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Having black friends doesn't make you a nonracist. Trump has no real friends to begin with.


Trump doesn't have friends, he has sycophants that he pretends are friends, which serve only to constantly prop him up and make him feel good about himself.


While they’re all trying to grift off of him while he’s grifting off of them.


And he probably hates them for it. Honestly, what a life. Symultanously luxurious and privileged but also completely miserable on the inside. The only way to get reprise or peace with a life like that is to just kill your own consciousness and embrace nothing but money and appereances. Coupled that with his godawful childhood and maybe narcissistic disorder (maybe. I don't claim to be able to diagnose people on the internet.), I can understand why he's the way he is. Still needs to rot in jail tho.


It's actually kind of sad. There's no one in his life, not even his wife and kids, who has a genuine interest in his well-being and enjoys spending time with him.


We reap what we sow.


That’s okay, he doesn’t genuinely love anyone anyway.


I guarantee he couldn't tell the difference any more, if he did.


As I recall, this is peak Trump during his presidency: middle of night, in a bathrobe, wandering through the rooms alone looking for a Diet Coke. That’s not a man who has friends to confide in, let alone a spouse who talks with him.


So true, who would want to actually call him your friend?


They are no friends. They are just pursuing the same goals- fame, wealth, power.


You can find fools anywhere


And money can buy a lot of them


Also why is Trump wearing blackface in this image?




It's well past orange. This is blackface.


Could also be described as shitface.


Is he counting Sen. Tim Scott and Kanye??


Especially with those “black friends” are all people like Tim Scott and Clarence Thomas who cried at the ending to Django Unchained.


Louis Farrakhan is the Harry Dean Stanton of black guys with evil white friends.


"I'm not a racist. I have no white friends!"


People sure like to keep changing the definition of racist. Or twist prejudice and racism together. Back in the Jim Crow era, KKK members didn't have many black "friends". But I guess in 2024 they do?


Why are his rallies white's only?


There is that one black guy from an end times cult who keeps showing up.


There was a Jordan Klepper years ago where he raised this question at a Trump rally and they ended up finding one black guy. They were very excited until he spoke and made it clear he was no Trump supporter.


He was staff at the park or something wasn't he? I remember that.


I understood that they pull out anyone from the Trump rally lines who is black, give them a "Blacks for Trump" t-shirt, and position them directly behind Trump so that they're clearly visible. In short, all of the black people at his rallies are quite literally the ones you find in frame when he speaks. The rest of the rally is a sea of mayonnaise.


Rancid mayonnaise


They're paid actors


I don't believe Trump is beyond paying for black people to attend his rallies. That said, I think it would be naive to assume that literally no black people support Trump. It'd be a small percentage to be sure, but they do exist.


He has been caught paying white people to attend, too.


And he will point at them while awkwardly attempting to be inclusive at least three times.


Haven't you seen all the white guys holding up Blacks for Trump signs? /s


Because Herman Cain took his COVID advice a little too seriously.


I thought I saw a black man once at one of his rallies. He even pointed the fellow out to prove he’s got a following.


Those are the MAGA whumps, the others are rented from ads on Craig’s List.


Trump doesn’t have friends. Relationships to him are transactions - people who owe him favors or who he has blackmail on that he keeps around until he can cash in their “loyalty”. Then once he’s done using them, they get thrown under the bus. Ask Mike Pence and Michael Cohen about that.


His only real friend supposedly hung himself


He'll also claim he barely knew them or only met them once.


"Look at my African American over here. Look at him. Are you the greatest? Do you know what I am talking about?"


Is that African American Elon Musk?


Bro I'm CRYING 🤣 🤣


Who? Gregory Cheadle? Happily, he moved on. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/man-trump-once-called-my-african-american-leaves-republican-party


Trump: The Chump is here! The chump is here!


I’m sure every serial killer has friends who are alive,too.


I know a lady who as a kid used to go out fishing by herself with an adult man who later turned out to be a serial killer. She said he was always a nice guy. She just wasn’t his type.


As per [original article](https://www.rawstory.com/trump-racist-2668528703/) 📰: - Former President Donald Trump wants Americans to know that he's not a racist -- and he has the Black friends to prove it. - He lost Black voters by a 92-8 margin in his last election, according to a Pew Research study In an interview with Semafor, Trump touted his relationships with assorted retired Black athletes such as former NFL player Lawrence Taylor and boxer Mike Tyson to shore up his standing with the Black community. “I have so many Black friends that if I were a racist, they wouldn’t be friends, they would know better than anybody, and fast,” said Trump. “They would not be with me for two minutes if they thought I was racist — and I’m not racist!” Trump has in the past touted his relationships with boxing kingpin and convicted killer Don King in an effort to court Black voters, but, as Semafor notes, the results so far have been lacking. "He lost Black voters by a 92-8 margin in his last election, according to a Pew Research study, despite high hopes for a breakthrough that cycle," the report notes. "In 2016, he settled for boasting that fewer Black voters had showed up to the polls that year, which he said was 'almost as good' as their support." Of course, Trump also has a long history of race baiting, most infamously when he said there were some "very fine people" among the white nationalist rioters at the 2017 "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and when he led a national crusade to declare America's first Black president to be ineligible for the post based on bogus conspiracy theories about him having been born in Kenya. Trump, however, thinks that Black voters will see "strength" and support him anyway. "They see what I’ve done and they see strength, they want strength, okay,” he told the publication. “They want strength, they want security. They want jobs, they want to have their jobs. They don’t want to have millions of people come and take their jobs. And we — that’s what’s happening. These people that are coming into our country are taking jobs away from African Americans and they know it.”


For some real OG racist stuff from the Drumpf family, check out Fred Sr's arrest for riling up a Klan march in Queens back in the Jim Crow days, and the details of a federal ruling against Fred's real estate company (w/P01135809 as a co-liable party) in 1973. You can't pin racism on an offspring due to their parents' behaviors tho. That would be unfair ... Luckily, there's the more recent direct quotes from Felonious Drumpf himself about "brown" immigrants, etc. Can't wait for the producers of The Apprentice to unload. If it wasn't for all the make-up he wears, Donzo the Rapey Racist Clown would have the whitest sheets in Florida.


Also paid for a front page headline asking to kill 5 innocent POC.


>In an interview with Semafor, Trump touted his relationships with assorted retired Black athletes such as former NFL player Lawrence Taylor and boxer Mike Tyson to shore up his standing with the Black community. Sounds like it takes a lifetime of repeated traumatic brain injuries for a Black man to be friends with Trump.


Tyson is a convicted rapist. Taylor isn't, only a low-risk level-one sex offender.


What an idiot


It's truly insane that when he had to come up with black friends of his, the first two names out of his mouth were BOTH convicted sexual criminals.


"There's... uh... Jamal, I think.... uh... James... Evans, I think.... Another one, um, big strong black man, tears in his eyes..."


“… and they all say, ‘sir, sir, thank you sir, for being so good. I’m very good, all the [n-word]s say that, you know. And they… that’s what happens, bing, boing, shing! Electric boats will feed us to the sharks. Now excuse me, I have to go rape a 13 year old.”


The old "I have black friends" defense.


Tim Scott being completely subservient to Trump and being willing to degrade and embarrass himself at every turn to try to be his VP doesn't really count as "having black friends"


That’s the same line all racists use. He’s such a pathetic POS.


"I'm not racist, I've sexually assaulted many many black women" - Trump probably


He is mistaking friends for people who are kissing up to him.


Perfect example at his Bronx rally 99% of the attendees were white when Bronx by data only shows 30% are white. Rumored there were 10 bus loads of Staten Island magas morons were transported here and that the police estimate was 4500 magarats was at the rally not 35000 he claimed.


because NYC remembers trump and what he and his family has done


Has he really gone down the "some of my best friends are black" road?


Someone should tell him that the people he pays and the politicians kissing his ass are not his friends.


Sure you Do Mr Mussolini


Herman Cain doesn't count. He's dead.


This is the first thing a racist person resorts to when they get caught being racist.


Classic racist. They know a couple "good ones" but are openly racist for every other black person.


Trump has done more for black Americans than Abraham Lincoln + Martin Luther King. Lets examine his record. Donald J Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator and accused rapist and a 34-time convicted felon. Trump is also facing an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 separate cases that have been delayed from going to trial as the result of his high-priced legal team filing frivolous motions.  Two cases are related to Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election, which he lost; and the third is about classified documents that Trump took after he left the White House.  Trump’s legal team is financed by millions of dollars of campaign donations from the oil industry hoping to benefit from his repeal of environmental protections as well as his rabid base of MAGA cult members. The vast majority of Trump’s 2015-2020 Presidential term picks for high-level governmental positions such as Vice President, Cabinet members, Senior Advisors, and military leaders have refused to endorse Trump and/or declared that he is unfit to serve as President of the United States.   Trump’s abuses [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) 10. Donald Trump mocked a disabled reporter.  He disrespects the disabled and the weaker among us. 9. Donald Trump has already brought up the “nuclear option,” asking national security advisers why the United States can’t use nuclear weapons. 8. Donald Trump would threaten national security. He bashes NATO allies.  Who would be Trump’s allies around the world? He continues to praise his BFFs Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un. 7. Donald Trump doesn’t respect our own military. Just ask Sen. John McCain. 6. Donald Trump peddles xenophobia and racism, and he pals around with white supremacists and has a white nationalist as a campaign chief. 5. Donald Trump doesn’t respect women. Trump has made many offensive comments about women. 4. Donald Trump is rooting for the Great Recession. In 2006, Trump said “I sort of hope” real estate markets tank so he could take the opportunity to buy up cheap property and make a buck off of men and women who had just lost everything. 3. On 9/11, Donald Trump noted on TV that his Financial District building was now the tallest. On one of the darkest days in American history, when we lost thousands of men, women and children to what is still considered the largest terrorist attack in the world, Trump decided to pick up the phone and call into a television station to point out that, now, his building was the tallest in Manhattan. 2. Donald Trump tries to walk back his birther and lock her up statements.  Even though he is on record making these statements in literally hundreds of videos, he continues to deny he spoke those words. 1. Donald Trump would decimate public education. No surprise from a man whose only foray into “education,” Trump University, was a scam so brazen that multiple states launched investigations.


#3 is viewable on YouTube


By friends he means people he manages to tolerate in public and vice versa. And of course ‘they’ would know because ‘they’ all think exactly alike.


He has no black friends - only hangers on - the many many lawsuits he lost that were filed for his racial discrimination are evidence enough of his racism


His black friends also gifted him his KKK hood. See he can't be rascist! /s


Then denounce white supremacy. “Well I’m not going to go THAT far”


Anyone that says that they have “black” friends, you know the rest


Name one, I’ll wait…


are your black friends in the room with you right now?


Naturally. And of course, Melania married him for love. No one would ever PRETEND to like a rich person for their own motives.


Friends? Or is that subordinates, workers, political puppets? He must think Ben Carson is his friend but Ben is confused to begin with. You know, he may have been friends with O.J., well there you go!


It's amazing. Saying, "I have Black friends, therefore I'm not racist" invites so much scorn and mockery, it's like a caricature defense against accusations of racism. It's a meme at this point. And yet so many racists say it unironically.


Isn’t that always the go to for a racist? “I can’t be racist, I have a black friend!”…I mean correct me if I’m wrong…


The black friends you pay and have on NDAs? Those are called employees or “the help” in his parlance.


He and his father got in trouble for refusing to rent to black tenants back in the day so.........racist!


Trump has friends? I call bullshit on that.


The irony here is that trump doesn’t have any friends much less black ones. People are just commodities to the con man.


Clayton Thomas approves


I’m sure Herman Cain can attest to this….from the grave.




Trump has no friends. He has acquaintances who he engages with because 1. they fawn over him 2. they do whatever he asks 3. they will give him something he wants so i'm sure he has plenty of black **acquaintances** who he deep down loathes because he's a racist POS.


"Their Negrosense doesn't buzz at all around me! They're all magical like that, you know.' Dude, Tom Scott isn't your friend. He wants to be VP because he's sure you're going to die in your second term so he can be POTUS. Just like every other lickspittle around you.


I think he means Kanye and 50, those racist fools.


This is like saying having a color tv in your house makes you a nonracist. Also the Spray tan is strong in that thumbnail for the article. Dude looks like an Oompa Loompa


I'll donate ten bucks to charity for every friend he has, regardless of skin color. When it turns out to be a negative number, I will graciously not ask for the charity to pay me.


Saying, “I have black friends” is what racists say.


Trump having friends. That is funny.


If he wasn’t racist he wouldn’t make it such a big deal that he knows black people.


Trump has one black. He pointed him out in one of his nazi rallies. True story.


Who are my black friends? I could name them but you wouldn't know them. They're Canadian. --Orangerito Supreme


Pre-politics Trump was once asked who some of his best friends were. He named several business associates. When asked none of them thought they were friends.


If only we had some evidence to support this claim of racism by Trump... [https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/28/us/politics/donald-trump-housing-race.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/28/us/politics/donald-trump-housing-race.html) [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/not-wanted-black-applicants-rejected-trump-housing-speak-out-n671966](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/not-wanted-black-applicants-rejected-trump-housing-speak-out-n671966) [https://www.npr.org/2016/09/29/495955920/donald-trump-plagued-by-decades-old-housing-discrimination-case](https://www.npr.org/2016/09/29/495955920/donald-trump-plagued-by-decades-old-housing-discrimination-case)


Using black people for political gain is not "having friends".


The old I have black friends excuse…


He has acquaintances only.


If you have to tell people you are black friends, you do not have black friends.


When I was in the service, the guy that said “ I had black friends in high school “ always turned out to be the racist. At least in my experience.


Trump doesn’t have friends, hell, he probably never HAD friends. What he has are toadies, bootlickers and buttmunchers, the fact some are black doesn’t mean they’re any cozier to Cheeto Jesus than his wives, because they aren’t.


Guy doesn't have any friends whatsoever. He's a transactional sociopath


He isn't racist He obviously got an n word pass during the show the apprentice


I hope black American voters are standing back and standing by. This goony MF actually dropped an “I have black friends” on us.


He first ran for president in 2016 and he’s just now trying to deflect racism insults???


Donald Trump has no friends, much less black friends. He’s even wrong about that. It’s unbelievable how fucking stupid he is.


Produce these Black friends. I wanna ask them why, if they care so much about Trump personally, they're letting him decay in public.


I went to high school on the Mason Dixon. Literally, it’s marked by a rock on the side of the road. Moved 2,000 miles away long ago. My husband ran into some folks our age at a baseball game against the team from my area, he met some people who knew EXACTLY who I was; they said we were friends back in the day.  I have no clue who these people are; we absolutely were not friends and I am so confident they are one of many folks from my hometown who think they aren’t racist because they knew me - knowing full well they have hoods in the back of the closet. Don’t believe anything that mans says.


He has so many black friends yet nobody had seen any.


I'm pretty sure that slave owners, who considered my ancestors cattle, actually liked a few of them. As in the slave owners might have found them funny, nice, and maybe comforting to be around.  But those slave owners *still believed* that blacks were subhuman. 


He doesn’t have any friends


They care more about paying less taxes. Besides, a black Supreme Court judge is married to a racist…so?


If you have to tell someone you are or are not something then you are lying. Your actions and behavior should indicate what is you are claiming to be before it comes into question.




I'm not sure getting a rimjob from Tim Scott counts as having a black friend.


Translation: I have no Black friends.


I'm quite certain some very high ranking nazis had jewish roots, so...


If dems and independents don't vote against this mango POS en mass in November, the country is over. I can't believe the sycophants in senate FFS.


That sir is an insult to mangos everywhere- your apology is anticipated shortly - I said good day


All those MidJourney images have him confused


"A personal friend?" inquired the Vogon, who had heard the expression somewhere once and decided to try it out. "Ah, no," said Halfrunt, "in my profession you know, we do not make personal friends." "Ah," grunted the Vogon, "professional detachment." "No," said Halfrunt cheerfully, "we just don't have the knack."


I’m glad he cleared that up.




Such an asshole,please just drop dead!👏


So are those totally really existing friends currently in the room with us?


Name one


I can’t be anti-trump. I have friends who are idiots!


Yeah right. And “there is no structural racism in America, it’s a post-racial country, and in fact, you’re the racist for pointing out my obvious racism.” Source: Every fucking Groyper everywhere. Real question: why would white people hate black people? Black people have every reason to hate white people yet shockingly few do. White people who hate black people are fucking shit stains on the underwear of humanity.


Who? The Central Park Five?


His black friends definitely know better than anybody that he's racist.


I strongly dislike T\*\*\*\*, however I don't think Raw Story is a reliable website for news citations. It's essentially clickbait for angry liberals, no better than Fox News or even worse. For the record, I have always voted left, so please no hate.


"I've surrounded myself with so many ass kissers, boot lickers, and yes-men, of all different races. I've lied to all of them equally. Would a racist do that? I don't think so..." - Probably Trump.


"I got one black friend and I don't want more" - MSI


Friends call each other on their bullshit - not fire them.


"I have tons of black friends. Tim, Candace, Dinesh..." "Dinesh D'Souza is not black." "What? How is he not black? Anyway, uhh, did I say Candace yet?"


His 2 black friends are both currently trying to be vice president


Oh yeah? Did you slip em $100 too?


Oh? Name three! He would have no answer, but not because he has no black friends...it is because he has no grey brain cells.


How many Are members?


Tim Scott is not a friend, he's a shameless ass-kisser.


name one black friend, donnie


Who are his black friends? 


I hope black American voters are standing back and standing by. This goony MF actually dropped an “I have black friends” on us.


Name one.


I hope his cellmate is black


Yeah sure! Not unlike George Costanza and the exterminator!


Asking Trump to name some of his black friends is like asking Sarah Palin what publications she reads.




Ah yes, Trump's Black friends like Omarosa. Let's ask her...


Are the "black" friends in the room right now?


Sir, there's a difference between having black acquaintances and having 'friends'. They know better if YOU are friend to them or not.


He does know speaking the truth. He is a delusion of grander . He knows no better. A self made monster.


Memo to Trump: They are not your friends. You have no friends.


His black friends aren't real friends, or else they'd have felony charges like his real white friends


He has people he can use. Sociopathic narcissists don't have friends.


How many black friends have we ever seen him with, out to dinner, playing golf, on holiday? ZERO ZERO ZERO.


They live in Canada!


Name them.


Well there was Herman Cain, but we know what happened to him.


They go to a different school, you wouldn’t know them.


Trump's "friends" are only friends as long as they have value to Trump. And while there are some I can only assume actually benefit him in some way like with judicial or financial decisions, it wouldn't surprise me if he had at least one black person he called a friend just so he could say they're his black friend. And once they've outlived their usefulness they'll be discarded like yesterday's trash. The republican party as a whole I think does this, or at least used to didn't they? "We're not racist, we have black party members. We're not misogynistic, just ask our female party members that completely vote against their own self interest."


NYT Reports: “Trump says he’s not racist because he has black friends. Why this will hurt Biden.”


Except your Uncle Tom black friends


"These people that are coming into our country are taking jobs away from African Americans and they know it.” exactly what jobs are immigrants taking away from Black people??


I for one am a real fan of trumpspeak..


Remember Sam Jackson's character in Django Unchaned? That Clarence Thomas guy, yeah, he would be Trump's friend.


All entertainers/sports guys from the 80s that have been charged with crimes. Some "friends".


Are the friends in the room with us right now?


Imagine…. Just imagine… having an actual conversation with this man. If nothing intelligent comes out in front of the world….


Yes, Trump does not have any friends. These are suck ups .that care more about money and power than they do their country .trophies for Trump. Notice how he always has a few of them placed behind-him for a photo op at his rallies. Make sure wonder how much they’re paid to humiliate themselves.


Oh really, name 2.


We could tell because there were so many black people in your administration. Here is a photo of WH interns during Trump administration: [https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/381088-social-media-users-criticize-white-house-interns-lack-of-diversity/](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/381088-social-media-users-criticize-white-house-interns-lack-of-diversity/)


Well at least he was front row so he wouldnt be missed


Does he not realize he literally has no friends, just hanger ons that hope to benefit from his scraps?


Oh I have so many racist friends that say this same thing!! It’s usually they know a black person, that is all. My neighbor is like this. Never seen a black person at her house, out at events she’s at, none in her immediate friend group. And she loved when Trump called primarily black countries shit holes, thought that was great and funny! We got into over it. Now we just don’t talk politics!


Lol Trump doesn't have black friends. He has adherents hoping to gain political power when his new dictatorship kicks off


A voter on one of the focus group podcasts doesn't really like trump, but you could hear her rationalize out loud that she might vote for her him just to see what happens. Like it could be entertaining if he won, so it's something she is considering. These are all the podcasts I listen to that remind me that we are doomed. There are so many people who are just plain unintelligent, and some that just don't see the world in any serious way. I am starting to believe this is more than 50% of the population, and they vote.