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What about buying a second hand one? You could be saving quite some money that way.


That was my thought too, a second hand iPhone 15 pro can still be good condition wise and you might make a decent saving.


Idk if exactly a sh 15 Pro, but anything sh, maybe they can get a really good deal on the 14 Pro which would still easily last 4 to 5 years anddddd if were talking about saving a few hundred bucks.. It's really worth it considering OP's situation.


14 and 13 didn’t change much besides the island and faster chip, a 13 pro wold be a god choice and save even more


Not really. The 14 Pro increased significantly the main sensor size, and that size has been maintained with the 15 Pro.


just read that op is interested in photography so yea 14 bettwr


I wouldn't choose the 14pro, it doesn't get apple Intelligence


I mean... it comes down to one's preference and need. Like idk, some people might use that just as little as they used Siri anddd if you think of it that wayyyy.. it's not really worth the maybe extra 200 bucks?.. Idk. I haven't researched what Apple Intelligence truly is so it's not like I can talk more about it.


Apple intelligence is a contradiction in terms …


I bought multiple phones used but would not buy such a new phone used. Not even a 14 Pro either. That's because the price difference between new and used is not worth the risk of used. For like 11 Pro to 13 Pro, there are big savings but one should still look out for issues and I would not really recommend it to people without experience in buying iPhones used. And for older models, it's ok because if it is not good not much money is lost. Realistically in this situation, I'd say what is 6 weeks of work vs probably 6 years of usage, so I think it's ok for them to buy the 15 Pro new. No risk, except for breaking it by accident, so a case with good protection (lip over the display and cameras) makes sense. Oh and also with enough storage so that it actually lasts those 6 years. And even if not, 14 Pro new should be available from non-Apple shops for less money as well. Apple refurbished is a good option as well.


Good idea; just do know if you go second hand route.. be careful. Likely only do it from a reputable website and/or in person and make sure you can activate the phone properly onto your Apple ID and make sure you can activate on the carrier you want. Do not just buy a random phone on eBay! Not without research..


It's all about researching and knowing how to differ good ads / deals from bad ones and yes, it can be quite tricky at first. Anyways, even if OP goes for the brand new route and such, it won't be cost effective, but hey, it'll surely be good enough since they plan on keeping this phone for a long time.


Or they could try Swappa. I've bought a few things in there and never been scammed.


I mean idk, never heard of that before, but I'm sure it's just because it's a region thing and we just don't have that here :).


You can buy used iPhones directly from certain carriers. I remember metroPCS had it as an option. A lot of those phone repair places like uFixIt or whatever will also sell used iPhones.


An Apple refrubished one could be a good option too, considering you get a full 1-year warranty and you can add AppleCare+, important if they're going to keep the iPhone a long time


But why would anyone sell the iPhone 15 Pro when it's the current model?


Just google whatever sh market you got in your country and you'll find plenty. Others got it on sale with their subscription for less and just wanna make a dollar, some bought it, did not notice an actual upgrade and felt plike they spent their money uselessly sooo they wanna go for something a tad cheaper. Some simply don't like it and are like yeah... it's nice, but I'd prefer something else. There's a shit ton of reasons for people to just be like yup, I'm selling it andddd tbh you never knew what someone's situation is, maybe they're in need of money, maybe not. Maybe they got a picky wife / girlfriend / child, who knows, really.


Don’t you all think he should homework advice more than iPhone advice?


I mean whatever he decides on getting he has to research about stuff like it's that fit for them, how do I check if everything's alright, Yada Yada Yada. My guy came on the iPhone subreddit for advice about iPhones, sooo that's what I'm gonna offer idk.


Don't you think you shouldn't disrespect people even if they are younger?


I wouldn't recommend a SH iphone. Just buy a new one and you get the peace of mind that comes with having a warranty and knowing that it's brand new....


Buuuut you'd recommend any other SH phones? I've bought 5 second hand iPhone, even helped multiple friends buy phones and all turned out to be okay, you just gotta know your stuff and know what should be checked and how to do so. And as for the warranty.. it does depend since over here here still are shops that'll most likely just shush you whenever you got a problem with it and blame it on you not using it properly :). Leaving my country's shops being shitty, this might be the case for some others as well. And tbh, there are plenty of refurbished shops that offer warranty like 1 to 2 years. Personally, I wouldn't exactly buy a refurbished phone just because idk the quality of the parts they used andddddd I'd still be paying more for it, despite me being able to just buy it from a person and voilà, no components changed and less money :). Anyways, you do have your point, but it's not quite complete. Lemme know if I've also missed anything.


If you’re planning on keeping your phone for the next 5 years, the 15 pro is an excellent choice. It’s the only current iPhone that will fully support Apple Intelligence so you are more likely to get updates throughout the lifetime of your iPhone. Another option would be the iPhone 13 Pro. Good processor, good camera, but about half the cost of the 15 pro. I currently use the 11 pro, and that’s what I see as my upgrade path.


I must say this is the actually correct answer. We don’t know how much the AI will be useful for all these kids as they use them for school etc. so it could be that getting one that supports this breakthrough feature may be useful and practical in the long run. If you don’t go on vacation to other countries often then it would be nice to get those photos in. If you are spending over 50% of your savings on this phone, I would pass. You should just work harder, invest more of it. And in 3 years you’ll be more confident in your life purchases. The market right now is not a good buying opportunity. Don’t buy now


I would opt for a less expensive iPhone and save some $ for the vacation. 15Pro is nice (I have one), but actually I found the 13P took the best pictures to my eyes. Lastly, good for you at 15 having a job and getting your own income. Enjoy your vaca with your folks.


I’m often slightly disappointed with my 15 pros camera. Too processed


It is worth noting that after you zoom in a certain amount, it’s seemingly put together with AI. This is also an issue on s24ultra


Yeah, once you are in between 1x and 5x, it is an AI processed pic. And I find 5x actually to be too much. The 13 and 14 with 3x was more than enough for me.


Yes to be completely honest unless you’re going to print large format of your photos, the iPhone 12-15 are the same, pro included. No ones going to notice especially if you have portrait mode on. It’s all software at this point


I got a 15 Pro about 2 weeks ago from a local reselling platform (40 charge cycles, literally not a single scratch, basically like new, bill included) for 799€ (apples price is 1199 here, 1026 on amazon). So if you don’t mind it not being originally sealed anymore you could maybe keep an eye on those. Be careful to only engage with serios/high quality offers though.


Get a camera. Yes those things without a computer inside. A decent one from 4-5 years ago with full frame and nice lens will be much cheaper than an iPhone 15 Pro and you can buy an iPhone 16 later. The truth with photography is also, it doesn’t matter what camera you have - what you have to learn is composition and nobody can really help with that through tech.


The real choice! You got downvoted for suggesting real camera instead of iphone. Lol . 😆


Always the same issue. Everyone thinks iPhone take great photos of Samsung with 100x zoom. I hate to tell them I have yet to see any amazing photos except if a professional photographer used it.


On the one hand, iPhone's overprocessing ruins pictures on most new phones. On the other hand, I'd hate carrying a real camera. Maybe a newer iPhone with an app that reduces the processing makes sense. Or just an iPhone 7, not good at low-light, not good with HDR, but spot-on for everything else


I would wait until the 16 Pro comes out in September. Should hopefully be able to pick up a 15 Pro for less.


OP wants something quickly, read post


DON’T GET THE 15 PRO IF YOU NEED LONG BATTERY LIFE! I have the 15 Pro and the thing lasts for about 5 hours of screen time. It gets really hot in the camera app. Get the regular 15 or the Pro Max. Trust me. For those who don’t belive me, go look at battery tests on YouTube.


Thanks for the comment. I’m also a day one iPhone 15 pro user and my battery life is shit for the last 3-4 months noticeable. It also gets really hot during random non powerful tasks. So weird.. also in these three months it dropped battery health from 100% to 97% by 209 cycles.. so I will look into the videos and also @ OP yea listen to this comment and look for the non Pro or Pro Max, but I can’t recommend this one


It‘s a bit hit or miss for me. I had it last for 9h screentime while navigating but then only 4h the next day. I‘m definitely carrying a power bank if I plan to do anything more than browsing reddit.


Don't buy 15 version since it won't be profitable if you sell in future. Wait for 16.


My advice would be to get a phone that you can comfortably afford. I personally don't think a 15 year old needs an iPhone 15 Pro. Heck, I'm twice your age and have an iPhone 13 that works just fine. I'd rather put my money elsewhere. At the end of the day, it's up to you. If you want a 15 Pro, it's a great phone.


I mean, it’s not like a 15 year needs to worry about paying the mortgage…..


No, but that doesn't mean you need the latest and greatest, especially when you can't afford it. This mentality will keep you broke for your whole life.


Which is why the advice was wait lol until the 16 is out and get the 15 plus. But they also want good photos for their holiday. A 15 plus will last them several years, no one is suggesting they get a new phone every year.


I got the 15 pro max and I get like 2 days of battery life decent usage. Your finances are yours to decide. Do you have any other bills or anything that you will owe? Honestly at 15 saving $200 isn’t probably going to impact your life a lot. You aren’t going to turn 18 and go damn. I wish I had that $200 I saved on that iPhone. But u might look at ur iPhone 15 and go damn im glad i got 3 years with a phone i like


One thing to note when going from an older iPhone to a 14 series and higher is that apple increased the minimum focus distance. Meaning you have to move back little more to for the photo to look normal. This may not seem like a huge thing but when folks were getting weird and blurry shots they were hating their iPhones because of lack of this info. There are ways to correct this while taking the shot but without this knowledge you'd just think your brand new iPhone had a garbage camera.


Thankyou for this info


I’d either get a 15 pro or pro max or wait for the 16… reason being is Apple integrating AI into their devices/ecosysystem and it’s only going to work on 15 pro and above phones.


I got a 256 GB iPhone 15 Pro at 100% battery health for $780 you just gotta keep looking on Marketplace or any other platform


If you wait a few months I think the iPhone 16 is coming out and the 15 should drop in price.


I like your plan and commitment to saving You can get a great deal on a used 15 pro on eBay or FB marketplace. You have to do your due diligence before buying. I bought a 512gb 15 pro for $950. If you don’t need that much storage, you can get a 256 GB for less. And the upgrade from an 11 will be entirely worth it. You also won’t be losing out on any thing new when Apple updates iOS in September. The 15 Pro will get all of the updates the 16 will come out with as far as software is concerned.


Bro just get a refurbished iphone 13, dont spend that money on a brand new phone which in another 2 years will be worthless


Well I’m still using my 12 pro max. Spot on. All model in between haven’t offered enough for me to change, but the 12 pro max would be good value imo. See if there are any official apple refurbs but i doubt it


Wait for the 16 pro. The 11 is more than enough for pictures when traveling so no need to upgrade that early


i just got the 15 pro and it’s truly amazing, significantly faster and has absolutely no problems with heating up (my old iphone had to cool down so many times during the summer 😭). the camera is REALLY great and stable for pictures, amazing colours, and of course the battery holds up like crazy. it’s not a bad investment at all if you consider keeping it for a few years, as iphones are very reliable and durable, especially the 15 since new tech was introduced with this one. you’re just 15 so if you don’t have anything else to save for, i’d just suggest to go for it :) it’s nice to buy things that you truly want for yourself but as the other comments mentioned, since u got 2-3 months, wait until september so the price goes down after the release of 16 :)


oh and charging is so so fast. i’m trying to treat my battery good (basically not charging while using etc) and it’s so easy since it charges really fast and pretty much doesn’t interrupt at all. not that i need to charge often, to be honest


Is it bad for battery to use phone while charging? Poop what else dont i know :/


try to avoid it for better battery health :) the newer models are not as affected by this anymore, but you can still stay careful. it will also help reduce your screentime lol another tip is to stay between 20%-80%. this is the most optimized window for an iphone (or all phones maybe?) to work efficiently :)


Dont let batt run down to less than 10%? Ok cool thx for the tips!


Charging while using does not matter to the battery. What matters is how you charge it. Avoid wireless charging and high speed charging if you really want long battery life. And enable the iOS 80% limit for charging.


i’d say that charging while using can negatively impact the battery health in the long run. doing so dispatches the energy towards both charging and active usage, and this process heats up the battery. prolonged heat does affect battery health, especially if it happens often i agree that with tech evolving it has become less of a problem, and now staying inbetween 20-80% is more effective to saving battery than other methods. but as i said, i’m trying to treat my battery honorably lol


I'd go for a proper camera, e.g. Fujifilm X100VI if the goal is to take pictures. It'll serve you for many more years, and can be used in semi-professional capacity.


I too agree with this.


My son has the 12 pro max and I have the 15 pro currently and I notice zero difference between his phone and mine. Granted I am not going full photographer and spending hours on an editing suite with the pics, just quick edits here and there. So depending on what you mean by ‘enjoy photography’ - any of the pro phones from 12 pro max and newer may be plenty enough for you. Also for consideration. I have had the 15 regular (someone else in my house now has that phone) and I do think the 15 regular takes better photos than the 12/13/14 by far. It is not much worse than the pro lines in photos except for minute little details in my opinion.


You should try Back Market (website) for refurb iPhones with warranties for less $


I would say wait til the 16 comes out and get the 15 pro max for cheaper. The battery life is a lot better on that phone. I have the 15 pro but the battery life isn’t great


If I were you, I’d be looking to buy a gently used 13 or 14 (pro if you’re into photography). Save the rest of the money to buy something fun while you’re in Europe. When I was 15 I bought a used iPhone from a friend of my mom. She got a free upgrade from her phone plan and sold her old one to me for a great price. Back in my day that was a 3GS :)


nothing before the iphone 12 pro. because of magsafe, fast charging, display, camera, battery, support for ios (solong you don’t use ai features). if you’re into the ai stuff coming woth ios 18, then go with an iphone 15 pro, because of the supported chip. used or new.


I would say get the 15 Pro if you can now, after saving up. I got the iPhone 15 Pro Max and I really love it! The cameras are amazing and you’ll definitely enjoy it! I too am going to Europe in a few months, and I can’t wait to use my phone! Ideally, depending on when you are going I would at least wait for the 16 to be announced, so you can purchase the 15 Pro at a discounted rate, but if you can’t I would say 15 Pro right now is not bad, there’s always going to be a new phone…ideally if you’re looking something on a budget the 13 Pro and 14 Pro are great options! I wouldn’t recommend 12 Pro and below because it’s a bit old now, and if you plan to keep it for 5 years, it’ll probably be obsolete by then in terms of software.. best of luck with your choice!


From a photo quality point of view it will be a big upgrade. My wife upgraded from a 12 Pro Max to the 15 Pro Max and it was a big upgrade. I have a 15 Pro and most of the time it is as good as the 15 Pro Max but for some photos the better optical zoom of the 15 Pro Max allows my wife to get a better picture.


Optical zoom is most important, thats a helpful tidbit to know, as i am looking to upgrade me SE2020 soon


I have a 10x and it works great and takes better pictures than newer ones. Keep saving money. Invest in a long term growth mutual fund. Fidelity. Aldo look up Dave Ramsey on YouTube don’t worry what all your friends have b


I still use iPhone 5se! Metal case is awesome I bought two more for backup but this one is still rocking


Wait for the 16 and get the 16 pro max. Just save more and get the greatest


I’m just going to say this, I had a 15 pro and I loved it but I also had a lot of problems with it as it was one of the first units but it was great for photography. The battery life was not amazing and it ended up getting returned for the overheating But after I went back to my iPhone 11 for a bit the difference was quite big so I settled on an iPhone 15 which I love and has good battery life but the camera is still good but also very different to using something like the iPhone 15 pro. I got a new phone for photography and because my old one was dying and I would say that purely for photography the iPhone 15 pro was amazing and still is but in everyday life it’s not amazing. And another quick thing, if you do go with any of the iPhone 15s be ready for the switch to usb c which I struggled with due to have way to many lightning cables. If you don’t want to switch to usb c you might be better finding an iPhone 14 Pro that’s basically new or a used one. (Edit: I also forgot to mention that if you care about all of the new iOS 18 features like apple intelligence you can either get an iPhone 15 pro now which will be supported with apple intelligence or what I personally think would be the better option, just wait for the iPhone 16s in September.)


Probably wait for 16 and compare the reviews with 15 and 16. 15 would also get little cheaper after the next launch.


Find someone with a 15 Pro and ask them to take a picture for you and send it to you. Then, you take the same picture with your phone and compare the two shots and see what you think. Or, you may want to send them your picture to see what it looks like on their phone with a better screen. Once you take the pictures on your trip, there’s no retaking them. You may wish later that you had went ahead with the upgrade.


How's the battery level on the 11? If it's below 80% you can get a less expensive battery replacement from Apple and it should perk up the 11 quite a bit. Also try a soft reset: Vol. Up, Vol Dn, hold the Power button til you see the Apple logo. Fixes a lot of glitches.


I got a 14 pro max with 100% batt health in perfect condition, for £600 on ebay… awesome camera, not sure how it compares to the 15 though…


No, you don’t need it. And 15 pro isn’t worth rushing at this point.


Maybe an 13 Pro Max ? I am not sure of the 12 series as it is rumored to be plagued with issues ?


It sounds like you have a great plan. I like that you know exactly how long it will take you to save. If you like to keep phones a long time then I would recommend getting the 15 pro. Having the macro and extra optical zoom is why I stay with the pro models. With the new phone you will be more than happy with the battery life. Second option is having the battery replaced in your 11. A lot of glitchy issues are likely due to a low quality of battery life. I just had a battery replaced in my daughter’s 11 and I believe it cost me $80 USD. she was having lagging and glitchy issues because the os slows to try to get the longest battery life out of it. Remember a good offset for the price of your buy a 15pro is the money you’ll get for selling the 11. Last thing I will say is the new iPhones will drop likely in September and after that you cannot buy a 15pro from them. Only a 15.


It's only three months until new phones are released. I would wait if you can - you'll be able to get a 15 Pro cheaper, or you can get a 16.


Wait till the 16 is out sure they will be a bit cheaper hang in there lil man in time all good things come to those who wait


How is your iPhone 11 glitchy? I’m still using my 7 Plus I got in 2017 and it works fine. Even had the original battery until like 6 months ago.


If you're on a budget and want great photos you could also look into Pixel phones


Your age has the number bro… 15 Pro!! Check with the stores, should be having discounts now… with 16 coming up in the next couple of months.. 


If planning to use keep it for 5 years, 15 Pro definitely the only way to go. That 8GB of RAM will come in handy for longevity. If budget is tight, you can purchase used one. It’s perfectly fine.


Considering your phone is four generations old, you’d probably be getting quite a bit of nice upgrades/features from a newer phone. Since you enjoy photography and have a case where the camera could be really useful coming up, I would recommend the upgrade just as you long as you can get a good trade in for your current phone, or are able to sell your current phone for around a couple hundred dollars.


I’d get the 15 pro if you really want to keep it for a long time, gonna need its ram for the new ai features Apple is releasing, but if you don’t care about that stuff, the 15 has the same main camera I think, just no 3x optical zoom


I can’t encourage buying second hand off ebay enough. Even one model earlier than now would be a savings of 10-15%. The amount you save scales upward greatly depending on how many models back you are willing to go. Even if you want to spend the same amount in aggregate, a used phone would mean you could spend what you save on accessories, etc. ETA: the suggestion to just get a camera is also a great one.


> I enjoy photography If you enjoy photography - maybe it is time to step up your game - and buy dedicated mirror less camera with interchangeable lenses? Many older solid models can be found cheaply on ebay or similar.


Don’t get the 15 Pro wait 3 months for the 16 series. Either you look at the 16, 16 Plus, 16 Pro or 16 Pro Max and you don’t think the camera upgrades are that big a deal and you don’t need to get it then you get the 15 Pro for cheaper and it’s still the one you want. Win win.


Oh and get a refurb if you’re gonna get an iPhone. I personally don’t trust Facebook marketplace as there are too many scams nowadays but eBay maybe, or go to apples refurb program but only once the iPhone 16 series releases as Apple will want to clear their stock for the iPhone 15 series so they can take it off their app and make room for the 16 series.


Id say wait the three months to get the 16 pro


Second hand 13 Pro


If you can wait a couple of months with the launch of 16 the 15s will get a nice discount and you could land a brand new one for less. I have an 11 pro and indeed you will see a difference. You can also consider a 14 pro which is also a very good device. Good luck and enjoy whatever choice you make.


If you're serious about photography it would make the most sense to get a decent camera with different lenses and get a cheaper phone. I did that and the photos from the phone don't even come close.


I’ll say wait a bit for the newer iPhone probably September-November. Instead get a nice camera for the pics.


Get an iPhone 5c


Second hand 14 pro ? Not much difference at all tbh


I would buy an older Pro. Like a 12, 13, or 14 Pro.


I got a 14 pro right before the 15s came out. I think the only difference is the processor is newer.


Buy a Iphone 13 mini


Please hold off until the iPhone 16 Pro. It will be an absolutely massive upgrade for you. Plus you will be able to use Apple Intelligence. If you truly can’t wait. Get the 15 Pro.


Up until 3 weeks ago when my 13pro got stolen…in Europe! It was honestly one of my longest lasting iPhones so far. Never felt like I was missing out on key features or felt outdated. The photos were always spot on too. Performance was never an issue and the battery still lasted all day. I got it pretty much on release day. Would highly recommend. Btw I also upgraded from an 11 (pro max)


As a 16 year old, I have the 14 Pro and it’s serving me well. I like to do some photography. But if you want a little extra performance, and titanium, basically go with the 15 Pro. The 14 Pro has the 48 megapixel Pro system camera and has the 120 Hz panel, but has lightning. The 14 pro costs the least for a good enough pro model. The 15 is a perfect choice if you don’t care about the 60 Hz screen


the 15 pro is the model with the less battery life out of all the 15’s. just get the normal 15 and if ur worried about the funny little button on the pros, just be reassured that it legit just is a gimmick


At this stage, if you’re planning to purchase a brand new iPhone, then wait until September to anticipate what Apple will reveal, because that also means that shops will introduce price drops to make space for new stock incoming. Then you can not only save money on a device that already has a market leading sensor, but also have an amazing phone with very little difference to the flagship of 2024. The best of the best is quite a money waste as the value of the iPhone deteriorates after a few months. I’d say wait until September and pickup the 15 Pro/Max when the prices drop :D


If you would like to save a bit more I would suggest 14 pro series or could you wait for 16 pro to come out and the price for the iPhone 15 pro will drop in September


I honestly would not buy any 15 series device this late in the game, when the 16 series will be announced in a couple of months.


Honestly purchase from apple certified, you'll save money, they look brand new and have new batteries and still come with apples 1 year warranty and option to add on AppleCare


I would get a 14 pro refurbish from the Apple website, they’re heavily discounted. They are really great phones. You can trade-in for it still which is awesome w your case. And you get the manufacturer warranty and the ability to add AppleCare, which is pretty priceless.


15’s plenty good. There are great YouTube videos by pro photographers showing you how to make a 15 work as well as a Pro. Worth watching. Also consider if you drop and break it, theft, loss, etc. Can your heart take 1k USD flying away just like that?


13 is the best one. Read reviews


Grab an iPhone 13 pro. The new iPhones have over engineered cameras that don’t work well. Google blurry iPhone 15 pro photos for a sample size of the frustration


I have a 15 Pro Max and have zero issues with blurry photos, and I take tons of photos. It’s the best iPhone camera I’ve had, and I’ve used lots of them, back to the iPhone 5s.


Ignorance is bliss.. https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/iphone-15-pro-max-photos-are-not-great.2413988/page-4?post=33238337#post-33238337


No, I know about and have heard about it. I’m not ignorant about 15 pro blurry photos, I’m just saying they aren’t all like that. I got mine in January, the blurry issue was likely a manufacturing defect that they fixed in later models. Also all my friends 15 pros are just fine, no blur. Just some of them were bad.


I read that whole article, it happens at the 1x zoom lens at the minimum focus distance. The larger sensor on the camera is why. The tiny lens cant cover the entire sensor with a sharp image when photographing documents. What I do is use the 2x “lens”, and photo a document from further away (about twice the distance), and the paper document is sharp enough for me over the entire page. But I’d use one of my DSLR cameras on a tripod or a digital photo copier if I needed to get lots of images of 8 1/2 x 11 inch sheets of paper, not my cell phone.


I mean, there is definitely an issue with the basic 1x camera on the iPhone (as you just described). I have a feeling it will be resolved after a few years, similar to the butterfly keyboard on MacBooks. Again, fighting the psychology of an Apple buyer - a small minority make noise while the majority convince themselves that “worse is better”.


Like the other comment pointed out, wait for the 16 Pro. Not much times left until the 16 Pro, so buying a brand new 15 Pro at its launch price is kinda… worthless.


iphone se 2022. best bang for buck on basically the entire market


Get the 15 plus! You could try BackMarket if you want to get it used. I got my 15 pro 512gb from there with 17charge cycle for around 1000$


What's a better iPhone than iPhone 15 base model (or plus pro) for a 15 year old




Eh? 😩😂


In what way?


In terms of sharpness and the naturalness of the picture. Without the stupid image redrawing algorithms that have become much more aggressive in subsequent models