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Wow I'm so sorry that happened to you, sending hugs đŸ«‚


Nothing to do with you- she’s just a Karen. Some people are really uncomfortable with public emotions, but if she was going to talk to you she could’ve at least asked if you were ok? Not scold you for being upset. Plus, it’s not your responsibility to be concerned over her kid so don’t worry about it too much. She missed a good learning opportunity tho-kid could’ve learned how to act in those situations.


Please don't allow someone else's poor behavior affect you. I know it's very hard not to. She is an idiot. Never believe what an idiot says to you. I taught my child to "consider the source." Is the source someone you trust and admire, maybe consider what they are saying. No one who knows you would ever say something so hurtful like that. I'm sorry for your loss.


You are a loving friend and wonderful person. That woman's lack of empathy is far more of a problem for her child than you crying in the theater. Just know that there are many people who would have asked if you were ok and would actually care about your distress.


First, sorry for your loss. Second, Karen's are going to Karen. Nothing you can do about that. Third, the kid is not yours to worry over, don't let people manipulate you with that Bs. Finally, there are harsh aspects of life and a lot of shit people out there, and outside your family (and sometimes even in it) people won't treat you in a manner you're acustomed to, because they don't have to. So strengthen yourself mentally and emotionally so that no one—particularly some stranger who was clearly projecting her insecurities and problems onto you—has the power to make you feel worthless.


Please stop using that term “ unaliving” suicide is the proper term. I think standing in a movie theater lobby crying can be unnerving for children
maybe she said it rudely or should have not said anything but. Think if you had time to think about it maybe going into a bathroom stall would have been a better choice but at the time you weren’t thinking clearly


The term is used because most media sites do not allow certain words
this being one such word.


Thanks I wasn’t aware , there are subs with the S word in the title though?


it's just easier to do it across all sites


Yeah I’ve gotten temporary bans and comments removed several times in subs for saying certain words like that. And I’m in so many subs I can’t keep up with which ones bans which words.


Karen 👆


I know right??




Never feel worthless for having compassion, empathy, and sorrow. These feelings make us a more valuable human being and friend.


f that biatchđŸ˜ŸđŸ˜Ÿ


Shitty old people