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That's G.I. Joe for you. A family man, a healthy old man, and a hero. Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz on the other hand, is a whiny, pathetic, mentally broken, crinally insane fascist wannabe who calls Daniels "Horseface", disrepects the fallen war heroes, and wants to turn America into his own version of Darth Orban's Hungary with MAGA Order 66 (Project 25). The same goes for his MAGA Sith. Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz is so bad, he made China look like SAINTS (at least by autocrat standards) by comparison.


I don't know man. That guy walked out to the podium tonight slowly, opened his mouth, and my whole family (who are all Dems) said, "Oh my God. Oh no!" Dude, no one can gas light this. It was a bad look.


I watched the debate and yeah, it was a bad night for G.I. Joe. He may be mentally healthy, but he's obviously not in good shape. Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz may get some critical hits on G.I. Joe, but the latter gets a few good ones on the orange Sith Lord. In other words, and as Harris puts it simply, "slow start, strong finish". Though I doubt how strong the finish is. This is just like the Yoda vs Palpatine duel: neither side won, but things are STILL not looking good for G.I. Joe regardless. And no, G.I. Joe can't back out despite what the pundits say. If he did, then USA is finished. Lichtman said that himself.


Keep some faith Bro . Biden will win.


Yes, he will be. And even if Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz wins again, Jared Huffman and his Anti-Project 25 Task Force are now preparing to suppress his MAGA Sith agenda, including the insane Project Darth Roberts and his MAGA Sith Lords from the Heritage cooked up. Still, I'm very worried whether or not the college is either corrupt or have some MAGA Siths. Right now, our only hope is Lichtman's 13 keys.


Mentally healthy :)?


Yeah. At least by old man standards, and at least compared to Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz, whose brain is at this point, is mentally broken.


Do you jerk off on that word?


Bye bye Brandon


You have a lot of posts about UFOs


Wake up!


Typical maga response lmao


I am not supporting Trump either! But since you’re not aware, there is a third option to get us out of this mess. I suggest you watch TheRealDebate.com


I’m good. I support views from both sides I just vote on which one has more views in common with me. Voting third party is a waste of time they will never win


Not if enough people see the truth that both parties are fighting for the same never ending wars against humanity. Third party is what this county needs in the Whitehouse. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a president that is not beholden to the red vs blue regimes?


It would be very nice I agree but it’s not realistic. You can spend your whole life trying to spread the word and nothing will come of it I’d be willing to bet. Better to make your vote count on a party who is the less of 2 evils imo


I will vote for Zombie Joe if need be but that debate led me to believe that he might not even make it to the election, let alone accepting the presidency.


If you watched the latest Lichtman Live video on YouTube, Lichtman said debates changes nothing in the 13 keys as much as the polls.


All I'm thinking is how Biden should have more cans of those sold or handed out at campaign events. Can think of many who would happily drink one right in Trump supporters faces. Can also imagine the meme videos of people drinking then and acting jacked up to start lifting weights. Once again it'd be like the Dark Brandon bit where Trump and his followers just give Biden something to mock him with.


Dude could've used a big sip of water before walking on stage tonight. He sounds like he is about to drop over dead


I was trying to find something to watch other than that, but I saw him start to talk. We’re so fucked.


Don’t be so over dramatic .. trump word Salad bullshit on full display tonight .. couldn’t answer a single question .. says he’s the greatest president lol


But the right-leaning undecideds will see a strong man (a liar maybe, but strong) against a feeble old man.


I really don’t understand everyone this morning, Bidens stutter came out hard for sure and he looks old as fuck we all know this. But trump looked like a terrifying 19th century doll out there on its last leg. And constantly said nonsense and fumbled words too. I can’t believe people watched that and thought trump got the upper hand. Idk how you can even support a man who didn’t answer any questions and admitted to knowing about Ukraine before it happened from private talks with Putin


Yeah trump is a bullshit artist. We knew that going in. With that said bidens performance was bad enough to have discussions of replacing him.


Most of what is coming out of Trump's mouth tonight is horse shit (what's new), but someone must have given him some good uppers because he is wiping the floor with Biden right now


Has he answered any questions though? Or just scream ‘they took eeeer jobs!’


Adderall look at his upper lip. He’s got the sweats


That's why Trump kept asking Biden for a drug test, because Trump was coming loaded and was deflecting.


Trump has always been able to command a room but he is a crook and a charlatan and they have those abilities. I don't think the debate is as relevant now as in the past but still wasn't encouraging for joe


He has a cold. I'd say he did pretty good despite having a cold.


Ah yes, mind-altering substances, like mtn. dew…


Boy, oh boy, the fat Donnie was lying through his teeth tonight


comment sections are gonna be like 75% click farms and premade humorless photoshops till November.


Yeah this aged poorly.


Both candidates are pathetic


I don't get why everyone is all-in on either of these candidates. I get not liking Trump, but goddamn how could you watch Biden last night and think, "that guy should be running the United States"??


Worst moderation of a debate I’ve seen in awhile. This was no debate. The felon never answered MOST of the questions, lied his ass off, and never got called on it by the “moderators.” And the snooty follow-up by the msnbc queens was insulting. The conversation only focused on grinding Biden, not discussing the felon’s lies and the felon’s ducking all the questions. And this went on for over 45 minutes before I had to turn it off. Joy Reed was more concerned in her 1st impression about bragging how she was on the phone talking to Obama and all the most famous political luminaries DURING the ‘debate.’ Maddow was immediately ready to give the keys to the white house to trump while adding pompous tidbits about how certain aspects of this debate would be ‘fodder for future dissertations’ - really, we need that? Eff them. Only Lawrence had his head screwed on but was drowned out by the pompous egos of the queens. Horribly run debate and shameful post debate coverage by msnbc.


Well people tend to like felons who are victims of political prosecutions over the person enabling the prosecution. What it must be like to be a liberal! You can just apply a label to someone and voila, that makes people not vote for him or think he's innocent? Really living in an alternate reality


"apply a label"? Trump got convicted of 34 felonies. This "political prosecution" was brought to a grand jury, who felt it warranted the indictments. Then a jury of Trump's peers found him guilty on all counts. Doesn't seem political - Trump's side essentially didn't even present a defense. Seems like they might have had some issues to push on if there were any legitimate issues. Instead, per usual, it was Donnie throwing a tantrum because he wasn't being allowed to do whatever he wants


We had the cleanest water during my administration! Everyone was bathing in VOSS water.


He should've taken all the drugs


Then he walked out and proved it


I am so disheaertened. I now see tbe reason so many dems like Maher said he shouldve been replaced. Is it too late to do that? Someone tell me it isnt.


He's not nominated yet. So there is a chance that Democrat leaders decide to put up a new candidate. Hopefully a young guy with lots of energy that can just troll Trump relentlessly


How are you just now realizing this


Because the media has been systematically hiding it much like FDR needing a wheelchair


It’s like he didn’t use drugs in case he actually got drug tested. I’m worried he won’t even make it to the end. We are so fucked.


So very, very fucked


Who the FUCK is down voting this? Are you incapable about being honest? I’m a fucking Democrat and I know how bad tonight was.


People in denial I guess. My favorite take was from Newsom. “We don’t drop somebody because of 1 bad performance.” Dude, it’s been a bad performance.


Yeah? Are we pushing these articles instead of talking about what just happened? Because fuck me, you can check my post history, I’m a violently vocal progressive, and tonight was HORRIFYING.


100%. I thought what few answers Biden could get out without stammering and losing his train of thought were better than any offered by Trump, but I also know that wasn’t nearly enough to make anyone feel better about him being fit for office. He looked BAD. Really, really bad. I will still vote for him and pray he wins but Jesus Christ am I demoralized and scared right now. If Biden doesn’t do something to make his image bounce back in the coming months, I’m afraid he might be toast. Liberals who try to ignore how badly this went for Biden are burying their heads in the sand. We need to acknowledge we have a serious problem here and that Trump is legitimately VERY well-positioned to win again.


Biden and his advisors need to take an honest look at his performance in this debate and he needs to step down from seeking re-election. Dems need to run literally anyone else. They need to understand that voters did not vote FOR Biden in 2020, they voted AGAINST Trump. They are making it very difficult for voters, especially fence sitters, do do that in 2024 by running a man who very clearly is not up to the task of being President for another four years. I'm fervently anti-Trump, but Biden is a train wreck in this debate.


God he’s so old 😱


Looks like he needed the drugs in the first place


I fucking hate to admit it. Trump killed him tonight. We may have just lost the election.


The only thing had Trump had going was being high as balls. I don't remember him actually answering any of the actual questions. It was a slightly toned-down version of his rallies, where he ranted about "illegals" and how the US is failing and we're being "laughed at" by other countries (Trump hates the idea of being laughed at, thanks to his hugely inflated yet paper thin ego). Biden started out rough, but he was doing fine from about midway on. No need for a panic attack just yet


I don't think his followers care how the debate went for trump. Either way they will spin the results to fit their narrative. If Biden killed it they would say it was rigged, he cheated, he's on PEDs. If Biden blew it they would champion how trump is superior. This is the problem we face. He can do no wrong in his cults eyes. It's truly a sickness!


Unfortunately doing well half way through is not enough against Trump and his supporter base. Democrats aren’t pumped for Biden the same way republicans are for Trump and his mental decline was too apparent in tonight’s debate. As the campaign continues it will only become more apparent. They need to pull the brakes, put Joe on ice and bring in a younger, confident candidate who can take Trump head on and call him out, not take 10 minutes to figure out what they are even talking about. If they stay with Biden, Trump will win.