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>Donald Trump's former White House aide is under fire after a video showed him claiming to distribute fake money to homeless people so that they will be arrested when they spend it. ... >"So I always keep this fake Hollywood money in my car, so when a homeless person asks for money, and I give them like a $5 bill, I feel good about myself, they feel good," said McEntee, also a senior advisor to Project 2025. "And then when they go to use it, they get arrested, so I'm actually helping to clean up the community and get them off the street." MAGAts are truly loathsome people.


This admission makes them a literal accessory to the homeless person's crime. Not to mention the crime of passing fake currency that they also admitted to. Maybe the Secret Service can do their actual jobs here.


Isn't distributing fake currency a federal felony? Just an ignorant Canadian asking.


It absolutely is. As is the production of said fake currency.


No, it's movie prop money. But giving it to homeless people to set them up to be arrested is most definitely a crime. And absolutely scummy beyond words.


Mens Rea on tape. That’s really nice for the prosecution.


“Is you ~~taking notes on~~ recording a criminal conspiracy?”


This look like money? Money be green! Money feel like money! 


If the law ever reaches high enough to impose itself on this guy.


["How could we have gotten Mens Rea?!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gShIlz2If40)


"witch hunt"


If used in instances of theft by deception it is considered counterfeit, I believe. Motion picture currency scams are not really a recent phenomenon.


It doesn't matter if it's prop money, they're attempting to use it as real money. That might get them out of a charge of producing it, since they're not making it, but they're absolutely attempting to use it as real money.


Movie prop money is tightly controlled and authorized by the secret service.


Nope. You can buy it on DHGate https://m.dhgate.com/product/usa-dollars-party-supplies-prop-money-movie/954809439.html?invitationCode=59828369059f4d77ae4398e3011cf046%7C-%7C954809439


No it is not but the secret service were set up originally as part of the treasury amd tax evasion and kinda just fell into being presidential security like how only marines guard embassies


The mythbuster guy literally has a series on movie props and one of the episodes are about movie money and how tightly controlled it is by the Secret Service.


Adam Savage.


Then how did HE get a hold of it?


Agreed. And I imagine it becomes counterfeit when you knowingly paa it off to someone as real money.


They just can't help bragging about their misdeeds. "cleaning up the streets"🤮


You can buy and use movie prop money, but as soon as you give it to someone basically without telling them it’s fake is a felony.


He is using the "fake money" used in film and theater productions. It is clearly marked as fake and not illegal to produce or possess. You just can't pass it as real.


That's what he did though. The homeless asked for money, he gave the homeless something looking like money in direct response. He intended it to be precise as real.


And his on tape admission shows that he was attempting to pass it off as real while also fooling others into doing the same thing. Without that admission, maybe there's reasonable doubt for a defense, but that's pretty clear cut now.


Just cause republicans always say what they mean and he is caught on tape saying as much, you have to interpret it also.


Specifically, dealing with counterfeit money is the Secret Service's job. Before they were the presidental security detail, they were the Law Enforcement arm of the Treasury.


I still find it odd/funny that someone looked at the federal agency that was essentially "Bank cops" and said "I want you protecting the most powerful person in the world".


McKinley was assassinated in 1901, this was the event which led toward the secret service formally protecting the president (the USS having been established in 1865, and informally protecting the president since 1885 after Garfield’s assassination). The FBI was only established in 1908. The marshal service was distributed under the judiciary until it got an executive office in the 1950s and USMS in 1969. Short version, they were the only executive branch law enforcement at the time.


>the USS having been established in 1865 It is one of those dark ironies of history that it was Lincoln who signed the order establishing the Secret Service, very shortly before he was assassinated.


Formal law enforcement is fairly new in the US, barely over 100 years old. The USSS was basically the only ones around at the time security details were created (they were focused on counterfeit money) so it more or less stuck with them. The only agency to predate it is the Pinkertons I believe. We didn't really create new agencies all that often back then.


Big time. But we'll see if they actually pursue it considering all the MAGAts in the Secret Service.


Yes. It is highly illegal. It is not well known, but the Secret Service is actually the enforcement division of the Treasury Department of the US government. So in addition to protecting the president and his staff, they also are the primary organization responsible for dealing with counterfeiting.


It is, and it’s overseen by the secret service


It is, and a crime that is under the specific purview of the secret service of I remember correctly


And who has the job of stopping that?


Distribution of Counterfit Currency is a federal crime. He admitted to passing off fake money as real. He's in a whole hell of a lot of trouble


Please God, for once in your life, make something bad happen to a bad person


Historically SS does not fuck around. This guy is also a not a well known name so unlikely to get protection. I’m hopeful.


Doubt any trouble will arise for the guy. Same secret service that deleted all their texts from Jan 6 and routinely cooperated with proud boys during trumps presidency while claiming ignorance on the things that group was about.


He said he did, with no proof he did.  Nothing will happen to this clown. 


Wasn't there some dude... I'm trying to remember... that was murdered by the police for having fake money? I seem to remember something about that.


Happens a lot. Cops try to seize the cash for themselves, realize it's fake, and enter a murder rage spree.


If the homeless person genuinely thought they were legit bills then they would have committed no crime. (I do not think.) They will still get in hot water - which is what I think the Trump aid wanted. However, if the Secret Service is doing their jobs - not given - they will ask about the source of the bogus bills and quickly determine that the homeless guy has not broken any laws.


Ha ha don’t hold your breath.


It's essentially conspiracy to commit fraud.


they won't


Of course he never did what he said he did. You expect him to not lie in this one instance? He's just scoring points, and we're falling for it


there is a rather famous case in minnesota that started around counterfeit money that led to a man getting choked to death by the police


Giving money you know to be fake that others might think is real is a federal crime all by itself lonesome self.


"I feel good about myself" This guy is a monster and I hope things end up really bad for him!


According to the article, he was the head of the office of presidential personnel during TFG’s administration. Gee, I wonder what kind of people he hired to surround the president? Judging by the name of his office, I’m guessing that he was in charge of hiring, like, stenographers and housekeepers to work in the West Wing. Also according to the article, this won’t be the first time this fucker is being investigated for financial crimes. I’m almost afraid to click *that* link… This is my first time on this sub. The story about those “Duty to Warn” psychiatrists, and their brand new podcast, *Shrinking Trump,* showed up in my feed, so I clicked on the sub and found this story at the top. I feel like the name of the sub *ought to be* “SHOULD be in the news, but is not.” I think I’m gonna like it here.


I recently joined this sub too. I needed a better news sub after /r/worldnews kept getting increasingly fascist and bigoted. This is mostly a pretty good sub with mostly pretty decent people, and mostly pretty interesting conversations.


That's been my experience here too, mostly.


These fucking people.


Legal: Distributing fake money pretending it is legal tender? Is that not some kind of Federal offence? Human: Sadist. Dark personality traits. Christian: Jesus definitely doesn’t dig this - can’t you read?


Loathsome, miserable people.


Beyond disgusting. I bet you this asshole is a degenerate in some other way as well. Most of us can guess what that probably is..


Where tf does Trump keep finding these guys?


People who are rotten seem to find like-minded friends, or they create them.


Look at the depths Kristi Noem felt that she would have to stoop to in order to get the Republican VP nod. This should tell you everything you need to know about the current state of the Republican Party.


Not sure Kristi Noem had to stoop at all. She was already at their depth, wallowing in brainless filth.


Wallowing in what? I thought Trump drained the swamp!


This is like super nasty.


Trump supporters are almost universally disgusting shitbirds




I didn't want to get banned for "inciting hate against a group"


Fair enough. Keep up the good work.


Thank you sir


What's really infuriating is the video, he's genuinely happy and proud to be doing it. He's such a stupid asshole that he has no idea what he's doing is illegal, and has a shit eating grin while he tells the world about his crimes.


"He's not confessing. He's bragging"


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


U know what she said in 2016 and even better u know how he would drain the swamp back then, he brought the trailerpark dumpsterfire swamp, insane


How much cognitive dissonance does it require for these assholes to not realize that they are the villains in most of the shit they do?


So, by this guy’s logic, if I cut his brake lines, I’m helping the community?


These "people" need to be forced to suffer


Imagine these people in power. Stuff of nightmares


What an idiot. Just because someone is living on the street doesn’t mean they’re all of a sudden not gonna know what real money feels and looks like. He can get his ass kicked really bad trying that with the wrong person.


Yes ... deplorables.


Kiwi here. Enjoying the simple things in life whilst trying to get my head around a society that creates this kind of human scum……


I totally agree.


This piece of shit deserves to get his ass beat in prison. That's like, totally evil. What the hell.


George Floyd died for passing a suspected counterfeit $20 bill.


Something tells me he will get a pass on the chokehold.


Magic trick, what color am I thinking?


Can't qwhite figure it out....


Dunno, I'm blacking out on it.


Sounds like that's what motivated this aide to start handing out fake money in the first place. What an absolute bottom of the barrel scumbag fuck nuts.


You're probably right.


Isn't that what MAGA wants to happen?


That’s the entire point. He knows if he faces any consequences, if at all, they’ll be dealt with via attorneys in a court of law. He’s trying to create a situation where at the very least someone is arrested, and he knows the chances that that interaction goes poorly for the person he gave the fake money to are higher than the average person’s encounter with police, much less his own. He’s hoping someone dies. He’s evil.


Unfortunately there’s significant evidence that many in the Secret Service, as well as other enforcement agencies, are Trumpers and thus would not care one bit and may even support such behavior.


Commander knows


Always trust a dog's instincts


Cricket knew…


If that were true, then they would have let the January 6th people right into the Capi... oh shit.


Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses


Yet another MAGA felon.


This is really how cruel these people really are...lock the POS up!!!


How many homeless veterans did he send to prison?


The orange Messiah and his maggot disciples don’t care about veterans they are calling veterans suckers, losers,stupid,dumb and other derogatory names. This POS handing out counterfeit money to homeless really must be arrested charged and put in a cell awaiting trial


He should be arrested. I hope it happens.


What a fucking degenerate. He would have happily operated the gas chamber in '42.


Or nuke Gaza in 2024


Distribution of counterfeit money is a federal crime


That's why secret service was notified.


Unfortunately a secret service jurisdiction, many NAT-C MAGATs in there.


These folks are truly disgusting. Its make or break in november for the USA...


Makes me wanna punch anyone who was part of the trump admin


McEntee: "Where am I? Is this Hell?" Devil: "Yup. Now, what is it that you did when you were alive?" McEntee: "I gave fake dollar bills to homeless people so they'd get arrested." Devil: "OK, follow me." McEntee: "Where are we going? Why does this sign says 'MEGAHELL'?"


The next sign says "TURBOHELL", and he's going to get walked past that one too.


I just don't understand why they won't simply make apartments for the homeless to get them off the street. They are literally trying to pass laws to make homelessness illegal! https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/the-supreme-court-will-decide-whether-local-anti-homeless-laws-are-cruel-and-unusual Why isn't this a direct "yes it is cruel and unusual and unfair" practice to try and pass these laws?!


MAGA are fake Christians. Jesus literally said to love thy neighbor. These are evil people hiding behind religion in order to continue their cycle of evil acts. Jesus says, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself" in Matthew 22:37–39 and Mark 12:30–31.


They don’t read. They just lap up that prosperity gospel shit these mega-pastors shovel while collecting gas money for the private jet.


Because that costs money and is not cruel or hateful enough.


Sadistic fucks like this should be euthanized


Good chance that he doesn’t actually do this and it was just a lie on TikTok to gain clout with the MAGATs and Nat-Cs. Think about it, do you really think a weasel like this would have the courage for a face-to-face interaction with a homeless person? He’s more likely rolling up his windows, locking the doors, changing lanes, and filling his Trump solidarity depends when he sees a homeless person on the street.


He probably did, but if he did what he said and used prop money, it’s an immoral act but not an illegal one. Hollywood prop money is pretty clearly marked as fake, so it probably doesn’t qualify as passing counterfeit money, especially since he wasn’t trying to buy anything.


Pretty sure it does. Attempting to pass it off as real currency is the crime. 


> it’s an immoral act but not an illegal one. oh my goodness no. Accessory to a crime, for one, if any one of this person's victims were charged. He wasn't buying nothing - he was buying good will from others, and good feelings from himself. It was his hope that the fake money would be used specifically so that the recipient would get criminal charges. He's complicit.


Sounds like a conservative


None of your conservative family, friends and acquaintances finds anything wrong with this behavior.


Patrick Bates


This fool couldn't get a security clearance so he was demoted to work on 45s 2020 campaign instead of holding onto his appointment to the cabinet. Donzo's Clown Show rolls on.


This guy has a large following on TikTok and I absolute cannot stand the sound of his voice. His arrogance is so damn annoying. I also read today that he is a senior advisor on Project 2025.


Because of course he is!


He actually said “it makes me feel good about myself” like what a fucking POS. Making a homeless person feel like “yay I can afford to get some food” only to realise they’ve been pranked is such a C U Next Tuesday act.


That’s pure sadism dressed up as a public service announcem—no, never mind, it’s just sadism. What an unbelievable, fetid sack of garbage. He’s an accessory to each and every one of these arrests, and he was proud of his work…and stupid enough to make it public. I really hope they tack him to the smokehouse wall for this.


Attempted murder if he's hoping another Derek Chauvin arrests them.


There are no words to describe what a humongous POS that guy is


People seem to forget that part of the Secret Service's purview is dealing with counterfeiting.


Maga is the new Nazi. Trumpanzees are a cruel and sadistic bunch. Worst of the worst. So sad that many of you have loved ones who support this type of cruelty. Does that mean that you inadvertently support cruelty?


Aw yes, I remember when Jesus did this in the Bible. What a great lesson that was.


Glad he admitted it. He's lower than a snails slime trail. There are monsters among us.


How many crooked people can you surround yourself with before you pay some consequences and justice ?


This is the idiot promsing a ban on pornography in Trump's second term [https://meidasnews.com/news/trump-aide-promises-ban-on-pornography-in-2nd-trump-term](https://meidasnews.com/news/trump-aide-promises-ban-on-pornography-in-2nd-trump-term)


Unfortunately nothing will happen to this douche nozzle because he is white and republican.


Worst quarterback ever


What is sad is that, it seems quite right that someone with that personality would be close to him.


a few weeks ago at his rally trump openly called for another jan 6 if he loses the election he didn’t mince words or beat around the bush, he said if we don’t win we will have to do another jan 6 they wont do anything to him


I do wonder if this secret service has been corrupted by trump. I feel like there should be multiple criminal cases where his own secret service gives the goods.


The only problem I see here is they will have to find proof he actually did this and he's not just talking shit. These fuckers lie so much about so many things I do not doubt for one second this dumbass made up this story up thinking it made him sound like a badass super MAGA man for brownie points.. Basically the problem is I doubt a federal prosecutor is going to push a case with out evidence he actually did it. And I doubt he actually did.


Lets step on his fucking neck and murder him like we do to others passing fake notes


How is this POS not arrested yet?


MF cruelty is their plan.


This is some Patrick Bateman shit.


Cruelty is the point with them.


Passing counterfeit money is a federal crime....he needs to be in prison


Conservatives are evil sub-human scum...


Wouldn’t that be a Federal crime? Dissemination of counterfeit money?


Story checks out


Was he distributing Trump bucks?


Let’s just wait until they kill a Vp or a coup


Trump hires the lowest bottom feeders. How appropriate.




I hope this prick is called in for a long, long interview.


Only best


The main job of the secret service is stopping counterfeiting, protecting the president is a side gig.


He needs to be arrested and then someone needs to give him a fake "get out of jail free" card.


This makes me feel sick. Taking advantage of vulnerable people like that is beyond awful


What else are you going to do with a stack of trump bucks?


Just how sleazy can he be? The bar is forever getting lower.


Knowing distribution of counterfeit money you say? Felony.


How exactly did this individual miss the day of school where they taught us that passing counterfeit bills is a major crime?


The scum at the bottom of the barrel.


Who are these hateful people? I just can’t wrap my head around why people do such heinous things and how they get joy out of it


Wow just pure, cackling evil.


And they’ll question him and he’ll say “ohhh, it’s fake news, a joke, fake fake news” and will go back to doing it again and everyone’s hands will be “tied.” 🙄


How very Christian of them. Good to see that the evangelical crowd is finally paired up with good, decent people in politics.


So many horrible people are subservient to Trump. How many more horrible people are waiting for their bug chance to do bad things?


Republicans are totally not fascists… it’s obviously the rest of the world and all of human history that are mistaken. These are special people that believe in fascism, walk and talk like fascists and authoritarians, but totally aren’t because… reasons. Gave away their honor and integrity to Donald fucking Trump. Chumps.


I sent that to my Secret Service contact. Worked with them last year when someone passed a stack of fake $20s.


Prosecute him. And publicly shame him. Everyone needs to see how horrible he is.


He might be in bigger shit that he realises. Distributing counterfeit money is a serious crime. Also, the story is 100% bullshit anyway. No one is going to arrest a homeless person for using a counterfeit bill. What they will do is to try and trace the fake bill's origin and bust whomever created it and/or circulated it. Because as far as the government goes, the bigger concern is to find who is making and circulating fake money, and not some homeless dude who happened to get one in their hands.


An apology or community service isn't good enough, this asswipe needs to serve some time.


Why is this a secret service issue?


Because it was counterfeit money.


TIL the secret service is responsible for investigating counterfeit currency.


Is Hollywood "fake money" really counterfeit money though? They say on them what they are, that they are not real. Counterfeit bills pretend to be actual legal tender.


I imagine the difference here is that he's passing them off to others as legit. It's not like you're giving your buddy some as a prank, but let him in on the joke. He's passing these off to people under hardship, with the full intent that they'll be arrested.


~~If I hand someone an unopened bag of flour, labeled flour, but I tell them it's cocaine, am I now a drug dealer? Can you charge me as a drug dealer, even though its flour? I feel like the answer is no.~~ (Seems they have done that, we'll see if they will on the money thing.) The guy's a douche bag for sure, but I don't think it's chargeable if it really is Hollywood funny money, and not actual counterfeit bills. You also don't have to let your buddy in the on the joke if he can read; the few I've seen say "motion picture money", "prop", "copy", stuff like that.


Yes selling fake drugs can get you arrested, what are you talking about? > bag of flour, labeled flour, but I tell them it's cocaine, am I now a drug dealer? Yes. Yes you are. Florida, for instance, makes it a crime to unlawfully sell or offer to sell a person a controlled substance and then sell that person a different substance. California has a chapter of law known as the "California Imitation Controlled Substance Act" that criminalizes selling both imitation and counterfeit drugs. Other states with crimes specific to selling imitation drugs include Louisiana, Maine, New York, Texas, and Washington, just to name a few. State penalties range widely from misdemeanors to serious felonies. California's imitation drug law, for example, carries misdemeanor penalties with increased jail time if the person sold the fake drugs to a minor. Florida has both felony and misdemeanor penalties depending on the type of drug alleged for sale. In Louisiana and Washington, the crimes are felonies. Why Make It a Crime to Sell Fake Drugs? Selling imitation drugs might sound harmless, especially if the unknowing drug buyer is getting aspirin. But that's not always the case. Imitation and counterfeit drugs may contain harmful ingredients, such as detergents, cement, or chalk. Federal and state laws aimed at selling fake drugs are also aimed at combatting the crime and violence associated with illegal drug activities. Lawmakers have an interest in preventing all drug trafficking and abuse, even when those drugs are fake.


Technically isnt HE the one representing the cash as legitimate when he knows it isnt? Its still fraud and he is doing it specifically to pass it off as real currency.


Well, I went and assumed that it was just an asshole thing to do, but passing it off as genuine under these circumstances is indeed a felony. For this POS aide.