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Bear lake/lambly lake. James lake. Pick up a back roads map book and throw a dart at it. Alot of small lakes that can camp at.


Beaver lake is good too. Lots of small trails to get off the service road


And dee lake is in that area aswell correct?


Yes it is. Go up the road , then take a left before Beaver lake lodge. There's a bunch of smaller lakes as well.


Havnt spent alot of time up that area. May have to make time to go explore around


The FSRoad is generally well maintained and lots of trails to explore. You can get to Vernon via trails, and I think Penticton unless I'm remembering wrong. From that fsr in upper mission you can reach Penticton


Yes there are trails from upper misson to penticton. Also the high rim trail goes from kelowna to vernon. Pretty impressive


Great fun. Lots of spots to roast some dogs fire ban permitting.


was looking around there also found a good spot at island lake might go check out around there!


Crown land camping is limited but is generally fair. [check out part 4 and 6](https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/16_2004) And learn this page really well so if an officer questions you about anything you will be able to have a grown up discussion. They're gonna be a whole lot nicer if you understand the rules before you go tearing up the backcountry. ;) trust me - I was in my twenties and got a bunch of fines simply from ignorance and cocky attitude.


definitely will read up on the crown land laws about camping thank you for the heads up!


Lol why would anyone give up their secret spot to a self proclaimed loud group of degens? The laziness is outstanding, literally FSR's everywhere, just go find a spot.


lol i’m so sorry that i offended you by trying to find a area so we don’t cause any disturbance to a family by wanting to play music through a speaker past 11 very degan of me. I’m bewildered by the laziness of reading a 2 minute sentence and coming up with the preconception of my entire group.


Sorry but I'm in the bush a lot, and it's infuriating how much garbage is left at unmaintained sites, how many campfires I've come across with no one in sight etc. If you're responsible than awesome, if you're going to leave the backcountry worse than when you found it, there's a special place in hell...


Princeton Summerland Rd used to have some pullout camping spots that were pretty secluded. It's been a decade though so take that with a big grain of salt.


All the Forrestry sites can and will have families on them. So I'll list some sites that have multiple areas that you could get to and setup where you would be a little more isolated from others. 1st, Ideal Lake off Philpott road, there are many fingers to the lake so if you get up there and there are others camping there, simply go to one of the other fingers and camp there, there is one finger in particular on the north east side that is very isolated and well known party area. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/jmv4g6ESYzwXqMDZ9](https://maps.app.goo.gl/jmv4g6ESYzwXqMDZ9) Another good option is Hayes/Hydraulic lake [https://maps.app.goo.gl/QyL7QDSFPXWqBr7Q7](https://maps.app.goo.gl/QyL7QDSFPXWqBr7Q7) specifically where the pin is, there are some isolated spots to camp and are a decent distance from the main camping area. the site hosts will still come collect money at many of these locations though, so expect to pay but also expect to be pretty private.


Search up bc rec sites and check out Okanagan region