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Hope everything works out for the little guy.


Fingers crossed, all the best Murray.


All the best wishes handsome boy ❤️


Best wishes for Murray 🥰


Have Faith because anything is possible. I pray that everything works out. The last thing one can lose is Faith. Keep strong, Mur. 🐾🐾🙏🏼🙏🏼😍😍🐾🐾


Love ya Murray


Rock on, Murray ❤️


I hope everything works out for Mr. moo. If you don’t mind me asking, what did your partner notice about his breathing that wasn’t right? I just want to know what to look for in my labs!


It was mainly that his breathing was laboured when he was laid down, probably on the side affected, and he went off his food. The food thing is commonly seen with what Moo has, but I wouldn't say to immediately think this was the cause if your labs go off their food. It could be for a variety of reasons. I will say this though. We were lucky to spot it. He had his heart listened to frequently and the vets didn't suspect a thing. Even the specialist said that he only found it with the stethoscope because he knew to search for it, and even then it was quiet. The only reason my partner wanted his breathing checked was because he was borderline obsessive about Moo's health, to the detriment of his own mental health.


How would you say that you determined his breathing was labored? Was he wheezing or “reverse sneezing”? I only ask because one of my labs kind of wheezes when he is breathing while laying down and is always super energetic which leads to him having a higher heart rate alot of the time.


Not reverse sneezing, more like it seemed like more work than normal? Like imagine you're laid down with something heavy in your chest, it's harder to breathe. Something like that is the best way I can describe


If your dog is energetic then he isn't have breathing isdues associated with congestive heart failure. My previous boy had the isdue at 13+ yeara old. He slowed down dramatically.


Murray was though, you wouldn't have known anything was wrong with him by his behaviour aside from being off his food. The breathing was purely when he was laid down. The vets had all been shocked as the scans and diagnostic tests didn't match with the dog they were seeing - they all thought he would have presented much sicker.


They are tough mysterious animals. My boy had bad arthritis. The Vet showed us his spine X-rays. It looked like saw blade teeth. Humans would be lying in bed. Labs are playing fetch. 😀