cathy freeman. You could edge her out on the first two meters but she would finish and I was still barely half way or two thirds done. Was wild seeing the pace 'in real life' not compared to other elite athletes. It's something I think should be explored more to see how incredible these people are


Yah. He went for a light jog and them folks were running like someone was chasing them.


They all look like they are running from zombies and he’s going for a light warmup jog lol At least he knows he could easily survive a zombie apocalypse


Bolt is chasing them. He will go all the way around and back after them.


Bolt has a top speed of 44.72 km/h. The circumference of Earth (at the equator) is 40,075 km. Assuming Bolt can maintain this top speed indefinitely, it would take him a little over 37 days to get back to the starting line. Assuming the other contestants collapsed of exhaustion within a few hours and didn't move for the remainder of the race, he would catch them sometime during day 38.


A bunch of Bolt’s races you can see he’s posing for the camera as he crosses the line. Like he’s at the world championships or the olympics and he knows he’s beating all these scrubs by enough that he can pose for the line crossing photo. It must be wild to flex on the best in the world the way an NFL superstar flexes on their kid’s pops Warner team. Just destroying them with a big smile and a “good job team, you’re getting there!” attitude. It must be enraging for the people fighting for bronze.


It's not the full 100m either 😄


I think I remember something about him having some kind of weird genetic thing that allows gives him an advantage. No doubt an incredible athlete regardless


Isn't that pretty much all top athletes? Incredible discipline and training regime are a given but there's so much you can do optimally that eventually it hits your talent ceiling, and in the case of athletes like this, their natural bodies. Michael Phelps has a freakish body that's more optimal for swimming than regular people. Top basketball players have a genetic advantage in height.


>Olympian swimmer Michael Phelps is 6 feet 4 inches tall, and olympian long distance runner Hicham El Guerrouj is 5 feet 9 inches tall…but they both have the [same inseams](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2004/08/olympic-gold-good-genes/)!  Elite swimmer and elite distance runner...one with genetically elongated torso and the other with genetically elongated legs. [https://www.obeo.com/blog/phelps-vs-el-guerrouj-play-to-your-strengths/](https://www.obeo.com/blog/phelps-vs-el-guerrouj-play-to-your-strengths/)


> Top basketball players have a genetic advantage in height. They usually also have ridiculously large arms and hands (which are larger than scaling up a smaller human, go check out Kawhi Leonard for instance)... along with insane strength and speed. They are genetic freaks in everyway.


Kind of like Phelps with his freakish body. Those guys are literally built different. I watch these videos and think about how I start to perspire bending over to tie my work boots in the morning. We are not the same.


The guy in the black sweats , was the best, pulled a Hami off the line !






I can hear this


Ahhhhh... ahhh.... oh my god ahhh... ahhh....


more like: Aaaaaahhhhh... ssssssssssssssss... aaaaaahhh... ssssssssssss....aaahhh.... IDK how to make that hissing/breathing in with your teeth closed sound on text .


lmao this is the first thing that came to mind when i saw him drop


Hahaha thank you for that 


The guy that was behind him still reckons he could have won had that dude not tripped in front of him.


I'd actually be pissed. Once in a lifetime opportunity to race vs the worlds greatest and fuckin Phil over here falls at the starting whistle


Phil just needs to get fed


I liked the one who came in second. Running for their life with everything they had trying to run him down while Bolt was just above a jog pace dancing across the line.


It's a big deal to be best of the normies man.


That was Brendan Schwab ruining both his legs at once


Lmao Bapa catching strays all over the place.


what are you even talm bout b? get your life together


Duhnt cownt! Duhnt cownt!


is that nithe?


Get the tiny crutches


I feel like I really relate to that guy. Or Usain Bolt. Either one.


Definitely the guy that fell at the beginning.


Blowing his acl on the first step is devious work


"How'd you blow you ACL?" -Racing Usain Bolt "Bullshit"


I would’ve beat him if I hadn’t fallen!


The guy who broke his ankles immediately....


That would be me


Who to trust?


He would’ve beat Usain if it wasn’t for that.


that dude hasn't run in 30 years


literally me


It was you?


Literally doesn't literally mean literally anymore.




Literally literally means figuratively. 


Crazy that Bolt only looks like he ran at a light jog 😂


He basically does the same at competitions, too. Beats the group handily and barely breaks a sweat lol


He can reach 27 mph. I set the treadmill to max one time (13 mph) and pulled the kill switch before it even got to full speed lol. It’s mind boggling that he can go 2x faster than that


The problem with the standard treadmill at higher speeds is the length of the floorboard. As you go faster your stride gets longer. I’d love to try one of those sprinting treadmills I’ve seen in some videos floating around.


I saw the ones doing kipchoge average speed (barely over 13 mph), and everyone wiped out after like 3 strides. It's insane what these athletes are capable of


Kipchoge and co. are running around 13mph for 2h's straight lmao. So, a 13mph sprint for 100m isn't that crazy. You simple can't really sprint on a threadmill (as it isn't designed for that at all)


I did about the exact same time as kipchoge in a marathon distance on a bicycle a few weeks ago and still felt like that was a good workout by the end of it.


Want your mind blown? Kipchoge ran a marathon at 13 mph average speed. Dudes can run marathons at a pace faster than a lot of people can even sprint.


Sniper hit the guy at the beginning. Only real competition got taken out.


I wish all olympic events just had one random average person compete. Just so we can have a baseline and really appreciate how much these athletes would just smoke us all.


That guy that fell, is the average American.


He was so pumped anticipating this event for weeks. There was a feature in his hometown newspaper “local social studies teacher to race Usain Bolt”. His grandkids were on hand to cheer him on, only to wipeout in shame from the jump


sometimes the sitcom episodes write themselves


“… so he gets to the starting line, he looks over at his wife and kids as they cheer him on, there is this glimmer in his eyes, the horn sounds, and next thing you know he’s on the ground in pain. I guess that’s what they call anti-ticipation” ... (que hysterical fake laughter) … Dupa doo doo do dado dadodo! - Seinfeld


The bass solo at the end got me


I’m laughing my ass off, I’m sure he’s humble about it too. What year is this from anyway?


From the quality of this clip, I wouldn't say from 1984. But who knows??


Definitely overthought it from all the excitement and pressure of the entire event. I'm reasonably fit, can usually run without issues, and I could see psyching myself out for an event such as this.


The average American was watching this on their couch


That’s where I’m watching it and I fell




Amateur. I watched it in bed so I couldn't fall.


Toilet for me


That's where most of my runs are


That's what happened with [Eric Moussambani](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Moussambani) and [Paula Barila Boropa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paula_Barila_Bolopa), two Equatorial Guinean swimmers who were sent to compete in the 2000 Sydney Olympics without having ever been in an Olympic pool. They were likely in the best form of their life in terms of fitness, but still finished in double the time as the winners of their rounds.


I used to be a crazy atheltic person in High School. I was always into track and field, but never competed cause I hated going in early or staying late at school. I would casually do a half marathon one night because I just felt like I didn't want to stop running and just kept doing extra laps. Didn't even know I did a half marathon at the time. It was just another random run I decided to do. I would do 70 mile bike rides in 100 degree heat every Saturday. I did compete in mountain biking outside of school, and did pretty good. Then I went to college at UT-Austin, which has an insane amount of athletes that will eventually go pro, or were near the edge of almost going pro. I was absolutely humbled. I realized how "normal" I was in every single athletic thing I have ever done. Maybe I was in the top 15-20 % of the sport, maybe? Hell, let's say I was in the top 5%, but realistically speaking I knew I was miles away from the top 5%. That top 1% might as well be super humans. Then you get into the 0.1% of athletes. They might as well be extradimensional beings. You start to realize what hard work coupled with perfect genetics does in terms of athletic ability. It must have been like being a human to the Trisolarans...a bug.


I ran my first marathon last year in 3:48. Anything under 4 hours is considered pretty good... for the average person. For a professional athlete that is probably considered a light jog. The world record is like 2 hours and 30 seconds, and that 2 hour barrier will probably be broken pretty soon. Professional athletes are on an entirely different level.


Sad fact is the guy who was about to break the 2 hour record [died in a car crash in Kenya.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/13/sports/kelvin-kiptum-marathon-dead.html)


Yeah I saw that, so young.


I attended a large Division I school and I lived with a lot of athletes in my dorm. During orientation when we were getting to know people, one girl said how she was on the track and field team. I'm a guy and competed in track all my life, I even won state (Connnecticut) in the discus, but when we got to talking, I asked her about what events she participated in. She said discus and I was like, oh me too! She asked me how far I threw, I told her thinking it was pretty decent (145') and she then told me she was the Iowa state discus record or some shit and her best was like 180' and she threw the shot put 52'. I was immediately humbled and realized I was living in a different world than she was


Funny story, I once ran a 5k with a handful of people. All of us, except for one, spent a couple months following a progressive training plan, slowly building up to a full 5k at race pace, carefully measuring our progress, doing workouts on off days, etc. The other guy didn't do any training at all, got wasted the night before, and showed up so hungover he almost didn't want to run. The other thing about this guy is that he was basically a back up on the US Olympic Track & Field Team as a couple years earlier, where if enough people had gotten sick or injured, they would have called him up to join the team. After that happened, he decided he had had enough of competitive running and basically stopped training. Anyway, despite having not trained at all and being, by his standards, badly out of shape, and also being hungover, he crushed almost everyone and got I think 3rd place out of almost 5,000 people. It was on that day that I learned the power of genetics.


I posted in another thread about the Mike Tyson / Jake Paul fights and people tried arguing with me that Jake Paul was going to win because Mike is too old. People just don't know what the difference is between people who are "athletic" and an elite level athlete.


In Brazil we have Acelino "Popó" Freitas, which is a legendary boxer with a pretty amazing record worldwide. He is 48yo, and recently a super famous youtuber/comedian fought him, kind of mimicking this US trend. He is young, fit and well trained for a whole year. He ended the fight with his face looking like he he had hands tied during the fight lol, completely humbled. Then, another celebrity (an ex-Big Brother participant) that is 10cm taller (5,6ft x 5,8ft I guess?), way bigger, muscular (but like gym-like muscular) that also trained and all that. He last 30 seconds lmao. It was crazy. Popó in the first fight hold on for the show, but this second fight the guy was shit-stirring a lot and he promised he would not hold back.


for 20 years I've had the idea for a TV series that hypes the Olympics for a couple weeks beforehand by choosing like 5-10 random sports and putting together a two teams of completely average people (or, perhaps making sure to include some fairly athletic people that just are not in that sport). Pair them with trainers or Olympians, and have them compete after like 3 days of training. Each episode could do like 2 sports. I'd love to see training methods, equipment, behind the scenes stuff, and a formulaic reality competition show is kind of perfect for it.


Probably see more shredded Achilles, like that guy that fell.


Like a scale (banana), for comparison.


As a football fan(soccer) I would want a scenario where one or a few regular folks are put in professional team game even for just for 1 half. It would shut most fans' mouths.


that would be so entertaining.


Watching normal people die trying to do ski jump or skeleton racing every four years would certainly be an interesting addition


Wasn't that a Bill Burr joke?


Pfft, rookie. The cameraman did the entire thing facing to the side and still won


Yeah but he is, like, 17 feet tall. Long legs


But starts on his knees


“Yea I totally would’ve beaten him but some guy fell in front of me right at the start”




"Yea I totally would've beaten him if Macaulay Culkin wasn't lurking with a jar of marbles"


With a surname like Bolt the man was truely born to run


Jeff Float was an Olympic gold medal swimmer And there's an NBA guard who's known for his speed, his last name is Quickley


There's a racecar driver who competed in both NASCAR and Formula 1 named Scott Speed.


Meanwhile, Usain Slow-Ass is sitting at home moping.


Nominative Determinism


That girl finishing second is blazingly fast.


lol, the guy who fell over at the start.


He’s all poised to start, then his first step is to bring the forward foot back. A true champion.






I'm proud of the 2nd place winner lol


It's funny how the girl in 2nd place looks to be giving it everything, and Bolt looks like he's taking it casually.


Pretty awesome: for the rest of their life they can say that they came in second place in a race, losing only to Usain Bolt.


Looking at Usain in this video, his legs appear to be much, much longer (maybe he's taller overall) than the other people. I'd guess that also makes quite the difference in his overall speed?


I’m sure it helps. But his technique is also so much different than everyone else’s. (2nd place, perhaps unsurprisingly, had a form that looked something more like his.)


he's 6'5, an unusually tall frame for a sprinter and possibly one of the reasons he excels so much as he has a much longer stride than every one else


The reason Usain Bolt is so fast is because his stride turnover rate is unusually quick for someone his height. More ground contact time, the faster you run.


Feels like he's not even trying to be faster....


Bolt always slows down before the finish line, was annoying at Olympics when he did it, just get the best time you can I want to see a crazy new world record


Yeah but then we wouldn't have all of the [awesome photo finishes](https://images.hindustantimes.com/rf/image_size_630x354/HT/p2/2020/04/14/Pictures/_5aa64264-7e20-11ea-aedf-4d2519fcedc3.jpg) like that one and [this one.](https://i.insider.com/57b10fcfce38f2db088b6a42?width=1200&format=jpeg)


This is disgusting behaviour. Imagine training ur whole life, pushing your body to its biological limits just to get lolled by some long legged Jamaican mf 🤣


Exactly, he was never exhausted like the other sprinters. Maybe his world record could've been more impressive if he went for once completely all the way....


He made more money every time he broke a world record. Financially, it makes perfect sense to not gas it from the beginning


Across the three events he ran hundreds of times he only broke/set a new record twice for each of those three events, so no that wasn't the reason why.


usain was hella smart about that. why make money smashing the world record by a lot when you can smash the world record every time you compete? it's not like anyone was close to him in any way.


Bolt looks like he’s going for a nice jog.


This is why they need to have one normal person do each event in the Olympics. It’s hard to tell how incredible these athletes are when they’re all running 30 mph, so bring in Dennis, a carpenter from Boise, who’s claim to fame is paying his mortgage off two years early, going for gold with the rest of them.


Imagine waking up early, driving a long distance and waiting for hours to be there and breaking your ankles immediately


I was holding my own against Usain Bolt until the starting gun went. Then he started to pull away.


Interesting fact, a Capybara can run up to 21 mph on average, Usain Bolts fastest run was around 27 mph. So Usain Bolt is faster than a Capybara, but not by much.


6 mph is still a huge difference when we're talking about a foot race.


Lol the one dude in the beginning that just eats it after 1 step lmao


First guy: < I guess I'll just die meme >


Like it looks like Usain is on a light jog and everybody else is just trying to not have a aneurysm.


I like how Donald Trump just collapses after like 2 meters


Not the first time a black man has had to outrun a mob of white people.


biggest insult is he wasnt even trying


The length of his legs compared to everyone else is crazy


If that first guy didn't trip over then the people behind him could've beaten Bolt


Honestly had that first old guy not fallen I think he woulda smoked the bolt


Some random person gets to say they came in 2nd place to the fastest person alive.


The people that are blocked by the guy falling down, that’s my life right there


Did he run at like 60%?




Now let's see Paul Allen's sprint. 


That’s the idle speed of his engine