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New to kt. Am I able to use half of the pathfinders from chalnath 6 Pathfinder inc 1 weapon specialist and stealth battle suits for the other fire team together? Do i follow the hunter cadre info for the battle suits and chalnath book for the pathfinders?


You can absolutely use the chalnath pathfinders for a standard Tau team, but as a result you'd have to run them as normal boring pathfinders and not fun special rules chalnath pathfinders. The only differences are on paper so I'd grab those stealth suits so you can run both depending on your games. You'd have to use the hunter cadre info for both the pathfinders and battle suits, or the chalnath book for just pathfinders, but you can't mix the rules together.


Aww okay dang I thought I could just use the chalnath Pathfinder ruleset with the stealth cadre ruleset as separate fireteams well. Thanks for the info !


New to KT, whats a good set up for Nids and Crons? Just a hormagaunt and warrior box?


All Genestealer or Genestealer + Warrior is what I've seen discussed the most. For necrons I'm not really sure, but what I've heard is Warriors + Immortals


Could a playable unit be theoretically made out of a single box?


Sadly no. You'd be missing 2 Genestealers for a full Genestealer team, and the other ones you'd be missing more. There are a couple 1-box teams, but sadly not that one. The one option you have is to buy a box of 8 Genestealers and check local stores and facebook groups for used ones to round it out. That's what I did, and a guy sold me 2 of them for 5$.


I see, thanks! What about necrons, how many would i be off with a warrior box? And besides Custodes which other are single box?


Most space marines (chaos or otherwise) can be played with a single box. Hunter Clade, an Admech killteam that was released in White Dwarf magazine, can be run with a single Skitarii box. Greenskins can be played with only a box of Boyz, I think. In all cases except space marines, you probably won't have as much versatility as you could with just one box. As for necron, I don't know enough about them, sorry. If a box of Immortals has 8 units, you could make a killteam out of it. You can't make a killteam of just warriors, sadly. Here are the teams if you want to check them out and compare with the boxes on the GW website: https://wahapedia.ru/kill-team2/kill-teams/tomb-world/


Building a Forgeworld Killteam. Should I build my box of Skitarii as Rangers or Vanguard? I have already built up a Infiltrator/Rust Stalker team


They're extremely similar in Compendium Forge World. Basically your Vanguards are going to be crit fishers and more mobiles, and your rangers are going to be more like snipers. If you have a team of sicarians, I would say it's really up to preference. If you were to run Hunter Clade instead, I would say a mix of the two is ideal.


Looking to get into kill team with necrons, how do they play in kt compared to 40k and hows listbuilding with them?




Have another question, I was playing Tau, my friend was playing Novitiate. We are starting turn 2 and I have the initiative. I was gonna play my tactical play "A worthy cause" but he claimed that first I choose a strategic ploy because I have the initiative, after he chooses a strategic ploy, after I choose a tactical play and after he chooses a tactical subterfuge. So in that case he play first "Defenders of the Faith" since it is a strategic ploy and after I play my tactical subterfuge "A worthy cause". Does that sounds correct to you ? I thought since I had initiative, I will choose strategic and tactical ploy first, then he will choose his ploys and we will start th turn.


It sounds like you both may be confused on this point. During the Strategy phase, the player with initiative chooses a strategic ploy or passes, then their opponent does the same. This continues until both players have passed. Strategic ploys resolve immediately unless the ploy states otherwise. Tactical ploys aren't played during the strategy phase -- you would use them when the ploy tells you to, which is typically later in the turning point during the Firefight phase (though there are exceptions to this.)


Thank you, it's more clear. The tactical ploy works at the start of the firefight phase. That is why it was subject to question. A worthy Cause "Use this tactical Ploy at the start of the firefight phase. Select one ready friendly pathfinder operative..." I understand here that it's before the person with the initiative plays. Correct ?


Yes, A Worthy Cause lets you go first, no matter what. It goes after the Strategy Phase, and thus all Strategic Ploys, but it goes before any other Tactical Ploys, unless they also happen at the start of the Firefight Phase.


Thank you for the answer.


Neither of you are correct, or at least you are using such a mix of words that I can't tell if any of you have it right. First comes the Strategy Phase in which you alternate playing Strategic Ploys, starting with the one with Initiative. Tactical Ploys don't happen in the Strategy Phase at all. They go in the Firefight Phase. When exactly, is determined by the triggers they have, which is specific to each Ploy. If two of them happen at the same time for some reason, player with Initiative decides, iirc.


Thank you very much. I answered above about the issue. Thanks again for clarification ;)


Hi guys, Thank for this thread and your dedication ;) I was playing Tau, my friend was playing Novitiate. I was gonna shoot him with my drone on a vantage point BUT he used his act of faith Blinding Aura and said because he was in cover by blinding aura and he was conceal I couldn't shoot him. He showed me that the vantage point move a conceal order to engage order if the enemy operative is in cover of a terrain feature. Since his cover was from the act of faith(blinding aura) it is not a terrain feature and so the vantage point bonus doesn't apply. What do you say ?


Your friend would be correct. To be a valid target for a ranged attack, an operative with a conceal order must be visible, not obscured, and not in cover. To be a valid target for a ranged attack, an operative with an engage order must be visible and not obscured. The Act of Faith does not provide cover from another operative or from a light terrain feature, so vantage point wouldn't treat them as having an engage order, and the Novitiate wouldn't be a valid target. The caveat is that the Novitiate only gets cover from enemies more than circle (2") away.


Hell. This is a nice catch. I thought Blinding Aura would not be too good. But this is a pretty nice use.


Correct! Vantage only allows you to ignore cover, from Light terrain, and only for the purpose of targeting. So in this case, it doesn't help. And even in the normal case where it helps, the target still can auto-retain a die.


Hi! Can a model move between two terrain pieces if its base is not able to fit between them? I know it can't finish its move here, but what about just moving through? Sometimes the gap between terrain is significantly large enough for a model to realistically go through but not its base.


It's not specified. I assumed you could, but I see many experienced players assume otherwise, so perhaps that's something that TOs simply ruled one way...


Alright, I asked around and the answer is that you can't, because that would technically be moving through the terrain.


Agreed. The only way a model can move through terrain is to traverse, jump, or climb. I don’t think “squeeze” is an option.


Yeah, absolutely. But because that was the image in my mind, I didn't realize at first that it would be moving through.


New to kill team! If you’re within range, can you do mission actions to objective markers from behind a barricade or light terrain? For example, in the open play mission you use one APL to “secure” and objective which can be done once per turn. If I have an operative within range but behind a barricade, can they secure that objective?


As long as there's not heavy cover between the model and objective it should be fine


Even then, RAW there's nothing stopping you. It's just likely gonna be tricky to be in range.


How the hell do you use close quarter models? Tried two Ruststalkers with blades and they had little use besides tagging an objective. You can't move and then charge, or dash and charge. How do you get in range?


Can you help us understand the situation? The board is 22” wide, and if you deploy on the long edge each side has a 3” deployment zone. So your models should start somewhere around 16” apart. If you play the Recon option, you get an extra 3”. Then your model moves and dashes in the first turn for a 9” move. So that’s 12” at best. You will probably lose a few inches maneuvering and seeking terrain, but your Ruststalker gets a bonus inch from Aggressor Imperative and he can ignore the first 2” when climbing or traversing. Charge range is 8”, so by turn 2 you should easily be within Charge range of at least one enemy. Your Ruststalker should be on Conceal, but you can add Calculated Approach for a little extra protection. If you land on a point at the end of Turn 1, you can use Accelerant Agents to claim the point, Charge, and Fight in the same turn. Or you could just a Charge and get two Fight Actions. Regardless, you will probably be Fighting on Turn 2 and definitely by Turn 3. Edit: 3+3+1+8 is 15, so if your opponent moves first and aggressively rushes forward, you could conceivably Charge and fight on Turn 1.


IIRC, ruststalkers are very mobile, being able to vault light terrain without slowing down. So they have a legitimate 8" threat range, which is often enough to dissuade enemy operatives from getting too close, and closing off their avenues of movement. Sometimes, the threat of attack is just as useful as the attack itself


So the FAQ says only in death and such ploys don’t allow you to fight, I.E. charging with a space marine while invincible. Something came up in a game where I was charged before the next activation while OIDDDE. Do I just die, again? Or is this move not allowed?


You get charged, that's no problem. If they fight you, you don't fight back, noone takes any wounds since you're already dead.


Agreed. Sounds like a good way to tar pit a model that’s about to die.


This has probably been asked before, but not sure where to find the answer. It says that if you’re on a vantage point you have to use “parts that are the same height as or higher than the operative” in order to benefit from the conceal order. Does this mean that models cannot benefit from the “ramparts” on the top of the Ork buildings that came in the box, since many models are taller than these rampart walls? Or does the rule just roughly mean operatives can get cover by using terrain features that are on the “same level” as themselves, but not terrain features that are on the ground?


This is a poor wording classic. I had to have it explained to me as have several others. It's a perrenial in KT question lists. It means exactly as explained below. It would probably have been better worded as "same level". The use of height gets you thinking that the cover needs to be taller than the mini... It means that for cover to be counted as cover for an operative on a vantage point, the cover needs to grow up out of the floor of the vantage point that the operative is on. The actual flat horizontal floor cannot be used. Cover lines to an operative on a vantage point will often pass through cover on their way up towards the operative, this rule negates that effect. anything below the level of the operative on the vantage point is not counted as cover.


A model on top of the vantage point is at the same height as the rampart and can use it as cover. The rule means you can't use the vantage point *itself* (ie: the floor you're standing on) as cover just because you step back from the edge half an inch. There has to be actual cover on your height level.


This was a thing in OKT. A model on a rooftop always had the benefit of Cover because it is physically impossible for the lower model to see the entire target. (Even if it was only the feet.) So being on a rooftop was ALWAYS an advantage. The NKT rules make it so that Vantage Points offer a disadvantage. You can see over obstacles and negate Conceal orders, but you are also more exposed and therefore vulnerable.


Hey! Do you know some repository or place where to find the Ploys in the form of cards? Thanks a lot.


Like, you don't know the ploys, or you want the ploys in card form?


Card form jaja.


https://ktcg.netlify.app/ select the type(s) you want, fill in the cards, export for later, and print


For the veteran guardsmen orders, do they get a free order at the start or is it always required to spend a cp on a ploy to issue an order?


The Veterans get one free during the Strategy Phase, and then possibly one more for a CP when the Sgt activates. The compendium team only gets one for free with the Tempestor, and can use as many as they want - but all of them in the Strategy Phase and they all cost CP.


So for the Recon Tac Op card "Triangulate," what is regarded as not being "my killzone edge?" For instance, on the missions like Duel of Wits/Master the Terminals, the Drop Zones are the two corners. If I moved a unit slightly out of the Drop Zone close to the edge, is he no longer next to "my killzone edge?" Or is that edge in its entirety considered "mine?" I ask because some missions like Loot and Salvage and Consecration, the deployment zones take like 3 edges. Does that inherently make Triangulate a stupid pick for a Tac Op on these missions because it's hard/impossible to score?


The mission pictures explicitly spell out which edge counts as each player's killzone edge. In Duel of Wits, for example, it's the left border for Player A and the right border for Player B, even though the deployment zones also touch the upper and lower border. Just look at the picture.


Is it possible to read the rules online? $100 worth of books is a big dang upfront investment.


Almost all rules are on wahapedia


I am thinking of picking up the Octarius Box, the question is: Are there regular 40K datasheets for the included models? I couldnt find anything googling


In 40k, you'd just run them as kommandos or infantry squads.


No, there are not. The only info you get on both the Kommandos and the DKoK are their stats for Kill Team. I'm not aware of any 40k stats for either faction yet. We've been told they'll be released as standalone sets outside of the Octarius box, so I'm guessing we might get 40k stats for them then.


I purchased the Pathfinder half of Chalnath second hand…. And the rules aren’t up on Wahpedia yet. Anyone willing to take some pictures of them and send them my way? I’d also be super appreciative if anyone had the build instructions as the copy sent to me is a bit blurry Also taking build recommendations


> rules you can get enough info from glasshalfdead's youtube review of that team (and battlescribe) > build instructions /r/WarhammerInstructions/comments/qv31ar/new_tau_kill_team_chalnath_pathfinders_pdf/ > build recommendations build all the specialists, and don't glue the tops to the drones, so you can choose which ones to use on the fly. The Ion and Rail rifles are similar enough in power that taking one of each is fine. The recon drone is very good, definitely worth including.


Can someone give me a quick rundown on how specifically conceal and engage orders work with being targeted for shooting? I’ve heard people say that with a conceal order, you can k the targeted if you’re neither obscured nor in cover, and I’ve heard others arguing against it in person. Could someone give me a simple rundown?


To shoot someone on **Engage** orders they need to be * **Visible** (i.e. can you draw a 1mm line from your head to their miniature (not base) * Not **Obscured** (is there heavy cover more than 2" away from them and more than 2" away from you that partially blocks their base) If they are in **Conceal** orders, then the first 2 are still valid, but also to shoot at them, you need to satisfy * not in **Cover** (within 1" of light or heavy cover that partially obscures their base from you) check Core Rules p70 There's additional rules for various things like vantage point (treat the target as engaged if they're lower than you in *light* cover), and Genestealers (immune to vantage points) that make things a bit trickier, but that's the gist of it


I was skimming the rules and it states that being in a vantage negates the terrains cover? So the octarius terrains buildings don’t really have cover? The ruling in question is “the operative cannot use parts of the vantage points terrain feature that is lower then the operative as cover or to be obscured” Edit: spelling


It means that you can't use the floor you're standing on as cover from people below you. You have to use some from of cover that is up there (a wall for exemple). If you're just standing on top of something in the open, you're gonna get shot.


Oh, so it’s saying terrain lower then the operatives(base) as cover, so people in vantage can have cover(from their base or higher then them)?


Yes. If basically just means the floor of the vantage point does not act as cover from people bellow you, even if it means they can't see your base.


Awesome thanks


Do factions have codexes in the new killteam or will just the base rules suffice? Need to put together a tau killteam vs a chaos killteam. Thx


All factions (so far) can be found in the compendium. Some factions (tau, imp guard, sisters, orks) have a 2nd set of rules that can be found in the quarterly box-sets (Octarius/Chalnath). Other factions (AdMech and 1ksons can) can find options within a white dwarf magazine. This is as of now, I would suspect that more white dwarf factions will keep popping up


Great, thanks. Followup question: if a team hasn't had a 2nd set of rules drop, can those teams still be played effectively?


Generally speaking the 2nd set of rules is better (expect probably sisters, and I don’t know enough about tau) but that doesn’t mean the compendium teams are bad. Arguably the worst (craft world, heavy intersessor) and best (custodes) are found in the compendium right now. If you wanted my generic opinion. The non-compendium teams are harder to play, meaning they can probably be better with enough skill, but lacking that, might be worse


Thanks brother


A little belated here, but *generally* the special boxes are more specialized factions. You’ll be fielding like 12 models and each (or most) of the models will do something different. EG: Special Guard will have a medic, sniper, spotter, demo expert, comms expert, religious zealot etc. The compendium rules will let you field more generalized fire teams (2 plasma gunners, 4 guardsmen, etc). The special boxes lean stronger, but I wouldn’t say it’s a huge difference (with the exception of the new Pathfinders, who look to be one of the best armies in the game)


Thats great news (I play tau lol)


I haven't got the new book yet. What are some of the biggest changes from KT1 to KT2?


* https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/07/09/discover-the-all-new-kill-team-in-this-brutal-cinematic-trailer/ * https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/08/11/sneaking-and-spotting-are-just-as-important-as-shooting-and-stabbing-in-the-new-kill-team/ * https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/07/15/lasguns-can-kill-from-across-the-board-in-new-kill-teams-deadly-firefights/ * https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/07/14/your-games-of-kill-team-are-going-to-be-electrifyingly-good-thanks-to-the-new-bespoke-datacards/ * https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/07/22/new-kill-team-replaces-points-with-a-fast-finely-balanced-list-building-system/ * and more tbh there's a bunch of articles. Just go to https://www.warhammer-community.com/kill-team/ and start reading from 09 July 2021


Danke, I read an article on goonhammer earlier today and it seems like it got a complete overhaul which I think was needed. Except the movement thing, idk why they thought that was better than just saying inches...


Hi there everyone....had a question, was playing a game last week with the octarius ork terrain and was told that the climbing distance now rounds down not up....is that an faq or was it getting confused with the scaling trait with the chalnath terrain(which the ork terrain doesn't have), or does the scaling rule now apply to all terrain now?


1. in general, climbing means you round up distances 2. Scalable terrain supercedes that, but only on that terrain piece (and terrain must have platforms at least 4" for scalable to trigger)


Scalable is applied to terrain before you start. Like heavy. So climbing becomes round down only if that terrain has scalable trait.


With the orks kommandos tactical ploy "krump em" it allows me to give one kommando a free fight action at the end of the firefight phase. I just want to clarify that it has to be a kommando that did not perform a fight action that turn, or does it allow it either way?


Either way. The limit on actions is once per activation, and this particular fight action is taking place outside of that operative's activation.


So extending that logic further, anything that gives an operative a free dash during strategic phase may still dash during activation?


Correct, unless the dash is allowed to happen during the operative's activation. The Tyranids are a great example of this: Lurk and Feed both specifically state 'Until the end of the turning point' to allow the actions to resolve during a model's activation. Stalk, on the other hand, does not, so that normal move action happens immediately per the rules for strategic ploys.


Thank you, you have completely answered my questions


Got a bit of an inquiry here that I could use some help with: Theoretically, during a Spec Ops campaign, would it be possible to have a Tau Stealthsuit Shas'Vre (leader) equipped with a Fusion Blaster dealing 5 critical wounds when using the Tactical Ploy "Stand and Fire" from stacking the Combat Specialism Battle Honor "Viscous" and the Rare Equipment "Propulsion Amplifier" if they roll a crit? Whats more, would they still get the MW4 if they rolled a crit using "Stand and Fire"?


doesn't stand and fire remove the special rules for that combat?


It's unclear, because special rules and critical rules are sometimes the same, sometimes not. Intent is also unclear. Let's hope it gets FAQd... As for the other part of the question: yes, you could make your Fusion blaster deal 5 damage on a crit.


Special rules, yes, but those are different from Critical effects of how I atleast understand it


My understanding is that critical effects are also special rules


Ahhhhh that sucks then...




"Determining control" means there are multiple operatives within range of the objective. In this case, instead of counting models or using Objective Secured like in 40K, Kill Team uses APL to determine who controls the objective. Add up the APL of all friendly and enemy operatives and whoever is highest controls it. This is where the Icon Bearer gets her +1.


jobless cobweb dazzling violet hunt homeless bored unwritten berserk paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So my copy of Chalnath hasn't come in yet, but I heard that there are new Tac Ops in it. So here's my question: Is the expectation that we need to get each set to have access to these new Tac Ops?


the tac ops are only valid for that particular kill team. If you don't use that team, you won't care about the tac ops


Hi! Some questions after a couple of games: 1. About melee combat. When you subtract wounds after every hit you and/or your opponents receives, does it mean that when you go below 50% you now have to lower your ballistic skill by 1 for the remaining dice, e.g. if you are 3+ you now discard remaining 3s, because they become invalid? Or the injured effect starts after whole combat ends? We played our first games with first option, but now I think it’s wrong, because it’s not stated anywhere, but my friend insist it’s only logical. 2. What does it mean within 6” of the drop zone when it comes to barricades? Like, my dropzone plus 6 outside of it? Or just inside of it or 6” from the edge? I imagine it’s a super simple rule, but somehow I’m confused. 3. F.A.Q. states that ONLY IN DEATH DOES DUTY END doesn’t allow for a melee attack, but I can still shoot, right? And move or fall back or dash for that matter. 4. Grenades are only usable once per battle, because of limited rule. But I can give them to more than one operative, so it’s one use per operative, right?


1. No. Retaining dice that hit are determined at the start of the combat, so you don't adjust stuff if you're injured halfway through. 2. I believe it means in your drop zone OR outside but within 6" of the drop zone. 3. Correct. 4. Correct. (although some operatives are grenadiers, and their limited grenades only run out once they have thrown 2 of them)


Thank you!


Anyone know where the rules and data cards can be found for the Oct/Chalnath armies online? I purchased the pathfinder team second hand. They don’t look to be on wahpedia yet


they're on battlescribe, or at least enough to play with


Why does damage always say 3/4 or 4/6? I’ve looked it up and nothing says what that means.


Damage (Dmg): The amount of damage each attack dice can inflict. The first value is the Normal Damage characteristic. The second value is the Critical Damage characteristic.


Look at the datacards chapter in the core Book


The first number is applied for a normal hit and the last number for a critical hit.


Looking at getting an air compressor and airbrush kit off of Amazon for Christmas. Are there any of them that I should avoid because they’re just HORRIBLE? It’ll be my first time using an airbrush/compressor so I don’t need them to be anything other than “good enough.”


look for a compressor with a tank. Any AS186 compatible compressor will be fine. Look for a top-fed airbrush, the suction-fed ones need way too much paint to get started. Try for a recognisable brand like badger or iwata. I personally went for an iwata eclipse (compared to the cheaper Neo) but I tend to throw money around a bit.


Suspensor field question for Traitor marines. If I have a heavy bolter equipped heavy gunner with a suspensor field, they can’t move more than 3 circles and fire. But can they move, fire and dash in the same activation? If so, would the 3 circle limitation on movement include the dash movement, or just the move movement? Trying to see if he can pop out of cover and back, or not. Thanks.


3 circles is for the entire activation so you could dash out, shoot, then move back (but only as far as a dash, since 2 dash=3 circles)


No extra primaris plasma pistol bits for my intercessor Sgt, is putting a holstered pistol on his hip and saying it’s a plasma pistol still passable for WYSIWG?


As long as it's clear that one's the sgt, I would agree that it should be fine. As always, clear it ahead of time if you can.


I'd say yes, if you give the details out when you play.


According to the compendium 2 grots can be taken in place of an ork boy. With that in mind 20 gretchin is a legal killteam but they are terrible. I only want to do this for the meme potential but has anyone Homebrewed rules for them such as including a runtherd or makari to make them have some sort of mechanics to play around with?


It's "ONE" boy per fire team that can be swapped. Not "A" boy fighter. That's how I read it, so a max of four grots per kill team, two per fire team.


Thank you for the clarification that makes more sense


It's a sign of poor writing by GW that it needs explaining. I've seen several people get excited about a grot team... you can still have a few of the fun fellas!


Honestly going through the rules there's a lot that is confusing


I agree with you, Line of Sight may be 😀😀😱


This is correct. Additionally that's a good thing, cause 20 grots would be the best kill team in the game hands down. They'd never kill anything but they'd have too many bodies to chew through and could overrun objectives to just win the game. XD


I don't know man, the bodies would be nice but they are one shot able by pretty much anything


Also no equipment and no ploys...


Sure, but if everything stays concealed then getting one shot doesn't mean anything if you can't be shot, and you can charge onto points with multiple grots and just not fight to control points and not die. I can see many ways how 20 bodies just basically wins. *Assuming an adequate amount of terrain and no vantage points in drop zones.


Lots of counters to a big weak team that has to hide. Grenades, dynamite, vantage points, moving to a fire lane, etc. Melee team would just reap lives, you dont need LoS to charge. You're effectively stuck on the two, maybe three objectives in your half with cover and pretty much no way of scoring any more VPs. Whilst your opposition has the same base objectives easily covered and they can suppliment those with tac ops VPs. Not an easy game to win. With so many operatives on the board, their proximity will be a weakness, especially to splash, blast and fusillade weapons. I play Kroot and I'd drop a hound in turn one to take out a gretchin with a charge, fight and then Gory Feast to pin another. Loads of models is not an easy win.


Hi! I'm curious about killteam, I used to play Tau way back in like 2001. I haven't done any warhammer since. I think I can find the old models, but I also saw the Team Chalnath box. Is that like a starter set? Can I play a game out of the box?


Ish. The Chalnath box has some terrain, enough to build two teams (Sisters Novitiates and T'au Pathfinders) and the data for them as well as some mission sets. It doesn't have the core rules or the tokens and measuring tools (nor the d6s, but you've got those already, I'm sure!). The rules you can look up online easily enough or buy the core book with them. Measuring tool is not strictly necessary, as it is still all inches ultimately, but as you'll often measure one or two inches in cramped spaces, you probably don't just want a tape measure. Token-wise, you'll need some sort of tokens to denote Engage and Conceal orders (and those should ideally have two different colors/sides for Ready/Activated) and you'll need enough of them for both teams.


Yeah. The game is basically unplayable without the tokens.


I just played my first game of Kill team (deathwatch vs veteran guardsman) I won, but I am curious about a few things that came up - \- can you shoot twice in one activation if you have enough APL? \- can you fight twice for that matter? \- crits go through the auto-cover saves, correct? \- do two melee combatants who kill do enough wounds to kill eachother both die simultaneously?


> - can you shoot twice in one activation if you have enough APL? You cannot perform the same action twice in a turn, unless you have a special ability or ploy that says otherwise. For example, Space Marines have Bolter Discipline which allows them to shoot twice in one turn with a Bolt weapon. >- can you fight twice for that matter? As above. >- crits go through the auto-cover saves, correct? Cover allows you to retain one die as a normal save. Two normal saves can be used to cancel one critical hit. If a model receives a critical hit while in cover, they must roll at least one more normal save to cancel it. >- do two melee combatants who kill do enough wounds to kill eachother both die simultaneously? No. You must walk through the process of choosing to Strike or Parry. When one model loses all of its Wounds, the combat ends. If the model still has some dice remaining, these are discarded because the model is dead.


Thanks so much! Clarifies a lot of things!


I have five Necron Immortals all armed with Tesla Carbines (40K rules). What is the best way to show one is the leader in a Tomb World kill team? Place a poker chip or something behind him?


I use a Royal Warden as my Immortals Leader


a stripe on his head?


Thanks. I feel like a moron for not even thinking of that! Now where's my Mephiston Red?


Anybody playing the Octarius campaign really struggling with the guardsmen? It just seems the kommandos have better equipment, more tactical flexibility and durability. Sure the sniper and the gunner and sarge can get a couple of kills each game, but everything else just bounces off and the time the nob has some upgrades he's practically unkillable. I think mostly though the security deck is just really difficult and the objectives don't complement each other well nor the mission objectives.


If you have ever played DnD, Vet Guardsmen are like playing Wizard - high mental load, complicated, require the player to focus on "shaping the battlefield" rather than KILL KILL KILL. You win with VP, do not get into a shooting match - use your numbers and your unique abilities to punish the enemy as they have to adopt to what are you are doing. Some tips: I'd recommend almost always taking 4 extra normal guardsmen instead of artillery options. Artillery seems fun, but it doesn't support getting VP. First turning point, dash everyone forward with your strategic ploy to take ground and keep everyone in concealment. Your sniper is a killing machine - put them in a vantage point with cover and its a nightmare. Your confidant can activate another guardsmen with their unique ability. Use the confidant to shoot at an enemy and activate your plasma gunner afterwards so you can use your tactical ploy to reroll all attack dice. Group activate your normal guardsmen to take objectives and tie up the enemy! You can charge and not fight! Fighting is bad for guardsmen, they die, but tieing up a dangerous unit is super valuable! When fighting elites or identifying dangerous units, use them to tie up the enemy while your melta or hardened veteran move in for kills. A shoot or take objective followed with a charge is very strong. A remote mine is incredibly powerful for denying the enemy a path or an objective.


As a Kommando player I really struggle to formulate a strategy against the Veteran Sniper in light cover on a vantage point, any tips? I tried charging with a few units at a time but it cost me a lot of manpower to get through the no man's land. Perhaps grenades or dynamite?


Honestly, there is no easy way to kill a veteran guard sniper in a vantage with cover. When setting up Kill Zones make sure there is enough heavy/obfuscating terrain. I generally avoid whatever sector of fire the sniper has and play other sides of the board. If the vantage point has a sector of fire over the entire kill zone, thats poor kill zone set up IMO. No vantage point should be able to shoot everywhere on the map. All else fails, you can always try to charge him or send chaffe toward the sniper to tie him up.


Yeah there was plenty of terrain, we played one of the Octarius scenarios, but still the sniper covered one entire flank (as his vantage point negates conceal orders). Ended up losing 3 guys and did not even kill him, next time I'll try focussing only on the other flank


If you're playing Narrative, you can pick any one deck for the TacOps, it doesn't have to be Security, fyi. The Veterans are definitely harder to play than the Kommandos, but TigerAusfE has most of it pretty right. I wouldn't focus on killing the orks too much, since that doesn't actually win you the game but otherwise the advice is pretty good. If you can scrounge up four more models, then picking those extra four troopers can often be better than the artillery, as you can use them to rush objectives and score points.


No way, I'll definitely check that, thanks for the tip!


I think the Orks are just plain easier, in the sense that they are more forgiving and require less skill. This doesn’t necessarily mean they are more powerful, just that the Guard require more skill and planning to reach their full potential. One of the pitfalls of the Guard is that their model kit doesn’t support their best play style. You need to take a Plasma Gun AND a Melta Gun (for example) but if you limit yourself to the parts available this can’t be done. That really sucks for new players. IMHO, every Vet Guard team needs a Sergeant with Plasma and Power Weapon, a Plasma Gunner, Melta Gunner, Grenade Launcher, and a Sniper. That’s five models that can reliably one-shot an Ork. Your job is to manage their timing so that they get to move, shoot, and kill at least one Ork before getting clobbered. I know it’s easier said than done because so many of them are rolling 4+ Add a Spotter to follow your Plasma Gun (not the Sniper) and use your Hardened and Bruiser Veterans to screen charging Orks. Use Take Aim to protect your Plasma and overcharged Lasguns from overheating. Your artillery is super important. Last advice is that IMHO the Security cards are some of the best. For example: You will almost always have objective markers and some heavy terrain features near the center of the board. Take Central Control and Seize Ground, then flood the zone with bodies. You are basically scoring three missions at once. Hold the Line isn’t bad, because your large team should be attracting the enemy to your center of mass in the middle of the board. Your Sniper will probably be hanging back so they can kill anyone who tried to infiltrate your deployment zone. Plant Banner kind of sucks for a 10 v 10 battle though. Take it when you significantly outnumber the enemy (eg when you have 12-14 models and the enemy has less than 10).


Thanks for the tips! Ill source myself a plasma gunner and give it another go


Anyone have any experience with combi-weapons for space marines? Are they worth it over taking dedicated non-bolters or melee weapons and pistols? I can see the value in being able to tap into Bolter Discipline but also being able to take a grav/plasma shot in one Turning Point in theory...just looking to see if anyone has any experience with it before I go through the process of building some combis with magnets.


When fighting elites, having a sergeant with a combi plasma who can plasma across the board at 2+ it very strong. Going hot basically removes one of those elites. From there, the bolter discipline is going to allow you to reliably kill with that sergeant as well, especially with Deathwatch Ammo types.


Thanks for the insight.


Hey any advice on how to build Tau from Chalnath? Already building Novitiates and have a good idea on which ones I want to build. But i dont know anything about Tau in kill team so any help would be nice🙂


* don't glue the tops of the drones on, so you can swap them around * There's not a huge difference between the ion and the rail rifle, so take whichever ones you want * All of the specialists are better than a base trooper, see if you can build all of them


Couple questions. First if you use a ploy to fight twice does that also allow your opponent to fight back a second time? I assume yes but that makes that ploy way less useful in comparison to shooting twice. The no cover rule. Does it only remove your opponent's ability to retain a successful save dice? But not allow you to fire at a concealed enemy inside of cover?


Correct and correct. The advantage to fighting a second time is the attacker always hits first, if it's a killing blow, the fight is over and the attacker takes no hits. No Cover is poorly named, as you stated, it removes the auto defense success, NOT the state of having cover.


Perfect thank you. The rules as written are a little vague and there doesn't seem to be a FAQ only the errata.


Fight twice makes sense if you are using Power Claw and fighting a bunch of 7 hitpoint mobs, or if you are using a storm shield. Otherwise, diminishing returns. I never use it.


Are you able to throw krak grenades at concealed genestealers if the only thing between the two models is a small barricade? It seems to me like Indirect would let me do this, but my opponent said that I couldn’t because of Hidden Horror.


Your opponent is wrong. The Hidden Horror rules state that the model always has a Conceal order. The Indirect rule doesn’t change the Conceal order. It removes the benefit of Cover. Without Cover, a Conceal order offers no protection. Compare this to the Vantage Point rule. Being on a Vantage Point means the target is treated as having an Engage Order for that attack. It does not say you ignore the Cover.


Indirect means that you can ignore the fact that the model is behind cover, so that small barricade doesn't provide protection. Hidden Horror means that the genestealer always has a conceal order when it has been assigned one, even if something like a vantage point would treat them as not having that order. There are three criteria for establishing line of sight when an operative has a conceal order: Is the enemy visible: if there's only a small barricade between you, I would assume there is an unobstructed line at least 1mm wide between you, so it's safe to assume the genestealer is visble. Is the enemy in cover: With an indirect fire weapon, the answer is no -- they don't get the benefit of cover, and Hidden Horror doesn't prevent this, because hidden horror doesn't interact with cover: you're not taking away their conceal order. Is the enemy obscured: This depends on terrain, but a barricade does not obscure an operative, so if that's all it was, the answer would be no. So yes, you should be able to target a genestealer in that circumstance, because the conditions above would mean you had line of sight. A conceal order is a potent defense, but it doesn't mean you're immune to ranged attacks, just makes it harder to establish line of sight.


Indirect removes the benefit of cover for the purpose of _targeting_. It still offers protection. No Cover is the rule that means they don't get any benefit at the Roll Defence Dice stage. Otherwise, well explained!


I had never appreciated this, thanks. The grenade threat to my stealers has just dropped significantly. Throwing a grenade (indirect) at a concealed stealer behind cover with Lurk (I think thats the ploy name) still lets me bank 2 successes. Good to know. If the grenade had indirect and no cover (I don't know if any do) then I am forced to roll all my dice? Makes sense.


Thank you. I was focused on the line of sight portion, so worded that badly.


General question for visibility and what people use in their games. While the rules state ‘ANY’ part of the model, how much wiggle room do people use? If you can see the toe of a model who’s behind heavy cover from across the map because of how you left it rotated, do you count that? How about a rifle barrel? I’ve heard some people say ‘at least half’ which seems fair to me, but I’m well aware some players will just use ‘any’ to mean any plastic at all.


This is something it's important to discuss with an opponent (or the tournament organizer) before playing to make sure everyone is on the same page. Personally, I would probably go with 'any part of the body/head/limbs of the model' for most causal games unless my opponent preferred something different -- the tip of a weapon wouldn't count, nor would an icon-bearer's flag, but a toe sticking out? That's something that can be shot and injured, so that's fair game.


I agree with most of that. For me, an icon bearers flag is fair game. The icon bearer is usually a regular warrior, but with extra abilities. For balance, this needs a negative, and I always though that negative was a bigger hit box.


That seems reasonable to me!




If you have nothing, the Kill Team Octarius box is a great starting set -- you get the core rulebook, board/terrain, tokens, dice, measuring tool, and two complete kill teams along with their rules. This assumes that you like and want to play veteran guardsmen and ork kommandos, of course. Assuming you want/need the contents, the Octarius box is a great value. The only thing you wouldn't have is the Compendium, which has the baseline rules for most factions, and the Chalnath box that just came out (which does not include the rulebook or any of the tokens and such, but does have two different kill teams, setting/rules info for Chalnath, and a different board/terrain set.)


I feel like I’ve been in here too much…. New to KT. Is there a list of which White Dwarf issues have the new kill teams?


The last two issues. I hope these month issue comes with a new one too!


So, just the tsons and Admech so far?


Yes, iirc issues 468 for admech and 469 for tsons


Yes, plus the Chalnath Box.


Trying to get into KT and I feel like a dummy for asking this but what book do I buy to play New Kill Team. Do I have to buy the Octavius box?


You will need a kill team or 2, and some baracades and terrain. Rules can be found online, as well as unit stats/team composition. The former are in the core rulebook, and the latter in the compendium. Sometimes they are nice to have for tabletop reference, but not strictly necessary. If you have no teams, baracades, or terrain, go for Octarius, it's a great value and comes with the core rulebook.


I'm very bad at understanding rules. Hilariously so, the only way I seem to learn is just showing up to the LGS and playing a few games and getting learned by losing. One thing that is (usually) very intuitive to me is Battlescribe, but I'm seeing only 7 guard can be in a team, vs 5 space marines..? Or 5 Tempestor Scions?! How does that make sense? I've googled "Imperial Guard Limits" or "Roster Limits" or "Max Bodies in a list" etc, and almost all the results are before 2021 kill team or don't have a clear answer anywhere. I just don't get it. Something tells me Battlescribe is wrong or I'm just not doing this right.


Imperial Guard gets two Fireteams. 5 Scions or 7 Guardsmen per fireteam. So they have either 10 Scions, 14 Guardsmen or a mix with 5 and 7 models respectively.


Thank you. That makes WAY more sense, and explains why a strict count wasn't showing up in results. Cheers for the quick answer, now I can show up on Wednesday without a million models (or too few).


Any announcement on if/when the boxes teams would be released apart from their larger sets? I’m interested in starting to play, and there’s a local group already so I don’t need the scenery/core book. Just the tokens and cards and a kill team. Seems like the easiest way to get a decent team would be to purchase something designed for KT like Ork Kommandos or Sisters Novalite squad.


This edition is pretty well balanced, the KT specific factions are very fluffed up and bit more interesting on paper. But there are many viable teams that require only one box of mini’s a lot of space marines only need 5 so you could even split it if needed. There are videos and articles talking about the easiest teams to get into. Edit::no word on individual release of KT specific boxes on their own, just that they will.


Very new to Kill Team and have been playing veteran guardsmen, who I really like. Have now tried both the 4 extra dudes and the 2 bombardments. My question is, how do players decide when they want the extra bodies and when they want the bombardments? So far I'm leaning towards the extra guys since they help a lot with objectives.


I always want more dudes. Give them a grenade, and they can target the sneaky opponents. Give them Las-packs, and they have bolters that benefit from the overcharge ploy. But mostly, it allows you to keep moving up to objectives, which should always be your primary goal. Artillery can't do that, just attempt to deny the enemy operatives.


It's mostly up to preference. From what I've heard, having never played vet guard, is that the bodies are stronger. Mayne the bombardments would be good against more horde armies, but I don't know.


Yeah. Those bodies cap points and slow down the enemy. Against 5 Marines, 4 Guard can basically buy you an entire extra turn. The bombardments really don't seem powerful enough to hurt Leet teams. Against a horde team, they might be worth it. Especially if your opponent makes the mistake of mobbing up too close.


Thanks! Yeah having now tried them out I do feel the extra couple bodies is better, but there couple be times to go with the artillery.


Does anyone know which Kill Team will go out with november White Dwarf?


No previews of it yet that I'm aware of, but hopefully we'll be finding out soon.


Hi team. A quick clarification on the rules... can you play a strategic ploy more than once in a game? Ie... for the Guardsmen, can you Overcharge Lasguns every turn if you wanted to? Thanks!


Yes, unless otherwise stated. There's some, but Overcharge Lasguns is not one of them :)


Hello I’m a Warhammer 40k player looking to get into kill team. Is there anyway I can use my existing models to set up a kill team? I’ve looked on battlescribe but I can’t find anything relating to dark angels, just space marines?


You can absolutely use your existing models, but there currently aren't any specific rules for Dark Angels, so you'd be running them as one of the general space marine teams for now.


Oh ok thanks, that’s a shame. Is it possible I could get some dark angels vets and lots them out however I want or does it not work like that?


Right now the rules do not allow for much customization. Teams are built from the same squads in 40k, and their wargear matches what comes in the box. You can take 5x Primaris Intercessors, or 5x Reivers, and so on. The exception to this is the Deathwatch. Their team has a huge number of customization options. So you will see a lot of people playing “Deathwatch” lists proxied with their favorite chapter. Hopefully we will see Veteran Space Marines with customizable options and Chapter-specific rules in the future.


I'm not sure what you mean. From a rules perspective, you would be running, say, Deathwatch Veterans and using any legal weapons/equipment for them. You'd just be using your Dark Angels models to represent them on the board, so what the model was equipped with wouldn't really matter so long as it wasn't causing confusion for your opponent.


Do they have any plans to add rules for three and four player games in the new rules?


They haven't announced anything along those lines, no. Right now, your best bet is going to be to see what house rules other players have come up with to make games with more people work better. I'm not expecting to see official rules for something like that any time soon, personally -- they're going to be fleshing out the game with bespoke teams for each of the factions for quite a while.


I'm curious about the Fusillade-Torrent-Splash etc style of weapon rules. I understand that, while they share some features in common, they are mechanically unique and serve different purposes (Heavy bolter and Flamer serve very different functions and so they should feel different and behave differently, I get that). I'm not gonna hate on someone who appreciates how that rule is written. You do you. However, if someone forced you to rewrite the rules so that all of those weapon special rules (Specifically Fusillade, Torrent, Splash and Blast) were compiled into just one weapon rule, even if you think it'd make the game worse as a whole, how would you write it to make it the best it could be (or the least worst)?


I'd use Splash for all of them. It's not great, because it's weaker than Blast by a lot, as long as you roll decently and has very different targeting than either of the others, but it's the simplest of them while maintaining that "chance to hit multiple enemies". But really, they do serve different purposes and should in fact stay different.


Brand new, as in don’t own any models new. My gaming group is adding KT to go along with longer tangle top games for when we don’t have 3 hours or just something short to play after a 3 hour game. I assume I need the core rules and compendium. The measuring tool. Dice. Does everyone need the cards? Any recommendations on a good KT to start with? How many boxes would I need? Any good YouTube video for someone just getting started?


Core rules, yes. Compendium if you want the teams in there. (Both are available online though not legally) Measuring tool is optional though neat. It's all inches, after all. Tokens are more important, as you'll need something for Engage/Conceal at least, and objectives etc are gonna be useful too. Cards you need one set per player - but if you only play one match at a time, you can just share them. Or you can just write down the ones you picked and pass the deck on. Good beginner teams are marines. One box of any one type that's in the compendium gets you a valid team - or two, in case of the Incursor/Inflitrator combo. They're not the strongest teams competitively, but they're straightforward and easy to grasp. Except for Heavy Intercessors. They suck. There's a bunch of other one-box teams, I think Scions is one (needs 10 Scion models) which is also not terribly complex. CSM are fine, maybe a 10 Sisters of Battle team. GlassHalfDead has good videos, I think. That's not something I know too much about tho.


The cards are nice but you can print them out and slip them into MTG sleeves. Only one player in your group needs the compendium imo. Possibly zero if you use battlescribe


Battlescribe has at least one problem with Tau teams, I've heard and it doesn't explain the composition of the teams very well. But if one person has the compendium, making it work for everyone becomes easy, I agree.


What's the problem with tau teams in battlescribe?


The one I heard about was that it gets the number of drones allowed wrong? But I didn't verify it myself.