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Hello. I know shit's bad right now, but we need to keep this topic civil. When too many comments are removed by reddit - not by this mod team - it really looks bad on the back end. Things like that get subreddits shut down. Say what's on your mind, but direct threats or anything that reddit could construe as threats, such as the whole "these people have addresses" comment that I already removed, will result in action up to a ban. We would really prefer to reserve bans for trolls, conservatives and bad actors, so **let's just keep it civil.**


Change sub name to itishappeninghere


The podcast this is based on kept the name, but that's what they cover. It started with hypotheticals- what would a second Civil War look like? What would collapse look like? To "we are actively in collapse, and here's what it looks like on the ground floor... here's how you can help".


So this applies to Biden, too. The loons and goons might want to think about that. Ha, I’m kidding! They ain’t thinking about anything that won’t fit on a bumper sticker!


Biden does anything they don’t like that might be questionable and they’ll find a way for it not to apply to him. This is the party of rules for thee, not for me.


Also, dems don't have the stones for anything like that. Too many hanging onto "civility."


Democrats are not fighters. I used to volunteer for them and the infighting and bullying is very real - I've never gotten yelled at the way I was yelled at when I volunteered for the Democrats. They can be pretty vile to their fellow democrats but make excuses for Republicans. I remember when Hillary testified for 11 hours and how she fawned over them telling them how much she respected their positions on abortion. I think that might have been when I lost the most respect for her. edit: Democrats are fighters but they are far from a unified group of people with shared values. Many are capitalist and many feel the party has lurched so far to the right that it no longer represents them. I suspect that accounts for much of the infighting and lack of solidarity.


That’s because the democrats stew really 5-6 different political groups that are trying to organize against the extreme conservative monolith.


What I see is the Democrats chasing the Republicans further and further to the right. Biden just came out against gender affirming surgery for trans youth - you know, SUCH a huge Democratic priority for so long - NOT - it's a fascist talking point and the Democrats are far too willing to abandon the left to fawn over right wing policies. Biden has promised to certify abortion as legal if he wins the presidency, but he's president now so what does he accomplish by waiting? Why is he not fighting for women's rights now? In the debate, when Trump said "all the scholars wanted to get rid of Roe v. Wade". Biden could have said, but women and doctors did not want to get rid of it. Instead he sputtered and mumbled his way through a non-answer. Where is his perspective?


"Meet me in the middle," says the unjust man. You take a step towards him, he takes a step back. "Meet me in the middle," says the unjust man. Now's the time for bold action and progress but, the best the DNC can do is an old guy who is promising to bridge the gap. We're in real trouble.


Yep, the litmus test is as follows: Democrat? BAD, EVIL, ILLEGAL, GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL. Republican? Everything is fine and good. Jesus loves this. Venmo bribes to $Alito@SCOTUS. They know no Democrat, and certainly not Biden, will abuse this... but they also know Dear Leader *or any other fucking Republican from now until forever* fucking absolutely will. The SCOTUS has paved the road upon which the goosestepping shall commence.


Showing that they Venmo their bribes like Gen Z *would* make the Supreme Court much more skibidi with the kids!


It was purposely written just vague enough that this will be the case.


As is tradition


That's why he's gotta do it to them first. Gods, now would be the perfect time to have the cool Democrats that Republicans want us to be scared of but who only exist within Republican propaganda, rather than the lame ones we have in the real world. GOP propaganda Democrats would know exactly what to do with this gift they've been given, unlike real ones who'll just pretend everything is still normal until it's too late for them.


THIS is so incredibly frustrating. "In order to have the yugest freedums, we are forcing the orange one to have speedy trials." See how easy that was?


If he really wants to be Dark Brandon, now is the time. Of course they’ll have to explain the joke to him again and he’ll smile and pretend he gets it. But I’m sure he’ll still go along with it if his grand kids ask.


He just said he's not doing shit on live TV in his response. He basically said "this is outrageous but good luck I guess" and walked off.


Here’s the thing, that’s true, but he can fire the supreme court now. Hell, he can declare himself dictator for life and not be prosecuted.


But he will never do that.


Of course, and that’s a reflection on him and his party.


I think that’s why they kicked it back down to lower courts to figure out what is an official act and what isn’t. The hope is that isn’t settled until after their boy takes office again so he can just claim everything he does is an official act and go on fleecing the country and jailing or killing anyone that doesn’t fawn over him.


His own Justice Department already ruled him unfit to stand trial


Biden, despite all my criticisms and agreements with his more salient critics, is at the end of the day too decent to take advantage of this.


Something something nice guys finish last


Neither Biden nor any other Democrat has the spine to do what needs to be done according to the rules the fascists have set. "When they go low, we go high" is a mantra that has brought us to this point, and Democrats will gleefully let us all die with them on that hill. If you want to destroy a monster, you have to employ a monster.


Considering the court made themselves the final decider of what accounts an “official act,” the only president with any immunity is Trump. This was always the plan, the far right won, and we will all suffer for it. The democrats didn’t even fucking fight, they just fundraised off all the turmoil.


God I hate these lawless pieces of human flotsam so corrupt and egomaniacal.


It’s absolutely wild to be watching the foundation of US democracy and the rule of law unraveling in real time.


Wonder if this is how Germans felt in the 30's. Watching an egotistical narcissist rise to power. Hopefully it doesn't get to the next steps but yeah... We're cooked aren't we?


>We're cooked aren't we? We can't give in that easy. We have to be able to defend ourselves if it comes to it.




We have many more distractions I think, like if I ever get uncomfortable about real world events I just look at memes or play a video game or watch a movie etc. Then there is a part of me that feels like maybe I’m just being dramatic and the world will keep spinning and things probably won’t change for the better or worse and it’s not worth worrying about it. I can’t tell if that is similar or very different than how Germans were feeling back then, in some ways it feels we are not even part of the same species as people from the 20th century so the comparison feels silly, but I know that is not a great interpretation of history since we most definitely are the same species as those people for better or worse.


How bad could this Hitler fellow be? He’s good for the economy!


We're cooked aren't we? We can't give in that easy. We have to be able to defend ourselves if it comes to it.


I think nauseating is more on point. I’m in my 50s and I don’t deserve the 2nd half of my life to be enshitified by white nationalist evangelical fascism.


I'm in my 40s. Too late.


I posted this article because what the fuck? 44 presidents did their job without the need for immunity crossing their minds. Mark my words if things go south it won't be America alone that'll pay the price it'll be the entire world. We humans are about to speed run our own extinction. I get that people aren't very good at thinking long term but the put it in absolutely clear terms we have a choice between a well meaning old man who will surround himself with good people and a fascist who will use his newfound immunity to prosecute any person or group of people who he perceived as slighting him. No one will tell him no because the man surrounded himself with yes men his entire life. I've made my choice I hope y'all make the right choice as well. I hope the world survives this


The world will keep spinning, but it seems less likely that human society, possibly even homo sapiens, might not be on the ride.


It’s a race between climate change and fascists hoping to hurt people before we all succumb.


I get that it is narratively fun to imagine a collapse, from an "I can call this shot, neat" angle. But also, the capitalists live here, too. The disruption coming from climate refugees and insurance collapse is coming for us regardless of our politics, and, imo, humanism is more sustainable for grifters than Fascism in a period where the internet exists. Idk, I've spent a lot of time staring into the void. And it's neat. It's a void. But I'm also going to spend a lot of energy still pursuing and supporting folks who want to make this planet work for human life. The SC fucked up. Yes. It has been doing that a lot. But it isn't the species. It's a bit of it, but not the ballgame. Note: I'm not rooting for the Capitalists. I just work here.


Capitalists are the new oligarchs.


Lol, hey now what? Oligarchs are always capitalists, it's like, part of the term. Oligarchy = monetary power expressed in political arenas


"The planet is fine. The people are fucked." - St. Carlin the Curmudgeon


When we needed him most, _he vanished..._


He taught us everything he had to. We just refused to use the lessons.


But that's just kicking the can four more years down the road. How do we have a country when it's not feasible to ever have a President from another party?


As far as I can tell, the hope here is that trump and the GOP lose in an absolute wipeout that causes a party collapse/rebuild. I personally think the country collapsing is more likely.


Go vote and go get your friends to vote. That’s the only way.


Seems it’s too late, Supreme Court and maga republicans are going to pull a bunch of shenanigans to ensure trump wins no matter what. It’s only going to get worse.


Vote anyway. Do everything possible.


NTHE is almost guaranteed


Presidents are immune huh? Biden needs to drone stike the orange menace then.


We have a moral high ground problem unfortunately. We really need dem politicians willing to get dirty to protect the people of this country


I am so sick and tired of the "moral high ground" Fuck that. It is win or die time.




The high road is built on the bones of the innocent


As someone whose moral compass is oriented toward law abiding and upholding the actual greater good... Trump's a destructive agent of malignancy and chaos. I don't see him facing consequences, especially from and because what he asked for, violating any moral high ground. Remember, good is not nice and sometimes to be a good person, you have to do things that aren't very nice to bad people.


how many people with 34 felonies are walking free in the US? is it more than one?


If you mean 34 felony convictions for which the convicted felon would likely not serve a day in prison, yeah probably just one. 😔😔😔


There's no high ground in trench warfare.


The high road is a dead end


My brother in Christ, the Dems chose “die” decades ago


The problem is that the conservative right wing of this country came to this similar conclusion 50 years ago, and what we are seeing now is the fruit of their work.


They constantly say that our democracy is under an existential threat but they sure aren't acting like it.


If “they” refers to SCOTUS, they are the existential threat to our democracy.


The "moral high ground" problem is indeed a problem. I mean, I don't think we should be stooping to the level of Republicans/conservatives, but we need to understand that we're not going to prevail by letting bygones be bygones.


Biden is old. He must realize he doesn't have much time left on this planet. Hopefully that would push him to do the right thing and try to salvage this country. 


President Biden should arrest Donald Trump for stealing classified documents as an official act


This is not the argument you think it is. Biden, nor any Dem, wouldn't do anything close to taking advantage of this. Trump will tho


Oh I know. But after the election he should remind the gop that SCOTUS allows him to do so.


He won’t tho


Every day I get less and less hopeful and get this sinking feeling we as a country are going to have to go all the way to the imprisoning and executing American citizens for not being loyal enough to Trump for the majority of people to actually wake up to what is going on. Even then I question if enough people won’t just put their heads down and toe the line if gas is a buck fifty at the time.


Trump is going to lock the border with the military day 1. Camps for undocumented migrants and refugees. Martial Law will be used in the first week to use the national guard to counter protests. Likely that live ammo will be used. Camps will not be temporary and will be used for political prisoners and perceived enemies (minorities lgbtq+ etc) the US will pull from NATO and Russia will expand its invasion. China takes Taiwan and who knows what. N Korea does. GTFO while you can. They can always require exit visas to keep the doctors trapped in the US. Oh and women are going to lose all rights. Because they need to pump out as much white babies as possible due to their great replacement fears. This is the worst case and the last week made it 100% possible and very likely.


Lock up the Six in Gitmo now!


Oh America :(


Remember, we don't all suck.


This is very true. Always founds the majority of Americans I’ve come across to be warm, friendly and extremely good energy. I hope you guys can weather the almighty storm heading your way, peace and love from Scotland.


Awwww, my hubby went to Sterling and saw the castle when he was young and we were about to go when covid hit. Maybe some day we can have a beverage or smoke the old Toby by the castle. Edit to say thanks for the well wishes to the good ppl here. We'll fight the best we can for what's good.


You’d be more than welcome to Stirling, lovely place and a good base to explore the rest of the country from. Haste ye back


I'm breaking the reddit anti emoji rules to add a ❤️ and for the ope! (spelling of Stirling wrong) We say Ope! In Minnesota, it means a few things, but commonly it is like "oops!"


This coup sucks.


Because it doesn’t involve tanks & machine guns, Americans are too sheeple to ever call this slow-motion/non-kinetic/non-violent(yet) coup what it really is. It’s a 21st century Soft Coup. And its precisely what Putin counted on.


We've been destabilizing regions for kicks for over 120-135 years. It's pretty inevitable we'd eventually destabilize our own country in a long, drawn-out, absolutely preventable series of events that began with gerrymandering during Reagan's term and probably never ends. I haven't felt this emotionally flat since 1/6 and can't tell if it is because of this or the very real threat of wildfires in my area over the next few days. I hate it here. I want to live somewhere else.


I always thought we'd have at least some cool stuff in a dystopia. Guess not


We're not that interesting.


It’s a slow motion obvious coup that nobody seems to be able to stop even though it’s obvious and in slow motion.




Official act - everyone over 18 is automatically registered to vote. Election Day is a federal holiday. Paid time off to vote. Voting is compulsory.


You should hear the crying shrieks of conservatives/republicans at the mention of election day federal holidays & compulsory voting: “It’s un-American!” Even they know the more Americans vote, the less relevant they are.


Yeah. They believe in Russian democracy.




r/Defeat_Project_2025 VOTE Project 2025 streamlines this. Everyone working in the federal govt will be replaced with MAGA loyalists. They will swear an oath to Trump. Not to our country and its laws. Anyone undecided or lefty accelerationists … if he wins… you don’t have to ever be undecided again. There won’t be another fair election. Any lefties who wanna build a utopia from the ashes… technology won’t allow much room for you there. From facial id to being inside of your phone, no movement will ever gain traction. Your leadership will always just… disappear. You might too. This is what it looks like https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach Just a reminder to those who don't pay attention and for those Republicans who want to downplay project2025. These very same people who organized project2025 helped trump select the last three SC justices. So if you don't like the "bribes are legal as long as the cone after the fact" ruling and the overturning of roe vs Wade then DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN Biden is the only thing that stands between us and a dictatorship.


It's not just Trump. It's ANY Republican or right wing candidate who they made this for. It's an indirect dare by the right wing to watch how far they can go. And simply voting will only delay this. One of the scariest sentences of my lifetime is "Biden is the only thing that stands between us and dictatorship"


Voting is not going to get us out of this shit. We really need to start considering alternatives. We keep voting for the "lesser evil" and it isn't helping one bit


This election is give the GOP the eye of Sauron or continue to wait for a decrepit mediocre centrist to die off so maybe we can win the long game. I hate either circumstance but a short-term “win” is way better than watching the government put all people who I was supposed to be an to ally to in prison or worse because Biden genuinely turns my stomach.


You do both for fuck sake. Voting is the LEAST everyone should be doing.


You vote for Biden, you bitch and moan to the DNC for next election. Trump wins, we don’t have a next election.


That won't be solved without a drastic change such as a shift to ranked choice voting. Without it, we will (almost) always have two candidates that progressively lean further and further right.


The trouble is that the alternative to voting and a functioning democracy is political violence. That gets unfun for everyone pretty fast. It should be a last resort.


So, the Fascist was just granted immunity from prosecution of any crimes committed in office Is that not “last resort” time yet? And if not then when? Do we wait for our families and neighbors to start getting locked up or executed for being the wrong color/gender/orientation?


We're already so far down that rabbit hole. Corporations have far too much power already and bullies win in corporations, it's going to get a lot worse faster than we can probably imagine.


That's it for U.S. democracy, people. Last one out, lock the doors.


Lol. You aren't allowed to leave pleb. Get back to work!


Biden needs to launch a counter intelligence campaign against Russia and start an immediate FBI investigation into every corrupt judge and politician in every state. All in a days work for the president so it all reads as Official to me


The future proverbial shit show is at the front door and is knocking! When one person has immunity, then everyone is subject to that individual, and I mean everyone. Kings have no place in democracy or the United States. We should hope that the people who elect a president think about the character of the person they are voting for.


They won't and that's the sad thing. They want this place to be miserable hellhole because they think they are about certain groups of people conservatives are truly terrifying


I think it's important to realize that we are in active collapse, and have been so since the late 90s/early 00's (or maybe even before). And as listeners of Evans' podcast should know, things are *necessarily* going to get *way* worse before they get better. And they are going to get unspeakably bad. Even if we somehow stop Project 2025, all we're doing is delaying when Democracy collapses. If we stop Trump, we've simply helped educate the strategy team for the next ultra Fascist who runs. It is *happening* and it is happening *in your lifetime*. I really want everyone to give in to the nihilism here. The clock *NEVER* goes backward. So we need to push forward. Please don't allow yourself to be surprised or shocked by what we are seeing. That is a waste of your good energy and mental health. Please find ways to mentally accept these things are inevitable and steel yourself for the fight against them anyway. And then, find joy wherever and whenever you can in the in-between moments.


I could only high five you so many times. This is unfortunately the truth.


What if there’s no way out once it goes forward for good?


If that's the case, Biden should take trump out immediately, save the world from the fascists.


Scared for all of us.


Me too


Our rule of law is gone. We are doomed by our own law makers who are sworn to support the law of this land. They are handing us all over to a dictator. We are in trouble .


As a Gen Z. You need to vote. All of you. As soon as you turn 18. Vote, vote vote. It's your only hope.


We need a better message than just "vote harder". We vote now, and get the prize of... the *democrats*... and then in 4 years we vote again- and oh look... *more democrats*... and then in 4 years, whats that again? More dems! The democratic party will *never* give power to the progressives, and will *always* resent them- demanding people tow the line or else. --- While I agree we need to vote, all that does is kick the live grenade down the path another 2-4 years. It may not be "Project 2025", or "Donald Trump"... Maybe it's "Project 2032" and "Fashy Jones"... but the threat is constant and will never go away. We *need* something better than just "vote". People need a better message, because there is no hope in the message right now.


How about voting in your local election and being vocal at your town hall meeting… building a foundation for political influence begins at the smallest levels.


That's a start. But have you done those things? I have for years. It's not even remotely enough. Not by a long shot. You want to know where political influence begins/ends? Mutual aid. It's in finding a cause and going to support it with your time, energy, and words. And thats where our message *needs* to be pointing at. Because politicians at all levels will *only* ever be swayed by money, but people helping people bypasses that.


Ideally, the American people wouldn’t elect someone who wants to commit crimes in office. If only we had any idea how much respect these candidates have for rule of law…


> The Supreme Court of the United States found in Nixon v. Fitzgerald (1982) that the president has absolute immunity from civil damages actions regarding conduct within the "outer perimeter" of their duties. However, in Clinton v. Jones (1997), the court ruled against temporary immunity for sitting presidents from suits arising from pre-presidency conduct. The 1982 precedent is more in line with the qualified immunity that protects police. This ruling was purposely left vague for the purposes of Trump’s prosecution.


The President of the United States is now above the law if it's an 'official act'. Yikes. I thought the United States of America didn't' have Kings. GOD SAVE Joseph R. Biden! He's now a King!


I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately but honestly I think the boomer generation destroyed this country.


Welp they have given us no recourse but the extremes ones, just a matter if we sit back and take it up the ass or actually do something.


The most significant opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States in the history of the United States has been made public. Every good citizen has a duty to read Justice Jackson's dissent. She spells out for us all how the so called "conservative" justices have created a "Presidency" to be above the law (she was a criminal defense attorney and therefore is an expert in these defense matters). Legally, from this day onward until we create a new court, all Presidents may engage in criminal activities if it involves other government officials (who the President can thus pardon). This and Project 2025's plan to reschedule government officials and enforce declarations of personal loyalty upon every government employee would be the death knell of our Republic. Trust Trump when he tells us he will be dictator on day one. Please learn how much is at stake in the election, go to page 98, and vote in November while it still counts. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-939_e2pg.pdf


Time to change the sub name to ithappenedhere.


Every day that goes that Biden does not abuse his new powers proves what a good man he is. It also gets us a day closer to those powers going to someone who is not.


Yeah. Acting like everything is fine and protecting the status quo. The neo lib way. God I hope the election turns out well and Republicans take a massive loss


The corrupt SC repubs saw Plessy v. Ferguson and said "bribe me and then hold my beer".


Is starting and encouraging an insurrection an official presidential act?


This is mind boggling. If I'm to understand this correctly, if Trump now decided to own his part in the 1/6 insurrection (an attempted coup on Trumps part, as far as I'm concerned) as an official act, he's immune from prosecution. However, if he continues saying he did not incite an insurrection (despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary), he's not immune. He literally stood there in front of thousands of his braindead supporters and *told them* to march down to the Capitol and "fight". So it's now in his best interest to claim that he acted officially when he pretty much ordered the crowd of anti-American fascist pigs to storm the Capitol.


I guess Biden has an alternate elector option now.


Ok, so I've been wondering. My great grandfather's both fought their generations' version of these ilk, but overseas. What do we do now? As Americans? As individuals? Neighbor's? Volunteer for biden no matter your opinion? Looking for calm clever guidance here, no joke, not being sarcastic.


First thing is vote but, I guess we should be prepared for shenanigans. I guess we can only hope for the best prep for the worst


Right, starting to have some not fun emergency planning running through my mind. For ex, how to protect my kids n grandkids and keep them safe. I'm here to fight for mine. But i haven't the damn slightest. I know about mutual aid but not how to implement or practice. I'm socially awkward so that is a bit of a hurdle. But I'm nice, just introverted and don't have a big network.


Did they rule that trying to overturn the last election is an official act of the President?


That's for them to decide later they left the ruling vague on purpose


I thought I was missing something because everything being reported is saying he is immune from prosecution and I didn’t think they literally ruled that way. I knew they sent it back to the lower courts which, in turn delays everything but he isn’t off the hook yet. We the voter’s are the only one’s who can literally save our country from turning into a dictatorship. We were never going to be saved from the courts and if we don’t turn up and out to vote we will never get another chance. They did hand an election over to Bush so that’s why we need to show up, bring someone who needs help to vote and get it done.


Corrupt court just appointed a king.


Well, I guess Biden should just dismantle the SC since he is above the law. This ruling is actually not too bad if Biden uses this to take them the fuck down and appoint more justices.


Too bad Democrats are not like the cool ones right-wingers make up. Best we can do is vote and hope we don't sleepwalk into a dictatorship


What a fun way to celebrate Independence Day, by deciding to go back to the monarchy. 


can we just change the sub name to itshappeninghere at this point


You know, it’s almost poetic that Biden could have Trump assassinated but he won’t, and one of Trump’s first acts may very well be to have Biden assassinated


Fuck Trump he is not king


Overthrowing the government is a official act duh just ask the Supreme Court they are some straight shooters


Leaving open the question; who decides? What could go wrong?


Then King Biden needs to handle business


We are no longer a democracy


This seems like it's reached the zero sum game. Biden winning just means waiting 4 years when he'll likely hand off this power to a Republican, and then it'll be the same as Trump winning, just delayed 4 years. I only see two options for Biden. Either make a deal to hand off this power in exchange for himself and his family, or use it. Any other option just leaves the door open for karma, and I can't see any other path. Am I missing something here?


That's pretty much the equation as I see it. We vote for 'not right wing' and win, we kick the can down the road a few years. We vote 'not right wing' and lose, and democracy is over. The only way to win, would be to permanently eliminate the right wing. Dems had their chance to do it with good justification following Jan 6. Since they wouldn't, the right now know there is nothing that can stop them. If they lose this one, they restrategize and try again on the next one. The people who think Project 2025 hinges on this election are completely naive, thinking that sending a can a few feet down the road is the same thing as a victory.


Within a span of weeks it's been decided that not only can a President commit any crime he wants without accountability, they can hold out a tip jar after the fact and collect money for it.


America needs to realize we are in a silent coup being staged by fascist disguised as conservatives and”nationalism” (a term used to describe fascism) and SCOTUS is now part of that coup. No place in America will be safe unless it’s stopped


The court has simply confirmed that a president is only checked by the boundaries of decency, good faith, and the sanctity of the office.  For the most part that has served well since 1789. If the Trump presidency violated those boundaries, the court is merely confirming that the Constitution offers no remedy. It's easy to be angry with the court, but it is really the Constitution that has failed. There is far too much left to interpretation and the expectation that those in power will act decently, truthfully, and with reverence towards their office. The Trump presidency was a stress test of the Constitution, and it has clearly not withstood it intact.  Nor are the levers created to change it sufficient to respond to the continued assault against the free and open society it sought to guarantee.


We really botched reconstruction and what we're seeing is a ripple effect from that unfortunately


The issue is deeper than that. All republics descend into autocracy, there have been no exceptions in history. The state is a vehicle that concentrates power into the hands of a few people, and the number of people invariably shrinks and shrinks until we wind up here again. We need to try something different.


This is exactly the point I'm driving at.  If the levers of power are concentrated to heavily with any group or individual, the rules only matter until the in group decides to ignore them, but then it's too late anyway.   Worse still, once concentrated, there are no meaningful safeguards that can be put on those levers to prevent misuse.  Even the most benevolent, egalitarian, and democratic state with the most meticulously worded constitution is still only one bad actor away from tyranny. Once the state's monopoly on violence has been seized, all the laws and constitutions in the world are just so much paper.


Can we import the laws of the Scandinavian countries? they have been stable for a long time and they enjoy the highest quality of living in the world.


That would be an improvement in our current situation, but they are struggling with the same problems. Sweden's far right just won about 20% of the vote on their last election if memory serves correct, and they are gaining in popularity. Things are going to get worse for them as the climate gets worse. We need a new system.


Botched? It was actively undone.




Your are not wrong. Should have let Sherman loose on the south.


For a bunch of dudes who were apparently *really* adamant about preserving solid checks and balances, the Framers really didn't do much to offer remedial measures via the constitution should a legit tyrant become a legit threat to our nation.


The expectation was that the electorate would punish dick heads like Republican party but thanks to propaganda (a concept that didn't exist when the Constitution was written) that doesn't happen. Instead I have no doubt that the right-wing echosphere is going to be all enthusiastic about this and the earlier ruling that bribery is legal.


Having read The Federalist Papers, this basically sums it up. They had too much faith on the American people to call out and prevent such a despotic character from taking up office. Granted, they had some measures to prevent one from completely overtaking the country but the constitution officially did not have all the remedies and that’s what we get for upholding a 250 year old piece of paper as the end all be all for our democracy


What’s really hard to believe is how a trust fund kid who’s daddy bailed him out about 8 times and with the total vocabulary of about 250 words has managed to upend our democracy in such a short time period. Seriously if not for Fred Trump and Mark Burnett Donnie would be selling timeshares in Boca.


Fascists tend to be stupid but charismatic people so it tracks... Democracy ends with the thunderous applause of utter morons. Who would've thought?


Trump has taken advantage of an environment and an effort that has been in the works by the conservative right wing for decades. He is not the origin of what we are seeing unfold, he has simply accelerated it by being the perfect useful idiot.


Yes but I have trouble understanding how this particular idiot got where he did. I had no idea just how many morons there were in this country.


He is boisterous and loud, and tapped into the growing anger, hatred and racism of a very specific group of Americans that felt like he could be their voice. From there he fed their egos and confirmed their biases, and in turn they did the same for him. That voting group became large enough that he had gained a stranglehold on the Republican Party, and so other republicans followed him. Some pushed back, and most of those are no longer in the party or have been stepping down, leaving room for more MAGA republicans to take their place and support him from inside government. So now MAGA is the Republican Party, as a result. He, and the party, used an effective strongman technique called “the other” - which is also a key component to the rise of fascism, and you will be familiar with in the rise of Hitler. Trump began his campaign promising to secure the country for his white male supporters, at the expense of Central and South Americans, who are his “Others”. He and only he can protect you from the oncoming “other”. Whether or not he always wanted to become a fascist dictator, he is well on his way and it’s how he began his entire political journey.


Yep…the GOP traded an empty suit that could hold a pen for tax cuts and control of the Supreme Court for democracy. We’ll see if Americans understand the consequences come November. I have my doubts.


Vote Blue or we’re all doomed.


Rally’s aren’t official acts.


Making his hush money trial and all his others completely pointless. STOP THE F\*\*K DOING POINTLESS DEVASTATING THINGS AND ACTUALLY THINGS THAT MAKE SENSE


We are no longer a democracy! I Hate what this has come to and hate the man that created such hate in this country. Our SCOTUS should be ashamed of who they are and what they have done. Future generations will look back at disgust with all of them


Well it doesn’t get any more official than inciting an insurrection to stay in office. Just like the founders intended. America is now a Banana republic.


Little update: Biden addressed this and he wagged his finger so hard. We need action instead we're going to sleepwalk into losing this country because the people we hired to defend us won't. All is normal in neo liberal land. My life has been nothing but a series of unfortunate events and now losing the bit of freedom I have because some greedy bastards want more even though they have pretty much everything. I'm angry. I'll vote for Biden but I'm sick of being one election away from losing fundamental rights


Well here’s the thing. Whenever there are kings those kings tend to get wacked pretty constantly since people saw no other way to affect major change.


This whole court case was just so the Supreme Court could stall. Their verdict is the most inconsequential ruling they ever made. Official acts are immune and unofficial acts are not. Nothing said about what is actually official. Taking home top secret documents when you are no longer President is not an official act. Urging your horde of insane idiots to stop the certification of an election is also not an official act. But waiting to the last day of their session to announce this useless verdict is beyond ridiculous.


But absolutely every question as to what is official and what is not official will be challenged all the way up to SCOTUS and we’ve already seen the direction they are likely to fall on each question. Every illegal act a future president wants to engage in will be wrapped in the guise of official duties.


Are we surprised? Imagine if the president could be held accountable for...oh I don't know...committing a war crime by invading two countries on spurious evidence, extrajudicially killing an American Child on forge in soil, or aiding and abetting a government who the ICC has determined is doing a genocide? Did we really think this was gonna be allowed?


Charge them all. Especially the person convicted of 34 felonies. Really this ruling is for them to hold up the court cases and retroactively call Trump's actions official if he wins


> Welp this country is cooked. This sort of attitude is nonproductive. Now is the time to double down on emphasizing the importance of electing people who will not abuse this power, while we pursue efforts to ratify amendments to fix these issues (and also the courts). Saying “we’re cooked, we’re done, there’s no way to fix this,” is just doing the fascists’ work for them. We’re not done, it just changes the means by which this is fought. 


I'm still voting but, I have a feeling they're trying to figure out a way to get trump in no matter what the results are. I'm hoping for the best but expecting the worst. This attitude has served me well for the most part.


It won't matter who wins. He has a majority on the supreme court and when people sue to block or seat alternate electors that's where it will end up.


I am always shocked when liberals and progressives turn to the Supreme Court, the branch of government designed to be the most conservative. If you take in the full history of the Supreme Court, it should be obvious they'll overwhelmingly not help a matter. All of their decisions are supposed to be based on legal precedent. IE past decisions and doctrine. Combine that with the lifetime appointments, and you're facing one of the institutions that generally rules in favor of the status quo and property owning. All of this has been coming down the pipelines it's much like how demographic groups that used to be seen as solidly democrats are now split. The party can only go to the right for so long before people lose faith in it. And now we're being told to support someone that 72% of Americans view as not cognitively fit. You have to actually offer an improvement in quality of life, not simply run against the other guy. Sometimes, people have to learn the hard way repeatedly.


>Sometimes, people have to learn the hard way repeatedly. It fucking sucks that the DNC is playing chicken with democracy and millions of people might suffer for it.


A lot of this playing chicken is dems refusing to remove rules and procedures, such as the filibuster, because they want to be able to use those rules when it's their turn to use them. Neither party is going to get rid of gerrymandering, or enshrine congressional term limits, etc etc, because business as usual suits both wings of the ruling republicrat party.


It’s time to get caught up congressional and local elections! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) U.S. House Elections by state. Click Your State! Every Seat in Every State is up for Election! 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Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Whats the definition of 'Official Acts'?


However the courts define them. You seeing the issue here?


Pretty sure taking government secrets and hiding them in a bathroom at your commercial residence is NOT an official act.


Man needs to tell congress to pass legislation to limit presidential powers and then start abusing them hard


Trump will lose again, far too many headwinds to overcome. The real “it could happen here” will be due to massively cocksure MAGA head on collision with reality come November. Jan 6th was nothing. Be careful, people.

