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Haven’t had to deal with that issue, but I drive up and down Atlantic and Arlington for work all day, and they’re doing a lot of changes over there so I totally understand your frustrations.


You'll find that it's this way everywhere. Bad drivers are in abundance. I find Jax to be better than Miami. Miami is the worst place I've lived, as far as drivers go.


I can’t even imagine how bad Miami drivers are


Just imagine a lot more people in a condensed area. Jacksonville population is much smaller and more spread out.


Jacksonville has nearly double Miami's population what do you mean?


I was thinking of Miami metro vs Jacksonville metro. Miami is like 6 million. And I was thinking of Miami as a proper city with a functional popular downtown, so lots of people living on top of each other.


Yeah, just looked it up again. My mistake. Miami Metro DWARFS Jacksonville. I guess that stat I saw was core Miami itself.


No worries. I think some of us prefer to think of city names as a certain area, literally the city and it's county, not including EVERYTHING around it but seems that's not what others consider it as, so I'm trying to stick to metro area as a standard. I still think it's weird everything down to St Augustine gets to be called Jacksonville.


I lived there some 30 years ago & it was pretty bad then; can't imagine how bad it is today, with phones & devices. There are so many inexperienced drivers on I-95; who don't know how to drive or they're aggressive & think the roads belong to them only...


I’ve found at least in metro areas that drivers are more inclined to be paying attention at least. That’s not to say they’re respectful or reasonable but at least it makes them somewhat predictable. These north Florida highways I just feel like whatever it is that people are focusing on it is neither their surroundings nor their destination


Nah, in NYC and LA the worst thing you can do is to signal your intention to change lanes; everyone will just speed up to prevent you from merging, regardless of the traffic being heavy and the speed topping at 30mph


Miami drivers are more aggressive but at least they are aware of whats going on around them. Jax drivers all faded on xanz or some shit.


That's generally fair. They love their horns in Miami. But there are still endless people that don't pay attention, and people that don't pay attention and have an aggression complex are more dangerous, imo.


This is my take as well. I've been in the Jax area a little over a year after living in Miami for 7 years. Miami drivers are aggressive and do crazy shit, but Jax drivers are straight up braindead, act like they got nowhere to be, don't know how to pass other cars, and can't even get up to the speed limit with no one in front of them. I would take Miami driving any day over Jax.


Same with Houston. Fast, aggressive, but they pay attention.


I would throw New Orleans in there as well. Insanely aggressive driving style out there, it basically forces you to become an asshole driver to survive. But they aren't bad drivers. Jax is just full of actual stupid people.


I was about to name New Orleans, too. But, I learned to drive there, with the hair raising car length on-off ramps, to relax a bit driving in Jax. Lol. Like okay dude, you want to take a lazy right turn from the far left lane, without a blinker, to jump off at King St.? Go right ahead.😂 Literally saw someone reverse to take 17 on thta “blink and miss it” exit, heading from downtown once.


They should make a tv show of transplanted New Orleans drivers trying to cope with Jacksonville drivers on a rainy day. Lol


To be fair, there's not much do to other than alcohol and drugs here.


Also not true


True. The other thing to do in Jax is leave. Sure makes travel heavenly.


Not everywhere just Florida, no hate either I’m born and raised Jax , I’ve travelled everywhere to places with high traffic, New York, Toronto, Jersey, all of them had significantly better drivers.


Yes this right here^^^


As awful as Jax drivers are Miami is downright horrifying.


Agreed, Miami has the worse drivers, I would never ride a motorcycle there.


As bad as it gets here I still feel Washington, DC area traffic was still worse.


It’s not the traffic it’s the driving quality


Jacksonville drivers are really pissing me off the past two days. Earlier today, I encountered wrong way drivers on two different streets within five minutes. Yesterday, a woman on her phone, started to pull out of her parking spot, almost t-boned my daughter, then had the nerve to follow her to the coffee shop drive-thru, get out of her car, knock on my daughter’s window and proceed to lecture her, saying, “I know I was on my phone and was distracted, and if I would have hit you, it would have been my fault. But I have three kids in the car with me and you need to watch out for distracted drivers. I saw you are young and figured I would educate you.” I told my daughter next time a Karen does something like that to pepper spray her ass.


W dad


“Imagine what could happen to your kids if you make a habit of following strangers to parking lots to harass them.”


That’s what I was thinking too. She left her three kids in the car to get out and harass my daughter. After almost causing an accident with them in the car for admittedly being on her phone and not paying attention. She felt emboldened to do this because she could see my daughter was a teenage girl by herself. She’s lucky she got my 5’3” sweet, mild-mannered kid who just let her say her say what she had to say and just looked at her and said, “I’m sorry,” just wanting the lady to go away so she could get her coffee and go to work. What if she’d got a crazy kid who had a gun in the car? Mother of the year material, for sure.


I would love to see a Jacksonville Karen get pepper sprayed.


It didn't used to be this way, but it is now. Seems to get worse each year.


Man, I was getting worried. I haven’t seen a bad traffic post in a day or so. Thought maybe the sub Reddit closed


The truth lol I mean it does showcase just how fucking had it is though. You either have new redditors coming to post because of how passionate they are OR someone that is normally on here, sees a thousand and still feels it’s necessary to once again state how bad it is lol


Exactly 😂


First time?


I’ve actually lived here 20 years but I’ve been noticing it’s getting worse and worse


My attempt at a bad joke. Ha. Yeah, just a few hours ago at Town Center I saw a guy in a gigantic pickup truck pull out of a spot, swipe the car parked next to him, get out to investigate the damage, then got right back in his truck and left. The truck was so tall, he almost took out another car I assume he didn’t see while leaving his spot. Made me incredibly nervous for anyone driving near him.


Wrong, Miami takes that cake!


JAX has some SHIIIIIIT drivers. But a lot of the driver frustration in this county could be resolved with hiring a good traffic engineer to properly time lights. This city is a fucking infuriating mess when it comes to the lights.


And some of the road design 🤦🏻‍♀️


And some driving sense! Slow drivers stay to the right.


Oh,I agree. Especially on Beach Blvd. The lights going east & west are timed terribly. It takes soo long. I've sat for as long as 6 minutes in one intersection waiting for the green light. Then there's always that 1 driver that just sits there texting on their device. It's very maddening. No wonder people get pissed off.


Didn't even need to read the text to agree tbh


I love the fact that you (OP) posted this as I witnessed not 1 but 2 whole car crashes on Beach. One going West and one going East. One front of Coldstone and the other infront of Chik fil a


I moved from Jacksonville to Denver, and trust me when I say the drivers out here in Denver are insane! Driving in jax after here is nothing, it's so slow going down there.


The way people drive is easily the second biggest reason I can’t wait to get the hell out of this town


Please do!


They don’t call this the gateway to Florida for nothing


“The worst drivers are in the city I’m in right now”


Which is jacksonville. Lmao


You should travel more


Yeah probably




I’ve been to many countries all over and the only thing that is the same is that there are terrible drivers everywhere. Humans just suck at driving. No one has the attention span needed to drive well all the time.


Man I used to have to commute that way or blanding. Either one had their fair share of idiots who would fuck up traffic for everyone else. I do not miss that drive one bit.


Going to work one morning, I was on Rampart, turning left onto Collins to catch 295. The oncoming traffic was *all* in the right lane, thus all turning onto Collins, as that lane is a right-turn-only. I was behind another car, and we had the flashing yellow arrow. I had to go around the dumb bitch because she just wouldn't fucking go!


Blame the new more laxed requirements to get a license combined with all the new transplants who came from places where they never had to drive to get around except to get home from the bar drunk. 


I295 at 95N is my bugaboo. The signs are not placed yet so it’s a hit and miss every time. I do know now the way it was ain’t right anymore.


Florida is where all the crap drivers are


People that comment on other peoples driving are usually the shitty driver themselves.


Knew there would be at least one comment defending the ones that can’t drive


295 and 95. Do not even go toward the airport unless absolutely necessary. It's an absolute nightmare. Whoever let their cousin design the roads, needs to be stopped. I get it, we have to help family, but putting your special cousin in charge of designing the roads needs to stop. You destroyed L.A and Atlanta. Now it's Jacksonville's turn. Edit. Misspelling


Yes! It’s such a cluster fuck and people take it as a personal insult when you try to merge into traffic. I live off of 295 and dread having to go towards RiverCity 95S.


And none of them have insurance


I’ve driven in Miami, driven in Houston, driven in NY and pretty much anywhere in between those states…most of the bigger cities are faster pace and aggressive. But you still got idiots everywhere you go.


They definitely pulled a switch up on Roosevelt with the new lanes going to 295 both north and south. Almost had a truck driver take me out who wasn’t aware of the lane changes.


I take that route very often so I knew about the new lanes. I can see how it could be confusing but FUCK


Yeah I learned about it just a few days ago myself…I mean there’s no signs or warnings to show anyone. It’s nice they have the two lanes to go onto 295 S but kind of a waste that it merges over.


But the craziest part of it all is the single lane that takes you north on 17 🤯🤯🤯


I haven’t been north yet…just to the 295 S& N…but I can imagine. It’s all jacked.


Drove it again this morning and saw a car run right into the side of another car directly in front of us as the two right lanes start merging 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah at minimum they could paint it on the lanes so people know…there was like zero warning they had changed it. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I haven’t seen it yet but the new exits and traffic designs are pretty stupid. I don’t know who is in charge but they shouldn’t be.


Breaking news.... for the 8 millionth time in this sub


Today I was on Beach, approaching the Beach/A1A intersection in Jax beach. There was a Kia Soul tailgating me like crazy. This person then went to get into the right lane to pass me, but the person in that lane wasn't going fast enough, sp he swerved back into the my lane, cuz the right lane is right turn only. This person then went to turn left (I was also). I turned into the right lane, and they turned into the left, and they floored it past me. Really, just a normal occurrence in a day of driving in JAX.


I felt a disturbance in the force calling my name that brought me to this post. I love it when other people complain about Jacksonville. Yeesss, my life force is filling uuuuppp.


Jacksonville and Norfolk are tied for Worst Drivers Collide (literally).


Okay no, justice for my fellow Orange Park people because they keep fucking with the 17/295 exits and right now it's not anyone's fault but the construction for last minute lane changes or general mistakes. For one, there is absolutely not one warning about a new traffic pattern. There are two signs (one with a patronizing are you speeding message which is a problem for another day) and neither of them are used to warn anyone! These exits have existed for 20 years and they still haven't taken down the old signs, so no one has any warning that the lane goes south instead of north until the painting on the road. This forces everyone to get over at the last fucking minute, especially because 17 is the last exit before the Buckman. This would require someone who follows to go all the way across the Buckman, turn around at San Jose, and then back across the bridge again because the people who are supposed to be making this transition easier aren't doing their jobs. Don't even get me started about the exit from 295 North to 17, because they keep changing the signs on whether or not you can turn right or not and it's fucking annoying. There are times I've waited at Exit 10 for 30 minutes because the light cycle fucking sucks there.


There is a sign that says “exit 295 s, 296 n right here” if you take the exit you will see that it leads to both 295 north and 295 south going over the buckman


I had no idea jax had bad drivers....


So, I'm a Florida native, and I took a trip to D.C. for a weekend. Let me tell you. D.C. drivers are twice as aggressive, twice as angry, half as short of a fuse. The only difference is that there seems to be less a chance a gun will get pulled on you. It seemed to be a daily occurrence in Florida, where I'd just throw a hand up and say "what the fuck?" followed by a gun being flashed or pointed at me. There's no need to flip a bird or directly cuss. Just show some slight displeasure, and the other drivers pride gets so ungodly hurt that guns come into play. Here, people might glare at you or ignore you as they're so tired of going 7mph everywhere. And I've tried to make people angry. Someone cuts me off and I call them a c*** bitch fucktard. Suck my dick bitch. No one pays attention. I do that in Florida, I'm liable to be mag dumped, reloaded and dumped again.


Said anyone in any city they moved to


Wait till yall visit Denver


Aggressive is one thing but unaware is another. Jax has a combination of both. Pretty bad combo.




It's hot. People are probably more impatient this time of year because their car A/C can't keep up with 'feels like 103°'. I know I am.


I don’t think it’s that people are bad drivers, it’s just people have become extremely self centered especially since Covid. It’s all about them and screw everyone else.


You should come check out DFW TX


Yes, and it doesn't help that whoever designs and lays out the roads in Jacksonville is an absolute moron.


Yesterday was wild on the roads. I wish I had a dash cam to capture the dangerous silliness and zigzagging between lanes that was happening.




Thank you for the recommendation!


As a delivery driver for the area Jacksonville has a HUGE problem with merging and lane changing. On behalf of truck drivers everywhere please stop jumping 2-5 feet in front of trucks ESPECIALLY when you’re going SLOWER than us.


I always assume everyone is in the wrong lane, just realized it, and is about to cross 3 lanes of traffic and the striped area in 10 seconds or less to not miss their exit. So far, this thinking has kept me safe lol.


In my travels DC, LA, and even Miami are the worst drivers


Correct. I feel like Road Warrior when I'm on Jay-Tea-Bee


Try Texas


Have you ever driven around Tampa? Coño.


I'll be honest, that new traffic pattern caught us twice this past week.


Yes it’s getting so bad, I’ve been here my whole life


Can't tell you how many times people sit idly on their phone, texting/talking while the light is green ,& has been.... They'll sit there like I & everyone else have got all the time in the world waiting for them to GO. Pay attention & hit he gas & get the hell out of peoples way. I am too busy & it's too damn hot to wait on them to move.


Dude go to Orlando. Everytime I have to drive there I’m reminded we don’t have it so bad lol


And Orlando ain’t even the worst


I recently visited my sister in the foothills of the Rockies and was so damn scared of driving. But when I got there I realized I’d forgotten that people drive like normal human beings in other parts of the country. I felt safer on mountain switchbacks than JTB.


As an Uber driver for years in this city, I feel this. But not only that, all the roadways are designed weirdly. Doesn't help, plus everyone drivers 15 or 20 over while police driving along I'm like wtf. People don't know how to merge, exits off highways have a stop sign on the end. To get on a highway you have to pass it and they made a uturn to make it easier for you. This city is weird.


Can any Jax residents explain to me why 295/I10 have had construction barriers/equipment in the same places for the past decade but I literally never witness any workers working on it?


Port Orange is worse. I guarantee it.


Bad drivers are a result of bad infrastructure