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I have nothing against your figurines, but they are likely contributing to the outdated look. Try putting them aside. Leave the round glass from the top, the diffuser and the rock. Those are more inline with modern decor. If you get a more modern vibe with the simplified decor, then it’s not the shelf. If it still feels off, then think about color. I think white is not the best choice because your figurines are very white and they will blend in. Maybe sand and restain instead for a much lighter or darker color, with less yellow/orange in it (could be similar to the door). Swap the light switch to a more modern rocker - little details like this add up.


Thanks, the angels were my late mother in law’s, but I agree they are not helping the overall look


I'm sorry for your loss. I kept a lot of things of my mother's out for years until I was ready to put them away. When the time is right maybe you can choose one special angel and store the rest.


Very sweet comment


And you can keep them out, but maybe not right at the front door. If you/SO love them, consider sprinkling them around the house, not all together at the entry.


My husband and i have a hideous giant chicken that was his grandmothers. It lived above her kitchen cabinets for decades... And now it lives above our kitchen cabinets. Just looking at me... All the time, a big fat angry ugly chicken... I don't love it, and yet... it's grown on me over the years! I never had the honor of meeting his grandma, and i like having a little slice of her living with us, even if it is a giant ugly chicken 😅 It's a fun story to tell, since it's super out of place, people always ask about it. Its super old and chipped. We've debated giving it a makeover and repainting it. Maybe it's time for gothic chicken?! Edit: I love how invested everyone is in our ugly ancient chicken! Here she is, in all her judgemental glory. Her name is Elvira: https://imgur.com/a/5dTs1MG


Gothic chicken!!! Not to derail, but do you have a link to a picture of it? I'm curious lol


Glad I’m not the only one who wants to see this chicken.


I edited my post with a photo! 😅


OMG. I love her


Shes got the best view in the house! Overlooks the entire open floor plan! Hehe


I can see why she’s grown on you! Look at that gal, wow, big love.


Haha wait she's actually really cute?!! I'm glad I asked! I honestly think not that ugly, just a character item :)


I edited my post with a photo! 😅




🤘🙂‍↕️🤘 *headbangs*


She's absolutely delightful.


lol. Ugly chicken for sure but it’s already grown on me too. What is it about this chicken? 😀


She's like a mother hen watching over her flock!


Oh my!


If Elvira could talk! You know she has seen some stuff. I love her and the meaning behind her.


I honestly feel bad that i hated her so much when he first brought her into my home. When my husband moved in, all he brought was his clothing, his electronics and the chicken. I was wildly confused by her... But once my husband told me the story behind her, i legit felt guilty and she just instantly grew on me! His grandma was obsessed with chickens. Whole house, fully decorated in florals and chickens. She loved to play cards while smoking, having a stiff drink and teaching all her grandkids naughty words. She was a sassy woman, so the chicken really embodies her! Why he chose this particular chicken of hers to keep, I'm not sure! I guess it makes sense, you take the item that reminds you of them the most! My very wealthy grandma passed away recently and i was offered brand name clothing, jewelry, perfumes, antiques, you name it... But all i wanted was a big rock we lugged back from one of our late night walks that she had painted to look like a racoon. We love our racoon rock! 😅


You both sound like wonderful people. We are cleaning out my parents home and my most prized treasure is a little glass bowl my mom had in her kitchen cabinet with salt in it. She was a great cook and had the bowl to literally add a pinch of salt. It is the small things that often have the greatest memories.


I love that! A small piece of your mom will be in the kitchen with you adding flavor to your life for decades to come! :)


She’s not hideous at all! I love her and how she’s keeping her watch over you and everything! If only she could talk, the stories she’d have to tell!


She would for sure have stories! I hear my husband's grandma was quite the sassy independent lady! Elvira the chicken is unfortunately chipping from age and general wear. I think she's due for a patch and paint soon! I'm not artistic, though, so I'd be afraid to do it myself. Perhaps i could ask my husbands mom to help in the makeover!


LOVE SASSY & INDEPENDENT! Also love Elvira, the name! Wonder how she decided on that? I’ll bet your Mil would love to help bring her back to her full glory, and if not, possibly someone who works with whatever Elvira is made out of? I’d hate for her to come to her demise before she gets her makeover to restore her to her full beauty and uniqueness! Thanks so much again, for sharing Elvira. It’s stories like this that warm the heart and give us much needed humor, as well. I’d love it if you’d share her pending makeover in an upcoming post. It’s these things that give me the most joy!


I thought - how judgmental can a giant chicken be. Turns out VERY!


They’d also be great Christmas decor. Then you’ll smile at them when you unwrap them each year instead of not even seeing them anymore.


Maybe it’s another way of looking at sentimental decor - but I like to store such things in “sentimental treasure chests” so to say. Somewhere in closed shelves, visually it’s stored away, so instead of it being on a display which I with time felt is devaluing it a bit, when you see something hundreds if times a day you feel less snd less emotionally, desensitises it a bit, but when it’s stored away and you very occasionally open it up - it hits you with sentiment and nostalgia. Especially if it’s positive sentimental things (like your grandchild that’s still with you) But maybe if it’s about a loss of a loved one it IS a nice idea to store it on the open shelve as a display so you kinda get good-desensitised and accept the loss, in the dnd feeling only good emotions from that. What do you think?


That is what I did with my mother's things. I kept them out for a few years because they comforted me. After a while they began to depress me. It took me a while to decide to pack them away. I bought a sideboard and all of her special things are in part of it. If I want to see her white china cat, her childhood tea set, or her porcelain doves, I can.


You’re really sweet, I’m sorry for your loss too! Lots of love!


Maybe only choose one or two figurines and then put plants in the other cubbies. Put plants that you can keep in water, l like pothos or maybe air plants.


Yes agreed. My wife and I have a few similar figurines that were gifts from family that have since passed away. We keep a few out on a shelf with a bunch of plants and cutesy cat figurines and it balances out nicely.


And books. Perfect for them.


Or pass the items down to your kids as momentos, if they want them.


I was going to suggest this as well.


Just adding on to agree with the original comment -- I definitely agree swapping out the light switches will make it look more modern. We did it as soon as we moved in (my husband felt very strongly about it, I didn't care at all) and I was shocked at what a difference it made. I liked the idea someone else mentioned too -- you could always take the figurines back out at Christmas if you celebrate. At my parents house, we would swap out all of our knick knacks in one area for Christmas ones. It was a really lovely tradition and it made it feel like Christmas when we did that, even if it would be a while before we had time to get the tree and decorate it. Don't get rid of the figurines. You just don't need them all on display all the time.


Find them another home. This is too prominent. Also, each one might remind you of MIL. But you will get the same effect from having only one out. So leave one out to start and update the rest of the spaces with more modern objects, which would make a huge difference. Edit. The main issue seems to be that you’ve created a MIL shrine in a very prominent spot. If you need it to be a shrine, then it’s going to look like that. You have to consciously decide if this is going to remain a shrine or be a decorative focal piece. It can’t really be both and still be fully realized.


Honestly, add some plants - a couple other modern vases or sculptures and they could be a vibe. I think they are beautiful!


I agree! I think I would paint the shelving in a bolder colour so it looks more intentional and lean into the kitsch


It’s very possible to have a modern look while still displaying these! I would just suggest spreading them out amongst the home ♥️


Consider a small cabinet that puts them together with a photo of her. It would group them in one place and not make it the focus of you doorway. And still honor a very beloved family member. My condolences in your loss.


Came to say this. The shelves look fine as is, but the figurines look dated and kitschy.


The rock is modern? It’s the coldest thing in the house.


The oldest too. Hey I'm always caught by autocorrect.


I agree, it is what’s on the shelves that date more than anything.


Yup. Figurines, mil or not are making it look like grandma's house. Paint the trim white and do an accent wall


Such thoughtful suggestions!


I don't believe it's the color (although the wood is not great and certainly not modern) as much as the trim profile. You can easily date a house that way, especially the 1980's and builder grade/choice. I'll bet this opening is framed just like a window and the "grid" is not at all structural. I would pull it all out, redo the "grid" and redo the trim around the space.


This, and the follow up is very good advice. The wood actually is pretty cool! Also, hugs for your loss. I still have a room full of stuff from my dad's passing I haven't been able to part with. 💞


Thanks for the constructive criticism and suggestions. The angels are sentimental, but it’s time for them to go.


If you celebrate Christmas you could bring them out for the Season and make them part of the decor, tucking them away the rest of the year. That way they can continue with their sentimental duty but in a more contained way.


This is a really nice suggestion! I agree that this is a good way to honor OP's MIL while still updating the decor. Plus I think they'd also have more of a sentimental impact if OP is only seeing them for a short time each year vs having them up year where OP will eventually stop noticing them.


I like this idea as well. Maybe one could live somewhere permanently but they are occupying a lot of prime real estate right by the front door.


The one on the bottom, the mother holding the baby could live on your husbands bedside table or dresser side maybe? Or sit in a kitchen window?


great idea


Totally. Christmas is the time to celebrate the cozy old and sentimental treasures, all over the house. I love this idea.


i don’t think they need to go if they’re sentimental i think that is just not the place for them. they can only be viewed from one side and in the other room you are looking at them all back on. a little glass top display cabinet tucked into a corner with a plant on top would be lovey for them


You don’t need to get rid of them, just find a place to display them (or one, whichever you prefer) in a way that they don’t change the whole tone of a room. In a bookcase full of books and objects is a good choice.


Agreed, they’d look great tucked among some plants on a bookshelf!


I have a few items that I still love because they mean something to me but I hide them with my other more modern stuff and scatter them over my space instead of keeping them collected in one spot, it feels a little more eclectic that way but I agree sometimes some things just look dated no matter where they are and for those things I keep them in low traffic areas or areas meant for me, for one I love these shelves as is, and wood is timeless and so much wood is painted over, I’d put some fake plants or some real plants on these (with moisture protection for your shelves), it’s a lovely home feature though and one I think many wish they had


If the figurines hold a lot of sentimental value to you and you want to keep them, place them in a display cabinet somewhere else in the house. As long as the display cabinet matches the overall vibe of the rest of the room, the figurines won't necessarily date the room. Visitors would see the cabinet from a distance and be able to admire the figurines up close.


Don’t get rid of them or move them if you love them and they have meaning. The home decor industry is about consumerism and the new keeping up with the Jones’. It’s your house. They are your things. Do not do anything because you feel pressure to stay more “up-to-date”. Tell people you love Grimes and let that be that.


Go? Just move them somewhere else


Its a shame, I love them! Maybe you could find other spaces to place them where they can blend with the modern look, maybe in small tables around the house?


I think the ideas presented to scale back the figures and see if that helps are good ones. Related: I have that same trio of triangular oil lamps! I put mine in candle holders instead of candies. If you find they evaporate, wrap a bit plastic wrap just over the wicks & around the neck.


Tuck the angels in around the house..maybe eevn almost hidden spots...it will be like you always have an angel watching you without them being a focal point.


I don’t think it’s the shelves that look dated so much as what’s occupying them…


Yeaaaaaah the precious moments figurines need to find a new home if you want your place to appear more modern and up to date.


None of those are precious moments 😂. I know because my mom collects them. I have the eyes of a hawk when it comes to those figurines. Whenever I go thrifting finding those are my specialty


Oh I know lol. I had the whole bed set.


What the heck is a bed set in this context?? Fascinating.


lol sheets, comforter, pillow cases, etc


OH I see I was imagining a bunch of these characters like ... laying down on beds, sofas, etc. hahaha


Lmao only in my nightmares


The shelves are beautiful


I actually don’t think this looks dated at all. I think the cutout looks mid century modern. I would agree with everyone that the items on the shelves would need to be changed out, to make it look not dated.


Don’t paint! Figurines are what makes it outdated.


I think the stain color contributes as well. Older stain yellows over time this wood is bordering on orange. I'd strip and retain a lighter color


Yea maybe but it's not the main contributing factor. Lots of midcentury modern (like Frank Lloyd Wright) houses have that color wood ... and those types of asymmetric wood designs, of course!


Those angels all have to go!


The shelves will look most modern with little to nothing on them. One item in each cubby on the the center row would be best. I’d go with a plant on the left and maybe a pretty glass dish on the right.


Your figurines combined with the 60s niches are straight out of my childhood. I'm 65. You can lean into it as I did or pack those away, paint it and put some modern knickknacks in there. I have no idea what's in. I'm channeling my grandmothers 40s style.


Shelves are beautiful. It's the decor in them that dates them. Set the figurines aside for holidays/special occasions. You could put a faux plant like ivy in one of the top shelves and have it cascading down a side if you don't have a window close by for sunlight. You can find some neat decor at thrift or antique stores.


The wood looks beautiful as is! I love it!


Don’t paint. Remove the stuff


I actually think painting it white would look great, it's not special wood and it doesn't match the door or anything. I also agree with everyone's editing suggestions about what's on them, but heres my left field suggestion. Change out that light sitch cover to something custom. It's the tiny unexpected details that really elevate a space. I redid mine lights/electric in mother of pearl and it made such a difference.


Took forever to find this but completely agree. This sub can be aggressively pro-wood, even if the wood stain looks exactly like it was pulled from my parents 1998 remodel. I think white would significantly modernize and love the light switch idea


Yeah, our house was filled with builder grade orange stained crapola, and all of her trim is white already so what would we be preserving here? Its not an 1800 craftsman, yaknow? These are the switches i got for my upstairs bathroom with whit trim and I love them. White tile, white trim, dark purple upper walls. https://www.switchhits.com/beveled-edge-mother-of-pearl-1-toggle-light-switch-plates?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6auyBhDzARIsALIo6v9BFuxzbrFZ6MHBxA3be9HMHDsh585kL23N288qx4y4GoQrB2TCsYoaAvE0EALw_wcB


Exactly! 100% same page. And I LOVE those switches, those will be the perfect touch! You’re spot on with the little details—so easy to forget (guilty), but they end up making a big difference.


YES. Changing out the industrial pre-picked stuff makes things vastly different and would completely transform this specific space


Love the wood myself.


Same, I can't believe someone would want to paint or stain this.


It’s the Knick-knacks, not the shelves.


If you want to keep the beautiful, sentimental items on these shelves, then I’d recommend pairing them with more modern-ish accessories. Small plants, mis-matched knick knacks, photos in thrifted frames, etc. My roommates and I love to collect figurines like your MIL did, and we’ve found that breaking up the collection with other items makes it feel much less dated. Very sorry for your loss, I’m sure she’s grateful her cherished figures are still on display 🫶


Ditch the figurines


I suggest picking a color to paint the shelves and then put just a select few items as decor. It would look nice painting it the trim color but a bit boring. Hard to determine what color without seeing styles of other rooms. I love angels but do think they make things look more outdated. My suggestion is to keep one there and then place the other favorite figurines around the house, maybe 1 in each room as a reminder of being protected and loved.


Loooooveeee the suggestion for the angels!


Those Knick knacks are so dated


You can get rid of those ancient kitchy knick-knacks. Looks like the silent generation lives there. (JK mom! I know you're only 70. {This looks like my mom's house) Pack up the knacks. Add some color pop with air plants - succulents, etc. That's probably quality wood, they don't make wood trim quality anymore - don't paint it.


Being an art teacher, I'm dying to pay homage to Mondrian and fill each space with colored glass!


I think it gives it some character. What are you gonna do, have all walls painted gray like just about everybody and call it modern and updated? 😭 Have some fun with decorating, do something unique, make it feel like home and not a listing


whenever in doubt, add plants


Replace the figurines with plants?


Lol getting rid of the old person angel statues would do far more to update your place than any paint would


The angels must go. Anywhere but there. The shelf is gorgeous. Place a couple angels amongst plants and give the rest to family so they too can treasure MeeMaw’s treasures. 💗


That’s a vey nice built in and I wouldn’t remove its original character by painting it. I would highlight the shelves themselves with minimalistic decor.


Leave it! It's beautiful! I agree with the commenter who said the figurines are the dated part of this.


Have you considered removing the wall?


I agree with your husband. I would paint it to match the trim.


My personal opinion is that the concept of updating your house is outdated. What matters is not if the furniture and decoration are up to the latest trends but if the place has personality and its own unique identity that reflects the inhabitants style and life experience. Keep the best figurines that mean something to you, add new items, new influences, take unexpected decoration decisions, mix and match styles. Ideally in your mind before going shopping! Have fun.


I know I am late to the show here, and I haven't read all the comments, but I would definitely do the following: * Remove the interior shelves * Paint the trim to match like your husband says. * Find an awesome/vintage stained glass window that fits, or have one made. Personally, I would go for one that is smaller than the opening, maybe 6 to 8 inches around of open air. And then hang it by wires. It would be awesome and beautiful and fun, depending on what you choose and light would come through.


I'd take that wall out if it were my house, but if you love it, just put a bunch of small plants there. The fragile knick knacks near the door seems kinda weird to me personally.


New switches and switch plates will help update the look of your home. As well as new HVAC grates. Small little things make a big difference ❤


I think the wall shelf is kinda cool but if you really want a change you can replace it with a window


Figurines out! Succulents or other small plants are in!! I like the shelf. Or, totally remove the baby wall and open the space up. One is way easier :)


Replace knick knacks with plants, don’t paint.


Don't blink!


OP is doomed


I saw one comment to remove the wall all together. These little half walls or pony walls date your house. Removing it, opens it up and it’ll feel more spacious and updated.


It’s a good separation from the entry, some “decompression” zone once entering.. but this style is very dated. An updated look, maybe the mcm slated panels like below.. https://www.reddit.com/r/woodworking/s/nbrSc6vWHz


Could you remove the top/middle upright shelves? It might feel less busy if you have clean line of sight.. but as someone else suggested - have you considered removing the wall altogether?


Maybe pare down to 1 item per shelf. I agree with other posts about changing color and the items themselves. Books would look lovely, but I don’t think the shelves are quite wide enough




Maybe put plants in those spaces? With a couple of angels?


I wouldn't get rid of ALL the angels- the one on the middle row- left in the first pic stays, it's got a nice look that's less dated. Add a few small potted plants & the empty bell jar things, plus the rock is fine. I'd consider restaining so it's less 80's orange- just strip down to bare wood and seal maybe.


Do not paint, put the angels away somewhere safe. My grandma had those type of angels in a curio cabinet displayed in her living room, really added to the grandma aesthetic.


Update the light switch plate after finding a new home for the figurines :)


It’s a nice shelf. If you placed more modern art, plants, candle stuff like that I think that would make a huge difference. But if you like what you have I would just leave it!


Alternative to putting the angels away, could be to paint the trim and shelving a dark colour and let them contrast with the walls and angels?


Plants there will brighten it up !


Matching the trim is one option; darkening it to pop is another. To me, the question is if you’re changing the wall color and if so, what works best with it


it’s the decor, try placing the angels in another spot


really, fill it with plants and maybe an led light of some sort?


You might like to only bring out the figurines with your Christmas stuff and put colored art glass in the nooks.


Honestly I think you can still keep a figurine or two and still have it look nice, just not all of them. Maybe staining/painting it to match the door would be nice and leaving some empty space in some of the shelves I think would help as well.


Beautiful ! I love your angels


I also don’t think it looks outdated 💕🙂


dont paint, just restyle the shelves.


Can you just eliminate this altogether and have new drywall put up? That is what I would want. This is unnecessary.


Instead of painting it white to match the trim, decide on an accent color, like a nice navy, something that contrasts with your wall color and the door. I agree with other replies on here that you might want to minimize the amount of statues. It’s a really cool feature over all, don’t be afraid to highlight it.


You could also change its configuration and make it look like a midcentury wall partition, window or some other artistic element matching the style of the home. The figurines would be great to take out around the holidays if they inspire a positive feeling.


Painting it white like the trim would definitely make it more modern looking :) also, the statues are pretty old style as well, so i’d change them out too if you really don’t like the look.


I love the angels but agree they are in the wrong place. I think the would look great as book ends though


I think your husband is correct. 1) Remove the bric-à-brac. To be brutally honest, most of it is also dated. If the angel statues have a lot of sentimental value, place them in a display cabinet elsewhere in the house. 2) Ether remove the shelves and just have it as an interior window to let light through or remove the trim and dry wall over the opening to create a solid wall. If you go with the solid wall option, place a large picture or a grouping of smaller pictures in that space. 3) If the budget allows, replace the ceiling light with something more modern. 4) Repaint the walls a darker shade of the existing color and then paint all of the trim a crisp white.


Match the trim and put some plants


Ditch the old lady nicknacks


Ditch the cherubs


Put beautiful things Not just anything


Paint the trim to match the other trim, otherwise it looks dated.


Yes, I would totally paint it! It will look cleaner


DO NOT PAINT IT. I would put some succulents and more modern decor on it. Just please don’t paint it ! 😰


To me, all that beveled trim is very dating. It would look much more modern if the trim could be removed. And just a clean shelving insert I don't know if there would be drywall repair needed or what, but the trim is the main thing. The stain looks pretty dark and higher sheen. Lighting it up and changing to matte would also help. Mixing up decorative items with one or two empty spaces and one or two small plants - one trailing - is another tip.


Is your husband an interior designer. No he’s not. Ignore him. Keep the wood grain.


Black trim with the current wall color, or try a dark green on the walls and keep the wood/ white trim. Personally i would replace the white with the wood tho to make it pop. Also diffident decor.


I say sand it and restain would definitely help


Is that the front door? Can you put a few screw -style in key hooks in one of the cubbies? , and put a little narrow basket to hold sunglasses , mail? plants, yes! Make it utilitarian rather than solely display?


I would keep the white angel and the diffuser and add a bit of greenery. And don’t feel like you have to fill every cubby. Be selective.


The timber shelves are better than any coat of paint will ever be. Keep them. Remove the ornaments and consider things that have meaning for you. For example, plants, books stacked horizontally, fresh air, interesting rocks, pine cones, sea shells, origami etc.


I know others have mentioned removing your late MIL's figurines. I'd try adding some house plants like some watermelon peperomia, exotic angel pothos, marble pothos as a focal point (maybe a pothos as they can develop long tendrils and could look nice either center top or center bottom). Possibly try some zebra hawthoria, snake plant, or lance aloe in the middle. All of those are low light (and fairly low maintenance) plants for an area that looks like it doesn't get a huge amount of sunlight and house plants is very trendy right now.


Luckily for you that color wood is back in style, I would not paint it, its beautiful. To update it you should update the drocor to be more modern transitional. No matter what you do to it won't change how modern it looks if you have figurines on it because they are a very traditional type of decor.


Remove the angels. Instant update.


don’t paint the trim, it’ll look boring. you can definitely find decor that’s more modern to your style. it’s cozy !


don’t paint the trim, it’ll look boring. you can definitely find decor that’s more modern to your style. it’s cozy !


You say the angels are sentimental and while they’re not everyone’s style, if they mean something to you, you can always add more modern touches to go with them. Personally I love the look of the wooden frame, especially if you add plants to it! Do what works best for you 🩷


I really like the color of the wood. I would pick a new color for the trim that compliments the wood. Paint the walls and the crown moulding the same color.


Can the Knick knacks be removed and the space be empty?


Sorry but angels must go; they are dated. Love the glass bottles. Add more diff assorted glass bottles to each section. Paint that whole window shelf white to match the trim in your room! Beautiful. Actually if that is not a retaining wall, get rid of the whole wall. Annoying to open a door and have a wall there!


I LOVE this shelf and the natural wood. It's beautiful. In all honesty, what's dated are those figurines!


I may be overstepping here, but I think the display items are what need updating.


With the door to the outside right there, the wall acts as an air block to keep the cold air from rushing in when the door is opened, especially on the lower half. I would not remove the lower half because of this. Honestly, I wouldn't have a problem painting the shelves to match the rest of the trim if you wanted. It's not like it's irreplaceable old-growth wood or anything. If you decided you preferred the wood look, it would be easy to re-replace it with wood again. Molding like that could be found at any home improvement store. You also might want to find a more decorative switch plate for next to your front door. The front door is the "introduction" to your home, and a nicer switch plate would go a long way to dressing it up.


Perhaps put something on the shelves that allow light and color to show through like a figurine with stained glass wings or a butterfly with glass or mosaic wings. Can even hang a little stained glass design using the eye hook screws to allow movement.


Respectfully, this reminds me of my grandma’s house lol the angels are beautiful!! I just do think they’re contributing to the outdated I look. I think painting it to match the trim with modern decorations would look great


Take the wall out. It dates the house


I honestly think the shelves look more modern than most of everything else I can see.. Beyond the figurines... I see old style light switches. A boob light. Trim and doors (the 6 panel) that remind me of new builds 25 years ago. Is that am oil rubbed bronze door handle? When i bought my place in 2012 there was oil rubbed bronze everywhere. I think that's also an early 2000s thing. Just remove the knick knacks. They do look straight out of a 70 year olds home.


Remove it. If that wall isn't load bearing, take it out.


I would put only clear glass like the bottles on the shelves or nothing. Unfortunately the beige walls date it anyway. If it’s a color you like great but it isn’t a good color in general to use. It tends to look yellowed. Add in the cream light switch and the different color woods on the door and the shelves and white trim on top of it, it’s all adding to the dated look. For easy steps I would change the wall to a lighter color with no yellow or red tones. Like a light blue which would look good with all the woods. Change the light switch too, it’s an incredibly easy cheap fix.


The walls are millennial gray. She just needs to box up the granny angels.


It’s an outdated color with a yellow tinge. She needs cool colors or if she wants to keep that she needs to fix all those different shades of wood and trim so it doesn’t look so haphazard.




Knock the whole wall down.


Speaking only for myself-when we moved into our ranch house about 22 years ago it had one of these open shelving units. (Also had the same unit in the house I grew up). In our current house that we’ve been in 22 years, we decided it the shelving was outdated so removed it. Plenty of other places for figurines. FYI- I’m a married 72 year old woman.


I'd remove that wall, and pop some type of an entryway furniture piece there.


I would remove trim and see what the drywall looks like underneath. It would look great if you can have a clean drywall edge up to the edge of the shelves with no trim.


I’d stain it a darker tone of wood


With the right wall color, the wood will look modern. I’m not sure what that color is without seeing samples against the wood.


If I had the money I’d put a slim aquarium with only marine plants but one can only dream


Some peel and stick wall paper on the dividers would look really pretty! Something kinda dark and moody since everything else is so clear/light colored! Plus it’d go well with the wood


I’d make it an accent wall and paint it dark green or even black and put plants in there not the figurines


Paint it white to match the other trim


The actual window thing could look super sleek and modern if you just replace the angel statues. Personally i think theyre beautiful, but they are something you pretty much only see in your grandparents house. Maybe find another place in your home for them where you want the older more sentimental look instead.


I’d paint it and not put anything on the shelves.


The action figures along with the paint color makes it seem outdated


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Perfect_Syrup_2464: *The action figures* *Along with the paint color* *Makes it seem outdated* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


For me, the empty wall below adds to the dated look. Maybe add a tufted storage bench or trunk below so that the opening looks purposeful. Lose the angels, of course. Lastly, I’m in the minority here, but I lean toward painting them too.


This is a hard question because me and as I've seen several people on this sub are suckers for this style, my kind of advice would be to expand the figurine collection in more colors and paint the wall. Buuut that's not the point. To make it look more modern you would probably have to place the figurines somewhere else, take off the wooden pieces dividing it into squares and finish by painting the wooden phrame in a dark neutral color or sand it to make a lighter tone. Or maybe get rid of the shelf completely.


If you really want to paint the shelves, the same white as the trim would look clean. I think it's fine as is. Just the deco on the shelves could do with an update.


You might want to find a different spot for the angels and put something else on display there