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If you're going to easily apply try to apply to jobs posted within 24 hours.


Yep. The trick is to be the first 5 seen.


Unfortunately applying early doesn't help. Most ATS' default setting shows candidates in reverse chronological order with the most recent application first


Do you have any proof of that?


I'm not going to spend time searching for a link, but I have worked with 7 different ATS in the last 6 years. Including some of the most popular in the world, workday, icims, UKG. I have also accepted applications directly on Glassdoor, indeed, LinkedIn, and niche job boards Every system I have worked with defaults to showing the most recent candidate first.


Well I developed lite ATS for niche markets and we didn’t do it, I also spoke with our customers who used different ATSs. It is interesting to hear that many confirmed that this is the case. I assume the reasoning is the same as for job seeker - the fresher the applicant the more attractive they are to recruiter.


I’m a software/AI attorney working in house at a Fortune 500 that uses an ATS. This is how we do it.


I tried this out once and got some surprisingly decent callbacks.


I don't understand how to do that. All the alerts I receive from LinkedIn are always 1-5 days past the original post date and 100s if not 1000s have already applied.....


I built a platform called [LifeShack](https://www.lifeshack.com/) that automatically searches and applies to jobs on your behalf - we prioritize jobs that were posted most recently to maximize chances. Open to feedback!


Sometimes I wonder if it’s just a front for data collection.


Someone said feeding AI and it all suddenly made sense


Some of it is. One of my earliest AI training projects was annotating resumes.


I got my current job through easy apply. Just don't count it in # of applications sent if that's what you're tracking


Would my resume be considered still if there are already 100 applicants for that job?


Got my job thru LinkedIn easy apply and it already had over 100 applicants. It just needs to be an ATS-friendly resume because if it’s not it’ll get filtered out like most of them. It’ll need many keywords and some luck


How do you know if you have an ATS-friendly resume? I need to check mine


LinkedIn doesn't really show how many applied but how many looked at it. If a lot of people looked at the opening then it might be worthwhile to just go on the company site if possible. But def apply anyway


Nope. Too many applicants to go through each resume when there are that many. They’re going to pick from the first handful that apply. If none of them are suitable, MAYBE yours will get looked at. 


At least half of the applicants for any job are foreign nationals with 2 Masters degrees and no domestic work experience who need visa sponsorship.


I also wondered why that's the first question they ask on Indeed.


Are there tools that will auto create taLeo or workday profiles automatically ? Sick of making a profile for every company I apply to. Why can’t we have a single profile for these sites and use the info for each employer that hosts their apps on the Site


eventually i use forget password more than makeing anew account


One yess. I use the same password for all of them though


I built a platform called [LifeShack](https://www.lifeshack.com/) that automatically searches and applies to jobs on your behalf - we prioritize jobs that were posted most recently to maximize chances. Open to feedback!


There is so much bad information in this thread. Here is how an ATS and a job application works. When a job is created in the ATS, the system will post it to their career portal on their website. The ATS will also post the job to various job boards automatically, if you have a contract with them. Sometimes, your ATS (iCIMS, Workday, SuccessFactors, Greenhouse, etc.) will have quick apply enabled which is great, as it cuts down on the application time. Now that your application is in the ATS, it will be associated with that position. When the recruiter logs in that day, they will be alerted if they have any new applicants so it's always best to apply as soon as you find the job. The recruiter will review the resume and if it hits the qualifications they are looking for, they will reach out to set up a phone screen. Typically, a recruiter has to screen 2 candidates for every submit (this is dependent on how well the recruiter can match the candidate to the position prior to the call and many other factors). If the candidate passes the phone screen, then they will send them over to the hiring manager for review. Most hiring managers will interview at least half of the candidates they receive. Most recruiters try to limit the number of candidates they send to a hiring manager to about 4-8 depending on the complexity of the job and how much of a PITA the hiring manager is. A recruiter isn't going to be reviewing resumes and setting up phone screens after they already have 3-4 candidates in process for that one position until they recieve feedback. What this means is that your resume will probably never get looked at unless you are quick to apply or the recruiter is looking for a very specific skill set. If it's a particular skill set and they have already found 4-5 quality submits into the HM, they will also pause until they need more. I have 20+ years in talent acquisition and was the global director for a fortune 100 financial institution. AMA


Hey, thanks for the useful info! This is very helpful. I have a couple questions as I'm struggling to land interviews. * How important are cover letters nowadays, specifically for account executive / B2B sales positions? I've been creating cover letters for most jos I apply to by copy/pasting the job description and required skills/experience into ChatGPT and custom-tailoring it, but it's so time-consuming and I'm not getting any more interviews than the applications where I didnt include a cover letter. * I send LinkedIn connection requests to who I'm pretty sure are the hiring managers for every job that I apply to (usually sales leaders). If they accept my connection request, I send a brief DM expressing my interest in the company for the job that I just applied to, and mention how my (insert specific relevant experience as a top sales performer) seem to align very well with what they're looking for. Do most hiring managers find this intrusive, or is it a smart tactic to help a candidate stand out? Thanks!


I’ve never read more than a few lines from a cover letter unless the resume really wows me. Otherwise, I ignore them. Always reach out to the hiring manager via LinkedIn. That is exactly the right move. After the interview, be sure to send them a thank you note.


Thanks for the reply! Cover letters are so time consuming to write, even using ChatGPT. It will be nice going forward to not spend all that time writing them.


I have one more question if you don't mind - I've read a lot online that I should custom-tailor my resume for every single job that I apply to. As of now, I'm using two resumes - one for software sales jobs, another for medical device sales. Is it really important to use a customized resume for every application? Thanks!


Ill ask one since you’re an expert. If Indeed was forced to divulge their filtering system, would it turn out to heavily favor the employers and over-auto-eliminate qualified candidates more than it should pre-AI? Thanks.


I got by current job from easy apply with a big raise


When I see easy apply (looking at you linkedin) I go go directly to the company career page and apply there. Then for good measure I submit on easy apply, just in case. I don’t think I’ve ever even gotten an interview off a straight easy apply.


Didn't try, but I think it's probably good advice!


I've gotten all my jobs from easy apply.


Same. Employers can get all the info they need from LinkedIn. I don’t want to apply at a company that makes me make a user profile, submit a resume, and then write all the data I just submitted, underneath. It’s antiquated and a red flag for me that the company isn’t forward thinking


Proof that indeed pushes along previous hires pre ai?


Easy apply is a feature that Indeed and LinkedIn have with certain ATS systems. It has nothing to do with the position at all. Also, no one reads cover letters. I've in TA for 20+ years and I've yet to read an entire letter, top to bottom.


I also have over 20 years and I read every cover letter. I don't require one, and don't care if someone doesn't send one, but if the person took the time to put it together I am going to take the time to read it. Plus you can get insight, good and bad. Do they even mention the required skills? If not, pretty much a guarantee that they aren't a fit.


It seems to be more of an "early bird gets the worm" type of situation where your application is more likely to be noticed if you're one of the first handful of applicants. If the job has a high number of applicants already and/or is over a week(sometimes 24 hours) old, the chances of the application even being viewed are slim. A useful tip is to keep an eye out if the name of the recruiter is shared and if they include their email address in their profile. I often get at least a phone screener if I can follow-up an "Easy Apply" with a DM or email reiterating my interest, experience, and qualifications in addition to an attached resume that fits the job listing. Congrats on the new job, OP, and good luck to everyone in their job search!


I haven't heard from any job applied through Easy Apply or Direct apply 😢😢 no matter how I apply or where I apply the ATS still rejecting me.


You might want to look into getting someone to redo your resume.


That's my next plan, have a contact person in hand to get my resume aligned well.


Before hiring an advisor, check the guides here in the group.


There's also a subreddit for people to post their resumes so others can offer their advice on it. Think it's just called resumes or smth like that. Thankfully I got lucky and got my first shift tomorrow morning after months of looking for a job


the career center at my university mentioned most of the resume AI programs can't read columns properly....


It’s often a phishing scheme for personal info. Some of those job descriptions don’t make sense. For example, I saw a very standard pm job description for a Veterinary office. Went to their website, the job didn’t exist. I’ve checked many job postings on LinkedIn that don’t exist on a company’s career site. The phishing is REAL.


I never hear from any job period, be it Easy Apply, or if I write a cover letter perfectly scripted to the company's needs and from my soul and with a resume to match. Maybe I'm just too old and the bots can sniff my age out no matter how I hard I try to disguise it. I'm clueless. This is the first time (past three years) that I can't even get an interview.


It's a very very tough market at least here. I've not seen any ageist ai on the employer front... yet. Keep growing and you'll nail it 


It’s a tough market. I’ve been applying for months now and only had a handful of interviews. This has never happened to me before. I think at this point it’s a numbers game but it does feel discouraging at times.


It worked for me when I used it. I received a return email immediately and got the job. This is bad advice.


Got my current job from easy apply. Takes 5 seconds to do so if the job description matches what you want I dont see the harm.


So is quality better than quantity of job apps? I still apply to as many as I can including the “easy apply” hoping I’ll get something.


I'm having surprising success with Easy Apply. Keep in mind I'm an experienced candidate, I probably stand out amongst a sea of juniors or recent grads or career switchers.


I have many many years of experience and I haven't gotten anywhere with easy apply.


Jobfly.co can make your cover letters almost like "easy apply" lol


Thank you!!!!! That is what I was looking for!


I think this has been my problem too (unemployed 3 years). I haven't written a cover letter in at least 20 years and don't really remember how to write a good one anymore. Would you (or anyone here) be willing to share a (redacted) copy of one that helped get you an interview? Or tips on how to write a good one? Or redirect me to a website that has some good examples that you've found helpful? Thanks


Have you tried applying via a video cover letter? they are more effective than just a wall of text.


No I don't think that would work well for me. I'm pretty awkward on video and I'm 56 years old, so my gray hair, glasses and wrinkles would most likely rule me out before I even begin. Not a lot of companies looking to hire a disabled old lady.


I mean you dont have to show your face. You just need to screen record your proposal via Loom app. I do it all the time for UpWork Proposals even thouih i have vitiligo and i am also camera shy. let me know if you need any help with it.


I didn't realize you were referring to upwork proposals. I was referring to applying for a regular W2 job. Anyway I'm not sure how an audio recording of me reading a proposal would be better or help more than just a simple word document. Can you share a link to one of your recorded proposals so I/we can get a better idea of what you're doing? Thanks


It wouldn't be just an audio recording :) you would be making them go through your portfolio and your experience with different tools and softwares. Heres an example of mine: https://www.loom.com/share/2946690f39a842718bf2b940e25e726a


Ahhh, I see. I think that might pertain more to certain roles than others. As a former salesperson I don't have a portfolio to share with anyone. Thanks for sharing an example though, I'm sure that will be very helpful to others!


yeah indeed but its just a way to differentiate yourself from others which is very important with remote work.


I agree and will add on that Indeed is dead IMO. I was recently between jobs and easily applied for 50 jobs on Indeed. Only 2 of those got back to me that resulted in interviews while less than 5 even changed the status on my resume. It is such a waste of time and I don’t remember it being that useless before now. To your point, the job I accepted was one that I applied for on the company website.


I agree! I applied to about 50 jobs on Indeed and only got 1 interview. The vast majority of the jobs didn’t even view or reject my resume. Even for positions that I was one of the first to apply to. In the past I always found jobs easily on Indeed. This is the first year that I’ve ever experienced this.


My state requires four "job search actions" per week in order to qualify for unemployment insurance benefits. Every now and then, I'll have a week where I'm in danger of coming up short. These LinkedIn "easy apply" jobs are a good way to meet the requirement when time is running out Saturday afternoon.


110% agree with your method, my friend.


The good in-between is finding the job listings with the semi-modern application websites. I’m thinking Lever and SmartRecruiter, there are others, but when I see those two I think “Oh Good, a modern company that takes hiring seriously”. Basically the ones that are good enough where you can first submit a .txt based resume that is formatted for ATS systems to read and autofill shit like work history and education, then can submit a indesign resume that is made for humans to read. If I see old goofy shit like icims or workday it tells me “Ah, this company is a corpse!”. If a company can’t bother having an application process that at the very least can scan a .txt resume and autofill, its really not gonna be worth your time.


All easy apply does on LinkedIn is share your profile with the recruiter, I believe. So they probably won’t even see it especially if you don’t meet their criteria


Really bad advice. They're definitively more competitive, but they really work. But if ask you to provide cover letter or add any message, you have to do it.


Good for mentioning cover letters. The cover letter is your chance to sell the employer on why you want to work there.


Companies pay money to LinkedIn for Easy Apply. So they actually check those emails. Just know that once they add that feature the number of applicants they get grows considerably.


Boring reply, but it depends on how busy they are, who is screening, process etc. It does look lazy sometimes if an easy apply. It's low harm to some tailoring though. 


Wouldn't be so sure. I did nothing but easy apply for a few months. Got lots of callbacks and even my current job that way


Maybe it depends on the job/industry/demand/specific niche skills that are needed....


I found a Job post only on LinkedIn with only the Easy Apply option, without the equivalent on the company web site. What do you think?


I've literally never used a cover letter and my various searches on the internet haven't really illuminated what one is or the mindset required to produce a good one.


??? Both of my brothers got their first 6 figure jobs via easy apply. This advice is so bad. Lol


Easy apply plus linkedin premium got me my current job. You can choose a job as your top choice and that'll help it stick out. Got me an interview 3 times.


I have crafted many cover letters and applied on many companies’ websites, I would find a job on linkedin and then go their website and spend my time submitting a thoughtful application. I ended up getting my current job from easy apply. I have gotten just as many replies that way, some jobs application are worth putting in effort, Sone are not, you might end up being lucky with a low effort application.


Got a job through easy apply in november 2023, which was the hardest recession time, long story short there is no best way to find a job in this market today, the economy literally changed the rules, it up to pure luck now.


If the job is listed on the company's actual website, I apply on their website. If not, I use Easy Apply .


And even better if the submission system is a 20 year old Java/Oracle-based system, you need to create a new account and it won't let you because you already created an account for another company that uses that system, so you have to change the password you set 3 years ago and used once.


Agree. Every time I see someone post "I've sent out 43,620 applications and never got a callback," my first thought is that 43,618 of those were "Easy Apply". I always go to the hiring company's official website and apply there.


I got my last job through Easy Apply so it’s not all bad.


Not to mention the majority of Easy Apply jobs have it in the fine print to send your resume to a separate email It’s pretty rare that an Easy Apply is actually an application


ya easy apply is such bs