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High cheekbones and narrow chin is peak feminine face, wtf is that guy about Anything outside of manga pointy chin and round cheeks is masculine now or what


But she isn't pouting sensually without a single smudge on her as she fights baddies and crawls through tombs.


I mean the OG version had you finding parts to upgrade a modern gun in ancient ruins. . . Her body/proportions is/are the least concerning reality defying trope in the games.


they're probably mad about the full pants and smaller cupsize


But the one with pants is the older version, so it really doesn’t make any sense? Like she looks about the same to me in terms of facial features and body, the only difference is they made her character show more skin. Which is what you’d think neckbeards drool at. What are they even complaining about?


It's the boob size. That's the real issue. Lol. They just can't say it.


Bruh they're heaving


Their perspective is polluted by all the big tiddie anime bitches they watch.


Why don't they just date fat chicks? They've got the fattest titties and they're real humans.


Their perspective is polluted by all the big tiddie anime bitches they watch.


Man those are short shorts in the pic he posted too💀


It’s what inflation porn and to much anime does to a mf, they think anything that isn’t DD is flat and that what you said is man jaw


She literally looks like an older Jenna Ortega too.


I was going to say this is a very feminine jaw


They don't interact with woman. So they don't know how woman look like


these neckbeards are so used to hentai they don't know what a woman actually looks like anymore


The last time they saw their jaw in the mirror was in primary school, so they really have no frame of reference for man-jaw


The only pointy thing should be her boobs


lmao wait till they see [the jaw on the OG Lara](https://assetsio.gnwcdn.com/Tomb-Raider-1-screenshot6.jpg?width=1200&height=1200&fit=bounds&quality=70&format=jpg&auto=webp)


What's the ocipedidible tilt of a fucking octagon?


Google and I are genuinely at loss here what do you mean by ocipedidible?


Absolutely nothing. Those "looksmax" type of incels just always be using random words to describe people's appearances.


Guess I should go back to pentamogging


<< jizz in my pants . gif >>


Scale that up to a modern resolution, and they'd be whining that she's too much of a feminist.


If my girl ain’t looking straight out the ps1 I’m passing.


Now THATS a man jaw Edit: man, some of y’all can’t take a joke lol


How’d they ruin her? She looks exactly the same to me. Maybe more toned arms but I would expect someone who, you know, raids tombs and does a shit ton of climbing to have toned arms.


Would not call this a redesign, it’s her normal outfit?


These people hate women so much that they are basically asexual.


Can’t be into women if the women you’re into can’t exist


Idk their weird obsession with muscular dudes in "cuckholds" seems a little fruity.


I can assure you that asexuals have better taste than these fools.


thanks for not dragging us through the mud lol


If they were asexual, they wouldn’t care who women have sex with and wouldn’t care how pleasing to the eye, sexually, women are.


Can these people, for one second, just stop being so fucking PATHETIC? Holy shit.


I was going to say "That would take effort." But honestly it feels like they're putting in a ton of effort just to be horrible.


> Like do gooners just complain for the sake of it? Like you guys got what you probably wanted and you still hate it. Honestly I think their metric has devolved from anything involving the design into if the game was made in Japan or not.


Because Japanese devs are horny af and they don't shy away from that. As an example, I really enjoy anything Kojima puts out but damn is that man horny af. He, fortunately, mellowed it down in his last game but every entry of Metal Gear Solid he directed had a lot of fan service. What these fuckers somehow don't realise or don't want to talk about because they're too busy masturbating to pixels, is that despite the horniness, those games were "woke" af: left leaning politics and openly gay or bi characters, just for starters. That all seems to go out the window because characters like Quiet use a skimpy outfit and there are jiggle physics.


No like I think it's evolved past that. That was the idea at one point but they've conditioned themselves to see past the actual designs and just where the game is from.


Mellowed out in his last game? He literally made voyeuristically watching Norman Reedus take showers and mudbaths into a game mechanic. Just cuz it's focused on a dude doesn't make it any less horny!


I’m not familiar with games so I just googled it and I was shocked when I saw that Quiet character. I mean what the fuck, was that like a joke or something? Was it really necessary for an action game? The top barely covers 1/3 of her breasts. That’s just depressing man


It had a convoluted lore reason for the outfit being like that but no one bought it. It's a shame because she's actually an interesting character. Luckily, you can unlock a new outfit for her that looks like an actual military garb and I used that for the rest of the game. More Kojima horniness in the series when it comes to female characters: Merryl, EVA and the B&B corps.


I never really understood the chainmail bikini thing honestly. Like doesn't the refusal to wear normal clothes kinda over-ride the badass angle?


I'm assuming the logic comes from barbarian characters who also largly wear nothing and are considered badass,though that goes more into the male gaze.


Coming for a dude who probably looks like Charles the Second of Spain.


[You be the judge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Kern).


It’s always the guys who look like they haven’t had a shower in weeks. Go figure.


In a shocking twist, the man criticising women’s jawlines doesn’t even have one


Nope, not a Hapsburg, just a dude. I stand corrected.


What they are saying is that THEY have a very weak jawline, so anything stronger is masculine. Just how Ben Shapiro says women are manly for having voices deeper than his incredibly high pitched voice. Just insecurities made into the silliest flawed worldviews


I'm so thankful that these people are terminally online and like, I'll never have to interact with one face to face.


I feel like these guys are so soft and unmasculine that anything that remotely reminds them of the masculinity they lack they feel threatened by it. New Lara is as hot as she's ever been, if not more so. I don't know what the hell these guys are talking about.


This right here! Bunch of greasy arm-chair commentators and their soft, shitty, bodies.


once again i am begging neckbeards and incels to just… go outside. they might be extremely surprised at the staggering amount of women (by which i mean every single woman alive) who do not look like anime girls and sex dolls.


lol even his avatar is balding.


I think he means that she looks like a trans woman, what ever this meanw. So its mysogony and transphobia in one


Yeah, I wish I looked like that...


Me too




I already cracked


Same lol


I somewhat liked this guy 10 years ago, but his scheme was always bitching about some character design in some game to get clicks form people who already agrees with him. Personally, I grew up with old Tomb Raider, but absolutely loved the character with survivor saga and I hope they're going to do justice to the series with all of it's highs and lows.


Boobs not sharp enough


She's an updated version of design from like 10 years ago, I'm not sure where this reach is coming from


freaking grummz again, what a loser


What Andrew Tate \*and\* phrenology \*and\* transphobia \*and\* gamergate does to a mf


It's not a thing. However what is a thing is online grifters stirring up hate and controversy for money/clicks. He was a barely relevant game producer who sold dlc for games not even quarter done or "founders packs" for games that never saw the light of day and was getting shit for it. Suddenly he gets a bit of traction with a tweet and this is now his whole personality. From this, The Acolyte, Assassins' Creed Shadows there is nothing this guy won't be outraged by in bid to stay relevant and try and fleece some money out of people that agree with him. That means dialing up the hate and stupidity every week , if he sees even a slight hint of building outrage (no matter how stupid or minor) he needs to be ON it and amplifying it. Fuck him and the ever increasing mass of assholes like him that have made online spaces as toxic as they are. edited to add link to reddit post detailing his scummy past: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/dga55l/mark_kern_wasnt_fired_because_he_didnt_take_a/


You realize that’s her original outfit? And the original was hyper sexualized because those games were horrendous with the tank controls. Granted it was ahead of its time. But good lord they were horrible. Just wanted to see those cone tits and that slender jaw. I really don’t care what she looks like. Just give us some more good games.


I am convinced this person has never seen a woman, a man, or a jaw.


It's pretty sad that this guy used to work at Blizzard and founded two other studios...and this is what he does with his spare time.


Wait this is actually someone who worked in the industry? lmao


Yes. He worked on the big three of Starcraft, Diablo II and WoW. He left in the early 2000s. It's notable that former coworkers have described him as "erratic, impulsive, and disruptive." So I don't doubt he has some genuine knowledge and real chops but that doesn't mean he isn't a jerk.


The lack of triangle titties is concerning for sure


She looks cleaner compared to the other one, that’s about all my untrained eye can notice


Feminism is when pp not hard


I prefer the real Lara Croft, squares and triangles


She’s still hot wtf is he mad about


Pretty sure it's spelled "Bonjour"




Hire fans energy


"man jaw" is not really a thing, but if you'd like to _imagine_ for a moment that it is, it's stronger in the second picture.


I’ve loved all her designs but them saying this new one is bad….is wild. They seem to hate this one more than the 2010s one yet this new one has what they want?? Like what more can you give them


I don't see anything wrong with the design. What am I missing?


who’s Grummz even? why do we care about his lame opinion.


To answer your first question, [he was the team lead of Vanilla World of Warcraft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Kern).


Guessing he'd fit in well with the "Cosby Suite" crew.


I don't mind the design change, I even think it looks great It's the fact that they changed her objective from tomb raiding to being a "truth seeker" because she found the error of her ways and now seeks the truth to "escape her colonial past" They want to change the core aspect of the character which she is a treasure hunter, cause its now problematic because stealing cultural items, but doesn't want to lose the old fans so they can milk them for cash. It's like they don't like the character to begin and just changed it into whatever they want. They can absolutely make another original character that is a truth seeker but would rather play it safe and choose to dig up old beloved characters and Frankenstein's monster them to their liking


I posted the same damn thing except they were complaining about her "tiny boobs" (mods here deleted it though! 🙄)


“Tiny boobs” and it’s like an average sized chest.


I know right? Ridiculous.


If there's one type of person who's opinions on women's appearance should be highly respected and followed, it's the 375 lb, low hygiene, unemployed, basement dwellers who are so porn addicted they think that this character looks ugly or "like a man".


Needs more pyramid boobas from the 90s. /JK


I still remember what she looked like in the OG Tomb Raider.


She's hotter now though


The fuck is "Man-jaw"? She looks fine. This dude gives me the vibes that if it's not a 4'9 anime girl who looks like a 7 year old, he thinks she's an old hag. Someone wanna go check his twitter and fact check for me? I got banned from Twitter, else I'd do it.


Might I ask how you got banned? I've been haunting Bill Cosby's Twitter for years with harassment and still nothing..


I told a zoophile to seek therapy. Apparently there's no issue with me telling them I'd punch their teeth into the back of their skulls, telling them to seek therapy was too far......... Like seriously I said a lot more bannable shit.


They have no idea what actual real women look like.


I like the design, but I liked the 2010 design much more. It just felt more real to me, I guess? More like what a woman who does what she does would look like. Edit: I take it back. Looking closer, it looks like she's more toned and fit, which would happen if you're always scaling mountains and jumping across buildings and whatnot.


This is the same dude who made up the story that Sony hired a Hitman to assassinate him.


To answer your question, a reminder that this group of gamers were complaining about Aphrodite in Hades 2 who literally just hangs out fully nude. I think it's confusing because there isn't any logic. They just get mad at certain studios and try to justify why they're mad after the fact. That's why it doesn't make sense most of the time.


This looks way more like the old school Lara, wtf are they on about? She looks badass! (The boobs, it's always the boobs).


She’s so fucking hot tho. I would kill to date someone who looks even close to that.


She looks insanely feminine


I might be wrong but I think Man-Jaw was a He-man action figure.


Gotta remember, these people haven’t seen a woman up close, besides their body pillows. Bro’s a total goober.


I'm starting to think if women have a jaw, it's a problem at this point. Can't someone Photoshop this to look like a jawless undead from Warcraft??? K thanks. Edit: spelling, oh my God I don't know why reddit spelling correction comes out so fucked.


They just hate anyone with an actual jaw line don’t they?


this is a 2024 post, Am I blind or does she look the same as the one from the game where she was stuck on an island? but clean


Man, these gamers must be really fucking bored lately. Also they're just driving more and more attention to the games they're whining about and giving them free publicity, so the cycle of """woke""" (maybe just realistic!) character design or whatever is just gonna continue.


These are the same guys who called Margot Robbie mid. There's no pleasing them.


She looks like she did in the legend/anniversary/ underworld era! What’s their issue ffs?!? Lara Croft is like Chris redfield…smoking hot no matter the era.


Yeah, that's the mark of a good game. I've got to be attracted to the main character, or the gameplay will be bad. /s


Holy shit, which video game character am I gonna fap to now, when Lara Croft doesn’t have DD? (obligatory /s because this is Reddit)


These people are so pathologically obsessed with their weirdo wankfantasies that anything that doesn't conform to the cryptopedo ideals of whatever anime character they want to peg them takes them out of the dream and forces them to face reality even if that flash of reality itself is fiction.


It’s because she looks visibly older/more mature instead of having teenager face. they cannot stand a woman over 20


Are these Neckbeard Chuds delving into phrenology now? Are they going to get out their measuring tools for every female character they see in media?


The deal is no big booba 😤 the woke are trying to thwart our boners


Something bothers me about the second pic but I cannot see what, maybe it looks too human idk I've never had that, somebody else ? Maybe the head is too thin idk (it's not that it's a woman it's sort of an uncanny valley feel)


But why would you want any form of sexualization in a video game any way? I personally play things for fun, not for sexual gratification. We have other things for that.


Pathetic rage merchant. Even in his wildest dreams he would be able to be with a woman half as hot as the new Lara and he knows it. Just bitching for engagement.


"Man-jaw", funny coming from someone who doesn't have anything man-like


At this point you can't escape these guys. You'll give them the most attractive girl and they'd be like "She gives me male vibes"


The Bain de Soleil commercials from the 80s would have sent them into a frenzy [https://imgur.com/a/bvk2AIN](https://imgur.com/a/bvk2AIN)


I just wish they’d make her look like she can do more than 3 push ups.


Every man knows that women’s faces are either soft circles or ovals. The new design clearly has bones which means that’s a trans. #GoWokeGoBroke /s


This design looks good


No triangle boobies


You really going to try and convince everyone that males don't have different jaw lines than females?


I mean, they decided stellar blade was trying to keep them from jerking it because a few costumes were made less sexy. What do you expect.


I love it when neckbeards tell on themselves by admitting they have never seen a woman before in real life


btw this guy was fired in blizzard


I actually like women with a sharp jawline, it looks better than a double chin imo


Even worse is the reply calling her flat


It really was such a mistake to let people call themselves gamer like it's an actual identity. Now we have to listen to their racism and asinine gooning as if they're serious political views.


The new design straight-up looks like a model, the fuck are they on about?


"Man-jaw" and it will literally be the most feminine woman you have ever seen. These guys jump at any excuse to bring 'wokeness' and whatever else into things of their own accord.


They hate women that would reject them in a heartbeat


Grummz is a middle-aged man who is sad that he doesn't feel like wanking off to video game characters anymore. That's the sum total of this.


This is deffo rage bait right?


She doesn’t have titties bigger than her own head, so she’s obviously a man.


Literal pointy jaw and soft features


When the gooner brain/sexism goes so far that it’s arguable that you barely even like women anymore


And what kind of jaw do neckbeards have when they shave their beard?


She looks incredible what???




Lara Croft is near-perfection. Both versions. What is this? Hahaha. The second picture makes me badly want to go back to the games with how good they were. I would never complain having to see her in 3rd person as I play


What a tool. The new one's hotter than the old one


Bait used to be believable


yeah, im not seeing it. shes hot af either way, Lara just keeps getting better


She.... Looks like how she always looks? I don't see the issue.


She has smaller tits that aren’t triangles, so it’s woke.


Because she’s not got huge tits and stereotypical female features she’s now a man


Grummz is a pathetic incel. Everything he spews out is garbage.


Can we pls just get triangle tiddies back??


She looks like Nelly Furtado and I’m here for it.


4/10. That is a pretty sexy image, I can’t see how this is desexualizing the character at all. I mean, not to offend folks, but those are some ‘tig ol biddies’ in a shirt you probably would NOT be doing many backflips in… People just can’t get over themselves and their fear that as society changes they are somehow going to loose out.