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Tower of Hanoi? I feel like this mini game was used in dozens of video games.


Bioware pushed the same mini game in mass effect, just 4 years after kotor 1.


Shepherd in ME3 runs into a Towers of Hanoi game and says "Towers of Hanoi? I don't think so."


It was also in a dlc for Dragon Age Inquisition


Also Jade Empire


holy shit. that’s it? 4 years?


Honestly it's insane to think about. At the time it felt like forever but looking back that was a massive jump in quality in such short time


Karagga's Palace, 4th boss, although it is faster as there are only 3 lines to correct, but that needs to be done several times during the fight.


Has to be done for the entire duration of the fight in hard mode. A week or two ago, I was the only person who understood the puzzle in a group as well as the fight in general, and we wiped to the boss like a dozen times. I had to do that puzzle around 200 times.


It's also a common desk toy. Or a thing you can do with coins if you're waiting at the dentist office.


I mean. It's a solid puzzle.


I actually believe it is/was a kids puzzle/toy.


First and only experience with this style puzzle. But I also haven't played a lot of games with puzzles in general I suppose.


Black and White: Creature Isle used it a few times. It felt like the hot minigame of 2004


Yeah those Dozens of games were all bioware games


First time I encountered this was when I was 8 or 9 and I had a neighbor who helped write down the directions for me. Forever thankful to them!


I'm assuming I was more patient as a child. I'm pretty sure at some point I had a guide book that explained it and everything else going on. I wish I could find it just to look through.


I think I was like 11 when I first played KotOR? And this was one of my favorite bits, but my brain had trouble doing the puzzle text-based. When they did the same thing in Mass Effect and you just clicked one to the other I was all over it.


I always hear about Mass Effect from other kotor fans but never played it. I'm looking into older games to play, so maybe I'll give it a try. At least I'll be prepared for this part!


Not Mass Effect being described as an “older game” 😭😭😭😭 It’s incredible, truly. ME2 especially. Also if being prepared is important, please be aware that when you successfully complete this puzzle in ME there’s a loud “success” alarm sound that plays and me, having finished this game literally over 50 times, still gets jump scared by it.


Is the ME puzzle on Noveria? I've always used omni gel lol


> ME2 especially. Different strokes and all that. ME2 was always my least favorite of the trilogy, and as time has gone on my opinion on it has only soured more.


I agree actually. I don't know if it influenced my opinion but I played them years later and played all three in a row. I felt the first game was my favorite because I liked being able to equip my gear and the more classic RPG feel to it. I also think the world building was incredible, the game reminded me a lot of Kotor. The third game felt like the epic climax of the story. The stakes were so incredibly high. So much pay off from the 2 previous games, seeing all my choices from before culminate in the last game. The second game was the least memorable for me, I guess I wasn't as into the story.


I'm was in the same boat as you, until yesterday. ME legendary is on sale on steam for 6 bucks. I highly recommend it. I'm not even that far and I can't believe I never picked it up before.


ME:LE is like the LotR Extended edition of video games.


That makes me feel worse for not playing them originally, I'll miss out on all the extras. Having said that, it will still be an awesome ride til the end. Unless you are saying the complete opposite, because, in that case I want my six dollars back lol


It's basically one of the best gaming packages ever made, all three excellent games in a single install with a noticeable buff to gameplay and visuals in the first game. If you have it on PC, there's lots of cool mods too.


If you have a system that can handle it, you should absolutely get the Mass Effect : Legendary Edition. It has all 3 games and it updated the graphics and UI for the first one.


I played Kotor, Jade Empire and Origins growing up but never really touched Mass Effect. Decided I wanted to try and I got all 3 of them and played them in succession. It was an amazing experience playing them all at once, it was like a movie trilogy. I strongly recommend playing, really great lore and world building. Lots of good dialogue and morality choices. And you truly get to see how your choices in the first and second game influence the final game, it's incredible.


I was a bit older, but not a native English speaker... so these text-based puzzles could be hard.


I don't remember having to do something like this in Mass Effect. Where exactly is this?


Noveria, when you’re trying to get the base back online.


I always spent the omni since I grind a lot in the early game lol


Cue the random clapping…


Towers of Hanoi came up during my Computer Science degree to demonstrate recursive algorithms... luckily I'd played KOTOR beforehand!


I remember guessing until I got it right basically.


I recently just did this puzzle actually. I found a step by step guide online because I’m the impatient type playing certain games.


It's glitched in the Switch version. You literally cannot solve the riddle and are forever trapped in that room until you reset.


? I just played on the switch a couple of months ago. I made through (using my old Xbox guide) just fine.


Didn't they fix it a while back? I'll load it up and check... haha


Apsyr moment


Yeah that annoyed me while playing the switch.


I asked help to my sister when i was 8 hahaha. No seriously there is harder puzzles, but i think you can all avoit them except this one i think ?


Nancy Drew trained me with the Tower of Hanoi in multiple games.


Tower of Hanoi has such a simple solution. 1: Move the smallest piece one to the left 2: Make the only other legal move Repeat until solved.


I know this mini game nowadays, I do the mass effect one on noveria just fine. but the few times I come back to this game I still use this crumpled up cheat sheet I have to get through this one. playing this mini game via conversation menu is horrendous, I can barely keep track with how slowly it proceeds.


I’m an idiot and even I found this to be pretty easy, even as a teenager in 2003


It's insanely easy. It always amazes me when people struggle with it


Pretty easy. It’s all about how quickly you want to finish it. Top right to middle. Seconf move to left tower. Move top disc from middle to left tower. Move right third disc to middle. Move top disc from left to right. Then, second disc to middle. Move the top disc back to middle. Finally, bottom disc from right to left. Move top disc from middle to left. Move second disc to right. Move the top one again to right tower. Third disc to left. The last two. Move top disc to middle while the second to left tower. Then you’re done! Fast and easy :) I’ve played KOTOR many times. Haven’t done the tower in ages, so muscle memory. Also, please, if you would like to save this strategy somewhere on your computer. Feel free :) Happy gaming!


Bioware's favourite puzzle. Also mine.


I have fond memories of this puzzle. I remember figuring out how it worked when I was 12 but not knowing the name of it and then years later in college I got a programming assignment where we had to create a playable Towers of Hanoi game. While reading through the assignment having the realization that this was the puzzle from KOTOR and getting overly excited and talking to my friends about how amazing KOTOR is and how everyone should play it.


I had my cousin do it for me when I was a kid.


I first encountered this in the game Black and White. I thought it was used because it was easy.


I just go the other way


Tower of Hanoi used to be almost every game that had puzzles.


It’s a pretty common/famous puzzle. It was always one of my favorite puzzles in the game, second only to the one with the droids surrounding that guy in the desert


That one’s harder. I can never figure it out and I still haven’t. Math isn’t my strong suit.


When I was younger, I just saved before each droid and did trial and error. Now that I’ve been through college math, I kinda understand it. I was able to logic my way through most of them without knowing the math


I love that one on tatooine, never had a problem with it ironically


When you think about some of the puzzles in this game it's insane. The sabotaged druids math and logic puzzles, the kolto tank ones. Even my personal favourite, the riddle ones. An underrated feature of the game.


I do enjoy the logical aspects of this game. It's part of what makes it such a well-rounded classic.


This one is a cake walk compared to the switches


The big thing to realize is that 1&3 are linked, and 2&4 are linked. Wherever you move 1 or 2 at the start, that is where (respectively) 3 or 4 will end up. You'll never need to look up a solution again. The loop is very simple: (1) move 1 and 2 to where you want 3 & 4 to go, (2) move 1 on top of 2 so you can move 3, (3) put 1, 2, & 3 together so you can move 4. Repeat once more because you'll need to move 3 to where it actually needs to go. In practice, your opening move is to move 2 to the rightmost pillar, because 4 needs to go there (by extension, 3 needs to be on the middle pillar). So 1 goes to middle, 2 to right. Now, to move 3, 1 to right and 3 to middle (1 & 3 are linked, after all!). Move 1 to left, 2 to middle, and 1 to middle (all together). Move 4 to right (again, 2 & 4 are linked). Now that you need to move 3 on to the right pillar, follow the link rule. 1 goes right, 2 goes left. 1 goes back left (all together), and you can now move 3 on to the right pillar (again, that link). Then you just need to move 1 & 2 to the right, which is obvious (1 middle, 2 right, 1 right).


I could never do it as a kid. One random replay as a whole adult, and it just clicked for some reason


One of my favourite puzzles


I feel like it's overdone at this point. I feel like I've seen it in most of the BioWare RPGs I've played.


Always preferred fighting the two tarentateks much more straight forward!


I played when I was 17, and I couldn’t figure it out 😭


It's pretty cool coming across this puzzle in math or computation science later on in life, after being introduced to it in the game as a kid


Supercheats.com ✌️


For me the puzzle highlight was the underwater manaan injector puzzle, which is the same as the Die Hard 3 “puzzle” the bad guy made them do. I was a kid a was quite proud I remembered it. 5 and 3 galon jugs (injector pods). Great stuff


[Gamefaqs.com](http://Gamefaqs.com), back in the days before Youtube was a thing.


Bro, I don‘t know either how I made it but we did it xD In fact it ain‘t that hard, you just need to read it 100000000000000 times to male it perfect xD Im almost on korriban again, hell, I‘m waiting for this one xD


Tower of hanoi is really easy. The number of rings left to move determine where you put the first piece. If it's odd, you move the first piece where you want the whole stack to go. If it's even, you move the first piece to the other tower. Sequentially, each piece will move in this order(doing just 4 because of the post): 1-2-1-3-1-2-1-4-1-2-1-3-1-2-1. Try out that exact order and start by moving 1 to the middle pylon and tell me how you do.


Kids have a huge capacity for reasoning and problem solving. As adults it gets harder when we don't actively work on it. But yeah, this was way harder for me as an adult. Good puzzle imo, but I can see why people don't like it.


A similar puzzle has been showing up in ads on Instagram. I'm like "Kotor?"




I think this about a lot of older games with puzzles when I go to replay them as an adult. Was I just smarter as a kid? Has the brain rot finally set in? 👨🏼‍🦳


I’m in the same boat, I think I lost brain cells as I got older cause 12 year old me got it without any hints or anything. I have to watch/read tutorials and still mess up a few times.


took me like 3 tries just copying the solved instructions lmao. Probably only part of the game where I said fuck it.


In other words you were dumb


Not quite, if I was actually able to successfully complete it. I just don't remember. If anything, the implication is that I got dumb with age.


Arsehole alert


This puzzle is always a trouble if you're a kid But as an adult, I come to like this puzzle. It's a good puzzle and not too hard to figure out