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Yup, you've got a Lab pup alright :-) Welcome to 12 months of heaven and hell 😜


12 months? I think mine's broken. He's 3.5 and still an adorably cute terror.


It’s an average. I got a lab that was an angel by 6 months. She could be trusted out in the house with shoes and remotes and clothes on the floor of our college duplex and never had an issue. My now wife got a GSD a year later, he’s 9 and still a terror.


My boy has never destroyed something in the house, but he is RELENTLESS with fetch (we call it frow - even made a bandanna for him as a puppy "Frow is life...life is frow") But if you sit in the recliner with a blanket on your lap, he will drag the blanket off of you. And my wife starts our garden from seeds every year - last year, he decided that we didn't ACTUALLY need the peppers she had started, and systemically removed them from the portable greenhouse and dispersed them over the yard.


My lab/pit was good by a year. My all pit is almost 2.5 and still likes to destroy things. Mainly when he is overtired and being a brat instead of sleeping. Lab/pit is 5.5 now and when little brother is being a brat he just gives me this looks that says “hey, you are the one that brought him home”.


You got lucky. My lab’s about seven months old and she still needs to be locked in a corral when unsupervised because she absolutely can’t be trusted indoors by herself.


Mine was a terror the first few years, then was well-behaved for several years… then when she hit “senior,” she became extra sassy and is now a strategic terror. She’s still adorable, though. I know there will be a day when I miss her angrily chewing on blankets that aren’t hers because I refused to throw the toy because I was working.


Oh...yeah... We've got the 3 yr old lab "Energy with black fur on it"... and a 10 yr old Blue Heeler that is SQUARELY in that "Sassy Senior" phase. Life is interesting in our house sometimes.


Strategic terror 😂😂


Mine calmed down after 10 years. A little.




More like 5 years give or take lol


It was an evil plant that was going to kill you. He saved your life. You should reward him with lots of treats and belly rubs. Such a good boy, I mean, look at those eyes!


Or maybe it was rootbound so he was going to repot it but got distracted half way through🤔😉


You can’t. I have a Labrador. I can never stay mad at him. He’s a 125 pound big boy. When I try to scold him he will give me kisses. I can’t even get mad at him. Unless he steals food from the other boys. Then he gets scolded. My boys, all 3 of them are my family. My best friends, and my world.


Yeah... We have a (probably growing) collection of 2 framed, differently dated, partially eaten socks we recovered at the vet on our wall as a reminder. Doesn't work :)


Just wait 'til you have a $150 vet bill for having underwear and/or socks removed from his little tum-tum. Getting angry at a lab is pointless.


My previous lab was known at the vet as Bottle Cap Dog. We got up one morning and in all seriousness he was dying. He was rushed into surgery when they saw an obstruction. They pulled out- a plastic bottle cap, a Power Ranger arm, 2 ink pen lids, mulch, and various small rocks. That’s the day I learned that the price for loving Labradors is high. Like, the literal price🤦‍♀️


Only $150????? You got off easy!


You're right.


Just a well intended warning ‼️ I had a Lab who was my soul dog. He had a penchant for eating socks, you name it. Well he’d had two surgeries in the past to remove the foreign objects. The last time this happened he was exhibiting symptoms of having intestinal blockage (diarrhea, etc). Of course I took him to the vet and told the vet that I suspected it had happened again. Well, the vet told me it was “allergies”. I didn’t buy that and told him about his history (this was a vet my regular vet referred me to). Long and heartbreaking story short, I was right and the f’ing vet made the wrong diagnosis. My dear beloved dog died from sepsis. I will never forget that or have gotten over that unnecessary loss. I just recommend that you take my advice and be mindful of what can happen.


One of the worst ways to die. That poor dog. 💔


It was just awful and the damn vet never even came back into the room to check on us. My beloved dog died in pain and then the billing clerk came into the room and wanted to know how I was going to pay.


$3000.00 later all I have is a dead dog and a heart filled with rage.


I’m sorry I vented here. This just brought up such painful memories and anger at myself for not trusting my gut and falling into that mindset that doctors are gods. They make mistakes too. This one just cost me the life of my beloved dog. I’ve had the joy of having more Labs since Mr Bill and have learned an important lesson - trust your gut. No one knows your dog better than you.


GEEEZ that's horrible! 😳


Boop that snoot!


Plant had it coming


Damn 🪴!


https://preview.redd.it/i2nxt5ey4abc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7894be6bfc64ae12a523990ec71c10b228d6e493 Thinks it’s a litter box .




He's too cute to be mad


To be fair, it’s delicious.


You can't


Who could be mad at that adorable face?


LOL I have a new puppy coming home this week, and have been moving all my houseplants to non puppy accessible locations.


I thought it would be fine but totally not!!


He's exploiting you with that face 😂❤️ So cute!!!


You can't stay mad... it's impossible. Definitely a cutie


He looks like, “Mom do still love me?” In the first pic. Adorable boi🖤


I’m convinced Labrador puppies are so stinkin cute because otherwise…. I remember mine making the entire house look like it had snowed while we were away for TWO hours and he found and thought it would be fun- to tear apart a 6 pack of tissues! 😂 absolutely beautiful boy you got there


Can I just say that this comment section is cracking me up. I have had Labradors for 30 years and can relate to these stories. They are the most loving, destructive, kindest little assholes there ever could be.❤️❤️❤️❤️


You can't. He's a Lab. It's impossible to stay mad. All Labs have the genetics to force who ever they are looking at to completely forget what made them mad in the first place.


Look at those paws! He's going to be a big, adorable boy.


My rescue Lab who is actually more Redbone Coonhound than Lab is just a year old and he is a digger, my defender against dangerous indoor plants, a bedspread chewer (despite the numerous chew toys he has), and tall enough to be a counter surfer who magically made a delicious Christmas gift disappear. But as frustrating as this can be, there’s no way he’s not going to be here forever. (I’m hiring his second trainer tomorrow 😆🤣😂) Life would not be as amusing without him.


I get my black lab in 2 weeks. How big is this little dude going to get. Hes precious.


I couldn’t.


Oooooo he is so dang handsome! We got a puppy from the shelter and I swear he must be mostly lab. He looks so much like your boy!


Lab mixes are very common! And they are just the cutest things!


It wasn’t him! It was that darn neighbors dog…. The Poodle he thinks. And he’s pretty sure it could happen again cause he saw that Poodle outside a while ago


Just a word of caution. Dogs eating ground can mean that they are lacking in nutrients and iron. I would also recommend checking out Evil Food Supply’s video on YouTube about dog food. https://youtu.be/WpMc6-dMd_A?si=Xik4Trn02aFFGaZg


If it’s not food why is it so delicious!


You can’t!hahahha my lab is almost 2, and he’s done all sorts of naughty things, but he’s too cute! I could never stay mad at him😂


Smol baby


Awww! You can’t. Look at that little face.


Puppy time...lol


He just wittle baby dog🥺🥺


It’s impossible to be mad when they’re so damn cute!


Figured out the cute little puppy dog eyes!!


You can’t. Their cuteness is a defense mechanism.




I can't even .... puppy love!!


Just make sure it's not a toxic plant for dogs.


LOL wait till he destroys your lovely looking floorboards with his huge talons of dog. My pine floorboard floors have been chewed up my guy's zoomies over the years. Bastard.


He’s an angel!!! 🥹


You can't stay mad. Nope. He's a lab and he's a baby. So sweet...


It's *always* our fault.


Lots of common houseplants are very toxic.,lovely pup


Give that baby whatever he wants!!! C.U.T.I.E




Sorry but that’s your fault for making it accessible. HES JUST A BABY 🥺


I would give in if he looked at me with just one of those eyes! ❤️❤️


But he is sooo cute.


I’ve got a 5 year old lab who still eats my floor… have fun


i think he knows what he did ;) CUTE


That face ❤️😭❤️


Get rid of the BENCH. it's a jail in a jail!


You dont


They only remember things for like 3 seconds. Live like a dog don’t hold grudges


Labs are like TRex's. Destroy everything within their reach


You should get mad at yourself, not the doggie. You already knew he was going to do that. Keep your plants out of the room.


Another black furry terrorist.


What a sweet and adorable face!


Look at that adorable mischievous face!! If you think destroying a house plant is bad you should try my Brownie girl. We have a lot of trees in our backyard, and I used to have the idea to plant some fruit trees out there as well. Well one day I looked out back to see Brownie running across the yard with a whole dang young cherry tree in her mouth like a stick! I don't plant trees in the back yard anymore


Oh, what a cute face!! I guess you have no choice but to forgive anything, even a big hole in a wall.


Sometimes that’s a sign of dehydration. They can smell the moisture in the soil. Often it’s just great fun though.