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He (Cohen) is like the dog who yells "Squirrel!" Never thought a reference to Dug from Up would make it into a criminal trial, but here we are.


> Never thought a reference to Dug from Up would make it into a criminal trial, but here we are. But Dug doesn't yell "Squirrel" he just gets distracted when other people yell it.


You, uh.... Sure about that? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrAIGLkSMls


I stand corrected!




Oh, come on


If Dug yells "Squirrel!" you must mistrial!


[This is not a place to be wrong and belligerent about it!](https://old.reddit.com/r/law/comments/x2m3vr/this_is_not_a_place_to_be_wrong_and_belligerent/)


> Trial proceedings are done for the day. > Court will be back in session Thursday, starting with a gag order hearing at 9:30 a.m. ET. Odds that Trump can keep his mouth shut for the next 36 hours?


On social media? Probably high, I think he has a whole team that curates/transcribes his posts. Get him in front of a camera and let him start rambling? 0%


He’s be in Wisconsin for an event tomorrow. Odds he violates it there?


> Trial proceedings are done for the day. > Court will be back in session Thursday, starting with a gag order hearing at 9:30 a.m. ET. Odds that Trump can keep his mouth shut for the next 36 hours?


>Odds that Trump can keep his mouth shut for the next 36 hours? He's a former president and around half of the voting population wants him to be the next one. So, he obviously has the steely discipline to quickly study a situation, formulate a plan with his advisors, and stick to the plan, thus running diplomatic circles around people like foreign heads of state... so obviously, he has the discipline to not violate court orders in child-like (but more profane) rants, right? Right?


>Howard texted Davidson, "I reckon that Trump impersonator I hired has more cash." >Davidson testified he interpreted that text to mean "that Trump wasn't as wealthy as he stated." You know this stuff pisses him off...


From Bower: >During this time, Davidson had conversations with Dylan Howard about Cohen's failure to fund the deal. >What did you think was really happening with the delays? Steinglass asks. >I thought he was kicking the can down the road until after the election, Davidson replies. I don't recall if we have recording of him telling Cohen to delay past the election so that they don't have to pay at all (which is essentially a smoking gun that these were campaign expenditures), but either way this corroborates what Cohen will testify to.


> David McIntosh, who cofounded the two conservative political groups, The Federalist Society and The Club for Growth, is also in the courtroom today. Since this shadow mob org is so judicially intertwined this seems mildly like intimidation.


I read earlier that TX ' current criminally inappropriate "AG" is also showing up for trump in court today. gak


It's the middle of the week. He should be in Texas doing his job. "Nobody wants to work anymore."




>David McIntosh, who cofounded the two conservative political groups, The Federalist Society and The Club for Growth, is also in the courtroom today. The world is a worse place because of this asshole.


I’m not a lawyer but some pre-law classes were the only ones available to fit into my work schedule while I finished my political science degree. There is a marked difference between the quality of arguments made in opinions authored be pre-federalist society justices and federalist society justices. The former could come to a conclusion I vehemently disagree with but at least they followed a line of logic, the latter are clearly dumb snotty rich kids pushed up through the system purely by the effort of the Federalist Society and just make things up as they go.


I like beer is a perfectly valid train of thought!


Anyone want to tell me why the AG of Texas has enough time to be sitting in court for morale support for trump?


An "ah-ha" moment I had a little while ago, about why republicans constantly seem to be beating democrats at messaging. You have a lot more time for shit like marketing and branding if you're not wasting your time trying to actually govern or legislate. I imagine this is something similar.


He’s a consigliere with the GQP.


Because he can't directly represent him. Wow, I had no idea this was going on.


Its fucking insane... I can understand like Congress when they are on break from being in Washington DC or something but an AG I would think is a 24/7 job especially for a large state.


I'm not sure how much value Ken Paxton brings to that job. Maybe the Texas justice system functions *better* when he's playing hooky?


Ken Paxton is motivated entirely by greed and power. He very clearly wants to be Lt Governor (or Governor if he can't make that -- Texas' response to Reconstruction was to vest as much power in the Lt. Governor position as possible. Abbot's only so powerful due to his political sway over the State GOP). He also clearly realizes he's not really popular. He's openly corrupt because the state GOP protects him, even when he's fucking them, and he's quadrupled down on MAGA and culture war shit because he needs to keep the GOP base behind him to stave off primaries from candidates *not* so openly corrupt, and because he wants to run for higher office.


Paxton knows how to buy himself out of an impeachment. He should be disbarred.


Trump doesn't seem to have dealings with any quality people. Being corrupt is a prerequisite for admission into Trump's circle.


Per Inner City Press “Prosecutor: Had ABC offered a role on Dancing with the Starts? Davidson: "Best efforts" were discussed. Prosecutor: Do you know Stormy Daniels? Davidson: Yes. She was a client of mine, managed by Gina Rodriguez. I spoke with them in 2011 about TheDirty dot com Prosecutor: What was it about? Davidson: A blog post that Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump had had an intimate interaction. Gina told me some jerk had called and threatened to sue. Prosecutor: Who was that jerk? Davidson: Donald Trump” Lol Edit to Add: this was probably a typo and he said Cohen, then later said working on behalf of Trump.


Adam Klasfeld tweet says jerk was Michael Cohen.


Yeah, I think there was a miscommunication and misquote. Multiple other people are reporting it as “asshole Cohen, on behalf of Trump”.


The NYT also reported 'the jerk' to be Michael Cohen.


“Some jerk threatening to sue” definitely brings to mind Donald Trump. He’s been to court hundreds of times. He’s a snake


> Trump posted on Truth Social just minutes before returning to court Tuesday afternoon and less than an hour after the posts — which Judge Merchan had ordered to be deleted in accordance with his gag order--were taken down. > "This Judge has taken away my Constitutional Right to FREE SPEECH," Trump's new post read. "I am the only Presidential Candidate in History to be GAGGED. This whole “Trial” is RIGGED, and by taking away my FREEDOM OF SPEECH, THIS HIGHLY CONFLICTED JUDGE IS RIGGING THE PRESIDENTIAL OF 2024 ELECTION. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!" the post continued. Yeah we're going to see some more fines before this trial is over.


> I am the only Presidential Candidate in History to be GAGGED. You're the only one that's needed it! Maybe stop crimeing so much if you want to not be charged with crimes.


44 presidents before this shithead and not a goddamn one sued for immunity.


Oh, I see Trump woke up briefly to exercise his fingers on TS before he continues napping in court? 


Just fyi, by rules he’s allowed to talk about the judge and the trial overall.


Appreciate the info! We'll see if he can stay on target or if he just can't help himself and "re-Truths" something at 2 AM that violates the gag order.


As someone on the other side of most people here… I’d bet he can’t shut the f up. I hope the judge gets more serious about this. It’s a court order and Trump better respect it, idgaf if I believe that he’s innocent or not.


Judging by your comment, I’d say you’re on the same side as most people here


Eff that. That time has passed.


Out of all of the shitbirds I did not expect to see flock to watch Trump’s trial today, it was Ken Paxton. Apparently, he’s joined the gallery on Trump’s side. I guess this would make a good choice for a vp, known criminality and fraud, etc. Edit to add: Anyone care to speculate on what other VP contenders we might see paraded into the courtroom?


Yes, trump only deals with idiots and corrupt people. And those that bend the knee. He’s def on the list or trying to get on it. Fkn disgusting, these trump ass-kissers have zero integrity or morals. Greedy, corrupt fucks, all of them.


So you're telling me that puppy-murder lady doesn't have the VP spot on lock down?


I saw the NYT's update mentioning him and had the same thought. Certainly the TX AG has more important things to do than sitting in the gallery in a Manhattan courtroom observing a trial he has nothing to do with. If nothing else from this timeline, it has been wild to see so many seemingly grown ass men acting like desperate teenage groupies to Donald Trump. 




Did he resign? I thought he was acquitted and resumed office. Edit to add: criminality aside, Trump would be stupid to pick him as a running mate, as he gave his office a day off from work to celebrate the overturning of Roe v. Wade. That’s not going to help him in his attempt to slide more moderate on abortion, especially given his (Trump’s) age.


All the McDougal stuff feels like an annoying distraction.


I can understand that sentiment, but it is actually an important part of the testimony, in establishing that Trump knew about the payments. Cohen has recordings of Trump asking how much they have to pay for the McDougal payout, and whether to pay it off by cash or check.


Oh I definitely get that. And I also get that I'm not the audience, the jury is. And the way the jury is getting all this information is vastly different than how I hear it (which is more or less an assortment of soundbites that the media decided sounded the most interesting).


MCDOUGAL is the most personal one.


Davidson: Time is of the essence. (McDougal) It's being cornered by the estrogen mafia. Who is in for coopting the phrase "estrogen mafia" to describe the swell of support for the reproductive rights movement?


Who, in this case, is being referred to as the "estrogen mafia"? Is that meant to refer to NBC? Her own desire to tell her story? What did he mean in this instance?


> "That phrase is not one I used or came up with, that was a term I think by one of Karen's associates at that first meeting," Davidson said. Sure, Jan.


I think he meant the set of female reporters that give women space to tell their stories.


I’d buy a t-shirt.


I can’t decide if the quote of the day should be “Incarceratory Punishment” or “Estrogen Mafia”.


I was gonna go with "THEREFORE, Defendant is hereby warned..."


> Trump appears to have fallen asleep while listening to testimony — at times appearing to stir and then falling back to sleep. > Trump's eyes were closed for extended periods and his head has at times jerked in a way consistent with sleeping. You'd think you would want to stay awake for your own criminal trial but what do I know I'm not the Republican Presidential nominee.


Really makes all the times he's called Biden "Sleepy Joe" all the more hilarious. Is there anything a Republican says that isn't just projection?


> Is there anything a Republican says that isn't projection. Not in the last 45 years at least. Probably not since Ike.


I have a dumb question/take. Could this be a show of defiance? Like he doesn’t think much of these proceedings and so sleeps to show how much he doesn’t care? I’ve seen assholes in high school do this.


Falling asleep doesn't really project "strength" so that's not what his deal is. If he had the mental discipline and physical fortitude for it, he'd be glowering and staring down everyone in the courtroom from the words "in session" till "now adjourned."


It’s because it’s boring to him (he thinks he’s going to become president and make it all go away) and he can’t concentrate, so his brain turns off. It’s like sitting through a sermon at someone else’s church or auditing a college class that’s way too tough for you. Trump isn’t nearly smart enough to follow along, and since nothing nice is being said about him and he’s not making any money, his narcissistic brain tells him it’s not important. Trump is physically incapable of not dozing off during this trial.


Probably not that but I don't think it will look good to the jury.


If he can't stay awake at his own trial, how can he stay awake in meetings with heads of state from around the world?


If he's excited to see them like Putin and Lil Kim he is wide awake.


Only the guilty sleep in jail. Or trial in this case.


I learned this from a county jailer. The guilty know that they’re caught and they sleep like a baby. The innocent pace all night.


IDK...my stress response is sleep 


Agreed. I shut down


There is an old adage that if you have 2 suspects, throw them in jail overnight. Whoever get the best sleep is most likely the guilty party because they already think they are caught.


Usual Suspects, great movie


He's really fucking old.


Button mushroom energy


While I agree with this sentiment, it is an odd thing to criticize, as it’s one of his least offensive aspects.




Wait a minute... Trump even claimed someone killed Kennedy.... Trump is the grassy knoll shooter.... Son of a bitch.


Can you imagine the story he'd make out of it if Joe Biden fell asleep in something this important?


He has used "low energy" as an insult against multiple people as a sign of weakness


While true, its a bit of an undersell. He dubbed his opponent "sleepy joe," ran a campaign ad consisting of nothing but random footage of Biden with his eyes closed suggesting he was sleeping during meetings, and recently published a campaign video comparing the Biden white house to a retirement home.


But it also relates to the whole sleepy thing


He only wakes up for the appeal.


The defense team is so fucking petty, having refused to authenticate video and depositional evidence. Wasting taxpayer money to be petty. I wonder if the jury will ever know how unusual this is. Edit to add: also time; Trump wants to whine about how much time this is all taking, and then refuses to do something that would cut a lot of time out of this trial.


He has exactly one way out of this - stall until he can claim 'election interference'. It's not pettiness - it's his entire defence strategy.


There is no stalling this trial until after the election, and most people have already come to the conclusion that there probably won’t be another case tried before election. So, the pettiness serves no other purpose than to keep Trump napping in a manhattan courtroom.


there probably will be another one... the georgia election will start well before the election but probably won't finish....


Oh I know that, but he's hoping to drag it out as long as possible. If he officially gets the nomination, he is praying for the ability to get it thrown out because that's his last chance. I don't think there's \*any\* doubt that he's guilty...


In criminal defense land there’s no expectation of courtesy stipulations, particularly for high-stakes cases or situations where the defendant himself doesn’t want his attorneys agreeing to stuff. Criminal defendants often only have a chance at trial if the prosecutor messes something up foundationally. I like stipulating to prosecution foundation when it’s not important but I’m not always comfortable doing it depending on the severity of the case or the attitude of my client. 




there are two litigators on this jury who know how uncommon and atypical that is and know their time is being intentionally wasted by the defense. bold strategy


Would the jury be in the room when this is discussed?


yeah the jury is there to hear evidence from the deposition videographer and the CSPAN guy re authenticity of the video. they'll be there


Excellent point. Obstruction for obstruction's sake would make anybody irritated.


Oh, I totally forgot about that! Bold strategy, indeed!


You know, he looks like a wreck. I think he's melting before our eyes. Check out Mary Trump's assessment--he's experiencing narcissistic collapse in real time. She's not exaggerating.


Good. May he collapse like a neutron star.


“Narcissistic Collapse” is my new punk rock band.


Mary Trump has been telling us this for at least 5 years.


Custodian of records at cspan is up. Documentary evidence inbound?


Apparently, the Trump team wouldn’t authenticate the video. They are petty.


I imagine that doesn't look good to the jury


Which video? Grab em by the pussy or something else?


Apparently, at least one is a rally video from 2016. Edit to add: it begins with [Trump on screen: It's a phony deal... I have no idea who these women are... They get some free fame... ]


Ah yes. I didn't know these women, these are lies, etc. I wonder what these establish in the procedural sense if proving the crime. Just a general intent to deflect public attention away from Stormy Daniels in a campaign setting? Edit: lolol "Michael Cohen is a very good lawyer, my friend".


Yes, the prosecution likely wants to show that stories were already coming out in the press aside from the infamous “grab them tape”, which Trump knew about. They’re building the narrative before Hicks, Daniels, and Cohen testify. Edit to add: they’re also setting the stage for showing Trump is a liar. (Not that anyone with half a brain would dispute that.)


Another video inbound.


Access Hollywood content is here.


Prosecution wants to add the contempt charges to the Sandoval material. Blanche doesn't want the jury hearing that "shady shit is going on".


"Judge Juan Merchan said if the door has been opened, then they'll find out their plan when the prosecutors question witnesses about it and he'll handle it then."


Q: What's a Sandoval hearing? /this is not meant as a joke setup, I would genuinely like to know


> this is not meant as a joke setup TOO BAD! A: I gots a no idea. Can a you hear it too?


Decides what the prosecution is allowed to bring up if Trump takes the stand.


Defendants don't have to testify, per the 5th Amendment. But if they do testify, then they are allowed to be cross examined and cannot back out of it. A Sandoval hearing is where the rules of what can be cross examined are discussed, so that the defendant is aware of the potential repercussions of testifying.


Sandoval hearing is where both sides (defense and prosecution) argue as to why a certain piece of evidence, or multiple, or even parts of evidence, should be admissible and shown to the jury, should the defendant testify. It is very important, in that, a mistrial could later be ruled, on appeal, if evidence doesn’t meet the guidelines and is used by the prosecution to establish guilt, or otherwise sway the jury. Edit to add: it is held during the trial, without witnesses or jurors present.


This re-direct on Farro, made me giggle. The prosecutor asked one question: Prosecutor: Why was Michael Cohen cut off? Farro: Not telling the truth. Prosecutor: No further questions. Edit to add: people who aren’t following along well are speculating that was a fumble on the prosecution’s part. I suspect it will all come full circle when Cohen testifies, and the closing arguments happen. The bank cut him off for lying about the source of the money, because it was paying off an illegal campaign contribution.


Wait that actually happened!? That's amazing. The CNN live feed did not report on the re-direct.


Yes, I look at multiple live reporting since any one person could miss a lot. This is what was said on re-cross (these are both per Inner City Press): Trump's lawyer Blanche: Did the shut down mean that appropriate due diligence wasn't done in the first place? Farro: Not necessarily. No further Qs I guess they’re going with the defense that if the bank didn’t know about it, and they didn’t talk to Trump, how was Trump supposed to know.


Who views that as a fumble? Your take was how I read it.


Cesspool comments. Nuff said, right?


Yep. Cohen lied, it came out. They cut him off.


Maybe they are going for the angle that Cohen lied for trump and at the direction of trump. And of course wound up in prison.


Exactly, which apparently, is one of the only two defenses presented (those being this was all on Cohen and Trump didn’t know it was illegal). Cutting that off at the knees, long before the defense makes that argument, is intelligent. I’m sure Cohen (along with documentation) will be able to secure the second defense as being false.


Is this a decision that trump can appeal, and if so will it bring the trial to a halt or just be a sideshow as the trial goes on?


A $9k fine? No, they're not stopping the trial so he can appeal that.


Good. It seemed like in the NY civil trial, he appealed every little ruling. It was maddening. But this is a criminal trial so maybe things are different?


Since the gag hearings didn't really slow things down either I would bet that he doesn't violate it in the same way we've seen him do it so far. But I could be wrong, maybe the 2-3 hours spent in gag order hearings is enough of a delay to make him think that going farther will require a 4-6 hour hearing the next time.


Great. Now Eric will cry and whine some more in front of the camera


Sigh.  Of course thats it. He is here to do the gagged bits his dad can't isn't he?


Well other people cannot try to influence a jury or witnesses either. He can be charged, too. Bring it on!!


>**Merchan fines Trump for violating gag order 9 times** > >Judge Juan Merchan has fined Trump for violating the gag order nine times. > >Trump must remove the seven "offending posts" from Truth Social and the two "offending posts" from his campaign website by 2:15 p.m. today. > >According to the order, "THEREFORE, Defendant is hereby warned that the Court will not tolerate continued willful violations of its lawful orders and that if necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, it will impose an incarceratory punishment." There is now a threat of jail on the table.


I imagine someone on his team will remove the posts for him. But what if they don’t? What if the posts stay up past 2:15 pm? Are we talking straight to jail? 🤞 He’ll probably take them down at 2:16 pm in his usual “I’m not touching you” childish games bullshit lol


Do it trump!! Go out onto those courthouse steps and really lay into Michael Cohen and whoever else you feel like taking your anger out on. Do it!!!


But don't bother with Merchan or Bragg. Their families are the real villains here!


Exactly! Lol


Thank you for this update. I speculate that he will not jail him for Thursday’s hearing, which is a travesty since any other person would be. But anything further will result in incarceration. It will be interesting to see if he will remove them by deadline. We will see if he really wants to go to jail, then; I suspect not. Edit to add: link to order https://www.nycourts.gov/LegacyPDFS/press/PDFs/D.O.motion4contempt-FINAL.pdf


Someone on some cable news show thought that if they did incarcerate him, they might have it happen after the trial as opposed to during the trial. They seemed to think that during the trial would be a zoo.


Given that the offenses occurred before the ruling on these offenses, I think jail is a long shot. But we will see if Trump can stay quiet about this contempt charge, or if he violates it leaving the courtroom for lunch.


If Trump wanted to show good faith (lololol) he could remove the other offending posts by the Thursday hearing.


Good point.


> The court finds met people have met burden as to nine violations of the gag order. Trump fined $1000 for each violation. I cannot fathom how the court could not find him in contempt, so, good. The other day Trump said he wasn’t sure if he would pay the fines if so ruled, so, I guess, that’s the next episode in the soap opera. Edit. Well, posts are down, fines still to be paid. All that talk about his attorneys needing to be more aggressive, but when it’s his ass facing incarceratory punishment he went to yes sir, yes sir in a matter of a few hours. I’m sure he’s still going to *say* a bunch of shit about how much of a victim he is.


There's a deadline for the removal of the 7 posts that were found in violation - so there's a possibility Trump could defy the court on this as soon as 2:15pm today.


He could also commit more violations talking to reporters at lunch.


Makes me think the judge got wind of him saying he might just not listen. 🍿


Trump found in contempt 9 times, maximum fine imposed ($9,000 total). I suspect that Thursday's hearing will have a similar result, and that will be the end of it. You'll notice that Trump has now gone nearly a week without violating the gag order. He has the capability to follow it, whatever others here might say. This was calculated.


Anyone know how much my fines would be if I was found in contempt 9 times?


In a New York criminal trial? No more than $9,000.


Believe it or not, jail.


That's like one visit to McDonald's, what's the big deal?


The judge specifically stated in his order that if the law allowed him to impose a higher fine, he would have.


Yup. This was his M.O. last trial (NY Fraud). He dances up to the line, puts his foot across it and continue yes to do so until he gets the FIRST consequence (fines). Then he has identified the actual line and does not cross it again. Hr pushes until there are consequences every time. But he knows how to keep his yip shut.


Classic adhd+odd+narcissistic. He isn't a genius. He just can't control his shittiness and people are mesmerized by his train wreck.


Well "consequences" he pushes until he gets the first warning or warnings. The moment the judge establishes that jail time will be the next step is when he backs off. He wants to fundraise off of being "repressed" and "threatened" with jail time. He doesn't want to go to jail. I ended up of Republican donor lists and have gotten several messages each day during this. Same as not paying the appeal bond on time.


Which is exactly what toddlers do too.  Identify the line...and then see how far across it they can go until you react.


He's doing a great job of spreading his campaign messaging (corrupt, rigged trials) while not being punished for it Not sure the point in calling him a toddler over this when he's basically minmaxing his outcome As much as I hate the guy, he's very good at appealing to his base, and pushing through opposition to do that


But toddlers actually learn about the world by doing this. That’s the main difference.