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That's some quarryville type shit


The “don’t tread on me” folks sure like treading on others for their choices


I love the stickers that make fun of them that say “don’t read to me” or “no step on snek”


I saw a great one with a duck that said “throw bread on me”


Have that on my beater truck gets confused looks up in the woods lol


Pwease no steppy uwu


My favorite is "oh, sweetie, nobody wants to tread on you"


I saw a trogdor one on my way to the beach.


Gratitude for this because I never knew what that meant and I didn't feel like asking LOL


That’s actually a joke that was made by special forces operators. They were clowning on the fact they are “special forces" and wanted their own version the flag.


I want a “no step on snek” but my wife said no. She said I am too much of an asshole and she doesn’t want the hassle of dealing with the Sheriffs 😂


Where can I get one!?


To the surprise of utterly no one: Bigots be hypocrites.


Everyone be hypocrites. We human.


Treading on others with their Crocs and Hey Dude Shoes.


That's what happens when "righteously angry" people are told by the media what they should be angry about. They are driven by emotion, not reason.


Their fight is with the government. Personal opinions aren't the same thing.


Don’t tread on me…treadin’ is my job.


Keep treading, dork


It was a joke lol Easy…go easy Leonard


Couldn’t tell. Maybe I’m dumb or you just suck at jokes. We can call it even


Eh. I’m no treader. I guess I shoulda put a “/s” after it. We’re cool


Live and let live.


Oh stfu


Care to explain? I’m listening


eh, I don't know. imposing language and ideology on others with consequences to enforce it sounds fascist to me.




If I misgender someone activists campaign against my employer to get me fired. If I suggest human sex is immutable and cannot be changed by declaration or wardrobe they seek revenge


Sex is not gender.


and the two things i mentioned never implied that it was


Funny considering the LGBTQ group is one of the most obnoxiously loud group there is.


You have the option to ignore it, but, you may lack the ability.






Your post has broken rule 3 - Be Tolerant Our community does not tolerate prejudice of any kind.


Looks like Buck Giant.


Geoguesser level: Expert


Winner winner chic fil a dinner!


I wouldn't have been more surprised if I woke up with my head stapled to the floor.


Shitter’s full!


Bigot scavenger hunt


Mmm, chick fil a.


Knew it was the Southern End


Aka, the dumbest fucking region of this county.


New york?/ California?


Is that a heterosexual man poking a gay man with his penis?


Somebody whiteout some balls on that gigantic D!


It really disappoints me that people think it worth the attention to post crap like this in public. As a trans person who has been attacked for my identity and even made homeless for it by straight white religious folks, I wish people could just grow up. We just want to live and work and have a life like anyone else.


And many of us want that for you , and advocate for it.


Thank you


I'm sorry. Please know that for every hateful POS, there are at least two allies who will fight for you. 🌈💗


I have been impressed by this. Having lived in the area for 20 years and come out 3 years ago I was scared to death of how it would go. Turned out I have had a far worse level of harassment biking to work (3-4 drivers harassing/attacking per full week of riding) than being openly trans (1 confrontational person a year). As you said, each time I was able to stay the noncombatant and surrounding people reinforced my defense. It is very heartwarming to experience that.


holy shit!! where do you bike at? I bike a very short distance to work in the city and have never been harassed on the road, that’s absolutely awful that that’s happened so much to you


The city is great. It’s the strasburg to smoketown to lititz that gets redneck monster truck combat


Exactly. I may not understand or even agree with any of this, but damnned if I won't stand shoulder to shoulder and fight like hell for someones right to live life free from bs.


No there isn’t.


Yes, there are. Statistically, bigots are outnumbered. Sorry, not sorry, if that truth isn't palatable for you.


Hate isn’t exclusive to bigotry. Try again.


Keep on showing your true colors.


I don’t feel like whoever that is can show their true colors. There’s no face to the account. Also, I dislike to be this person but looking at their account history in general… literally a troll account 🚮


I want that for you as well homie, hateful people suck




The 5th grade science strikes again. Look up the 3rd digit of genetics and get back to me. Hint, it’s not limited to binary


Your post has broken rule 2 - Be Civil. Don’t attack folks’ character - but feel free to criticize a viewpoint you disagree with.


Man, I was gonna guess a Tractor Supply or Ace Hardware store 🤣🤣🤣 I don’t have an issue with Pride Month; and I live IN THE CITY. My only issue is that it’s also PTSD awareness month, and it’s a huge issue facing our military, veterans, & first responders. There’s enough room for events & awareness for all - not just one. ♥️


PTSD affects more than those who have been through stereotypical / classic/socially acceptable traumas but overall ok


Indeed. Many minorities have ptsd issues. Getting forced to be homeless at 19 for being trans quietly did a number on me


Also why does it matter where you live?


The main griping I hear is because it’s just been the 2nd weekend that downtown traffic was all but closed down for a Pride event, parking was impossible, and the fear over the bomb threats happening again - but these things happen for any event… so I don’t care, not worth the complaints. And yes, of course PTSD can happen in regards to “regular people”, and they would be included and welcome. I’m just involved with veterans.


And yet they all couldn’t be more proud of their home-town boy Johnny Weir when he competed in the Olympics


wow, advocating for violence against a whole group of people! it's almost like that's why we spend a single month out of the year affirming that it's okay for them to exist


That sticker just hit peak performance by sharing it. Seek knowledge, not attention.


Southern end, undoubtedly.


Had to be






Outside Josh Parsons house!


It would be upside down.


That's a fascist celibate logo


Hobby lobby?


Is that supposed to be a leg kicking or just a huge honking pecker?


Can’t unsee it. 😂😂😂


Ryan Oberholtzer put that up. Ha was bragging about getting them made. He has an issue with anyone in the pride community and anyone not white. I think he lives in the Lititz/Manheim area


Interesting. Probably also has some other problems going on


Any link to a post or his socials?


He blocked me on everything after I called him out on another issue with one of my girlfriends. He is just a nasty person and I hope one day he pays for it.


These guys eat, poop and sleep thinking about gay guys, why don’t they just blow one already?


Grew up in Solanco. All those guys do now is read through facebook and act like they're victims to woke society. Every conversation eventually leads to, "Can you believe that they're doing [fill in the blank] at a school in [name a town you've never heard of]?" If they put the time into learning something rather than pro-Trump facebook memes, we might be on Mars by now. It's kind of sad. They literally can't hold a conversation anymore. Maybe it's nostalgia but growing up talking about fun/dumb southern end things was great. Now, it's only regurgitating the latest outrage post.


What a sad silly person who created that.


Gun store? Wait no, Church!


Reason number 270 I won’t go to the southern end of Lancaster. That area scares me.


It’s pretty safe. I am down there quite a bit because I have some property in the southern end. There’s even a couple houses in the hills that have pride flags and things outside them.


It's perfectly safe, yes there are assholes but they are harmless assholes (and realistically they will leave you alone for the most part) Violent crime down here is VERY rare


Last august I was rammed by a tailgating dui near muddy run at 55 my speed. His front bumper ripped off when he hit and ran. When we stopped to survey the damage and call it in, he came back and made it all about me and my partner being trans. Then proceeded on camera to threaten to grope me before the cop came up behind him and broke it up. Somehow there were 5 state troopers on site at 6 pm on a Saturday in holtwood. He then assaulted the arresting officer in the presence of 4 others. He got 5 years. That was likely the closest i have ever felt to feeling threatened and I have been in a lot of confrontations. The court hearing just prior was a similar scenario but the guy pulled a knife. Scary.


Yeah, but it only takes one not so harmless asshole to end a life. For reference, please see ... well, America.


I’m confused is America the only country that commits hate crimes? 🤔


Seriously. Like half the people in the *dreaded* Southern End, don't drive their bigoted assess into the city every day for work anyway. It's 20 minutes down the road...


It's funny, becasue, As someone who lives and works in the southeren end, SO MAny people (and good people at that, not just the bigots) Won't or dread going into the city because they are scared of getting mugged or shot or something. Both sides are equally wrong


Yeah, I grew up down there too but my Dad works in the city (he's a love is love but weed is evil kind of guy 🙃) so once they started First Friday we started going into the city a lot. It's crazy how deeply people are so set in their ways and perceptions here.


I grew up in Solanco, and moved away for various reasons. It's honestly a gorgeous place and there are plenty of good people that live there, including the majority of the Amish. Unfortunately there are also plenty of far right wingnuts as well. But generally as long as you stick to public spaces you're fine


Solanco gang


*Slowlanco. ;)


This activated me like a sleeper agent lol. It's a damn solid nickname hahaha


Bwahaha. I say it with love, of course - I myself unfortunately am a Slowlanco student (2001). Not by choice, mind you - but I didn't have one since my mother uprooted us out of Philly and moved us to the southern end of Lancaster county in 1997. Talk about culture shock!


One of my best friends had the same circumstance. Can't imagine that haha. I was born and raised here. I have a ton of love for the area. But can definitely see why people hate it.


It's the same everywhere. Tough guys just like to put stickers on their trucks to act like they would be that "try that in a small town" guy.


Oh that chaps my ass so fucking much. People act like the Southern End is tantamount to Alabama circa 1964. This is some punk kid being a jack ass thinking he's funny. There's no unified racist front down here in Quarryville. There's racist and homophobic jagoffs all over the county. When people act like they literally might get lynched in Quarryville in fucking 2024 it makes me laugh. If you ever met TRUE fucking prejudice you would know that the Southern End ain't it cochise.


Exactly. Definitely am in more danger walking around lancaster city at night with a group than walking alone in the southern end, hell even in the woods. I have had scary experiences in lancaster city, have been stalked by random creepy guys, and have witnessed violent crime. Never in the southern end, though. Ive had my fair share of homophobia everywhere, but experienced more homophobia at a job in lancaster city than i did at a job in the southern end. I find it extremely disheartening that people in this county either love the city and hate the country parts, or love the country parts and hate the city. I love being able to enjoy both, however, like mentioned, i definitely feel less safe in lancaster city based on my experiences.


Giant shopping center in Newport.


Looks like Costco.


Walmart parking lot


Florida or Texas


Half a mile outside the city limits of any largish city on the east and west coasts?


Pride was better off as a day. As a month it's just an ideological slog.as a day it's a party. As a month it's something to me endured


im kinda with ya. months seem to be more somber rememberce then celebrations


That is the point of pride tho. It's not a party. It's a time to remember all the lives lost due to bigotry and hate, both acute and institutionalized. The celebrations are meant to be a radical defiance of the persecution suffered by the LGBTQ+ community. And on a personal note, having a whole month does make it easier to find time in my schedule to actually attend an event as I don't have every weekend off.


It was clearly in some dickhead's hands before it got stuck here.


Is the “fuck off” like a “dance off”?


Posted where it wants to be? It's freedom of speech


side of a library?


Target parking lot


i need that on my wall lmao


I bet it was originally in somebody's closet...




Possibly photoshopped? Perfectly square with the frame, but not the post. It’s in shadow, but appears bright. Could be wrong…


Not photoshopped unfortunately. Location was guessed above by another redditor. Buck Giant


On a pole?


judging by the background, a target?


Target lol guranteed




On a pole?




Your post has broken rule 2 - Be Civil. Don’t attack folks’ character - but feel free to criticize a viewpoint you disagree with.


So did anyone guess correctly? Lol


Yup. One of the first responses here






Why does pride month exist? Actually, why does any group of people’s have awareness months? Legit question, why are we drawing special attention to designated groups of people? Isn’t that just like… weird? Like this group / community gets a month of attention while others don’t just doesn’t seem right and leaves room for political divide, entitlement, and targeted attacks by people against said groups / communities. Not saying that specifically about pride month, but generally speaking. We’re all people, and we all want peace and unity, so why are we separating ourselves and isolating from the rest of society. At least that’s how it feels.


It exists because our community exists. We celebrate pride because not too long ago in the past homosexuality was deemed illegal in most states. In the 80s and prior it was considered a mental illness. The LGBTQ community has been used as a scapegoat and punching bag by conservatives for longer than I've been alive. We've faced/face violence, harassment, bigotry, and homophobia. So we celebrate our existence. You think it's weird only because you're straight (probably white and Christian) and have never felt excluded or discriminated against for just being who you are. (I'm not talking about religious convictions, those are a choice). The reason we have black history month, pride month, indigenous people's month, women's history month is to highlight/ celebrate our accomplishments and to not forget our marginalized history. We fought and are still fighting for our basic existence. "We’re all people, and we all want peace and unity", No not everyone feels that way. The religious right would love to ban our rights, send us off to conversion camps, be allowed to openly harass us.. etc. Turn on Fox News on any given day and listen to their constant ranting about trans people, gay people, agenda, being woke etc... Imagine having to fight back everyday. Losing friends, losing family over homophobia or transphobia. Being pushed out of a job, being denied medical care, or basic service in some areas because of "religious convictions" (a conscious choice to be a bigot and hiding behind it) being called groomers and pedophiles (by religious leaders and right wingers who are usually molesting children). If someone can't understand that, they should consider shifting their line of perspective inwardly. I hope this answers your question . Edit: spelling, grammar


Pride is a disgusting character trait.


Your chosen ignorance and bigotry is a disgusting trait. Try being a better human being.


Not true at all, be prideful in what you’ve done and what you’ve accomplished. You’ve earned the right to be prideful, only people who haven’t achieved anything in life say shit like that.


Its literally one of the seven deadly sins. Ill pass. Not religious at all but those 7 are all bad character traits.


Yea if you make your entire personality, taking pride in what you do is important to your self image and potential. Taking no pride in anything leads to great lack of self confidence in yourself, and a lack in what you’re capable of. Seriously dude, it helps you a lot more than you think. Hence why it can be the death of you if let it go to your head.


I’m literally bi and an atheist that ran away from a controlling place… I was asking because bringing full direct attention to it with everything else going on is weird. People are using as a distraction from what else is going on and they’re taking advantage of the situations to push agendas (I.e conservatives and even the liberals on different degree). Being prideful and being aware is one thing, but another is shoving down everybody’s throat, they try to do that with religion and it’s the exact same in that regard. I don’t care about who’s black and who’s not, I don’t care about who’s gay and who’s not, that’s an existence that separates us by what we are. That’s why it’s stupid to such things. Learning about and appreciating different cultures and backgrounds of people aren’t things everybody wants to do, especially when every other add I get is about something gay (literally) or drag show adds, or adds about religion being so important so you don’t burn in hell, like it’s annoying if anything. Be happy with who you are, but don’t make it everybody’s business. I sincerely couldn’t give a fuck less about black history month, pride month, indigenous month, ect. I’d like to exist without everything having something to do with a set agenda or political gain. Which is what they tend to be used for. Edit: like I said dude, we’re all people, and I wish we could all just exist peacefully with each other, it’s sad that we can’t, but I don’t think set months is going to change any of that for the better.


Gay pride is not shoving anything down people's throats. It's a celebration of who we are and the struggles we endured as a community. What you suggest would let bigotry win. If you don't want to celebrate it no one is forcing you to. No one is going door to door trying to convert anyone, and any representation we see in media forms isn't indoctrinating, it's showing our exist as well. Unfortunately our existence is going to be someone's political agenda for a long time until something much bigger in scope comes along to shift their attention. That's an inevitability. We as a community still have to fight for it rights. That hasn't stopped just because gay marriage was legalized. You may not give a fuck about the people that fought for your rights, but others do. You want people to be happy with who they are, but not make it everyone's business. It's kind of hard to exist being black, a woman, or LGBTQ without other people noticing, you do realize that right? Again you do you.


It’s all to stir up factions, hate and violence. Those are the kinds of things that keep the engines turning.


Church parking lot




I don't think it's gay people they don't like. Just the special treatment, and a whole month of pandering. The sticker doesn't say fuck off gay people, just fuck off pride month.


Everywhere? Lol


Where would one find this sticker?




It's somewhere I would never want to be. If you enjoy this, truly, stay there, please. It's hateful to kick or bodily harm someone who is not hurting you in any way. I'm not going to fight over this. It's a battle that is boring and stupid. Why don't you just mind your own business?


Fuck off is crazy💀




Looks like Target


It is


Trump rally


On a light pole in a parking lot.


Chick fil a or a Kmart


We are EVERYWHERE and we carry guns now


you think they stopped making guns when they made yours?


No. We're 3d printing them these days too. The community as a whole I'm pretty sure it's oppressed to continue but we're quite familiar with it also. The American fascination with killing instruments was bound to spill over.


Does the sheer irony of this cultural reference not scream at you? So the movie reference for this is from the movie 300 in which the Spartan king front kicks the Persian ambassador into a pit screaming “This is Sparta!” The fact this imagery from a “Hollywood elitist” movie is being used to denounce LGBTQ+ awareness just smacks of ignorance and hypocrisy. First the movie itself could construed by ultra evangelicals as homoerotic. Second, the heroes of the movie, the Spartan warriors, regularly and without shame engaged in homosexual relations as recorded in many historical accounts as they believed the men would fight better in protection and in the company of their homosexual lovers. Third, the Spartans were not good and kind people either, they had a slave class and would regularly leave weak looking newborn babies out to die from exposure. Finally for the kicker, the Greeks in general had systemic grooming of young boys to introduce them to homosexuality. So all that being said, I’m pretty freaking glad I don’t live in ancient Sparta, but I do have to wonder about those who today seem to idolize the idea of using violence and forcing conformity to their own beliefs. Grow up, people have sex. Humans would die out if we stopped having sex. There is nothing wrong with sex. Different people get off to different things, both as a matter of choice or taste and some as a matter of biology and inherited traits. As long as it is between consenting adults, get over it and get on with your own life and stop worrying about what gets anybody else off.




No, looks more like a Giant than a Target.


No, that's definitely Target.


White team outskirts no doubt


park city mall


The Giant by the old ac more




If this is an R/Lancaster, then it’s got to be either in I think it’s Pennsylvania


the homophobs are actually the ones keeping pride month alive. if no one was picking on the queers they wouldn’t need a month to themselves and others they dont need to be a shamed


In the USA. We are done with bullying by gays. Be gay all you want. Don’t shove it down our throats.


Good sticker. Keep it in the bedroom folks. Sticker was setup by a gay, trying to get clout. A fake “hate crime” most normal people don’t care.


Somewhere sane


Somewhere with common sense?


Probably on school ground trying to discourage predators from going after children.


Says the guy who comments on “tiny girls” sub saying “they are easier to hold down”. Typical hypocrite


How does the post itself not violate the rules but my comment “MERICA!!” does?


My guess would be if you are in favor of violence against a group of people, that’s typically not a good thing.


What about the post though? Looks a lot more violent than saying MERICA?


I’m making others aware of a sticker that promotes violence and that I removed the sricker. Not sure how that violates any rules.




Yes I love a sticker that shows someone beating me up /s


But since you brought it up, I’m going to have a bunch of these made up and start putting them all over SoCal