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"NYT": and this is why it's bad for Biden đŸ€Ź"


It would be like “job numbers are good and wages are up, but Biden hasn’t completely halted and reversed inflation (while still keeping jobs and salaries high), and critics have been quick to point out, it still feels weird if you drink orange juice just after brushing your teeth, mosquitoes still bite you if you go outside in summer, dogs don’t live as long as people, and if you get even a little water on your socks it makes them uncomfortable. Biden has not commented on why his administration has made little or no effort to correct these problems, which his party predecessor Barak Obama also failed to correct.”


This is some really solid satire. Well done


Thanks, Obama.


OBAMA!!!!! *shakes fist*


PERFECT! This does a splendid job at illustrating how the idea of the "Liberal" media is nothing more than a myth.


Amen! What has he done about the socks! Nothing! My socks are still damp and uncomfortable! How can anyone vote for him if he's not done everything perfect for every one. Trumpster dump won't either but he's not who's on trial here for getting our country back on track at a record pace without being perfect so he gets a pass.




We have over a trillion dollars in credit card debt. And that was in February.  Let’s pump the brakes a little.  https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/americans-credit-card-debt-hits-record-113-trillion/story?id=106990807


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And how much of that is being defaulted on?


According to the most recent delinquency data from the Fed, the 30-day delinquency rate (or the percentage of total outstanding credit card balances currently at least 30 days overdue) rose from 3.08% in the fourth quarter of 2023 to 3.16% in the first quarter of 2024.


And by pump the brakes you mean make laws against predadors that pray on poor people with crazy high intrests rates or where you thinking about defunding the goverment?


By pump the brakes, I’m referring to the economic victory lap. Regular people aren’t seeing any of this prosperity. I agree laws need to be made to protect consumers. Defunding the govt is knee-jerk and makes no sense. 


Shame the Americans people don’t want to hear this, just the poisonous rants of Diapers Dom!


> Shame the Americans people don’t want to hear this, because they're bearing the brunt of this economic boom the rich are enjoying on their backs.


Yeah. It is a very strong economy, but unfortunately the wealthy and the corporations took advantage of the COVID inflation to keep jacking up prices so they could continue to record profits. American consumers are getting hit with continuing absurd prices on everyday items and services while also dealing with an unaffordable housing and renting market. It's not surprising that the average voter feels shitty about the economy even while the stock market hits records every day and productivity is at all time highs. It's just frustrating that the reality of why things are this way isn't better understood or communicated, or that it could end up giving us a government even *more* favorable to making the rich even richer.


> It's just frustrating that the reality of why things are this way isn't better understood or communicated, /Centrist Democrats have entered the chat Seriously. It's the Clinton New Democrats that have been in control of the party since '92. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Democrats_(United_States)


I just threw up in my mouth


I'm not entirely sure that cutting taxes on the super rich while cutting the regulation that protects consumers and employees is going to fix that.


And having Republicans vote down price gouging bill




And don’t forget they also literally tried to overthrow the govt




From what I understand its more about it not being as perceivable day to day. Your milk and stuff still costs more even if that cost is actually less overall when compared to what it costed in the 70s or something. You can show people stats all day and while theres something to be said about disbelieving them or disregarding them, that milk and other groceries still cost more and thats what sucks. I fully support the claims and evidence that Biden has handled the economy wonderfully but im just providing an alternative perspective.


“Economic growth” is usually the kind of thing that benefits shareholders much more than consumers. I don’t know why we always seem to celebrate the wealth gap widening.


Doesnt mean the economy isnt doing well which is the idea. It doesnt FEEL like it tho. Statistics are all well and good but prices are still high and that pisses people off. Cant blame them either. When you have a job and 2 kids at home, the only statistic you care about is your bank statement showing you spent 300 dollars on groceries.


It's only because food prices are through the roof. A package of 2 chicken breasts at the store cost $20 dollars yesterday and I put it back. First time I said hell no because prices were out of hand. If food prices were to come down that would change everyone's outlook.


Um. Biden doesn’t control the chicken market. I can get 2 pounds of breasts for $7 at my local. Never once praised the president for that. Sounds like you’re being gouged by a corporation. Take it up with them


I don’t think u/jamesh08 is so much *blaming* Biden, but simply explaining why so many Americans are unhappy with the economic outlook. I mean, some blame him. But it’s like you said, these are people sitting there thinking there’s a “Price up” and “Price down” button at his desk.


Exactly. Every other response completely missed my point, but you got it. People blame Biden for high food prices and as much as 12 folks on reddit can understand there is no connection too many people think their lives are harder because of food prices and interest rates. None of which are Biden's fault


Those of us with educations got your point. Thank you for making it.


Yep. When prices are still high at the grocery store and the gas pump and on your mortgage/rent bills, a lot of people won't be happy with the economy, even if it's doing really well from a technical standpoint. And no amount of "the economy is actually great, what are you talking about?!" is going to help with that. The Biden campaign needs to meet voters where they are by explaining that yes, Biden's plans are yielding real results, but there's still a lot of work to do. They need to tell these voters that they understand that they're still experiencing financial strain and that they have plans to address that. I think that the campaign is doing a better job of closing that gap lately, but they can't give it up or lean too far into being self-congratulatory. "Things are getting better, and here's what I'm gonna do to make sure that they keep getting better" needs to be the throughline.


The best thing Biden can do is raise the minimum wage. This hits the heart of Republicans. For them to get richer the poor need to get poorer. Then the poor get fooled into voting Republican.


And unfortunately, Democrats already used the parliamentarian as an excuse for why they actually *couldn't* raise the minimum raise despite running on that. They insist on shooting themselves in the foot on issues that would substantially help working people.


I suppose what helps a Republican congressman helps a democratic congressman. One actively works against some things, and the other fails to protect it. That are the same class in society.


Excuse my bluntness. I wasn’t trying to be rude. I understand the point of view, I feel that we need to find a way to get past that rhetoric and repeating it doesn’t help, our country is failing at basic education starting with the speaker of the house and all of the Republican Party it seems.


Inflation has been rampant all over the world since COVID. We are not immune and no administration would have done any better.


Speak for yourself, I saw Joe Biden down at the local Wawa changing the prices on the gas sign.


Naw man that was Obama in a biden mask


damn, I should've guessed when he did a backflip off the signpost, flipped us the double bird, and ran off shouting "go bears"


So blame... what are we gonna call it? Big Chicken? Lol! :-)


I mean, yeah technically! I can go buy a live chicken for $6. Guts and all. Folks be gouging and it ain’t the baby chicken store!


I literally just did


I’m just even more mindful of what I buy. I got 5 pounds of boneless skinless chicken breasts for 2.99 lb which is 7 pieces for 15. Price too high I don’t buy is my motto.


Where are you located? This is ridiculous.


The price was $10.99 per pound for "Smart Chicken" brand organic bone less skinless at a Ralph's supermarket in Southern California. Two pretty big breasts in the package was just over $20




So it was a premium product at a premium price?  Obviously the way to fix that is by cutting regulations and removing burdensome oversight from the chicken breast manufacturing process. Right? 


Probably Alaska 😂


As to the chicken breast pricing I wonder how much of this is related to bird flu outbreaks that force the large scale killing of hens? I know when this happens egg prices shoot up and it is cheaper to buy brown and organic.


Really? Because I bought 4 huge chicken breasts for $12 this morning. Where are you shopping? We had a rough time in the first haft l of the pandemic but even that wasn't too bad with the extended unemployment my husband was eligible for. Three years ago he got a job that pays him more than he's ever made. We have no debts for the first time in our marriage. But I'm still not buying ten dollar chicken breasts and anyone with any sense wouldn't wither.


Chicken breast is $1.99 here in north nj


Huh? A pound of breasts at my Trader Joe’s is like $7. Eggs are 2.99 at my store. If you are paying more than that it is not inflation but local margins.


If you are paying $7/lb for chicken, you are an example of people getting fucked over at the grocery store.


I live in a hcol area so more margin is needed. There is definitely corporate greed going on, bag of Doritos is 7.50 which is fucking rediculous.


If you're paying $7/lb for chicken, you're a prime example of 'a fool and his money are soon parted.' That's some designer chicken price bullshit, and I hate to tell people this, but there's still micro-plastics in that too. Find a different store. Even better, go to your local butcher, support the local business. They would give you more for your $20, and your money would stay in the community....


Yeah man 1lb of chicken shouldn’t be $7 that is insane, and $3 for 12 eggs is still to much when they were $1 for 12 precovid, and chicken was like $3lb precovid. So again food prices are way too damn high


Chicken and egg prices have been hit by bird flu. They have to slaughter whole farms. It's now happening here in Australia and the prices shot up.  We've had much worse inflation than the US. And our economy is teetering on recession. 


You're spending $3.00 for a carton of white eggs? I don't spend that much for brown eggs. Chicken is $4.00 a pound here. You must live in California.


Food costs are being kept high by mega corps like Kroger, but Biden hasn’t done and or can’t do much to break up monopolies on his own. Housing and interest rates are also really causing problems for most of us, but that came with the pandemic. The rest of the modern world has rampant inflation too.


Prices are never going to go down. That's just not how it works. Why would supermarkets voluntarily lower all their prices, just why? No conservative lower tax policies are going to make that happen. What people should be doing after inflation, is pushing for government policies that raise wages. That's the only way to get the economy working for the people


Agriculture is always a rollercoaster. Avian Flu outbreaks are leading to flocks being destroyed and it’s jumped to cattle and humans. Chicken prices are volatile, especially if a local (to you) supplier gets hit. A good hedge against spikes in meat pricing is a chest freezer and stocking it when prices are low. A little meal planning and room in your freezer to take advantage of sales go a long way.


Well guess which party consistently voted against outlawing pandemic profiteering? If only people held Tyson foods accountable for the prices they have control over rather than Biden who has zero control over them.


Where was this? Eataly? I ordered 5 chicken breasts (Purdue) from the local supermarket and it was $11.35.


The sad part is that these people will then take it out on Biden by voting for Trump, the man who wants to lower taxes on corporations and the 1% even more.


Food prices are high, home insurance is high, auto insurance is high, new and used car prices are insane, home prices are crazy. The core things that make up your expenses are all too damn high. So the economy can be great but it is only good for the rich. Wages might be up but the cost of living has skyrocketed. Biden has done a good job making sure the economy is good but we need people who will go to war with these god damn CEOs who are making record profits at the expense of the people.


You need to give him a Senate and House that can back him up.  GOP House is more concerned with helping CEOs. 


Yes, republicans need to be fully out of the way before we can make any progress


I'm not rich and we're not struggling. What are you spending your money on? Where do you want to buy a house? How often are you eating food that you didn't cook at home?


> What are you spending your money on? Avocado toast, clearly.


Good for you! I've never been doing worse than I currently am right now. I also own a home with a low mortgage rate. I spend roughly $70 per week on groceries to cut down on food expenses. It's really neat that some of you are doing well, lots of us low income earners are completely and utterly fucked right now.


Fucked in what way? You already own a home with a low mortgage rate, you’re ahead of the curve there. You’re completely and utterly fucked because you can’t afford Cheetos anymore?


> So the economy can be great but it is only good for the rich. There it is. The economy is great for the rich because they're raping the rest.




Wait... What? I have never once said I was Finnish. Americans are allowed to post in r/Finland and I'm not quite sure I know why that upsets you and where this weird connection by you is being made.


A couple major grocers cut prices across the board, but not the mainstay supermarkets (Kroger Albertsons) Could be a sign of more to come


Blame big chicken. Not Biden. Corporations are intentionally price gouging and making BANK Meanwhile they’re donating to trump and hoping beyond hope that you blame Biden instead of realizing that trump and his goons are telling corporations to donate to trump and he will give them anything they want. This isn’t rocket science folks. It’s happening right in front of your eyes with quotes, video and broadcasts. Pay attention


So you did! :-)




I've only been shopping the weekly sale items for years now. I do my best to never pay full price for any meat I buy. Been waiting too long for a pork picnic shoulder to go on sale so I can have me some pulled pork.


I buy boneless, skinless chicken breast all the time from Safeway. I have never paid more than $1.97/lb and have gotten it as cheap as $.99/lb (was $.99/lb 2 weeks ago). I think the non sale price is something like $4.79/lb, but it goes on sale at least once per month—and the Safeway I go to lets you get 10lbs at a time. I live in a suburb of phoenix, AZ. Check the Safeway app if you don’t believe me


I believe you. This was an organic brand in Southern California at $10.99 per pound.


How is that the presidents fault? Seriously, how?


It's not. Sigh. Everyone completely misses the point here... The article says the economy is great but Biden doesn't get the credit So I said Biden doesn't get the credit because all people see is how expensive food is they don't think about anything beyond that. In the voter's mind the economy is their own personal world, which they think sucks, and they blame Biden even if it's wrong that they do.


I’m sure your not the only one doing this and when 1,000s of people do this, the prices will come down eventually. Supply vs Demand.


I don't know where you're shopping but you should stop. I bought a 3\~4 lb tri-tip for $20 yesterday.


Americans live in a bubble where the rest of the world only exists for their entertainment.


I hear an equal amount of Democrats saying the economy is bad. Everyone doesn't know it seems these days. I just spoke to two Democrat friends who think inflation is secretly at 18%


People don't want to hear this because it doesn't reflect the reality of their personal situations. Economists can crow about the recovery from the pandemic until they're blue in the face, but that doesn't negate the reality that groceries are ***way*** more expensive than they were five years ago. **Yes**, it's a result of corporate greed rather than inflation, and **no**, it's not a good reason imo to vote for Trump, but you're not going to win those people over by telling them they're wrong on the economy. You have to win them over with a promise (and ideally a real plan) to make their lives better.


No, the thing is that people rate their own personal situation as relatively fine. It's just the economy as a whole that sucks somehow


I would argue it's not the people who are in a good economic position who don't want to hear that the economy as a whole is in good shape, whether they actually agree with you or not. It's the people who ***aren't*** in a good place moneywise who are going to be turned off by that messaging. Those are the people you risk alienating.


People get their info from social media which is overwhelmingly negative. Click bait garbage. We are also the largest oil producer in the world thanks to Biden and the sanctions placed on Russia. Never hear about that in the media, if a republican was president that’s all we would hear.


I wish more people understood this.


I am so fucking happy we are the top oil producer. God I just love oil so fucking much. I would destroy the entire world and all of humanity for just a little tiny drop more of oil. We need to burn all farm fields and start fracking just in case we missed some.


I think you missed his point. His point isn't 'Yay! More Oil!!!' his point is people don't know about Biden's accomplishments because not enough media talks about it. While I also could care less about how much oil we produce, all we've heard for years is how Biden's going to ruin the oil industry. Remember the "I did that" stickers? And now that he hasn't done that, it's crickets from the media. That's a problem. Especially when the Media hears trump fart and all of a sudden he's going to win the presidency. Imagine that. A felonious rapist who tried to talk people into overturning an election, that every time he opens his mouth lies about whatever it is he's talking about, gets treated with kids gloves by the media, but when Biden is just out trying to enjoy his day, all of the sudden the media says 'oh look, the president is old and senile!" Now, I don't know what your political leanings are, and frankly I don't care, but to make a comment like the one you made is obtuse at best, and willfully ignorant at worst. 95% of the things that you consume are made with some sort of oil. Oh you got rid of your car and only travel by bike? Still made with oil. Never mind all the oil that has to be used just to get products on the shelf. And yes, that includes whatever it is you use to access Reddit. Do I believe we need to start developing products that reduce oil consumption and cut our carbon footprint? Absolutely I do. But that's not just going to happen over night, and unless we're willing to let someone else take over the world super power reigns, it's probably better that we keep doing what it is we're doing. I personally, don't want to have to learn Russian, and I already speak a little Chinese, but I'm not trying to live in China.


You are part of the reason our nation is suffering. To be clear; you’re an idiot.


Why havent you saved the world yet?


and how this is bad for Biden, up next at 11


YUP! They'll find some way to twist it.


It's bad for Biden because despite this measure of success, many, many people are struggling financially and as a result are tuned out or just sickened by American politicians and their billionaire supporters. I work with a lot of very liberal young people and they obviously can't stand Trump but have no enthusiasm for Biden either. These are working people. Full time and they are struggling.


Hope those “very liberal young people” are smart enough to realize they should vote for Biden. If they aren’t, then they are dumb.


Excerpt: In January, The Washington Post reported that Americans were experiencing “the world’s best recovery,” which was “outperforming all of its major trading partners.” Around the same time, an Axios report similarly noted, “The United States economy grew faster than any other large advanced economy last year — by a wide margin — and is on track to do so again in 2024.” The article added that Americans were winning the post-pandemic global economic “war.” As 2024 approaches the halfway point, the assessments haven’t changed at all. The World Bank this week not only noted that the Biden-era economy is the world’s strongest, it also concluded that the global economy is in better shape in large part because of the United States’ recovery. “Globally, overall things are better today than they were just four or five months ago,” Indermit Gill, the World Bank’s chief economist said. “A big part of this has to do with the resilience of the U.S. economy.” Gill’s report further credited “U.S. dynamism” with helping stabilize the economies abroad. A Washington Post report added, “The United States is the only advanced economy growing significantly faster than the bank anticipated at the start of the year.”


Hey USA, we were just kidding in 1812. Can you invade us now, please? We don’t have any defenses and dislike our politicians
 plus there’s oil and uranium! Sincerely, Canadians.


Fuck no


Wait, oil??!


Yet 50 percent of the country says some shit about a guy named Brandon.


Yeah but that's because Trump somehow... Idk I'm sure the gop will come up with something though.


Because everyone is anticipating him winning again so they’re investing more and making the stock market go up to record levels Trump actually said this


Just earlier this year the orange dumbass literally tried to say the stock market was going up because of him.


Wait, I was told for the past 3 years by a bunch of random redditors that the economy is about to crash.


This is why I’m voting for Biden in November. You should too


Actual European leaders and economists are saying this VERY thing—that the U.S. is doing better than anyone else in the world.


Every prediction Trump made was disastrously and hilariously wrong. Why does anyone take him seriously? It's insane.


Corps are making hand over fist profits - and little of that is translating to individual prosperity. You can tout all the stats you want - but the reality is most people’s paychecks just aren’t going as far as they used to. Blaming a president is foolish - but people still will.


Sure, but the point is though. everything is still worse everywhere else though. Canadians (for example) relative buying power is less, their gdp/capita growth is stagnant and their relative cost of living has gone up just as much while their wages haven't. Economically they were doing better than they usually do compared to the USA until about 2021. Biden is the envy of the world right now.


It’s true! Why isn’t this in the news more?


The news doesn't exist to inform, it exists to entertain. The Biden administration has done a lot of good, but you don't hear about it much because it's not flashy or exciting. There's also the fact that the Trump presidency was fantastic for news stations because they could constantly report on all of his insane bullshit. News stations want another Trump presidency, so there's no incentive for them to report on the good stuff Biden is doing.


The post is literally a fucking link to a news article


"More" - from the comment above you. Get out a dictionary


The economy is global, inflation is global
 he steered Smerica through this bullshit better than just about any other country’s leader and corporations are price gauging at the same time. Anyone either a high school education knows it.


Waiting for conservatives to tell me why this is a bad thing


Buh buh eggs


That definitely helps me afford groceries. 👍


Covid was Trumps fault


FFS, look at the money supply under Trump. Inflation doesn’t just appear out of nowhere. This whole BS where republicans clearly are the cause and democrats are immediately blamed for the effect soon after inauguration blows my mind.


Vote for Trump if you want to see things get worse economically. MUCH WORSE.


Well Lend Lease certainly help a lot


We are headed towards a time like the roaring 20s. If I could offer any advice, it would be to get in the market. It’s going to do some wild things


Facts is facts.


It's got nothing to do with Biden. The economy looks great because this is a consumerist society, businesses and corporations have made top profits for the last few years. This makes it look like the country is doing amazing when in reality regular citizens can't afford to live paycheck to paycheck. The billionaires are thriving while the rest suffer. This is end stage Capitalism.


People really don’t understand how rough things are in some places outside the US. Even places like China and India, growing economies are facing problems.


Get fucked Republicans. You offer nothing to this country.


As an outsider, it's weird, because we're getting articles on "how an elderly president assembled the most effective government since the 60s" and "The Biden Miracle"; but then we read American news and people seem to think their own country is doing badly for some reason.


Misinformation is strong in the US. Russia has so much of the government in their pocket, so they are destroying the country from the inside. We're at war and only one side realizes it.


The country that still has insane debt growth AND millions of poor homeless people, yeah i don't envy that






Dark Brandon is the đŸ’©..


I feel like inflation is going to fuck Biden and if he loses that will be why. The median voter doesn’t give a single shit about whatever metrics economists use to divine what a good economy is if they can barely afford essentials.


Reagan won re election with even more inflation.


Hush up about it - Dems don’t like to publicize this kind of W. Much better to remain coy. Maybe the MAGA will take the credit, as is their wont.


And Trump just about brought the world economy to its knees with the idiot's handling of COVID.  Yet somehow, we have a lot of idiots still wanting 4 more years of the orange turd.  


Trucker with awful budget and CC debt: “i dont feel it.”


And half the country is mad and wants to elect Trump who's going to blow everything up.


I feel like the context-less headline are not helpful. many Americans do not understand that inflation happened to the whole world or that in comparison to other industrialized nations America is doing very very well. that doesn't mean times aren't tougher that everybody's enjoying inflation. It just means that the world's a difficult place and voting for the guy that isn't in charge just because he's not in charge doesn't suddenly fix all your problems. I see the media constantly talk about who inflation is bad for Biden without pointing out that Donald Trump literally has zero plan for inflation. unless billionaire attacks cuts and more authoritarianism can cure inflation he ain't got a solution.


Well, I still can’t afford to buy a house. So that’s neat.


It’s only the envy of 50% of the USA though


bUt bIdEnOmIcS


You can’t tell people the economy is good when they perceive sharply higher groceries and rent with stagnant wages. \*The\* economy might be good, but \*theirs\* isn’t.


Too bad he left behind all us peasant's. Yep the rich have gotten richer




This is true and people are voting against him because of the economy. If you are a business how much money did the poor response to covid cost you vs Biden taxes? I wish I could add /s


Growth for who?


Canadian here asking, what policies under Biden can be attributed for the growth? The article, like other articles never explains things.


The American Rescue Plan, CHIPS act, and the infrastructure bill are the most notable.


Inflation Reduction Act, College debt relief, COVID-19 Relief Bill and Affordable Care Act. He has just invested in the American people (crazy concept) and it pays off


Who’s having economic growth? Oh yeah, that’s right. The fucking corporations gauging the American public bleeding us for every penny we have.


Strong economy maybe, but it only serves the rich. Poor people are getting poorer.


You all confuse the World with the corporations, a lot


The same people who will lampoon Reagan’s “trickle down economics” will turn around and say how great the economy is now doing. If you aren’t wealthy you’re getting killed right now.


“The economy is booming! Wall Street is doing great!” Cool news, doesn’t change anything for the poor and working class though đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


The poor and working class have better access to healthcare, public transportation, and financial support than they did 20 years ago.