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Fighting over preferences is so childish and foolish, specially when it comes to taste in music. That's why I hate fandoms. I just don't care if we disagree on which is the best or worst album of Judas Priest or whatever other band. That will make no difference in my life.


It's completely unnecessary This band is well past their hayday, but still kicking ass. We need to enjoy them in the myriad of diverse ways a fanbase can enjoy an artist or whatever consumable media, while we still can, without the toxicity. Hell, the metal community in general needs to get over this shit. I am a dyed in the wool metalhead, I will be put 6 feet in the ground with my horns still in the air. But some people need to grow the hell up because Im more and more becoming ashamed of the metal community


Part of why I love this sub. No matter what album or song you name, it's someone's favorite. That diversity of opinion is awesome, and it just proves how great this band is. It's ALL good!




Very cool! I am jealous of folks who were able to grow up with them I only discovered them in 2016. Im still peeling back the layers of their entire catalog; lots of hidden gems.


My favourite thing I saw at a metal festival in 2006 was a shirt that said "my subgenre kicks your subgenre's ass 24/7" It really couldnt have been said better. Metalheads are by and large amazing people - open minded, friendly, warm and awesome. But there is a contingent of fucking idiots who can't comprehend that we are all different and have preferences. Unfortunately those cunts are the ones that stereotype all of us. Honestly if you love Parental Guidance then fuck yeah, let's sing along to it. It's only music ffs


>My favourite thing I saw at a metal festival in 2006 was a shirt that said "my subgenre kicks your subgenre's ass 24/7" See, I appreciate this type of facetious humor. When fans wear something like that unironically is when its a problem


Yeah I don't think something like that is possible to wear unironically - purely because it wasnt even close to specific. If it said "nu-metal sucks, death metal rules" then it would be unironic. The lack of specificity is what makes that shirt hilarious.


Fair point


bwahahah, theres nothing specific about the shirt to cause a problem, You might want to look into getting a sense of humor. Maybe some virtual armor? LOL New to the internet? Who gives a fuck if someone disagrees with your opinion? Its just words on the screen. Grow some stones man,


This right here. Metalheads are the nicest people you'll ever meet. Theyre also the most fun online. Breaking Balls comes with the territory.


I’ve seen this issue in other band fandoms I’m a part of. It’s a waste of time. Just enjoy the music and listen to the albums that you want to listen to. There’s no point in harassing someone for having a different taste than you.


Thats exactly my point!


I recently saw that Epitaph was voted the worst song on Sad Wings. My internal monologue went something like "WTF?...okay then", and I carried on with my day safe in the knowledge that Sad Wings actually has no "worst" song anyway ;) I've never understood the need for some to become so indignant and argumentative over someone else's opinion of songs/albums/bands. It's completely irrelevant. Then again, to those who voted Last Rose Of Summer as the WORST SONG ON SIN AFTER SIN....okay, fair call.


Toxicity is SOAD's best album for sure


No it's not. Their first album is the best.


For a second I thought I entered the Taylor Swift sub by accident. LMAO