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This is true, I tried to learn another word after my third month of studying a language once and I found that I'd unwittingly memorised the entire dictionary overnight


This is why I hate the question “how many languages do you know?” There’s no objective standard for “knowing” a language and assholes on the internet exploit that gray area to impress rubes.


I have been studying english since high school and I'm 34 years old now. Every once in a while I come across a word I don't know, which clearly means I'm not fluent yet. Am I stupid?


I guess so. This fuck is learning everything in only 3 months


In daily high school classes you don’t even hit the entire past tense until the end of the year (6 months,) and almost never reach the future tense in a meaningful way, and this is from English - Spanish. Cannot imagine learning a character based language within a single year, but granted, I’m not a gigachad polyglot 😔


10 minutes a day for 3 months should be enough to impress people who do zero minutes. If you ambush enough natives then you might even shock one or two. You can just edit out the ones that weren’t impressed.


Or you could just go to a country where people are used to dumbass westerners not even trying and will call you a genius for speaking like a third grader


There isn't such a thing as a character based language


I went to my home country a few months ago and didn't know how to say "oat milk". My citizenship has been revoked.


I am a native English speaker. Every once in a while I, too, come across a word I don't know, which clearly means that we are both stupid. 🙄


Coming across a word you do not know doesn't make you stupid💀 especially in a language with over 170,000 words, in fact, I would argue that it is stupid to say such a thing.


are you being sarcastic? i genuinely can't tell


I am not, people should not feel bad, or doubt their ability to speak their language, being fluent does not mean knowing every single word of a language, it just means to express and articulate oneself easily in said language.


we're on r/languagelearningjerk and almost everyone in this thread is joking. I'm almost certain that the person you replied to was joking. They don't actually think that they or the person they are replying to are stupid, they're just joking around


Ive been studyong ny natkve language for 20 years now. Unfortunately, can't say I'm fluent yet either 😔


Don't be so daft, you're doing fine. Even us native speakers are still learning words on the daily when changing jobs. The terms I use are only significant to my colleagues. If I was to go in to a random building and ask the workers about their positions, I'd understand most of it, but would be at a loss for some of the finer nuances. Yet, I still have to answer calls from the general public with mundane questions. I find myself struggling to hold myself back. From giving condescending or sarcastic responses. And remind myself that I am an outlier for spending 40 hours a week in my field. When asked for the meaning of the word inactive, I was so tempted to say "the opposite of active". I was able to bere with it, and give a stoute answer to resolve their query. Bt, bid you the hight of luck on the endeavor to comprehend this Frankenstein work of a language.


I know every language because I can read the English names of them 😎


uj/ It's B2. Saying you "know" a language before B2 is really just boasting and as soon as a conversation steers away from familiar textbook grounds you're just going to look like an idiot


I honestly wish we could normalize saying our fluency levels in A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, etc format all the time. “Knowing” a language is so arbitrary.


I agree with this. B2 means you can hold yourself well. Anything below that, you ain’t know shit, you know how to sink.


It's always either "I know how to pronounce words so I do technically know the language" or "Technically you never really know a language because you're always learning new words and phrases ☝️🤓" from these people


I was a bad student and even though i took classes for years i know less than 5% of Russian. I think that would qualify me as a Russian-speaker for them. I do my best to learn how to read the signs in any country I visit, along with greetings and numbers. I really must be a polyglot!


i know at least 45 languages, i only speak 3 or 2;


For real though, it's so stupid, you can speak a language, but noone knows every single word of a language and all their meanings ffs⬆️


3 months?! It is proven that 24 hours is completely enough to learn a language! 


This is just data for monolingual betas who are new to language learning


If Xiaoumantic can, so can you!


Instant Japanese begs to differ


Professional youtube linguist SHOCKS clueless language learner with PURE stupidity


Affiliate marketing scheme - Check Bald - Check Beard - Check Biceps - Check Spends time in Romania - Check Kickboxer - Check Dude is the Andrew Tate of multilingualism. Has he considered trafficking women yet?


This guy is also against comprehensible input, Anki, and reading as methods to learn vocabulary. 100% for real, check out the comment section of his videos.


I know! I kind of feel proud to be blocked by him. 😂


What does he believe in then? Making up words and hoping they are right?


He believes in "AI, neuroscience and ancient memorisation techniques". Whatever that means.


Hehehehe the ancient memorization techniques Clinton used to speak English


Studied linguistics via a marketing course


Let me guess, the only REAL way to be a hyperchad polyglot is to buy whatever course he's selling?


https://www.nll.coach/offers/ZXz2Vd4e/checkout "become a certified hyperpolyglot in 12 —18 months" 😄


For the low low price of €99 a month Jesus, this man is peak polyglot


Definition of learning a language is important. You can learn how to order food or call a taxi in a week, learn some basic conversational lexis in a month, but there isn’t really an end point.


I thought hyperpolyglot was just a satire meme


Only the giga chad part is a meme.


uj/ This actually really depends on how you define language learning. I studied Italian intensively for a year, I now read books in Italian, I can have conversations in broken Italian. Can I say I know it? Alternatively, languages are living creatures that evolve constantly, can you ever truly KNOW a language? If you don't know what "rizz" is, can you say you know English? What about the next slang term? rj/ I paid for DuoDingo premium and learned 69 languages in 24h! With the free version I learned 3 words in Italian in a year and the polizia showed up to my house and beat me up. 😤


I'd say fluency is if you are able to hold hour long cohesive conversations about various topics at least 95% in the language. If fluency or knowing a language means knowing every single existing word and never hesitating or making mistakes, then no one on Earth is even fluent.


I’d add the caveat of “everyday” or “common knowledge”topics. I am technically fluent in my heritage language, but I obviously can’t deliver a lecture on quantum mechanics using it.


To be fair, I don’t think I could deliver a lecture on quantum mechanics in any of the languages I know. I’d also include knowing how to read/write decently well in the language.


Maybe I'll do a 3 month Polish challenge and see if I come back from it ~~alive~~ slightly better


I learnt German in 1 day 🤩


That guy is a definite scammer. https://youtu.be/yJepSaYW0Ko?si=CqJVNEgCzGZOpfDp


This guy is like Language Simp except he’s completely serious


3 months?! Our buddies been making courses to teach you a new language every day! WEAK lol


Your mindset is why you aren't a clueless white guy freaking out Chinese locals with crazy-perfect Mandarin skillz 🙄🙄


Wow you all are slow. I can learn a language in 3 hours. I just decided one week to learn all the European languages and it was too easy so I learned Hindi too


3 hours? I LEARNED JAPANESE IN 1HR! Konichiwa! Sayonara!


Teach me dutch


First lesson. I am a scammer is ik ben een oplichter.


"learn a language" is so subjective. You could learn to have a basic conversation in a language in half an hour. I'm more interested in mastering a language than just learning it and there's no way you master it in under three months even with full immersion and full-time studying!


Buddy has *hyperpolyglot* in his youtube name so we know he speaks about 20 languages to a barely conversational level with the ability to read and pronounce at a decent level to fake it for videos.


i thought this was about programming languages and thought "way shorter" and then i saw the subreddit. if only every spoken language was based on the same core principles with minor syntax changes


what. I been learning English since I was born and I still suck at it. (I've been alive more than 3 months).


This is true. I started German 3 months ago nd can now converse with a baby German 


3 months is so long, it shouldn't take more than a few hours to memorize a few phrases from google translate.


What he means by speaking a language is essentially the equivalent of being able to say "yo como manzanas" in a good accent.


Wouter C. would agree with that definition.


This man is babbling, so SILLY like other fake polyglots on Youtube.


The only thing I can think of replying to this is "f* you"


/uj I'm probably one of the few people here who's actually been trying his method. It is more efficient than comprehensible input IF you put in the effort (although input is still very important). CI always felt like more of a pointless chore to me and I actually kind of enjoy drilling sentences. It really depends on what kind of learner you are. Idk about 3 months but I vouch for the dude for the most part.


What language are you trying it with?