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These people aren't qualified therapists. The RPC, CPCC, and CPP "qualifications" are given out by diploma-mill organisations who just take your money in exchange for certificates. Unfortunately in BC, anybody can call themselves a therapist as it isnt a regulated or protected term. You're a therapist and I'm a therapist. BC is the wild west for therapy. Good, professional therapists are currently lobbying the government to increase regulation over the industry. The best way to find a good, educated and experienced therapist in BC is to work with someone who's accredited by the RCC (provincial accreditation) or CCC (federal accreditation). Your health benefits plan won't reimburse you for costs for these people. The practitioner would need to be accredited by a reputable body like the BCACC and CCPA (another good way to know if a practitioner is legit).


That's crazy they can even get away with that. I honestly wasn't aware you could operate with fake credentials.


You can operate in BC with _no_ credentials at all. Your insurance company won't consider them a legitimate practitioner (rightfully so) but it's perfectly legal to operate a therapists office with no qualifications in B.C. Alberta, Ontario, etc, have better legislation. There are many dubious "therapists" operating in Kelowna - some have been caught advising clients to hand over all their money, or have begun sexual relationships with clients. They're still allowed to operate as therapists under B.C. legislation as there is no way to disbar a therapist in BC. Religious organisations are some of the worst offenders. They consider themselves qualified by virtue of their knowledge of bible verses, etc, and use it as an opportunity to advise people on their sexuality, reproductive rights, etc. _"You just need Jesus."_ In B.C. they can call themselves qualified therapists, and not even Alberta would allow it.


There is an easy way to find out if a counselor is certified and that is if they are apart of the governing body called CPCA (Canadian professional counselors association). This counselor has her masters degree. It is stated on the website and this can easily be proven.  The company is also listed under the BC approved agencies for parental supervision. 


The CPCA isn't a respected or reputable governing body. That's why insurance companies don't recognise it and won't reimburse for "therapists" registered with them. My comment above describes how to differentiate between a qualified therapist and one to avoid.


He seems evil.


Glad I’m not the only one who thinks that. Her and her husband just seem like bad people. On her FB profile she publicly supported a politician (Derek Sloan) who was kicked out of the Conservative Party for destructive behaviour including accepting a campaign donation from a white supremacist, and posting racist and homophobic tweets. She also posted a link to a video about a global conspiracy to stop Trump and a master plan to reduce the world’s population. I don’t want my kids spending time with these people, or be anywhere near them.