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Mark has every day off - wtf are they talking about. He doesn’t work.


This hair! She looks so gross https://preview.redd.it/tm3r6p4l1r8d1.png?width=424&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a8052cd7f119efaccbf2d5b42dc8af92d42afb8


Why can’t she just get all the bloodwork done in one round?? Doesn’t take that much blood for multiple tests…


I don’t know about what she’s doing. But sometimes bloodwork is dependent on what day you are in your cycle


Yup that is my guess too.


If we washed our hands (we know she didn’t after touching the animals today- I mean she takes an uncovered drink out to the farm and thinks that sanitary), showered regularly, didn’t roll around in 💩, and didn’t touch our faces to the animals…we wouldn’t have to worry about pinkeye! 


Right!!! Immediately thought eww. She’s so gross. How’s poop in your eye💩🤣


You have pink eye because you’re absolutely filthy and legit roll around in animal shit and call it “farm chores!” Ironic that the oh-so-scary-and-pitiful bloodwork is mentioned in the same slide as the Diff launch. How do people not see through this fucking bull shit?!


The grey tooth is so bad in the story about Mark and what he would want to do! Literally I’ve never seen it that bad. It’s all I can see! With all that money why would that not be a priority🤷🏻‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/zfbjupw31n8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ac0813dae380eb816ff7b7841d85b651961b7b2 Nice photoshopping skills on that arm 😂


She looks stoned AF in those Q & A stories.


https://preview.redd.it/f2274t7xom8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bc959ff0859f1b0e7b61e4f85cd9e7730277d46 This just showed up on my discover page on IG. July 9, 2023. So it’s been a year with nothing still. Also this post had 17,000 comments 🤯. Her blonde hair suited her way better. I also had forgotten about her sweater on the shoulders in the summer era. Oh and the Hamptons trip they took during rush hour 🤣


Looks so much better blonde! And also with a shorter cut. Shes so frumpy


The ‘old money’ lurch


Haha I remember that era. Lasted oh maybe two weeks! 🤡


The milkman OOTD story may be one of the cringiest things I’ve ever seen her do.


I hate her today more than ever. https://preview.redd.it/afj6vfmilm8d1.jpeg?width=595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5975b42d827ef1d1119a525446fec2bec7aa9712


https://preview.redd.it/q0ohm2nzsm8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e15692a2eec10623e1ef09a0995102cdb898674 Those teeth


Exactly what I though woof


They are not good😳


https://preview.redd.it/1z2u62dhvm8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43d012aef0a5514b4bbcc3495c0b033ed31c8d74 🥲


So Margot is telling us that he can’t go golfing daily? And I guess we need to add singer to the list of all of Marge’s talents.  I thought the first thing laurah did daily was wake up, then pee. She really needs to update her daily to- do list


https://preview.redd.it/vy7njd7bhm8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcd7fa51f1540bf11a9ade2e5aea4d17ad0504b5 What in the dentures?!?


So when she bites down do uppers and lowers even touch? Appears as though she has an Upper denture (maybe Veneers) but who would do all Veneers on the Upper and have such an overbite?? Wild...


Oh no! That’s bad!😬


Right what is she doing they look horrific..




the way this gif sent me right now😂🤣😭




Does she not have a full set of Lower teeth??


I’m confused about this tooth. It’s “dead” center in the middle (pun intended). Obviously we can’t count backwards to see which is the other front tooth. But they are so off.






That dead tooth is so gross 🤮…. If my lower teeth were that bad I would not open my mouth as she does to speak/smile


Who the hell wears white overalls to do farm stuff?


The same people that take an open cup of coffee out to do farming.


People who don’t know shit about farming


What, and I mean WHAT the f\*ck is this?! 😂 https://preview.redd.it/sqgm21wvcm8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03057376d5d5bafb863f30ac66a2876ee7d2a442 Looks crazy photoshopped like a bad Kohl's ad 😭


Lmaooo yes it’s giving Candies😂😂


Kohl’s ad 💀 Why is this so accurate 😂


https://preview.redd.it/ynyqmbt7sm8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4228355217aad50b0b906b7a8edac22a05f3a9db Also, did she say ADIAS?! 😂😮‍💨😒


Is she carrying around a brown pen as an accessory??


What TF is wrong with her?? Lying down in an animal toilet! She is dirty and disgusting!!


I’m no farmer but that grass does not look like a farm.


Go go gadget arms from Inspector Gadget is all I can think of here.


Her fucking mouth, oh my word


Her lips curled up like a horse for real this time.


Like did her teeth get bigger


Something looks so messed up there. That laughing sneer makes me regret having eyes.


What does Marky do on his day off? Lmao. Every day is a day off he doesn’t work??


He needs a day off from being her chauffeur.


Nothing. He does NOTHING


He might need a day off from planning that whole, very last minute, total surprise, Italy trip


Im SO behind so idk if its been said ( like 2 days) but i have to ask, the reel where shes about to introduce, then cuts to being rained on, the porch outfit reveal…..for a second it was almost like that ENTIRE persona is who she actually is. The annoyed looks, the sarcastic conversation…its like she forgot to put her mask on for all that. Anyone else felt that way when they saw that?


Is there anywhere I can still view those? I only watched without sound but feel like I really missed out.


YES! I thought the same thing but didn’t get a chance to comment that day. I absolutely think that is the closest to her real personality we will see.


I felt it!!


I’d like to know how the hell she ever became an influencer to begin with? She has absolutely NO redeeming qualities and I’m guessing she managed to slip in. Paying for all your followers doesn’t seem like it should be legit. ShE has nothing to teach us, she’s not a decorator, not an artist, no family to speak of. I’m just curious, she was known for her “iconic fashion”…..😂😂😂 which is what I read, but seriously she’s the most boring person out there.


If you ever have the time you should scroll back on her timeline - you can see how much she used to try and put effort into her posts/lewk/home/etc. I agree with the other poster - she also lucked out at getting into 'influencing' at the perfect time back in the day.. Problem is she never really evolved beyond the pumpkin spice era and tries to grasp onto anything *trendy* to be relevant which is why she has weekly personality/voice changes 🤷‍♀️


I agree. I think I followed her for two years. I have a daughter that I thought would like her and she would roll her eyes. So she’s not really capturing the ones her age. She never was as unkempt as she is now, but I can really look back and see that she only has 2 platforms. And they are stale. It was intriguing at first, but she’s not good at what she’s trying to do and decided to lie to keep it going which is not good. Cancel the bitch


I think she joined the influencer gig at just the right time and blew up when a lot of those girls who were also in the iconic photo of extensions, contoured makeup, tall boots and hats drinking pumpkin spice lattes went viral. I’m sure someone could find the photo.


She was always a huge WANNABE……I could see that. She mastered the art of filtering so she could fool people. I’d like to know why her “friends” don’t spill the beans on her lies. Wonder what she’s got over them. None of them are that great IMO….in fact they border being obnoxious. As a former flight attendant I would have hated to have any of them on a flight. I retired in 2021 after 43 years. Influencers weren’t even a “thing”


So you wouldn’t give her a napkin saying you’re praying over them? 


Well all her friends are working for her so they are under contract and probably NDAs.


She's the ultimate 'pick me' girl 🙋‍♀️


I really really cannot stand her


Is she carrying that coffee cup around for emotional support or will she shill it today after Marky comments asking where it’s from. 🤷🏻‍♀️


i haven’t watched her stories yet. don’t you dare tell me it’s that mother effing open glass again!!!!!!


She’s so gross! She even took it to her hair appointment!


I don’t understand. How hard is it to use a travel cup. Every one in the world has at least one. I must have 20. She is a dimwit.


She loves it because the ice cubes make a ton of noise hitting the glass. She's obnoxious. 


She’s fucked up




Have we had a count update today?


A loss count? Yes, I posted further down - 244


Thanks. Must have missed it.


Attitude, attitude, attitude. Stop having a strop Lurch. Takes 38 mins to feed and water the farm- is she trying to persuade us that she does this every morning? 🙄


You can tell she's never done it before!!!🤣 But I will say kudos to not wearing a frilly dress and it looks like she actually got dirty. Next step is to take a shower😬😆😆😆


Takes her 38 mins to set up the tripod 


I think she was snarking on whoever normally does this task for then


I'm pretty sure it isn't a "farm" if chores only take 38 minutes a day. What an insult for real farmers. 


Right?? It takes me about the same amount of time to tend to my pool/water my flowers/etc and that’s NOTHING compared to the HOURS a real farmer puts in. She’s such an asshole!!!!!


You mean it takes Marky’s dad 38 mins?


That beefcake


Why even bother to tell us the time? Are we supposed to be surprised, impressed, jealous? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


She doesn’t. She isn’t fooling anyone.




There is no way a real person asked where the artwork above the toilet came from.  Laura, please address why you don’t ever show all 3 dogs together outside playing. 


I knew it was from target. Not a unique piece in her whole house.


I am an artist and the art pieces she has in all of her homes are just awful and cheap looking. She has the money to go into some art galleries and purchase some nice pieces. I know she wouldn’t be able to make money off of any but just to acknowledge an artist and their work. I have been in Michael Murphy Gallery (Tampa) and he has some great pieces there. Maybe Christian Daw will choose some good art.


I imagine this was her conversation this morning, “Hey Marky’s dad, go fill up these buckets and set up my tripod, I’m gonna feed the animals and act like I’m a farmer. Don’t go anywhere though because you’re really gonna do the work” 😆


Hey marky’s dad sent me 😂


Why did I feel like the whole video was just her manically walking around in front of the camera. Second hand embarrassment lol 🥴


Because that’s most likely what she did with her open coffee cup riding shotgun in her claw


riding shotgun in her claw 🤣


Wish I could be done with a day of “work” after 38 minutes! 😫


She’s not done yet! She has to do her 47 second quickie abs!


If she doesn’t stop saying “y’all” every 15 seconds I’m going to tear my hair out. SO PHONY AND ANNOYING!


Has she always said it?


Not sure. But if she did it’s definitely more often now.


Have you listened to CBV's stories? It's just as bad.


Yes, CBV also uses the claw when speaking. I guess that’s why these two refer to each other as “besties”. 😬


I’ve noticed that LOTS of people on Instagram do the claw hand. Many even worse than LB. What she does do is pause every few words- and not where a natural clause would be - just random.


And the zooming in to her ugly face when she’s trying to be cute or make a point just sends me.


Omg yes!! And zooms in only to like half her face with the palm ✋ all up in the frame drives me nutsss!!! 


She has a very high opinion of herself.


When she was in Italy she said it all of 2 times(i sure as shit counted)... Came home as was back to her Hillbilly self ya'lling every 10 seconds


I’m glad it’s not just me who hates that. It’s so stupid.


I hate when she says that. She’s such a poser.


Quarterly recording of LB pretending to be a morning farmer


Where are your dRi FiT socks from?? Shill incoming, mark your bingo cards


https://preview.redd.it/7602vq4mqj8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c251ec2233b830dd3d1d5be9fe19ba9589adec11 No one and I mean NOT ONE PERSON that actually works on a farm carries around an open topped drink. Especially when we know for a fact she has a cabinet full of Stanley’s.


Those thighs…. 🫣


Size 0 y’all


![gif](giphy|l0HlvcRyVJeO8Gmju) This is all I see when I look at her in this photo 😂


Did she forget to filter her body here??


Just seeing that open cup near the chicken coop makes me nauseous 🤢


Nor would anyone on an actual farm be wearing Muck boots in the dead of summer to go out and pet their animals. Next she will read here and break out a brand new pair of work boots to show one time.


She’s walking fast to hide those size “0” legs


It annoys the hell out of me that the door on the chicken kewp is upside down.


She looks mad here. 🤣 edit to add-why is her neck so long??? 🤣🤣


She’s probably pissed that we see right through her farmer personality. We know she doesn’t do shit on that farm and playing dress up doesn’t count.


I hope she got chicken dust/shit all in her coffee 😅 Also, that ain’t no size 0.


Just saw your comment and posted the same above about her size. Great minds…


I don’t get why they would put in a new vanity and all gold hardware but leave the old tile in the shower and also not replace the toilet. It’s not like cost is a factor for them. And master contractor Marky who is the best at everything including building a bed swing he designed cannot figure out where to put the toilet paper holder?


And you don’t paint grout. I did it once and it peels off.


My husband has remodeled 3 bathroms recently right down to the studs and he told them right off that the toilet will be replaced. Why would you keep an old one when there are such nice higher quality models and with highspeed flush. They are NOT flippers at all. They are a joke.


Can’t put the fucking coffee cup down. GTFO farm chores my ASS 🤣


Nice try Lumpy Lips, but you’re an awful, immature human to bait and tease the sheep with a bucket of food then act like they snuck up on you and started attacking the bucket. Two days in a row of you pretending for content. Lay off the drugs. Those pants are 4 sizes too small for you.


244 discover Lurch bleating like a goat is not the vibe they want on their IG


It kills me that she calls this “farm” life. What they have is not a farm. These are pets. Which makes this a petting zoo. My brother in law farms cows and it is hard, daily work. It isn’t something you do in a dress or with your coffee. There are many influencers who post about real farms, but this bitch isn’t one of them.


Same! I was born and raised on a farm in the Midwest and my family is still there. She’s making a complete ass out of herself thinking her petting zoo is even remotely relatable to a real farm. And she doesn’t even take care of the animals she does have!


Two things- one, it grosses me the fuck out that she carries her open top coffee around to do “farm chores” Two, do you notice that she only shows herself doing “farm chores” right after she gets another new animal?? And then she doesn’t show it for a while, and goes on a trip.


Her farm chores are FEEDING the animals. Must’ve ran out breath and didn’t have to brush them.  I’d like to see her shovel some 💩 every morning at 7am. She can film it after she videos her 15 min ab workout or after.  


You know real farmers in Florida are getting up with the sun to chore before it gets hotter than hell outside. Lurch would call 7:00 early for sure.


https://preview.redd.it/32fuulqhjj8d1.png?width=1173&format=png&auto=webp&s=8627fd308c521099e8841af1edc0689e43d1f0eb Haha she’s so stupid.


I thought her hair was shorter in the back.


What the hell happened to her top half??? Is that just a weird skinny filter glitch?


I was going to say the same thing.


I was thinking the same thing! She looks like a Dude.


Maybe she really is that flat? It’s so bizarre. Also those arms do not belong on someone with a 6pack.


She must really love poop/dust/hay particles in her morning coffee.


I hope a fly lands in there and she drinks it 🤣


I swear, She really wouldn't have content if it weren't for us! Imagine if we didn't post here for 1 day?!?... what would she do? That last video was to prove.. I mean pretend she works on the farm! However her outfit "this morning" seems more on brand for her lazy life! And that ass is not and XS... until she proves otherwise I'll die on that cross!


The only thing it proves is Marky sr has the day off


Not necessarily. He was probably in the background telling her how much to scoop and what food goes to which animal. 😆


I’m confused about where the animals go at night. We see the chicken kewp and that little brown shed but they can’t all possibly fit in there can they? Those cows are huge now.


She’ll probably show us today where they go! 


Why would you take a glass coffee jar with you everywhere to "feed" the animals. Good Lord that just seems gross. Leave it in the house.


Not to mention coffee, whether it’s iced or not, is the last beverage I’d be bringing outside with me to feed those animals in Florida heat. It’s making my stomach hurt thinking about it


It’s almost like she is trying SHO hard to be known as the coffee loving farmer girl. Should I be filming myself drinking my morning coffee while feeding my dogs?? I could be the coffee loving dog girl. -_-


It's like her pacifier


The flies! They land on poop and then land on her cup. I'm so grossed out. Drink your coffee in the house and then do your "chores".


So SO disgusting!!!


Why would she do that sunglasses try on without facing the camera head on? She is the worst at this job. She couldn’t describe them or leave them on long enough to really show them.


I’m confused. Was this bathroom recently done? Why is she showing it now? I thought they gutted and redid that whole guest house a couple years ago.


I was going to ask the same thing.  Why keep renovating the house they are in if they are moving back into the other house? I can’t imagine them trying to sell the small house since it’s on their property like that.  She literally has nothing else to share I guess 


I’m still wondering where her family stayed when they visited a few months ago…remember either her or midgets family was coming to stay?? 


Because CBV just shared her son’s redone bedroom. 🙄


And if it was the main bathroom for the downstairs, WHY was there no TP holder? Did they really make people go upstairs to the primary bathroom to use when people came over? Just had a roll just chilling on the back of the toilet? I’m so confused too…


There is no bathroom upstairs in the guest house, just 2 small bedrooms and a hallway at the top of the stairs that connects both bedrooms. Both bathrooms in the guest house and the primary bedroom are downstairs. As far as TP holder or no TP holder, I can pretty much guarantee that if they have had the TP roll sitting on the back of the toilet (or on the vanity) prior to this, it will continue to sit there because that holder is going to be basically worthless. I have one similar and the TP doesn't stay on it when you pull on the roll, especially when the TP is almost gone and lightweight. My TP now sits on the back of the toilet because I got tired of chasing the roll of TP across the bathroom floor with my pants down. 🥴


They hardly have company lol


On the before, there was a TP holder on the wall


Yes - but they remodeled the guest house in 2022 so it seems as though they never thought to install a new toilet paper holder for two years.


Who goes out to see to farm animals in an expensive free people dress, cowboy hat and ugly boots, so has absolutely no idea.. what a shame she got rained on! And look at that, here are the goats, this was no surprise, more animals for Murcky Sr to look after!


At least the goats are somewhat useful and will cut down the grass for them.


I’m convinced she is only “borrowing” all these animals.