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She knows that she's one tiny false move from being taken off the case. The game is only to stall for as long as possible. If she can remain for just a little longer then it wont matter if she's replaced, as the trial with a new judge still won't happen before the election.


One small move? How the fuck is she even still on the case?


There is a team of legal ghouls behind her, coordinating her every move to skate across any impediment just enough to leave some paint on it but not total the car.


How was a Chump appointed judge ever allowed on the case to begin with?


Once again it's because our legal system places too much faith in people who occupy positions of power having integrity. Richard Nixon started the Southern Strategy aka getting southern/religious bigots to vote using scare tactics about minorities, LGBTQ people, abortions etc. When he was forced to resign after Watergate Roger Ailes realized Republicans wouldn't be able to sustain votes if their voters and party members knew objective truths. (He was forced to resign because back then Republican party members had some integrity and didn't want their president to be a criminal.) Unless they had their own "news" and media empire to feed their constituency lies and build their own, entirely incorrect, narrative about what was happening in the country they'd lose almost every election except in the most red areas. So he teamed up with a tabloid newspaper owner from Australia and started Fox News. They used the same strategy Nixon did. Playing up white America's worst fears and prejudices for votes. It's worked very well for them so far.


Don’t forget the Federalist Society and their insane reaction to the Warren Court is a huge piece of why we’re here too.


Bigots have proven time and again that they'd rather burn everything to the ground rather than be forced to let others have equality. Just like when they de-segregated the swimming pools and a lot of counties filled their pools in rather than comply. Imagine how backwards and full of hate you'd have to be to deny yourself the ability to swim in the south in the summer.


Conservatives are almost always purely reactionary by nature and in a healthy society when a Conservative Party is acting in good faith it leads to a needed tension to fuel honest debate about issues. What we have is not that. Far too many conservatives and their movements are fueled by a zero-sum grievance filled bigoted ideology. People they deem less, evil, and worthy of a constitutional right to prejudice against getting any protection or even sharing the same rights, people they will never meet and who have zero effect on their lives, is a violation and an attack on them. The conservative grievance machine is vile and their ability to proclaim how othered they are from positions of extreme power is absurdist yet continues to work. A Supreme Court justice with a super majority whinging to the Wall Street Journal about being persecuted and voiceless is a perfect illustration of that. Any criticism is a gross violation to them. Free speech means not only do you get to say whatever you want but you must be praised for your bravery for it. They’ve spent 50 years building to get the control they have in the courts to enact policies they know people hate and won’t pass the legislative branch and they are done hiding and using dog whistles.


>Once again it's because our legal system places to much faith in people who occupy positions of power having integrity. That's just insane.


The gentleman’s agreement. Doesn’t work when there aren’t any gentlemen.


Or when one side snickers and says, "*Sure*, I'll honor the agreement!" All while crossing their fingers behind their back.


Nothing makes that more clear than someone like Al Franken resigning in disgrace. While Matt Gaetz, Trump, Ted Cruz etc... all stay in politics.


It's a tough balance, because once you add in additional rules, those are just additional levers for corrupt people to pull. Yeah, in this case it would be nice to have an easier time removing Cannon, but then what if that process also made it easier for Trump to remove Judge Marchan from the business fraud Stormy Daniels case? No governmental system survives if people try to abuse it on purpose, and the populace doesn't care about the abuse.


That's a bit of a copout really. Americans always seem to think that it's too hard or complicated to do things right that other countries manage to do just fine.


Ah, you're one of those Europeans that reads a couple headlines on Reddit and uses it to make sweeping generalizations about how the American political system is designed horribly and European systems are so much better. And it's getting more and more annoying to read as Europe lurches further and further Right. I thought all of your amazing political systems were supposed to prevent things like that? As fucked up as Trump is, at least our leader hasn't proposed legislation to ban everything Muslim from our country. You Dutch can't say the same. And then Wilders was successful, you couldn't even have your Supreme Court overrule it since they can't strike down laws on Constitutional grounds.


Nah, I lived in the US in various places and never got over the shock that out of all the countries I've lived in, the US was the only one where all of the negative stereotypes are massive understatements. Wilders isn't the example you think he is. He keeps getting votes and he keeps getting nothing done as nobody wants to work with him and laws keep getting in the way of his plans. He can't even find enough suitable people in his party to fill the seats of governance his party won.


Future historians will point to that moment as the beginning of the collapse. The U.S.A. will not survive our lifetimes.


I’m suspecting the creation of The Christian State of the United States of America. Trump gets in the white house some how, becomes a martyr within 4 years and from there things go downhill fast. All preplanned by the heritage foundation. If Trump’s VP is going to be a religious nutjob this might even become true.




No hate for Christians here. I do however think it is a very healthy thing to keep religion and government strictly separated. Which is the exact opposite of what MAGA is trying to do.


And I agree, but the flavor of separation of church and state you ratheists keep hammering is irrational and doesn't actually address the problems caused by the GOP/Evangelical marriage. It is a one way thing that is formulated with the unspoken goal of complete secularization of western culture. All those suggestions really do is just hurt smaller churches that actually do good for the community. Do you think any megachurch is going to go broke if they lose their tax exempt status? On the other hand it will shut down nearly every church soup kitchen and homeless outreach service. But, of course, hardly any of you care about that point because it gives you the chance to get back at your mother for not letting you take your 3ds to church.


I’m not mitigating the good that churches can have within their local communities. I’m just advocating that inserting religion into the government and its policies is a bad idea. Besides that, I don’t see how the separation of state and religion could hurt the position of small churches in the first place. And then there is this. Right now, Christianity is the predominant religion in the US. But imagine how other minority religions might feel? For arguments sake, flip Christianity with another religion, like the Islam or Hinduism. Would you still be okay if another religion inserts their “way of life” into government policies? Take Islam for example. Imagine that a Islam minded government forbids the sale and consumption of alcohol. It is pretty intrusive. Same as I can imagine that other religions find it offensive and discriminating that MAGA is advocating for the ten commandments to be put in every classroom. That is why a strict separation of religion and state is a good idea; to offer a equal environment for all.


Charitable donations will are always tax deductible. If a church is actually doing the work they will always be untaxed.


I’d rather be a ratheist than a hateistian. There ain’t no love like hateistian hate.




It’s basically the KKK but the smarter ones all mobilising in the background


This is not one obstinate, different thinking judge. This is corruption. She (they) fought to get these cases and keep them. Because corrupt people plan ahead. They have too. Any grift is only as good as it's plan. The chess pieces need to be in place. This corrupt 'Judge' is not doing anything without the support and strategy of the other GOP lawyers behind her, all using her as a toe-hold.


Our framework for removing judges is terrible, because the FF couldn't imagine a dishonorable judge being appointed. So fucking naive and now here we are.


Your framework for selecting judges is even worse.


How the hell would you know?


My man, I just read the news about all these judges and justices that were selected and appointed by Trump. Not a single good thing I have read about it. Since the US system of impeaching a judge is next to impossible in the current conditions, you should focus on addressing the issue at the root of the problem; selection. The judicial branch has been weaponized by MAGA.


There's zero peaceful solutions at this point. Just like MAGA wants it. The only ones with the power to do anything about it are benefiting from it and their constituents literally don't care if they ate a live baby at lunch in Times Square on live national television. And we have to pretend they are normal people.


Well obviously they are not normal people. I think we can all agree on that.


...and when he doesn't win all this delay and procrastination will be for nothing.


It’s the fight for his freedom ! That’s what he thinks. Not the brightest.


Trump lawyer: Your honor, we would like to schedule a hearing on.. Cannon: Whatever you want sweetie. Should I schedule it for 6 months from now?


She is specifically waiting on the Supreme Court case to drop and confirm he doesn’t have blanket immunity, then will set a trial date in Sept asap to prevent Chutkan from scheduling this year. This is her next move.


Miller is 38 years old. Hate sure can age a person.


And his head looks like a lightbulb


Classic snake-face...🐍


He's an Uncle Fester looking motherfucker! (It was the lightbulb that reminded me 😂) Oh, and... (Sorry Uncle Fester. You were a stray. Didn't mean to insult you.)


“Soup in a condom” as John Oliver put it.




He's the Gollum to Pauly Shore's Smeagol


Exhibit A: Fascist Pustule.


Meth will do that to you.


The bitch was running rampant until all eyes started to be on her and good for that.


What the fuck does dollar general nosferatu have to do with this?


love it




When you think that you've seen the last of Stephen "Cucaracha" Miller . . .


So the pastey nazi got told no


Simple. Everyone going off at the mouth on the Right should have done to them what their recommending doing to others.


That ghoul needs to flap back to his castle in Transylvania. He sucks the life out of everything he touches.


Transylvania? [Miller’s favorite castle is in Westphalia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wewelsburg).


Send in the clowns


No need, the clowns are already there and running the show


Gotta make it look real I guess.


When even the devil contradicts itself


I have a feeling some of this requests are pre-planned, the response already known. Delay, delay, delay.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


Would be too obvious


Is Stephen Miller even a lawyer?


He's President of America First Legal but... surprise!... he's not a lawyer.


That's what I thought. Thanks for confirming.


Steve-O can slink back under the port-a potty from whence he came


This guy is a Real Death eater .


I had to double-check if this wasn't a headline from The Onion.


Intervene? Should have been a co-defendant.


Can't show I'm on your side


This lizard is just trying to keep his name in the news.


When even an obviously-in-the-bag judge thinks you'd hurt the case ....


Now im sure she never told them to make a claim she can reject so she looks better then she does at present right?


Stephen Miller looks like someone that would spend a day at the park picking the legs off ants and watching them squirm around until they die.


I saw a fellow redditor say ‘he went into politics because his arms were too weak to strangle prostitutes’ or something like that. It seemed pretty fitting to me.


Shouldn't that guy be off eating bugs somewhere?


Fucker sounds like the teacher in Charlie Brown


Man…..cannon is a typical trump ass kisser…..


Trump: "just tell her to keep stalling and i'll give her a seat on the Supreme court when I'm President..." - Trump, probably


Well I mean that just conmen sense


#Stay in your lane Gargamel


Wow, what a great job she's doing!


Mass psychosis on the part of Republicans because a Black man occupied the White House for 8 years. Most of them viewed him as sub human.


OMG she does have a limit


He can intervene as an accessory.