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From article: Former President Donald Trump promised to nullify a key clause of the Fourteenth Amendment if he is elected president again, though he does not have the authority to do so. Trump has long taken issue with the citizenship clause of the amendment, which states, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” This means that under the Constitution, anyone born in the United States is a citizen of the country, regardless of the immigration status of the parents – with very few exceptions (such as cases where a parent has diplomatic immunity). To change this or any other provision of the document, two-thirds of Congress and three-fourths of the states would have to agree to ratify the change. (As an alternative to Congress’s role, two-thirds of the states could request an amendment be considered by the rest of the states.) The former president, however, said this “policy” is not working and that he would change it on the first day of his second term. “Joe Biden has launched an illegal foreign invasion of our country by allowing a record number of illegal aliens to storm across our borders,” Trump said in a video posted on his Truth Social account on Tuesday. “All of their future children will become automatic U.S. citizens. Can you imagine? They’ll be eligible for welfare, taxpayer-funded healthcare, the right to vote, chain migration, and countless other government benefits.” He then explained he will simply write the clause out of existence. “As part of my plan to secure the border on day one – my new term in office – I will sign an executive order making clear to federal agencies that under the correct interpretation of the law, going forward, the future children of illegal aliens will not receive automatic U.S. citizenship,” Trump said. “It’s things like this that bring millions of people to our country.” It’s not the first time Trump has toyed with the idea of ending birthright citizenship. He floated it as president, but ultimately attempted no action. He has also suggested ending the Constitution altogether while baselessly claiming the 2020 election was rigged against him. “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” he said in December.


>“All of their future children will become automatic U.S. citizens. Can you imagine? They’ll be eligible for welfare, taxpayer-funded healthcare, the right to vote, chain migration, and countless other government benefits.” Can I imagine the country I love continuing to function as intended? Yes. Yes, I can. That the idea drives conservatives absolutely insane is only a tiny bonus.


They'll all so be eligible to pay taxes, sign up for Selective Service, make minimum wage and die because they can't afford the medication they need.


Hang on, what about this taxpayer-funded healthcare that was mentioned? We should look into that


Right? Last I checked single payer health care could never work! Except every where it does!


Yeah, when did that actually pass?


Probably around the same time porn models got genius visas. /s


He's still pushing the welfare queen trope despite the fact Clinton ended cash welfare back in the 90s. You know, back when Trump was one of his biggest supporters.


Don't try to confuse them with facts.


God it's a dream to allow people to escape their horrific lives and find something better, "the pursuit of happiness" is literally what this country is based on and is a fundamental guarantee the entire American Dream idealizes. These xenophobic assholes literally go against everything America represents, they have no place making decisions that affect hundreds of millions domestically, if not billions internationally.




Does this imply Melania's kids will not be US citizens


His mother is from Scotland, he’s kind of an anchor baby himself


You mean like the current one that most likely over stayed a visa and was here illegally until she married Trump.


And her "chain migration " parents.


And anchor baby children




Being a citizen of Washington, DC?


Due to the birth rate crisis, massive immigration is pretty much required to function *at all* - never mind "as intended" - over the medium-to-long term. I'm not saying it needs to be, or should be, illegals, but we know that the conservative end-game is none at all.


Conservatives are hoping they can raise birthrates internally. Unfortunately they presumably *could* by undoing a century's worth of women's rights progress, and also unfortunately, I think a lot more men would be okay with suddenly being a lot more desirable as a marriage partner than would let on at present.


Does it occur to him that.. he’s a child of migrants?


White migrants. That's completely different.


Also trump should certainly be able to imagine all that given his current wife is a beneficiary of chain migration.




Or his own son being an anchor baby or his wife who overstayed her visa chain migrating her parents, but do as I say, not as I do, right??


That would nullify his own citizenship as a child of an immigrant, his mother Mary from Scotland in 1930.


And if his citizenship was nullified he would immediately be unqualified to hold the presidency and would legally be removed from office


God damn, every time I think he couldn't be more of a moron, he digs past the bedrock.


So by taking it to its logical conclusion, people are no longer citizens based on birth in this country, meaning NO CHILDREN are citizens. So how does he envision that anyone becomes a citizen? Wait, I know, you have to be a male Christian land owner. Just like the good old days!


They want to consider 'crossdressing' equal to 'molesting kids', so they can put crossdressers to death. They want to consider 'refugee' equal to 'rapist', so they can put immigrants to death. They want to consider 'atheist' equal to 'not American enough to be an American Citizen', so they can put non-Christians to death. They want to consider 'didn't vote Republican' equal to 'not American enough', etc. They want to consider 'Not American Citizen' equal to 'anyone we deem', so they can have slaves and war. Because as we all know, if you aren't an American Citizen, you aren't protected by American laws, and have "no rights".


One of the republican fundraiser emails asked if you were a Democrat or an American. They don't consider democrats citizens.


I'd Rather Be An American Than A Republican


None of that will be a problem for them because they don't intend for the rules to apply to white people. As long as they "look American," and vote Republican, they'll get to be a citizen.


So…how would anyone be considered a citizen? A baby takes a civics test?


I doesn't have to make sense. It just needs to fire up the racists to vote for him.


And Mexico is going to pay for it!




promises made... more promises made...


So completely ignoring constitutional practices and norms in favor of single handed desecration of the constitution, all over some white supremacy “great replacement theory” fascist bullshit. You conservatives can call yourself what ever makes you happy, your actions are fascist, your ideas are fascist, your leaders are fascist, and you are not compatible with modern American society. So go ahead, be a coward and try and mental gymnastics your way into whatever it is you think makes it acceptable to be a fascist. But most of us know what you are, and at this point it honestly feels like your trying to convince yourself more than anyone else.


I have to deal with this issue with my family. They're like "You treat me like I'm a bigot when you know I'm not a bigot" I'm like, "when you support bigots, when you finance bigots, when you vote for bigots, when you platform bigots, what does it matter WHY you chose them if the results are the same?" then they act like the victim and say "I can't believe my own child is calling me a bigot" which again....isn't what I said


That’s one reason why I have no contact with most of my family. Their heads are so far up Trump’s ass they can taste what he had for breakfast. I have no desire to put up with their bigoted, hateful, BS.


What do you call 9 people sitting down with a Nazi? 10 Nazis.


I once said to someone "if you're in a room full of people, and they're spouting Nazi rhetoric to one person in particular, you have three options. You can either tell them to fuck off, that that rhetoric is disgusting, and just all around denounce them. You could join in, deciding to side yourself with Nazis. Or you could remain silent, which comes across as silently giving your approval to the Nazis. There is only one choice that doesn't make you a Nazi, or make you appear to be a silent Nazi." People don't realize that choosing to say nothing in the face of racism gives off the appearance that you agree with it. But most Trump supporters don't think of themselves as racists or bigots. They think "I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking".


You could also just leave. Confronting them won't change their opinion.. studies have shown that people just defend their ideas even more. Not to mention that some of these people are unhinged enough that challenging them could put you in harm's way.


Leaving them unchallenged and giving them ground is actually sttrnngthing them. They don't win by making everyone agree with their insane ideals, they win by most people ignoring them. I agree confronting them usually won't change their minds. You can probably never change them. But a neutral stance is actually a stance that empowers them. One of my favorite philosophers John Brown had some interesting things to say about this.




Of Harper's Ferry fame? Based AF.


When someone says, "Just because I \[insert reason here\] doesn't make me a fascist!" I know the person I'm speaking with is a fascist.


I'm not a fascist, I have friends that are fascists! So how can I be a fascist?!?!


And this is your weekly reminder that the actual Nazis only ever managed to get 43% of the vote in Germany and that was after six months of the brown shirts going around and beating the shit out of anyone that wouldn't vote nazi.


To paraphrase Cory Booker: "I'm not gonna say you ARE a fascist. I'm just saying you look like one."




You may not *personally agree* with every facet of the fascism, but you’re absolutely *enabling* the fascism, so why should I differentiate at that point? Sure, your ideals at heart aren’t *complete* shit. Congratulations, but it doesn’t matter. By enabling these people, you’re still part of the problem, even if you personally don’t align with every one of their beliefs. They’ll do whatever *their* agenda is when you vote them in.


"If you're not a fascist, then why are you voting for it?"


"I just like the policies."


Or, if you're not a fascist then why isn't voting for one a deal breaker for you?


You can make the sweetest candy in the world, but if you roll it in shit, it is shitty candy.


Meanwhile these people go to each other for sympathy over their family member not wanting to talk to them when they can't even own their own hateful beliefs.


once you act like a bigot, you are one.


... thats them calling themselves a bigot or gaslighting you because they have nothing better to say Either way, it is damning.


Maybe they are bigots? I could see how the strategy of coddling bigots by not calling them out could be useful especially in family connections. However my life is much better after consciously stopping that strategy and cutting off bigots in my family, they aren't even worth calling out in my particular situation.


Narcissists playing the victim. Turning it around on you is all they can do to get out of it.


I’ll do it for you. Your parents are bigots.


Our culture has successfully demonized the words “racist” and “bigot” enough that people resent being called such even if they blatantly are. My parents are as racist, homophobic and transphobic as it gets but still object when I call them such. My dad literally said “I’m not homophobic I’m homo-cidal!” but still denies being a bigot.


Just had this issue with my wife and in-laws today. MIL says to my wife “Your Dad doesn’t understand why no one comes to see him.” and my wife courageously says “You mean besides him being a hateful bigot?”. I am always proud of her but it went an extra mile today. Its been hard for her to say what she feels her whole life with them and she just laid it out.


We need to start publicly shaming and shunning these people. When there are articles that say some famous person said fascist crap, the title should say "idiot fascist sympathizer, NAME says..." This shit spreads because we let it spread, and we need to stop it.


"i'm not a nazi! I just VOTE for nazis!"


In the 90s David Duke the klansman ran for governor in Louisiana. I remember a lot of ppl actually supported him in my state. Even though he didn’t win. They all said the same thing back then. Which was just cause they supported or voted for Duke. Doesn’t make them a bigot or racist. And I remember even as a young teen how that sounded like such bs from these ppl.


It's not like the GOP has any policy ideas beyond bigotry either.


Conservatives very very very rarely have any actual policies. That's why they have to rely on outrage to drum up support.


We need everyone to turn out the vote and start destroying the GOP


Good luck with that GOP controlled states will just throw out your votes. Look at what Ken Paxton just admitted to.


That's what an opposition is for -- to hold them to task, drag them through court, etc. If people just roll over for them democracy is dead. We need more fighters and fewer cynics to push back against fascism in this country.


discouraging votes is what loses elections.


Start? It's already happening. We can all help move it along of course


It isn’t happening fast enough, last I checked they are the majority in Congress, even if it is from gerrymandering.


Last time I checked they gained seats in Congress.


It won't work. trumpublicans have a plan to nullify voting or haven't you seen what tx trumpublicans are doing to Houston?


If the coming BLUE TSUNAMI is big enough, all the dirty tricks and gerrymandering in the world won't save them. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Vote.


\^ this. If every person who made excuses for not voting turned out to vote instead the Republicans wouldn't stand a chance. The GOP wants people to feel hopeless and that their right to vote is meaningless. It's a huge part of their strategy.


Mandatory voting like Australia has is the single biggest defence of moderate democracy that there is. The silent majority getting dragged out to the polls every 3-4 years inevitably pulls policies toward the middle. Being able to win elections in America by appealing to loony minority groups while actively discouraging the majority to bother voting is straight up crazy


That’s what every social media post of “senile Biden” is all about. Suppressing democratic vote through apathy


Fuck Nazis. The modern GOP is a party of cowards, fascists, and traitors. These scumbags want to undermine our democracy and break everything good about this country. We need to run these fucks out of the country. You're not a political party when your politics become overthrowing the government by insurrection.




They never stopped being confederates at heart, just wear it on their sleeves now.


Totally agree, and well said


Agree on all points accept that “not compatible with modern American society.” IMO the issue is it’s not compatible with the 21st century, the globe at this period in history. It’s an abdication of superpower status, eroding America’s influence abroad by demonstrating that USA has zero moral authority.


Birthright citizenship was passed around 1870. They're not compatible with 19th century society.


Then amendment the US Constitution.




Just be ready when they start breaking into homes of their political "enemies".


Being unconstitutional is kind of irrelevant when the supreme court is far right and prob wound be d over backwards to justify it


If them hicks could read they'd be pretty upset


Call em by their name, Nazis. Pure white power, south will rise again confederate Nazis. Creating Nazi Utopia within the United States in places like Florida and Texas and hoping to bring to a town near you.


Particularly, with the rise of Ron DeFascist aka DeSatan aka DeHitler aka DeathSantis. https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/commentary/2023/05/05/commentary-is-ron-desantis-fascist/ Anyone supporting him or Trump better get a reality check. This is serious. DeSatan is more dangerous than Trump. Not funny at all. 🤨


He can't just "nullify' a part of the constitution. What a dumbshit.


But as head of the gubmint' he can, as the article says, order federal employees to stop processing the necessary paperwork to formalize these citizens documents effectively making them illegal residents. He's a fucking monster born of white Natc.


That's not how citizenship works, and I'd be *very* surprised if the federal government could prevent the issuing of birth certificates.


It can stop recognizing them, though. And it can deport people despite being natural born citizens. ICE would happily go along with that and enforce that if the executive branch told them to. Yeah, they'd face some lawsuits and the wrath of the courts ... but that might not stop them from just paying the lawsuits out of taxpayer funds and continuing to do it. And there's always the chance that fucking SCOTUS will rule in their favor.


They don't even have to be told to do it. They do it plenty on their own through sheer incompetence. The GAO found 70 cases of US citizens being deported just in the years 2015 through 2020. And they can't even be sure that is all of them because of their piss-poor record keeping.


> because of their piss-poor record keeping. By design. Congress ordered ICE to report how many children had been 'lost track of' in their detention centers. ICE responded that [1488](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words) children had been lost. (And then, because our country sucks so much, that was the end of it. No further inquiry.)


Any employee of the federal government who obeyed that order would, in fact, be committing a federal crime. And the only ‘paperwork’ necessary to be a citizen by birth is documentation of where you were born, which *isn’t* handled by federal employees.


Of course he can. Just like he can declassify documents with his mind. /s


He can do whatever he wants as long as no one rises up to stop him. He can't collude with foreign powers to influence a federal election, and that didn't stop him from doing it with virtually no consequences.


I find how liberals continually complacently say "well that's illegal so it can't be done" to be worrying against the threat of fascists who have clearly shown they don't give an iota about what some ink on paper says they should do or how to behave.


Recently read "Travelers in the Third Reich" to see how the rise of the Nazis looked to outside observers staying in Germany at the time. What was kinda haunting was how many moderates believed that the antisemitism and extremism of the Nazis would fade away once they were in power. And that the institutions and constitution of the Weimar Republic would prevent Hitler from becoming a dictator. The parallels are worrying.


He absolutely can. We have seen time and time again there are no real consequences for Republican men doing whatever the hell they want. He could scrap the constitution and Republicans in congress and Supreme court would cheer. We really need to stop looking at this through the lens of what they can and can't legally do. They don't care.


The thing is this: The rule of law only exists if people think it does. It only works if people carry on as the law dictates. If there's a reason to deviate from it, then people who *wish* to do it will take that opportunity. For most people, no one's going to care if the law is in place or not. We won't go about killing each other or stealing stuff. However, a lot of people have signaled a willingness to indulge in baser desires should the opportunity arise. If the POTUS comes out and says that something is now legal, regardless of how true that is, they'll just go with it.


Just wait. The current supreme court would probably reverse United States v. Wong Kim Ark if they could get a case before them.


Lots of norms have be been broken past decade


It just goes to show how STUPID he and his followers are.




The right wants Biden to take a cognitive test. Obviously, Trump can’t possibly pass one.


I'd agree to that if Biden and Trump could have a pushup contest right after.


I wish we had a choice “none of they above”. And if that gets the majority vote the two current candidates are disqualified and new ones need to try.


Nah, only democrats would ever vote that, basically guaranteeing a republican win every single time


We sane people have to turn out in droves in this next election and make it an absolute landslide for Biden. Like 80/20. Send a message to the GOP that this insane bullshit is not going to win elections in this country. We aren’t stupid.


Take it from someone who lives in Alberta where our province just re-elected Female Trump - you’re not gonna get 80/20 for the good guys. Too much dumb. Hope and pray you get 51/49…


That’s not nearly enough down here what with the electoral college . . . very bleak


My Trump voting parents will be showing up for Biden this election. My mom went as far as to change her voter registration. The Trumpy Bear and commemorative dictator coins have been trashed, the dramatic posters featuring him holding a flag ever so gently have been burned. They’re so excited to formally tell him to go fuck himself with their vote and I couldn’t be more proud. Finally got my parents back.


How does anyone support this treasonous pile of shit


I used to rant that too, particularly members of my own family. But the simple answer is true - he validated their hate. Whatever they hate, he validated it, and the punishing of people they deem to be "other". He gave permission for them to say the things they thought in private, very loudly in public and feel proud of their hate. Some of them are just dumb and believed the lies, but most of them just liked the hate.


THIS 100% right on the nose. He almost like a vessel for that particular type of person.


That's the answer. He screamed the hate that the GOP used to just whisper, and they loved him for it.


So getting rid of the second amendment is that easy? Ok then.


I'd assume the next step after this would mean that it can be applied retroactively. Meaning, whoever he doesn't like just automatically gets deported, probably for arbitrary and racist reasons.


Anyone who thinks "my vote doesn't matter" read what this asshat wants to do. He wants to void part of the constitution. Your vote absolutely matters. Don't waste it.


He knows he can't do this....it's a dog whistle..


That is giving him far too much credit. We're talking about a guy who thinks F-22s are invisible. He is a through-and-through genuine fucking idiot.


Also a guy that thought nuking a hurricane would be a viable idea..


And when he couldn't nuke it, just drew a sharpie. The guy is a total fucking moron. If you tried to list every absolutely idiotic thing he has said in a single book, you'd stop all the forest fires in California with all the trees you'd need to cut down just to print the damn thing.


Pepperage farms remembers the doctored video of an intern and a reporter. To get the reporter barred from the pressroom in the WH.


I remember when Puerto Rico needed help. And Trump had no idea it was considered part of the US. And started bashing the ppl there. And seemed genuinely confused as to why we needed to help them.


I don't think he cares about rules or constraints. He and his supporters are gunning for an ethnic cleansing, and will have it by hook or by crook.


Given the current composition of the Supreme Court, it seems pretty likely to me that such an executive order as he is proposing could survive legal challenge unfortunately. The title is misleading, he is not proposing an executive order to ignore the 14th, he is proposing to use the clause “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” to suit his means. He’s not the first to propose this. [Background](https://constitutioncenter.org/amp/blog/breaking-down-the-birthright-citizenship-debate)


Trump was an American traitor before he even took the presidential oath. All who March for him are just the same


Seeing as he's such an avid supporter of ignoring constitutional rights, why don't we just toss his ass in prison for the rest of his life? According to his thinking, there is no need for wasting time and money on useless trials that don't accomplish anything.






Not that I agree with this... ... but why not do it when he and the chance? Wouldn't that make more sense? Seems like he just wants more votes with another empty promise. Wasn't Mexico paying for the wall? Wasn't the wall suppose to be... a wall? Not fence posts? I mean literally they don't even work


Yeah, parts literally fell over into Mexico during his presidency.


Other parts were stolen and sold for private security purposes too. Building roads through wilderness areas to build sections of a wall also made it a lot easier for people to cross those areas.


This is just panicked nonsense from a dude on the verge of legit criminal charges. There’s no tanning or wig glue in jail, Donny-boy.


Best of luck, Bunker Boy.


Leaking bag of sewage vows what I beat him to vows - I vowed to live long enough to piss on his grave years ago


You do realize how long the line will be for that, don’t you? Reservations might be needed.


The line for dancing on it will be moving a lot faster. I'll let a couple of you break in line ahead of me.


This guy truly hates our country. He’s beyond a traitor at this point,


If trump is allowed to do this, that 2nd Amendment is on the table, and they (Republicans) set the standards. Basically anything the republican party does (full of hypocrites mins you), the DOJ/Dems should do back. And when the GOP gets mad, call em out on their bullshit. Cause my god am I so done with it.


Nevermind the fact the President has literally 0 authority to change the constitution, and allowing them to single-handedly do so would completely undermine all law and order in the US opening it to actual dictatorship and a very real and probable chance of civil war, including the military who swore an oath to defend the constitution unilaterally removing a sitting president. Forgetting that real and probable possibility if this actually happened. The 14th amendment is what made all current US citizens, US citizens. Without it there is no way to guarantee American rights to Americans. Anyone who thinks this is a good idea is an absolute shit heel.


Mushroom cock at it again.


Cock is too strong a word. More like mushroom peen .




My guess is that the Federalist Society is 100% OK with this.


'I'm a Maga conservative, and I like to keep a copy of the constitution in my pocket at all times... in case I need kindling.'


Toss out the Constitution by himself? If you needed anymore evidence that Trump wants to rule as a DICTATOR, Here It Is!


I'm finding it really hard to pick between "End Leftism" and "Nullify the Constitution of the United States"


"I swear to something something the Constitution of something something" Well at least we know ahead of time that he's going to violate that oath.


Maybe Biden should sign an executive order nullifying the Second Amendment, since conservatives apparently think that presidents can do that.


This is so normal. Not a sign of rapidly declining democratic norms. Calling to cut up the constitution is just politics everyone, everything is fine.


That is literally a coup 2.0.


But he’s a “real patriot”…🤢🙄


wouldn't this affect his own children? whose mothers are immigrants?


Luckily he won’t ever be president again 😃


Oh look more delusional shit. I still cannot fucking believe he was president. How the fuck is he even a consideration for being president again after how it ended the first time. If this isn't proof that the average American is getting dumber idk what is. Do yourselves a favor and on election day actually vote.




God, can't he just have a massive coronary already? The man probably has pancake batter for blood, Come ON MCDONALD'S


If trump can do that to the 14A, then Biden can do that to the 2A


The Orange Criminal living up to his name.




In other news Trump suggests he can solve Global warming in 24 hours. Nuking Volcanos and blocking the sun are not off the table Trump said to the press today, I blocked a hurricane with a Sharpie and nuking volcanos will allow us to burn coal for hundreds of years said the well oranged Trump.......


“CoNsTiTuTiOnAl CoNsErVaTiVe”


> I will sign an executive order making clear to federal agencies that under the correct interpretation of the law, going forward, the future children of illegal aliens will not receive automatic U.S. citizenship,” Trump said. “It’s things like this that bring millions of people to our country.” Is it bad more people come here? This country was built on immigration after all.


Just die already you decrepit piece of shit.


And the “chain migration” of Melania’s parents


This man can never be elected President again.


How ignorant is this deranged old man?....he ain't getting no second term...holy shit It should be illegal for old people to be in office.....


Obviously he couldn't do that, but of course Trump is not known for speaking the truth or knowing what he can't do. He's not going to be president.


Yah, he won't live through that.


He can’t just executive order that right? If Biden can’t executive order the debt ceiling how can trump executive order abolishing the constitution? Sorry if this is dumb, but it makes no sense and sounds like something stupid trump would say.


3 TERMS! lmao!


Isn’t he still president? You mean my insane aunt on Facebook was wrong?


That is definitely not something he can do, but some people will be stupid enough to believe it.


Well apparently he’s an expert on chain migration.


I swear, in order to actually still believe in and support this guy you would have to be either: \- Ignorant \- Stupid \- Just a crappy person More likely a combination of at least two of these.




And the stupidity continues. He really doesn't understand how the Constitution works, does he?


Proof positive that their patriotic stance was always a complete load of horse shit. They believe nothing; they have zero actual principles. These are greedy, hypocritical, uneducated, scared & pissed little people.


I not only agree with this, but I think we should make it retroactive. Everyone whose political beliefs don’t align exactly with mine should be stripped of their citizenship, all rights and deported. Yesterday. It’s the only way to defend freedom! I am an American man and I support my own message.


When you're not going to do any of it, you can promise anything at all. Still waiting to see the Republican healthcare plan he promised 7 years ago.


So on the same day that Trump plans to swear an oath to uphold the Constitution, he also swears he will violate the Constitution. And modern Republicans won't even realize there's something deeply wrong with that. Because Fox News won't tell them anything about it.


Please don’t forget this. We as Americans have short memories. We need to repeat Trumps desire to circumvent the constitution, ad nauseam until Jan 21, 2025.


Wouldn't this make Trump's own father not a citizen, and therefore Trump not a citizen?


Wouldn't it make his son Barron a non citizen?


So....conservatives Which one of you rats wants to defend this fuck up now? Go on.....let me see which one of you is more worthless than the others. Your whole party needs to be banned it seems since its now starting to enter that level of being an actual threat to democracy


The Orange Goblin should be in prison for all of its past crimes not to mention inciting an insurrection. Running for President shouldn't even be an option.