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https://preview.redd.it/7a9x8qw3kf7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1cdf3c6499f075afc3aa34713b330b6928480b1 Another line of sunglasses she will never wear


So if Diff deleting comments? I only see one negative and a few wondering why she wears them so far low on her nose. šŸ˜‚


That visit yesterday was a consult, and like a two year old, she sat on the exam table rather than a chair for the discussion. Only her butt cheeks outline can be seen, and the paper would have been pressed down or wrinkled if she had an actual exam.


So Iā€™m wondering what are they looking at with all this bloodwork? And why are they willing to do a surgery without a biopsy to confirm the surgery is needed. Kinda seems like she is jumping to a last resort without going through the other options


Iā€™m actually buying the potential endo diagnosis. Unfortunately womenā€™s health is so far behind and it would make sense paired with DOR and poor egg quality


Disagree. Her entire story is fake. With her past procedures, this would have been uncovered long ago. She has DOR which is preventing her from getting pregnant, but because she cannot change her DOR diagnosis, she will travel around the U.S. doing different procedures, surgeries, etc. to try and change an outcome that will remain the same forever. She will probably find aā€¦ 5th? ā€œIVF doctorā€ this Fall.


Nope. They would have caught it by now. She has a histogram and contrast injected into her ovaries last year. She said then it was to check for endometriosis. She has DOR and even if she had endometriosis, this laparoscopy isnā€™t going to change anything.


The only true way to diagnose endo is through a laparoscopy. However, I do agree that none of her infertility story adds upā€¦. But endo would make sense. The goal of an HSG is to see if your fallopian tubes are open.


True, but if she accurate blood flow through her ovaries, endometriosis is not the key to her infertility. If they go in and burn off any lesions on her ovaries, she will actually have a decrease of ovarian reserve. There are plenty of medical journals with factual information about this scenario.


Correct, surgery poses significant risk to her ovarian reserve. (I have stage 4 endometriosis, Iā€™ve had 3 laparoscopic surgeries and 3 kids through IVF.)


That is great!!! I had stage 4 before I ultimately had a hysterectomy at 42. I had 5 surgeries before having 3 children in my 30ā€™s and 1 more after I was done having kids. Having so many ultimately put me in perimenopause. I always wanted to have 1 more child but endometriosis wrecked my insides and hormone levels until my doctor was talked me into a hysterectomy. I can say, it was the best decision I ever made. Endometriosis is rough to live through and wouldnā€™t wish it on anyone.


Agreed 100%!! Hereā€™s the thing - IVF is being used for engagement. Because sheā€™s been doctor shopping, and listening to who is telling her what she wants to hear - I do think itā€™s entirely possible the potential endo diagnosis has been missed. She has a platform to educate peopleā€¦ but instead itā€™s so misleading and giving little half-truths here and thereā€¦. You know people are buying it. Taking CBVā€™s Letrozole? (Like who doesnā€™t finish their RX?) There are people actually falling for this gravy train hook, line, sinker.. and buying colostrum, Mary Ruth vitamins and St Gerard necklaces and funding this shitshow.


It is possible it could have been missed. She is so ridiculous with her lying. She could educate but she wonā€™t because Iā€™m sure she has no clue what anything means. I bet doctors hate her.


She doesnā€™t have any redeeming qualities. I see nothing that people would be drawn to her for. How the heck did she come so far? Iā€™m sure if you even recognized her on the street you would trip over her. Sheā€™s short and frumpy I bet. Nothing at all ā€œwrongā€ with that BTW, just donā€™t show skinny filtered pics, fake abs. Sheā€™s the most envious and jealous woman I perceive her to be. As a retired flight attendant I do know this stereotype. And trust me, I met many celebrities on flights that I would never ever have recognized because of a thing called ā€œphotoshoppingā€


I feel like she just abuses her followers. Drags them along with lies and manipulation. Can Netflix please do a show about her!!!!


And her fake Instagram giveaways!! Yuck


Doesnā€™t she have DOR!!?!?!? Isnā€™t endo visible on ultrasound? I know someone who had endo surgery twice- the masses grow back


Endo is not always visible on an ultrasound.


She has conveniently forgotten about her DORĀ 


And you can still get pregnant with endometriosis. I did back in 1987. Things havenā€™t changed that much. Sheā€™s the biggest lying scammer around.


Having a lap for endometriosis isnā€™t going to do shit for her DOR. She is reaching.


Iā€™m so confused, so she did get pregnant recently with DOR on simple medication after trying and failing how many rounds of IVF and spending a clean fortune! Aside from that, fertility specialists would usually want to check for all this before ivf if she was symptomatic so why are they only now checking for endometriosis, does she have symptoms?! I have mild endometriosis and have excruciating periods so donā€™t know why this is only coming up as a possibility now and why her recent story talks about potentially needing extensive removal?! It just all smacks of complete bollocks tbh but I just donā€™t know what the long game is! Either sheā€™s taking everyone for mugs or her doctors are taking her for oneā€¦jury is out!!


I think she lied about that pregnancy entirely. I think she took a pregnancy test and it was positive for a day or two because she tested early and received a false positive due to a med she was takingā€¦


I think she is lying about all of it. I donā€™t think the pregnancy happened naturally with CVBā€™s meds. Her eggs havenā€™t made it past 3 days during her IVF. The medicine isnā€™t going to do anything for vitality of the eggs.


I donā€™t believe she was ever pregnant neither of the times she claimed to be. Sheā€™s a lying liar who lies. Everything that happens going forward is just to drag this clown show on and make money off of the people who follow her and are so invested in her ā€œjourneyā€. That and a setup for the donor egg. Itā€™s cute though that she has entirely forgotten her DOR and thinks everyone else has as well. This page exists for a reason, because everyone here eventually started to see the math not mathing.


Maybe this is why the doctor referred her to someone else. This doctor knows this isn't going to fix the issue.


Watch tomorrow sheā€™s going to say they had a cancellation and they can get her in right awayšŸ™„


We got the call!


And the STAT bloodwork came in at 2:34a.m. three days later




Wait! I thought before she started on CBVā€™s medicine, she saw an OBGYN?


I think she said that her doctor in Cali had prescribed her Clomid. But that there was a pharmacy shortage and she wasnā€™t able to find any Clomid to align with her cycle. So she took CBVā€™s leftover Letrozole. Story made little sense.


I thought she had never gone in to see him but he supposedly gave her the go ahead to take someone elseā€™s prescription šŸ™„




Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking. I remember her saying she went to her holistic doctor and her obgyn. I could be wrong, she has spun so many lies this past year. I canā€™t imagine a doctor prescribing her or giving her a thumbs up on CBVā€™s medicine without having an examination. She barely has a 4th grade education. She is trying to spin medical lies to fit her narrative not accounting for the fact many of us are in healthcare or have experienced these procedures. She is way over her head.


No because youā€™re actually 100% with the education thing and it just reminded me how dumb she legitimately is. Sheā€™s pretty good at making me question my own medical experience tho lolšŸ’€


Same here! She has me scratching my head at times. šŸ˜‚ but there is NO specialist going to risk his medical license for someone he has never met.


Lmao I totally forgot about the CBV med fiasco




Hasnā€™t had anything checked in a year?! So the California trip/miscarriage/vacation/EPTOPTIC(šŸ™„) 3 months ago was complete bullshit?


She does this on purpose- followers will ask about that and then she will clarify. Engagement of any kind is her jam.


Exactly! They would have checked her then. She just royally screwed herself.


I truly think she does have endo and always have. Sheā€™s probably seeing an excision specialist because they do a more in depth removal of the endometriosis and if you donā€™t see an excision specialist the endo can come back depending on what technique is used. Iā€™ve had friends get endo removed from their rectum, bowels, ovaries, bladders, you name it & they really didnā€™t have any symptoms. Laura does though. I truly cannot believe no other doctor has recommended they check for endometriosis considering her DOR and implantation failures. Thereā€™s a simple test/biopsy like a PAP called the ReceptivaDx that can detect endo in the uterusā€¦.not sure why that hasnā€™t been done eitherā€¦.


I had endometriosis and had multiple surgeries. Unless you are on continuous birth control, medicine to stop your periods, or have a hysterectomy it comes back. I actually donā€™t believe she has it. With the amount of IVFā€™s, the specialists she has been to and her age, someone would have suspected it. However, with her DOR diagnoses, it isnā€™t really going to increase her chances for healthy eggs or improve the ovarian reserve. If she has no symptoms, she obviously knows her tubes are open, scans would show any abnormal anatomical accuracy, so what is the end goal? Even if she has endometriosis lesions on an ovary and has it removed, it can decrease her ovarian reserve more than it already is, not improve it. I donā€™t believe her. This is a way of her saying ā€œI quitā€ so people quit asking or a ploy to sneak in a donor transfer in a couple of months. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


You can actually work on your egg quality but she doesnā€™t know that since she does zero research.


Thereā€™s no way all of her other doctors didnā€™t suggest this. Sheā€™s seen so many .


I always wonder thereā€™s been no mention of ReceptivaDx. Itā€™s such a simple biopsy that shares so much. I went through Ivf & did this before my transfer. She has such a huge platform. Why she chooses to not properly educate people is mind blowing to me!


Honestly because her ā€œplatformā€ wouldnā€™t exist without the ongoing saga of this lie. She has to perpetuate it and create DRAMA for the mere sake of making tons of money. This is her cycle and I see it repeating, as do so many of you smart gals!


I think that she never fails to mention the fact that ā€œ no other dr has ever recommended we test for thisā€ means that they probably all have and she chose to bypass certain test because she wanted to get to the ivf part to get her likes!!


So the 20 other doctors she has seen in the past 5 years all over the country didnā€™t think to test her?


No other dr suggested clomid either so who knows


Or having a good diet and exercising šŸ˜‹


Apparently not! Which is bizarre to me. Endo is a very common reason for infertility.


iā€™m not buying anything sheā€™s selling on this ivf journey of hers


Smart of you. Thatā€™s why I ended up here. It wasnā€™t making sense. Tomorrow she will start out her stories all sad and whispering. Then she starts to shill and forgets that she was sad. I canā€™t stand her.


i mean buying as in not believing lol


The specialist in California sent her for tests and bloodwork only 3 months ago, which morphed into running all over California sightseeing in a Maserati, tram to the top of a mountain, dinner on a restaurant balcony, chopping her hair off at Supercuts, buying wallets on Rodeo Drive for a fake giveaway and a photo shoot in the desert.... all while having "a ePtopic" pregnancy. šŸ˜ So now she has to wait until next month for a procedure. Spoiled princess couldn't push her way to the front of the line. Boo hoo.Ā 


I see another ā€œvacationā€ so she needs to come up with some fake story. I hope others see her for what she truly is. A LIAR. And I definitely donā€™t believe she went to supercuts with some random,unknown hairdresser. Iā€™m betting she went to a very sheik salon in CA and paid a pretty penny for her haircut.


But ā€œitā€™s been almost a year since I have had anything checked.ā€ So the trip to California 3 months ago was a total fabrication, and if it did happen, NOTHING was checked? Complete GARBAGE comes out of her mouth!!


I had my tubes tied and 10 years later got pregnant. Shocked! But when I called my Dr they told me to get there immediately because it could be an ectopic pregnancy and they are very dangerous. So, Iā€™m not buying all the pregnancy stuffā€¦.


But she hasnā€™t had anything checked in over a year. šŸ™„ the way she doc shops drives me insane.


She could have spared us the photo of where her butt cheeks were on the table. šŸ¤¢ I guess we know this was an after photo. Also doesnā€™t even look like she laid back for any type of real exam.


Hey at least she spared us the shot of the lube stain. Baby steps!


Eww I didnā€™t notice that until you said something. Doesnā€™t look like a size 0 to me lol


So now theyā€™re going to randomly check to see if she has endometriosis? Wouldnā€™t she know? Wouldnā€™t this have already been ruled out? Arenā€™t there painful and other symptoms she would have? Highly doubt she would spare us any details. I suspect the doctor today told her she doesā€™t have endo and now she wants to see a specialist. Is this more of her trying to find answers she wants by just going to another doctor?


Thereā€™s also silent endo, which means itā€™s there but no physical symptoms.


Yes such as debilitating periods which she clearly has every month


ā€œMore specialized doctorā€ ā€œspecialty doctor incase I need extensive removalā€ THE DRAMA. The one today probably didnā€™t tell her what she wanted to hear so sheā€™s gonna just hop on to the next. You canā€™t tell me no one has checked for endo after this many years of infertility????? Sheā€™s insufferable


I honestly donā€™t even believe she went to see a doctor today.


She thinks a specialist means more special which makes her EXTRA special for going to go see them


She never says what kind thatā€™s what makes me mad šŸ˜† she canā€™t even say ā€œspecialistā€ she has to say ā€œspecialized doctorā€ and throw in all these dramatic adjectives


The dumbass probably wasnā€™t listening to the doctor and just listens for buzzwords that she can use, while drafting a post to post way after the fact. Todayā€™s buzzword was special.


https://preview.redd.it/7bitep08j87d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b88e19fce17b59968cde076d1d97fea71a5f13f0 Ok but like didnā€™t the super awesome fertility doc she saw in California check everything when she did the ā€œmore natural approachā€? Itā€™s not been almost a year.


Looks like a stock photo. Bet she got this on Pinterest


Extensive removal of what exactly?


My guess would be a biopsy for endometriosis?


And, I have a close friend whoā€™s been an OR RN for 30+ years and has been doing GYN surgeries for years. She said sometimes you can see the cells and remove them but often times not and that requires a full hysterectomy but that doesnā€™t always solve the pain as the cells get outside into the walls of abdomen. I call BS on this because they would schedule you for a laparoscopic surgery with the specialist if they recommended a specialist!! An GYN de isnā€™t going to tell her she needs a lap surgery unless Ā they were the ones evaluating her and performing the surgery.Ā 


I hope for her sake she has to have a full hysterectomy because then she finally can stop all of the IVF and pretending she wants a baby.


Wouldnā€™t that be ironic for her. But imagine the sympathy shills


Came here to say the same! Like um hello what happened to your (not so) magical Cali doc??šŸ¤”


The math ainā€™t mathin


It never does...


Poor poor lurchā€¦has to wait a month before her appointment. Cry me a fucking river. My sil is getting a double mastectomy because of cancer and has to wait until Augustā€¦sheā€™s been waiting since May. My daughter had a massive stroke last year and lost use of her right arm/hand. We had to wait 6 months from scheduling for her first Botox appointment to give her hand relief from the constant pain. Sit the eff down Lurch and wait your turn. GD sometimes I really canā€™t believe how stupid she is.


What, Laurah canā€™t get in the front of the line like her explant shurgery and the ivf dr in Cali that has a year waiting list?!? Ā More ā€œbad luckā€ for her like all the lab work that comes in at 11 pm despite having STAT Ā written on them


Marky will meet someone on the golf course today and they'll magically have an appointment tomorrow.


FFS can she put the damn cups down?! It's so annoying! šŸ¤ŒšŸ»šŸ–šŸ»šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


Did she say she was having surgery and I missed it?


Itā€™s not surgery. Itā€™s a procedure, but she likes to make it dramatic by saying the word surgery. She thrives on attention and sympathy from the dumbass followers.


Iā€™ve had 3, I called it procedure to downplay it but yes my doctor calls it surgery and requires general anesthesia. Healing from this surgery for everything to heal on the inside my doctor waited 1.5 months afterwards before doing anything IVF related.Ā 


Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification. So this is her first actual surgery.


For once this is actually a surgery. She will be under general anesthesia, (small) incisions will be made, tissue will be removed


Gotcha - so she mustā€™ve gotten diagnosed with endometriosis?


From what I understand the only way to be diagnosed with endometriosis is to have the laparoscopic surgery. Thereā€™s no way to formally diagnose it beforehand.


If she's having a laparoscopy that's definitely a surgery, I've had 2 for endometriosis


She's having some type of laparoscopic procedure that will "hopefully give them more answers" before they try to get pregnant again. Idk what answers they could possibly be looking for at this point.


They gotta find out the source of all this ā€œbad luckā€


So itā€™s almost 6pm her time and thereā€™s no way she hasnā€™t gone to her drs appointment today! How her dumb followers donā€™t see past her same old bullshit lies is beyond me!! She does this crap every time and instead of her being honest about her mental/physical struggles through all of this she continues to only care about getting paid. Sheā€™ll continue to story and shill everything and anything before she updates anyone about a damn thing! Youā€™re not her bestie. Youā€™re her paycheck!


She outdid herself today with the typos: ā€˜Itā€™s just got delivered thisā€™ ā€˜Drizzled the oil & glaze with ground pepperā€™ šŸ¤” ā€˜and little cheeseā€™ ā€˜It has gluten free and frozen settingā€™ ā€˜weā€™ve had them for *almsot* 2 yearsā€™ šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


https://preview.redd.it/jl4yeccql77d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69cc7007ec48d6eff7f64cd00400fe5ce98d8ede she's been a typo *guell* for years šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø


Where is this from?Ā 


Probably after her second failed ivf cycle


A while ago when they lived at the dungeon -- during one of her 'woe as me' moments


Did you also notice how her sad, quiet persona disappeared when she was shilling? Sheā€™s such a damn phony


The shill show must go on!!


Behind every grammatical error, thereā€™s a lie! Cause thatā€™s not a little bit of cheese!!


Sheā€™s really drawing out this doctor appointment for engagement. What time is the appointment? 4:30, is she going to be rushed to have ā€œemergency surgeryā€this week? I follow several other hobby farm influencers. Actually one other influencer lives about an hour from Lurch. Iā€™ve never seen this other influencer ā€œbrushā€ or pet farm animals as much as Lurch! This other influencer totes her kid around the farm, while doing farm chores! Lurch could never. Whereā€™s the person in charge of the farm??


Updateā€¦ 6:45 and radio silence lol doctor offices closed a while ago.


Prolly waiting for that long list call back with test results. šŸ™„


Because they only were visiting. The animals are all for show.


She brushes her animals more often than her own hair.


She has multiple people in charge of the actual chores. Her one ā€œdutyā€ is to pet and brush them when she feels like it. I mean she literally called it a petting zoo herself.


https://preview.redd.it/pu4fsvpax67d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2dae43f95f017bf3a3f699a8220b14880c34b51 A few days ago she said that she placed an order at Target for some house decor things. One thing she mentioned that she got was a mug tower for her counter top so that she doesnā€™t have to go digging through her cabinets to find a mug. She has a hanging bar under the shelf (you can see it in this picture) for this exact reason!!!! Why do you need more clutter on your already cluttered counter top??? Reason #12 why I donā€™t think she lives in the guest house.


Her kitchen is a ā€œsetā€ for photo shoots Iā€™m thinking


How deep are her cabinets? One shelf glassware, one shelf coffee cups. Why if you used something daily would it be buried. My waffle machine is buried. My coffee cups are not.


Liar Beverlin šŸ‘–šŸ”„


Good catch!!!


I donā€™t think Laura knows what a salad is


She doesnā€™t even know what a salad plate is. ā€œWe got plates, bowls, and small platesā€. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Honestly. Why is she such a fucking moron? Watching her talk about the toaster just about sent me. The pauses, the stupid claw, all of it.


Sheā€™s obviously GRASPING because Iā€™m sure she knows shes losing this game


All I kept thinking is if she then says and here is the fork we use because y'all asked for I was going to loose it. Is she hurting for money that bad that she has to link every thing she touches in a day?


Yes I believe her bank account is going down. ā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø


Same. There is NO way that this whole remodel is taking this long to completeā€¦ both the party barn and her house. I have a feeling sheā€™s been unable to pay her contractors, designers, etc and they keep stopping work until sheā€™s able to pay up. Just a theory, but I find it so hard to believe that itā€™s really taking this long.


Yes but she just purchased almost $500k in cars! Someone said she bought herself a new G Wagon and she bought Markup his dream vintage Bronco for $220k


plus theyā€™re supposedly building that TN house also. I know they make a shit ton but their spending seems extreme


Right!? Yesterday she showed that damn bay window again and once again told her followers that it will be squared off and pushed out. She talked about that months ago. How is that still not done?


That will be my happy day because she doesnā€™t deserve any of this $


https://preview.redd.it/5fyrufr9m67d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b98bf2b59dc04ba6b144bb829478eb37beb53cde MOST stupid post i've seen-especially for fathers day- and im shocked i havent seen it here yet. (unless i missed it)


Beverlin hillbilly


It was mentioned earlier today but something this ridiculous deserves another post! šŸ‘ššŸ‘


i low key miss the individual posts. I feel this is so chaotic and you miss funny/"important" posts from these hillybilly morons.


I said yesterday Iā€™m over people trying to make pet parents a thing on these holidays. If youā€™re going to do it fine but keep it private. The performative shit on social media is old.


I agree its weird. Also, this year on mothers day a business did a non mothers day, for all the women who are not moms to go and celebrate. I wanted to comment "you mean a womans day"??? bc we literally have that holiday, fo all the women!!! . Not sure why people need to be included and feel they can relate to every damn holiday.


We donā€™t have kids so sometimes I get him little things ā€œfrom the dogsā€ but itā€™s just a joke between us and I would be unalived if I ever posted some stupid Fatherā€™s Day post of him and the dogs. A photo shoot of him and the dogs in any kind of stupid ass outfit would never happen because he has the balls to tell me no. šŸ¤£


He looks like a pedophile


She is soooo pissed that she doesnā€™t have her content baby to gain engagement so this is her desperate (pathetic) attempt to be relatable to parents. She has no identity outside of that so sheā€™s fabricating something she doesnā€™t have. Literally no one relates to Lurky Bo Peep..


Her snack plate looks disgusting


I thought she was diary free lol


Her food always looks disgusting, as does CBVs food šŸ¤®


CBV is definitely better!!!


Everything she holds is for a shill. Literally anything and everything she has in her hand at any given time. What a strange life to live.


Maā€™am thatā€™s not a salad


It also wasnā€™t a ā€œlittleā€ cheese


https://preview.redd.it/mgznp767f67d1.png?width=514&format=png&auto=webp&s=41f9e69ad107d0dc9f4d8b21fb90e6b29e3f2af0 she thinks THESE are hard boiled eggs?? šŸ¤¢ enjoy your shhhhalmonella lurch!


I mean the meal looks disgusting but the eggs are cooked just fineā€¦.? I like mine soft/medium boiled an a little runny when theyā€™re fried


I absolutely retched at the sight of that ā€œsaladā€. šŸ¤¢ Nobody with 8pack abs would load that much deli meat and cheese on their plate.


I thought I gagged because Iā€™m 6 weeks pregnant and nauseous but it really was retch worthy I guess


Looks so disgusting especially that cubed processed chicken cut upšŸ”


Why is the chicken grey šŸ¤®


she likes it like her teeth šŸ˜¬


I enjoy medium boiled eggs lol this is exactly how I make mine šŸ„² my fried eggs are the same as well. This is completely normal lol


Agreed!!! I love soft boiled and poached too!


Her food always looks so gross and definitely not appetizing! šŸ¤®


..same way she put a little cheese šŸ€


And she's dairy free!šŸ˜„


You guys are so damn right about her hating life on the farm. She travels and is soooooo happy and then comes home and it's depressy Jessy. Is it because she comes home and remembers she still doesn't have a kid and her main house is a mold infested mess?!?!?! That would depress me too but she does nothing to make her life at home better she just runs from everything and then is shocked it all stayed the same.


Not at all I truly believe itā€™s because she living two different lives. Iā€™ve just noticed lots have been ā€œoffā€ for a while. She honestly thinks she can keep pretending she lives on a farm. She owns over half a million in 2 cars and lives in that cracker box? She is merely ā€œactingā€ again, only this time sheā€™s not able to pull it off like she has in the past. Too many are suspicious. Just my opinion. Sheā€™s gonna have to come up with a real hum dinger. Like they bought a new house and sheā€™s having the miracle baby and sheā€™s sooooo grateful. I canā€™t stand this lying sack of šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©


She makes me sick! All. These fan girls hanging on every word of her ā€œIVFā€ journey in hopes they learn something new that will help them with their journey. She should be cancelled totally for giving false information


The fact that they video each other ā€œtaking care ofā€ the animals is so performative and disgusting!!


And it also means they donā€™t live there. Itā€™s for photo shoots


And then she says ā€œget everybody brushedā€ what about fed watered, mucked out to make but a few important jobs. Nope not for lurch- just brushing. Shame she doesnā€™t do her own hair šŸ™„


Who cuts all of their grass? Why doesnā€™t she ever show herself getting her 92 yr old chickens eggs from the kewp


The only thing I got out of that video is that Murky is the same size as the sheep. And Lurch is a twit for bringing that mug out there with the animals-possibly thinking itā€™s a treat for them.


What is the surgery she plans to have and the reason for it? Her content has been making me fall asleep at the wheel the past yearā€¦must have missed it.


They are trying to see if she has endometriosis which could be causing her not to get pregnant. 4 years after starting IVF šŸ¤”


It's funny because last June she had a hysterosonogram to check for endo at the same time she was getting 'plasma injected into her ovaries' Not sure if she keeps having to do so many tests because they keep doctor hopping or what šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


She is a hypochondriac. If she ever has a child, Iā€™m sure it will turn into munchausen


Because she needs CONTENT = $$$$


I wouldnā€™t doubt it if she forgets the treatments she has done so each new doctor just repeats them, not knowing her history. Sheā€™s that dumb.




Oh I had no clue that could also diagnose it..Iā€™ve only heard of laparoscopy for it. But yeah so strange she hasnā€™t had every test done possible if her infertility is ā€œunexplainedā€ lol


Right? Even though her first 2 doctors told her she has DOR/poor egg quality ..she just kept going until one of the money hungry quacks told her it was just '*bad luck*' šŸ˜…šŸ„“


Now I believe sheā€™s lying. She gets ā€œopinionsā€ maybe, but no one in their right mind would keep trying like she has been. Thereā€™s many many top specialists Iā€™m sure from Tampa area to Naples. She doesnā€™t need to look beyond.




She is SO fucking pathetic. She was having the time of her life just a few days ago at Streamsong with her "besties" but now she's depressed and sad because no cash baby yet! Using her fake ass emotions to get sympathy from her followers and make them want to support and click her links is truly her most vile scam.


The soft, pausy, whisper voice on the porch with coffee, while providing the no update-update of her infertility shhhhtruggles is right on time as per usual.




Yes! Everything you said. šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


Her ā€œpetting zooā€ sniffing her butt as she bends down šŸ¤­ allsho, why canā€™t she put the dang coffee mug down!


How the heck is she supposed to shill it?


šŸŽÆ. She just shilled it.


Yuuup. Sheā€™s shilled them now


Coffee mug on the hot beach, coffee mug on the farm, shhhhhuper practical


Do we think sheā€™ll shower and wash her hair before her doctors appointment?? Sheā€™s been looking greasy and disgusting for days now.


Iā€™d be more concerned about her washing her ass before her apptĀ 


The sympathy I feel for that poor gyno šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


https://preview.redd.it/mk59kgdin57d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edcafa43714ab8d12dcefb5fe41c148f718a616f This is not a size zero. No how, no way.


https://preview.redd.it/2n15iytrx57d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43aaef555cb8704b6102f2e2145140dcab4bd85f From Poshmark. She used to be size 2 or mayybe 0. I wish she still sold clothes on here but her shills make her more moola


Itā€™s so dumb because she looks great! She really does. And peopleā€™s bodies change with ageā€¦I donā€™t know why she tries to hide that fact.


That booty looks like mine. I'm a size 4.


Exactly me too. 100%.


Buckle up everyone! Reality has set in and sheā€™s been back on the farm 2 days and now depressed, sad, and droopy eyed on stories. Letā€™s see what fake health scare she comes up with needing an obgyn appt asap


Her mood today is like something bad just happened šŸ¤Ø


Itā€™s attention seeking behavior for sympathy. She is the most emotionally needy immature human


All for engagementĀ  I do however believe yesterday was probably pretty hard for Marky.. likely made even harder by Laura making him dress up and do a ridiculous sheep dad photoshootā€¦ sheā€™s such a nut, why didnā€™t she just take him to the beach house and out on the boat for a fun day! Ā Of course she had to have a mopey ā€œmake it all about herā€ dayĀ 


That photoshoot was from October 2023 https://preview.redd.it/7fqjpi6mo57d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=493c3aa7d465c9f3e404e3b83519072e8c854706